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We always try to include some kind of Smile Card activity during my monthly       with my daughter Rachel. The other hot night, after dinner we went to an ice cream shop. When      for our ice cream we told the cashier that we would like to buy ice cream anonymously (匿名地) for the       person who came to the counter as a random act of      . Puzzled but excited, she       our money and a Smile Card. We sat down at the table near the counter—Rachel wanted to spy on our        one.
About five minutes later the cashier       told us, “Oh, good! Someone's coming!” It was a woman with two little kids. As the woman reached for her      , the cashier, handing her the      , told her that       wanted to, anonymously, buy her family's ice cream. She couldn't       it. “Seriously?” she asked. Rachel and I       not to notice. It was great. The cashier, aware that we wanted to remain anonymous, came over to “wipe off our table,”       leaving our change on our table. She was about as        as we were. 
After enjoying our ice cream, we took a napkin(纸巾) and wrote a       to the cashier thanking her for her assistance. We       until she went to the back room, quickly       the note, a nice tip, and a second Smile Card on the      , and ran out before we were seen. 
I treasure every date night with my daughter and       the world through her eyes is always       for me.
A.refusedB.changedC.took D.borrowed
A.walletB.glassesC.ice cream D.phone
A.moneyB.napkinC.Smile CardD.change
A.no oneB.anyoneC.noneD.someone


小题1:考查名词:A. date日期;约会,B. game游戏,C. dinner晚餐,D. travel 旅游,从文章的最后一段的句子:I treasure every date night with my daughter可知作者在每个月和女儿见面的时候都要有一个微笑卡的活动,选A
小题2:考查动词:A. preparing准备,B. looking看,C. asking  问,D. paying 付钱,因为后面提到the cashier,所以是作者在付钱的时候,告诉收银员他们要匿名的给下一个到柜台的人买冰淇淋,选D
小题3:考查形容词:A. nice好的,B. next 下一个,C. poor穷的,D. last最后的,由下文的“Oh, good! Someone's coming!” It was a woman with two little kids.可知是给下一个顾客买冰淇淋,选B
小题4:考查名词:A. responsibility责任,B. politeness礼貌,C. understanding理解,D. kindness好心,由上文可知作者要给陌生人买冰淇淋,这是一种善举,选D
小题5:考查动词:A. refused拒绝,B. changed改变,C. took拿,D. borrowed借,句意:收银员又困惑又兴奋,拿了我们的钱和微笑卡,选C
小题6:考查形容词: A. warm-hearted热心肠的,B. unfortunate不幸的,C. lucky 幸运的,D. curious好奇的,接受到冰淇淋的人应该是幸运的人,选C
小题7:考查副词:A. quietly  安静地,悄悄地,B. quickly快地,C. loudly大声地,D. slowly 缓慢地,因为作者是匿名的做好事,所以收银员只能悄悄的说话,选A
小题8:考查名词: A. wallet钱包,B. glasses眼镜,C. ice cream冰淇淋,D. phone电话,因为是在收银台,这个妇女应该是伸手拿钱包,选A
小题9:考查名词:A. money钱,B. napkin餐巾,C. Smile Card微笑卡,D. change改变,从文章的第一句话:We always try to include some kind of Smile Card activity可知收银员给了这个妇女一张微笑卡,选C
小题10:考查不定代词:A. no one没有人,B. anyone任何人,C. none没有人,D. someone有些人,收银员告诉这名妇女:有人想匿名的给她家人买冰淇淋,选D
小题11:考查动词:A. accept接受,B. believe相信,C. follow跟随,D. doubt怀疑,根据下文:“Seriously?” she asked.可知她不能相信,选B
小题12:考查动词:A. decided决定,B. hoped  希望,C. pretended假装,D. intended打算,从下文的:The cashier, aware that we wanted to remain anonymous,可知作者和女儿假装没有注意,选C
小题13:考查副词:A. secretly秘密地,B. seriously   严肃地,C. openly公开地,D. friendly 友好的,因为作者是匿名给别人买冰淇淋,所以收银员是秘密的把零钱放在他们的桌子上,选A
小题14:考查形容词:A. nervous紧张的,B. embarrassed尴尬的,C. surprised感到惊讶的,D. happy快乐的,做了好事应该是高兴的,所以收银员和我们一样快乐,选D
小题15:考查名词:A. notice注意,通知,B. note注释,笔记,钞票,C. check支票,D. paragraph段落,从下文的:quickly   47   the note, a nice tip, and a second Smile Card on the   48  ,可知吃完冰淇淋后作者拿了一张纸巾写了一个便条给收银员,谢谢她的帮助,选B
小题16:考查动词:A. ate吃,B. waited等待,C. wrote 写,D. left离开,句意:我们等到她到了后面的房间,选B
小题17:考查动词:A. placed放置,B. gave给,C. handed递交,D. passed通过,我们把便条,小费和第二张微笑卡放在柜台上,选A
小题18:考查名词:A. newspaper报纸,B. chair椅子,C. counter柜台,D. floor地板,因为是收银台所以是柜台,选C
小题19:考查动词:A. changing改变,B. seeing看见,C. hearing听见,D. exploring探索,句意:通过她的眼睛看世界对我来说是好极了,选B
小题20:考查形容词:A. difficult 困难的,B. funny滑稽的,C. distant遥远的,D. fantastic空想的,异想天开的,奇异的,古怪的,极好的,句意:通过她的眼睛看世界对我来说是好极了,选D

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Nelson Mandela was a figure of international fame, and many details of his life and career were public knowledge. But here are four things you may not have known about the late South African leader.
1. He was a boxing fan.
In his youth, Nelson Mandela enjoyed boxing and long-distance running. Even during the 27 years he spent in prison, he would exercise every morning. "I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of it. I was curious by how one moved one's body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat, how one paced oneself over a match," he wrote in his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom.
2. His original name was not Nelson.
Rolihlahla Mandela was nine years old when a teacher at the primary Methodist school where he was studying in Qunu, South Africa, gave him an English name “Nelson” in accordance with the custom to give all school children Christian names.
3. He forgot his glasses when he was released from prison.
Mr. Mandela's release on 11 February 1990 followed years of political pressure against apartheid(种族隔离). Mr. Mandela's reading glasses stayed behind in prison Mr. Mandela and his then-wife Winnie were taken to the centre of Cape Town to address a huge and exciting crowd. But when he pulled out the text of his speech, he realized he had forgotten his glasses and had to borrow Winnie's.
4. He had his own law firm, but it took him years to get a law degree.
Mr. Mandela studied law on and off for 50 years from 1939, failing about half the courses he took. A two-year diploma(学位证书) in law on top of his university degree allowed him to practice, and in August 1952, he and Oliver Tambo set up South Africa's first black law firm, Mandela and Tambo, in Johannesburg. He kept on studying hard to finally secure a law degree while in prison in 1989.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Nelson Mandela’s life in the prison.
B.The achievements of Nelson Mandela.
C.Nelson Mandela’s hobbies and career.
D.Unknown things about Nelson Mandela.
小题2: Why did Nelson Mandela love boxing?
A.Because he wanted to be a boxer.
B.Because he enjoyed the violence of boxing.
C.Because he appreciated the strategy in boxing.
D.Because he had nothing else to do in the prison.
小题3:What happened to Mandela when he was about to give the speech?
A.He broke his glasses into pieces.
B.He had to use his wife’s glasses.
C.He left his own glasses at home.
D.His wife wanted to borrow his glasses.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Nelson Mandela was not his original name.
B.Nelson Mandela was the name given by his teacher.
C.Nelson Mandela had been studying the law nonstop for 50 years.
D.Nelson Mandela had started his own law firm before he got a law degree.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Robert is a boss who hires me as a  helper.  He has lost his home and now has to live back at home, with his mother, at 46.
We had a job in Fort Bending.  Robert bought me breakfast there. As we were leaving ,a man walked to us asking if he could get some work from Roberts' company. Robert explained there was no work for the man and the man started to walk away. As I looked from the leaving man back to Robert, l saw Robert getting Out some money and went after the man to give it to him. I asked Robert, "Why did you do that?" Robert said "He really had bad luck-what does a few dollars mater?"
After a very long, hard day, we stopped at a Quick Trip for a soda. I got through the check out ahead of Robert and went back out to the work truck. Beside the truck was a woman in a car.  She had 3 kids and asked me if I could help-she had been evicted-had now where to go with her children-they were living in the car.  I told her I was also hurting in these times-sorry I could not. Robert came out. opened the work truck and we got in I told him about the lady I didn't even finish the story when Robert was out. his door- around the truck and giving the women money to help her and her kids out.  When Robert returned I asked, "Why did you do that, she didn't even ask you".  He said “I have an ex-wife(前妻)and a kid-if they need help and I am not able, someone will help them"
小题1:Why did the man walk to the writer and Robert?
A.To ask for a lift in Robert's truck.
B.To look for a job in Robert's company
C.To beg for some money to buy a ticket.
D.To expect Robert to buy him breakfast.
小题2:What does the underlined sentence mean in the Second Paragraph?
A. Robert had a lot of dollars to give.
B Robert didn't value dollars at all.
C. Robert took a few dollars seriously.
D. Robert didn't care about money.
小题3:The underlined word "evicted" in the last paragraph may mean______
A.driven awayB.picked upC.looked downD.turned down
小题4:Which word do you think can best describe Robert?
小题5:Robert helped the woman because_______.
A.he expected to get married to the woman
B.she made him think of his ex-wife and kid
C.she asked him whether he could give a hand
D.he felt sorry for being unable to support his family


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at     __. As for me, I __    both well before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.
The last time Dad and I set sail together is really    __ . It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and __   Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the __  __ lake. Dad hadn’t sailed for years, but everything      well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.
When we were in the middle of the lake, a       wind came all of a sudden. The boat was  _  _  violently(猛烈地). Dad was always at his best in any  __, but at this moment he __  .
“John!    __ !” he shouted in a trembling(颤抖的) voice, with the tiller still in his hands.
In my memory he could fix any     __. He was the one I always __  __ for strength and security. Before I could respond, a     _ of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller      it was too late. Anther huge wall of water      the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely    of him.
I swam to Dad      and assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was still a little frightened. “It’s all right, Dad. We are __ __ now,” I comforted him.
That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency(紧急情况). More importantly, I found it was my turn to start __    of my father.
A.sentB.orderedC.invited D.allowed
A.pulled B.brokenC.sailedD.hit
A.turned toB.lived withC.argued withD.objected to
A.turned onB.turned intoC.turned overD.turned up
A.catching sightB.getting fond C.getting tiredD.taking care


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One spring,when 1 was 1 0,during one of my father’s layoffs,I could tell my mother was unhappy.I decided to cheer her up by buying her a special Mother’s Day gift.
One day after school I rode my bike to the Agins,which,I learned years later,was known for its high-end fashions and style.I introduced myself to Sylvia Agins,telling her I was looking for a Mother’s Day present.
“Do you think she’d like a purse ?”she asked.“I think she might.”I told her.
She took out an Italian purse made of leather.She asked me what I thought,and I told her that my mom would like it.
“How much money do you have?’’she asked.
“Twelve dollars,”I said.
“You’re in luck,”she told me.“It’s only $11.You have a dollar left over for the card.” She wrapped the purse and thanked me for my business,and I rode off home with the package under my arm.
When my mother opened the gift the next Sunday morning,she asked in an accusing tone,“Where did you get this?”
“I bought it at the Agins.It cost me$1 1.’’I said.
My mother was shocked into silence.
It wasn’t until many years 1ater,when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I appreciated just how wonderful Sylvia Agins had been to me.I always felt regretful  that I never had a chance to properly thank her.
‘‘You know,my son,what really amazes me to this day,”my mother said.‘‘Letting you have the purse for just a few dollars was unbelievable enough.But the fact that she let you leave the store with a dollar for the card was a touch of kindness that 9 11 never forget.”
小题1:Why did the author buy his mother a purse?
A.To thank his mother for buying him a bike.
B.To show his ability of making money.
C.To make his mother happy.
D.To surprise his mother.
小题2:The author’s mother was shocked into silence because______
A.the Agins charged so little money for the purse
B.the author bought a card to go with the purse
C.she wasn’t expecting a gift from her son
D.the purse was bought from the Agins
小题3:Sylvia Agins’behavior shows that_______
A.she is critical and meanB.she is kind and thoughtful
C.she is good at making moneyD.she knows how to choose presents
小题4:Which can be the best title for the text?
A.A Clever Shop OwnerB.A Considerate Mother
C.An Unforgettable EventD.A Priceless Mother’s Day Gift


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had not legs but stumps (残肢) that could he fitted with a kind of special boots, People stared at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at him and called him‘Ape Man’(猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.
Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon have to use a wheel chair.
Hank felt himself got cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificiallegs(假腿). Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror, for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be-a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.
Hank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching. He went out on the street. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.
When World War II came, he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without legs.
小题1:Children laughed at Hank and called him ‘Ape Man’ because      .
A.he didn’t talk to them
B.he kept away from them
C.his arms touched the ground when he moved
D.he couldn’t use his arms
小题2:It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall is      .
A.an average height for a fully grown person
B.too tall for an average person
C.too short for an average person
D.none of the above
小题3:The sentence “he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job” implies that the Red Cross      .
A.was only glad to give him a job
B.give him a job because he was a good soldier
C.gave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the organization
D.was not willing to give him a job at first
小题4:When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, he      .
A.did everything the other soldiers did
B.did most of the things the other soldiers did
C.did some of the things the other soldiers did
D.took some special training
小题5:The writer suggests that Hank Viscardi       .
A.had no friends
B.never saw himself as different from others
C.was very shy
D.was too proud to accept help from others


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

At 21,Ricardo Semler became boss of his father's business in Brazil,Semco,which sold parts for ships. Semler Junior worked like a mad man,from 7:30 am,until midnight every day. One afternoon,while touring a factory in New York,he broke down. The doctor who treated him said,"There's nothing wrong with you. But if you continue like this, you'll find a new home in our hospital. "Semler got the message. He changed the way he worked. In fact,he changed the ways his employees worked too.
He let his workers take more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong. He allowed them to set their own salaries,and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary,like receptionists and secretaries. This saved money and brought more equality(平等)to the company. "Everyone at Semco,even top managers,meets guests in reception,does the photocopying,sends faxes,types letters and dials the phone."
He completely reorganized the office:instead of walls,they have plants at Semco,so bosses can't shut themselves away from everyone else. And the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want. As for uniforms,some people wear suits and others wear T-shirts.
Semco has flexible (灵活的)working hours:the employees decide when they need to arrive at work. Also,Semco lets its workers use the company's machines for their own projects,and makes them take holidays for at least thirty days a year.
It sounds perfect,but does it work? The answer is in the numbers:in the last six years,Semco's revenues (收入)have gone from $35 million to $212 million. The company has grown from eight hundred employees to 3,000. Why?
Semler says it's because of "peer pressure". Peer pressure makes employees work hard for everyone else. If someone isn't doing his job well,the other workers will not allow the situation to continue. In other words,Ricardo Semler treats his workers like adults rather than children, and expects them to act like responsible adults. And they do.
小题1:Why did Semler change the way he and his employees worked?
A.Because he went crazy because of overwork.
B.Because he had to receive treatment in hospital.
C.Because his father asked him to.
D.Because the doctor warned him of the danger of overwork.
小题2:Semler made a variety of changes in his company Except that__________.
A.the number of the employees is reduced to save money
B.the employees can take only 30 days off for holiday every year.
C.flexible working hours were introduced
D.the employees enjoyed a lot of freedom
小题3:What’s the main idea of Paragraph five?
A.Ricardo Semler’s new management method succeeded.
B.Ricardo Semler’s idea sounded perfect but not practical.
C.The company earned a lot of money.
D.The reason for his success.
小题4:In his company, what does Ricardo Semler value most?
A.freedomB.rulesC.responsibilityD.hard work


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the past two years, his wife, Merlie, and their seven children have said “goodbye” to him four times, most recently last month. Each time it has been unnecessary.
Mr. Smart had a hip (髋关节) replacement in February at the Burnie hospital but was rushed back two months later with internal bleeding.
“The doctors couldn’t stop the bleeding,” Mrs. Smart said. Medical staff told Mrs. Smart to contact her family, which includes children in Western Australia. “It took two days for them to get here. We had to hope he hung on .” he did.
“The doctors were there 24 hours a day and they stopped the bleeding. They brought him back,” Mrs. Smart said.
“I certainly believe in miracles because I’ve seen one happen, but it wouldn’t have happened if the doctors didn’t do what they did.”
It was the second time Mrs. Smart thought she was losing her husband of 54 years. Two years ago, Mr. Smart was admitted to the Launceston General Hospital after a heart attack and a few days later with intense pain caused by a hemorrhage (出血). Again, the family was called to say goodbye---twice.
“I was given a 50-50 chance of coming out of it, ” Mr. Smart said.
Going through the ordeal (苦难,折磨) then was trying on the family, who had prepared themselves for the worst.
But to face the same situation only two years later was hard. The Smarts said the support they received at the Burnie hospital helped them through.
And it seems the experience has also left an impression at the hospital. Mrs. Smart said when she rang recently and mentioned her husband’s name, the reply was “ah the miracle man”.
小题1:The first time Mrs. Smart and the children said goodbye to Mr. Smart was when he had    .
A.a hip replacementB.internal bleeding
C.a heart attackD.intense pain caused by a hemorrhage
小题2:When Mr. Smart was rushed back to the hospital with internal bleeding,        .
A.only his wife believed he could survive
B.no one believed that he could survive
C.he had given up hope of recovering
D.it didn’t take the doctors long to stop the bleeding
小题3:The experience Mr. Smart had at the hospital could be that of      .
小题4:The underlined phrase “hung on ”in the third paragraph can be replaced by        .
A.beat the painB.came back to life
C.lived through D.make his fortune
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The Miracle Man.B.The Kind Doctors and Nurses.
C.A Devoted Wife.D.A Great Family.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Marilynne Robinson published her first novel, Housekeeping, in 1980, she was unknown in the literary world. But an early review in The New York Times ensured that the book would be noticed. “It’s as if, in writing it, she broke through the ordinary human condition with all its dissatisfactions, and achieved a kind of transfiguration(美化),” wrote Anatole Broyard, with an enthusiasm and amazement that was shared by many critics and readers. The book became a classic, and Robinson was recognized as one of the outstanding American writers of our time. Yet it would be more than twenty years before she wrote another novel. 
During the period, Robinson devoted herself to writing nonfiction. Her essays and book reviews appeared in Harper’s and The New York Times Book Review, and in 1989 she published Mother Country: Britain, the Welfare State, and Nuclear Pollution, criticizing severely the environmental and public health dangers caused by the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in England—and the political and moral corruption(腐败). In 1998, Robinson published a collection of her critical and theological writings, The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought, which featured reassessments of such figures as Charles Darwin, John Calvin, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Aside from a single short story—“Connie Bronson,” published in The Paris Review in 1986—it wasn’t until 2004 that she returned to fiction with the novel Gilead, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Her third novel, Home, came out this fall.
Her novels could be described as celebrations of the human—the characters in them are unforgettable creations. Housekeeping is the story of Ruth and her sister Lucille, who are cared for by their eccentric(古怪的)Aunt Sylvie after their mother commits suicide. Robinson writes a lot about how each of the three is changed by their new life together. Gilead is an even more close exploration of personality: the book centres on John Ames, a seventy-seven-year-old pastor(牧师) who is writing an account of his life and his family history to leave to his young son after he dies. Home borrows characters from Gilead but centers on Ames’s friend Reverend Robert Boughton and his troubled son Jack. Robinson returned to the same territory as Gilead because, she said, “after I write a novel or a story, I miss the characters—I feel like losing some close friends.”
小题1:Robinson’s second novel came out ____.
A.in 1980B.in 1986 C.in 1998D.in 2004
小题2:What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Robinson’s achievements in fiction.
B.Robinson’s achievements in nonfiction.
C.Robinson’s influence on the literary world.
D.Robinson’s contributions to the environment.
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, who is John Ames?
A.He is Robinson’s close friend.
B.He is a character in Gilead.
C.He is a figure in The Death of Adam.
D.He is a historian writing family stories.
小题4:From which section of a newspaper can you read this passage?
A.Career.B.Lifestyle. C.Music.D.Culture.

