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假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。






Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.


Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省枣庄市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Last week, I take part in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in England. I visited the city museum and several place of interest, which made me have better understanding of the English society, culture and history.

What’s more, I was luckily enough to meet my pen friend Tom there. I stayed at his home. And I’ll never forget the days when we spent together. When I left England, he offered to me a dictionary for a gift. It’s of great help for me to learn English. I will make full use of them and learn English good.

I hope Tom will come to China when it’s convenience for him!


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I know that there are times when friends are apart for a while – or even forever – and that your lives take different paths. Yet, I always hope for a happy ending. I know that friends reconnect again when it makes sense.

My friend Julie and I had a long period in our friendship. We used to see each other daily. I would eat brown rice in her kitchen while we shared our secrets.

Later, we celebrated each other’s weddings. My husband and I welcomed Julie’s first son (born on my birthday). By the time he was learning to walk, Julie and her family had moved to another city. We spoke on the phone sometimes and exchanged Christmas cards.

After they welcomed their third son, they moved to Edmonton, which is a farther city. We haven’t seen each other since then. They changed their phone numbers. I received a letter from her, but I couldn’t find that envelope later. I e-mailed her a few times, but didn’t get a reply.

It was painful not to be in touch with an old friend. I let it go. I knew that Julie and I would reconnect again, when it made sense.

Last year, Julie’s husband got in touch with me on Facebook. I felt something bad, and soon my feeling proved true: Julie had passed away the month before. She died of cancer.

I regretted that I had not been part of Julie’s support system, or the last years of her joyous, painful time on Earth. I cried. I’m so sorry, Julie, for counting on more chances.

Last week, I donated my hair in memory of Julie to make wigs (假发) for cancer patients. It was a small way of showing that I loved her and will never forget her. And that I look forward to us reconnecting again – when it makes sense.

1.When apart from her friends, the writer hopes ______.

A. they will be on the same path B. they can still be together some day

C. their friendship will end soon D. they’ll make other better friends

2.______ puts the following events in the correct time order.

a. Julie’s family moved to Edmonton.

b. Julie’s husband found the writer on Facebook.

c. Julie had her first son.

d. Julie died of cancer.

e. Julie wrote the author a letter.

A. c-e-a-b-d B. c-a-e-d-b

C. a-c-e-b-d D. a-e-c-d-b

3.The author donated her hair in order to ______.

A. make wigs for her friend B. forget the painful past

C. reconnect with her friend D. keep her friend deep in mind

4.The author wrote the article to ______.

A. encourage those who suffer cancer to live bravely

B. recall the good time shared with a good friend

C. express her regret of losing a good friend

D. call for more care about those who suffer cancer


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省肇庆市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—So kind of you to give a ride to the station.


A. It doesn’t matter B. Never mind

C. Don’t mention it D. My pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省新乡市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Summer is the perfect time to gather with friends and share good food. You may want to set a pretty table and create a welcoming atmosphere, but without spending weeks preparing for the big night. Follow these steps for a stylish summer party.

Choose a color plan

The season itself can inspire the color plan, such as nature-inspired hues like ocean blues and grassy greens. One item may also inspire the rest of the party, such as these napkins.1.

Use cotton for table cloth

Instead of searching for just the right table cloth, head to your local cotton store where the options are endless. 2.? No problem! Use pinking shears(花齿剪)to cut your table cloth and napkins to size.

Bring the inside out

Summer design tips often include the saying, “Bring the Outside In.” Well, for outdoor summer entertaining, bring the inside out! Get outside for your summer gathering.3. Create a welcoming environment by brining décor items inside your home out to your event.


No summer party is complete without greenery. Choosing an all-green for your centerpieces provides the casual feel of summer. Grocery store Eucalyptus sprigs create the perfect summer centerpiece, but something form your yrd works just as well!

Create simple and stylish place cards

Place cards make you guests feel welcome, but you do not want to spend all day making complex name labels! Instead, choose a thick paper that fits your color plan. Cut a 4-inch square and fold it in half. 5. .

Now the table is set, the lounge is ready, and all that’s left for you to do is enjoy your guests!

A. Does it look beautiful after designing

B. Use green plants instead of flowers

C. Don’t have time or know how to sew

D. Write each person’s name in gold paint pen

E. Go to a nearby store to buy some green plants

F. Once you make a decision, begin gathering your items

G. There is something magical about entertaining out in nature


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田市2018届高三第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I read somewhere that we spend a full third of our lives waiting. But where are we doing all of this waiting, and what does it mean to an impatient society like ours? To understand the issue, let’s take a look at three types of “waits”.

The very purest form of waiting is the Watched-Pot Wait. It is without doubt the most annoying of all. Take filling up the kitchen sink (洗碗池) as an example. There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it’s full. During these waits, the brain slips away from the body and wanders about until the water runs over the edge of the counter and onto your socks. This kind of wait makes the waiter helpless and mindless.

A cousin to the Watched-Pot Wait is the Forced Wait. This one requires a bit of discipline. Properly preparing packaged noodle soup requires a Forced Wait. Directions are very specific. “Bring three cups of water to boil, add mix, simmer three minutes, remove from heat, let stand five minutes.” I have my doubts that anyone has actually followed the procedures strictly. After all, Forced Waiting requires patience.

Perhaps the most powerful type of waiting is the Lucky-Break Wait. This type of wait is unusual in that it is for the most part voluntary. Unlike the Forced Wait, which is also voluntary, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen.

Turning one’s life into a waiting game requires faith and hope, and is strictly for the optimists among us. On the surface it seems as ridiculous as following the directions on soup mixes, but the Lucky-Break Wait well serves those who are willing to do it. As long as one doesn’t come to rely on it, wishing for a few good things to happen never hurts anybody.

We certainly do spend a good deal of our time waiting. The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you’ll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don’t be desperate. You’re probably just as busy as the next guy.

1.What is the difference between the Forced Wait and the Watched-Pot Wait?

A. The Watched-Pot Wait needs directions.

B. The Forced Wait makes people passive.

C. The Forced Wait requires some self-control.

D. The Watched-Pot Wait engages body and brain.

2.What can we learn about the Lucky-Break Wait?

A. It doesn’t always bring the desired result.

B. It is less voluntary than the Forced Wait.

C. It is more fruitful than the Forced Wait.

D. It doesn’t give people faith and hope.

3.What does the author advise us to do the next time we are waiting?

A. Take it seriously. B. Don’t lose heart.

C. Do something else. D. Don’t rely on others.

4.The author supports his view by _________.

A. exploring various causes of “waits”

B. describing detailed processes of “waits”

C. revealing frustrating consequences of “waits”

D. analyzing different categories of “waits”


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省天门、仙桃、潜江三市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

The alarm clock was ringing! I got out of bed and walked over to my desk and turned it off. It was 6:30 in the morning and I was very tired. It was very ____ outside and I couldn’t see anything! My mother was already ____ and told me to go and take a shower because I was going to be late for ____. I took a shower for about ten minutes and then I came out and took my towel and ____ myself. Then I got my ____ and put all my books in it so I wouldn’t forget anything when I went to school.

I walked to the ____ so that I could make myself some food. I ate and ____ for about half an hour. My mother still wasn’t downstairs to ____ me to school, so where was she? I went to my parents’ bedroom and saw my mother ____! She must have gone back to bed!

I ____ her up and said, “I’m going to be late for school!”

She turned around and said, “Go and look _____.”

I went to the window and opened the curtains. It was ____ now and I could see outside. But I didn’t see the black road or the green grass. I saw ____ everywhere. There was snow on the trees, the roads, and even my basketball hoop! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I ____ my mother had tricked me! She wasn’t really sleeping; she was just ____. It was a snowy day and I didn’t have any school! I ran up to my mother and ____ her because I was so happy. She gave me a jacket, books, a cap and a pair of gloves and told me to ____ in the snow for a little while. It was really fun but really ____, and I came inside after an hour. My dad was sitting at the table with two cups of ____ chocolate, and one was for me! I drank my hot chocolate really ____ so it would last longer, and I felt warm again. It was one of the best snowy days ever!

1.A. dark B. cloudy C. beautiful D. hot

2.A. busy B. anxious C. awake D. energetic

3.A. breakfast B. school C. date D. work

4.A. cleaned B. washed C. wiped D. dried

5.A. backpack B. box C. key D. pen

6.A. yard B. bedroom C. kitchen D. store

7.A. imagined B. talked C. watched D. waited

8.A. take B. expect C. force D. require

9.A. sleeping B. packing C. cooking D. laughing

10.A. picked B. called C. woke D. pulled

11.A. around B. outside C. inside D. back

12.A. clearer B. cooler C. warmer D. lighter

13.A. green B. black C. white D. color

14.A. figured out B. turned out C. broke out D. stepped out

15.A. hiding B. pretending C. protecting D. observing

16.A. hugged B. shook C. blamed D. disappointed

17.A. stand B. play C. think D. study

18.A. natural B. terrible C. cold D. lucky

19.A. fresh B. sweet C. delicious D. hot

20.A. quickly B. slowly C. gently D. quietly


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北武汉第二中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完成句子


1. a car, I could get out of this place. (only)


2.Afraid of the fire, away . (run)


3.The girl fell down on the playground but got up quickly, the race. (determine)


4. sitting in the classroom all day may account for these students’ dropping out. (feed)


5. the job was the chance to travel. (attract)


6. the poem than the students began to ask her questions. (finish)


7.It won’t make much difference today or tomorrow. (go)


8.In Australia, health authorities confirmed on Thursday that a 57-year-old woman

in a hospital in Queensland state for the deadly Ebola virus. (assess)


9.The records are not so good the standards. (compare)


10.Our situation has been made worse now, and we have reached a stage almost no right at all. (have)



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省肇庆市、高要市新桥中学两校2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, but people in the streets _______ him, especially those who are _________.

For those people, he is "Gloves" Greenberg. How did he get that _______ ? He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's _______. His briefcase always has some gloves(手套).

In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not ________ like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk (人行道) and ______ the street. He looks around at ________. He stops when he ________ someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he ________, looking for more people with cold _________.

On winter days, Mr. Greenberg __________ gloves. During the rest of the year, he ________ gloves. People who have heard about him _________ him gloves, and he has many in his apartment(公寓).

Mr. Greenberg __________ doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and __________ his behavior(行为). But people who don't know him are sometimes ________ him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them _________.

It runs in the _________. Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the _________. A pair of gloves may be a _______ thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

1.A. know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after

2.A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor

3.A. job B. name C. chance D. message

4.A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious

5.A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress

6.A. cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off(不接近)

7.A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights

8.A. helps B. chooses C. greets D. sees

9.A. holds up B. hangs out(闲逛) C. moves on D. turns around

10.A. hands B. ears C. faces D. eyes

11.A. searches for B. stores up(储存起来) C. gives away(赠送、分发) D. puts on

12.A. borrows B. sells C. returns D. buys

13.A. call B. send C. lend D. show

14.A. delayed(推迟) B. remembered C. began D. enjoyed

15.A. understand B. dislike C. study D. excuse

16.A. sorry for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by

17.A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy

18.A. city B. family C. neighborhood D. company

19.A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold

20.A. small B. useful C. delightful (高兴的) D. comforting

