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He was never ______ how much money he earned every day.

A. realized B. aware for C. aware D. aware of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州都匀一中高二下学期开学考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Testing the five-second rule

You may have seen a friend drop food on the floor, pick it up, and eat it, while declaring, “Five-second rule! ” It’s said that food dropped on the floor for five seconds or less is still likely to be clean. 1. .

Students at Britain’s Aston University, led by microbiology professor Anthony Hilton, tested the rule and found it to have some scientific basis. The study’s results show that food dropped for five seconds is less likely to contain bacteria than if it sits there for longer, according to Hilton.

The students also found that the type of flooring where the dropped food lands has an effect. 2. Bacteria are most likely to transfer from tiled (铺瓷砖的) surfaces to moist food when the food has stood there for more than five seconds.

3. Therefore, consumers should still be cautious. “However, the findings of this study will bring some light relief to those who have been employing the five-second rule for years, despite a general consensus that it is purely a myth,” professor Hilton said in a statement.

The research team at Aston also surveyed 500 people to find out who employs the five-second rule. Of the people surveyed, 87% said they would eat food dropped on the floor, or have done so in the past. 4. “Our study showed people are also more likely to follow the five-second rule, which our research has shown to be much more than an old wives’ tale,” Hilton says.

Still, scientists say you should be careful about eating food dropped on the floor, especially if you have doubts about the cleanliness of the surface. 5.

A. But is that true?

B. Carpeted surfaces posed the lowest risk.

C. Of those people, the majority were women.

D. We’ve just lost our last excuse to eat food off the floor.

E. Usually people recover from the infection in five to ten days.

F. There is still a risk of infection if certain bacteria are present on the dropped surface.

G. A biologist points out that one in six Americans get sick from food poisoning every year.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建师大附中高二下期末考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Turning the lights out or wearing a blindfold while eating could be a quick way to lose weight, according to scientists. The simple trick works because it stops diners eating for pleasure rather than for calories. It also triggers (引发) a part of the brain that is worried that unseen food may go bad.

An experiment by the University of Konstanz, in Germany, found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine percent fewer calories before they felt full, compared to those who could see. They also vastly overestimated how much they had eaten because they could not see how much was left on the plate. Blindfolded volunteers estimated(估计) they had eaten 88 percent more than they actually had.

Scientists believe that not seeing food on the table also allows the body to know when it is full in real time rather than remembering past experiences where it might have taken a full plate to feel full.

In the experiment, 50 people were blindfolded and 40 were allowed to see their food. All were told not to eat within two hours of the experiment. They were then given three 95g bowls of chocolate ice cream and invited to eat for 15 minutes. Their bowls were taken away and the remaining ice-cream weighed, while the participants were quizzed on how much they thought they had eaten.

On average the group who could see ate 116g while the blindfolded groups ate 105g. However, the blindfolded group believed they had eaten 197g while compared with 159g for the non-blind volunteers. They were also asked how pleasant the ice-cream tasted and the blindfolded group rated lower than those who could see.

“The experienced pleasure of eating was significantly lower in the blindfolded group. Not seeing the food might have decreased the appetite. Sight plays an important role in the eating experience and in the overall dining experience.”

Previous studies have shown that the visual influence of food plays a large part in the taste. While restaurants that allow diners to eat in the dark state that it triggers other senses, in fact eating in darkness is likely to taste far milder than usual.

1.With the lights out, diners eat less partly because ______.

A. they want to quickly finish their meals

B. they trust their feelings more than ever

C. they focus more on fun than the calories

D. they worry about the quality of the food

2.We can learn from the passage that the blindfolded group ______.

A. spent a much longer time eating the same food

B. believed they ate more than they really did

C. depended on past experiences to feel full

D. thought the food tasted better than usual

3. The last two paragraphs tell us that ______.

A. diners are likely to lose their appetite eating in darkness

B. senses rather than sight play an important role in the taste

C. findings of this experiment differ from the previous studies

D. restaurants benefit a lot from allowing diners to eat in the dark

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. provide statistics related to eating in the dark

B. offer reasons for people to eat in the dark areas

C. inform the readers of the result of an experiment

D. persuade the readers to lose weight in a new way


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北省秦皇岛卢龙县高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. He has good heart, but always feared applying for a new job.

One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tire of his car. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview. It’s the least I could do. Please. I insist.” Jimmy agreed.

Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed look on their faces. Finally his name was called. The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Jimmy’s heart sank. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself.

Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmy’s surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.

“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office. I just know you’d be a trustworthy worker. Congratulations!” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deserved coffee as he landed himself a new job.

1.Why did Jimmy decide to attend a job interview?

A. He lost his job.

B. He needed a well-paid job

C. He wasn’t interested in his job.

D. An old man wanted him to.

2.What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?

A. A friend’s car had a flat tire.

B. A wild man was pushing a car.

C. A terrible accident happened.

D. An old man’s car broke down.

3.Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?

A. He was also to be interviewed

B. He needed a traveling companion

C. He always helped people in need

D. He was thankful to Jimmy

4.How did Jimmy feel on hearing the interviewer’s question?

A. He was sorry for the other applicants.

B. There was no hope for him to get the job.

C. He regretted helping the old man.

D. The interviewer was very rude.

5.What can we learn from Jimmy’s experience?

A. Where there is a will, there’s a way

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed

C. Good is rewarded with good.

D. Two heads are better than one


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北省秦皇岛卢龙县高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I cannot __________ the smell of burnt sausage.

A. bear B. take on C. put up with D. sit


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北省秦皇岛卢龙县高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Why are you laughing at me?

—You look in that hat.

A. annoyed B. absurd C. talent D. beneficial


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北省秦皇岛卢龙县高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

London was a new world to me and I was find out more about it.

A. leading to B. dying to C. connected with D. curious about


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建南安一中高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


近些年来,随着人们生活水平的日益改善,饲养宠物的人们的数量与日俱增。饲养宠物给人们带来快乐的同时,也随之带来了一些问题。主要有:(一)、宠物发出的噪音非常扰民;(二)、动物的粪便会污染环境;(三)、当主人带着宠物去公共场所时,有些宠物会吓着孩子甚至咬人;(四)、 某些宠物会传播疾病,已经引起了人们的广泛关注。

假如你是李华,请你就上面提到的人们饲养宠物带了的问题给报社编辑写一封信,寻求帮助, 并期待媒体能够就解决该问题做一些事情。


1. 字数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear editor,

I’m sorry to occupy your precious time, but







Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高考一轮复习牛津译林版模块8.2测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完成句子

We shouldn't (追求) after comfort, personal fame.

