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India attained independence in 1947, after long struggle.

A.不填;a B. the; a C. an;不填 D. an; the



试题分析:句意:印度在一段长时间的斗争之后,在1947年获得了独立。Independence意为:独立,不可数;a long struggle一段长时间的斗争。故选A。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届石景山区高三第一学期测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- Catherine, will you visit us this weekend?

--- I planned to, but something unexpected _____.

A. has come up B. was coming up

C. had come up D. would come up


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年广东汕头普通高中毕业班教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Americans gave nearly $300 billion away last year. Do you know the reason? Beyond the noble goals of helping others, it is that giving will make them happier.

It is a fact that givers are happier people than non-givers. According to the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, a survey of 30,000 American households, people who give money to charity are 43% more likely than non-givers to say they are “very happy” about their lives. Similarly, volunteers are 42% more likely to be very happy then non-volunteers.

The happiness difference between givers and non-givers is not due to differences in their personal characteristics, such as income or religion. Imagine two people who are identical in terms of income and faith, as well as age, education, politics, sex, and family circumstances, but one donates money and volunteers, while the other does not. The giver will be, on average, over 40 percentage points more likely to be very happy than the non-givers.

A number of studies have researched exactly why charity leads to happiness. The surprising conclusion is that giving affects our brain chemistry. For example, people who give often report feelings of euphoria, which psychologists have referred to as the “Helper’s High”. They believe that charitable activity produces a very mild version of the sensations people get from drugs like morphine and heroin.

Of course, not only does giving increase our happiness, but also our happiness increases the possibility that we will give. Everyone prefers to give more when they are happy. Researchers have investigated this by conducting experiments in which people are asked about their happiness before and after they participate in a charitable activity, such as volunteering to help children or serving meals to the poor. The result is clear that giving has a strong, positive causal impact on our happiness, so does happiness on giving

1.According to Paragraph 2. We can learn that .

A. only those people who gave money to charity will be happy

B. more givers say they feel having happy lives than non-givers

C. those who donate money are happier than those who volunteer

D. 42% of the volunteers say they are as happy as the non-volunteers

2.What causes the happiness difference?

A. Income. B. Faith. C. Education. D. Donation.

3.The underlined word “euphoria” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .

A. relaxation B. uncertainty

C. nervousness D. pleasure

4.If a person feels happy, he may .

A. ask for more donations B. stop charitable activity

C. be likely to give more D. cook food for the poor

5.Which of the following is the main theme of this passage?

A. Giving brings happiness. B. Americans love donating.

C. The happiness difference. D. Feelings of volunteers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三自主命题摸拟1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often ______ rather than based on fixed criteria.

A. appropriate B. conscious

C. arbitrary D. controversial


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三自主命题摸拟1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mother always complains that children _____ their shoes very quickly.

A. find out B. wash out C. wear out D. set out


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三自主命题摸拟1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空


A. hungry B. violent C. rectangle D. trunk


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三第一次模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Whether you’re eating at a fancy restaurant or dining in someone’s home, proper table manners are likely to help you make a good impression. According to a US expert, Emily Post, “All rules of table manners are made to avoid ugliness.”

While Henry Hitchings of the Los Angeles Times admits that good manners can reduce social conflict, he points out that mostly their purpose is protective – they turn our natural warrior-like selves into more elegant ones.

So where did table manners come from?

In medieval England, a writer named Petrus Alfonsi took the lead to urge people not to speak with their mouths full. And King David I of Scotland also proposed that any of his people who learned to eat more neatly be given a tax deduction (减除).

Disappointingly, that idea never caught on. It was during the Renaissance, when there were real technical developments, opinions of correct behavior changed for good. “None of these was more significant than the introduction of the table fork,” wrote Hitchings. “Gradually, as forks became popular, they brought the new way of eating, making it possible, for instance, to consume berries without making one’s fingers dirty.”

Forks were introduced to Britain in 1608 and 25 years later, the first table fork reached America. Yet while most of the essentials (基本要素) are the same on both sides of the Atlantic, there are a few clear differences between what’s normal in the US and what holds true in the UK. For example, in the US, when food needs cutting with a knife, people generally cut a bite, then lay aside the knife and switch the fork to their right hand. Then they pick up one bite at a time. By contrast, Britons keep the fork in the left hand and don’t lay the knife down.

Though globalization has developed a new, simpler international standard of table manners, some people still stick with the American cut-and-switch method.The Los Angeles Times noted, “They are hanging on to a form of behavior that favors manners above efficiency.”

1.What does the story mainly talk about?

A. The importance of proper table manners .

B. The development of table manners in Western countries.

C. Some unwritten rules of table manners in the US and UK.

D. Differences between American and British table manners.

2.The underlined phrase “caught on” in the passage probably means ______.

A. worked in practice B. became popular

C. drew attention D. had a positive effect

3.Which of the following events influenced people’s table manners most according to the article?

A. The introduction of forks.

B. The tax deduction policy.

C. The rise of the Renaissance.

D. Petrus Alfonsi’s efforts in promoting table manners.

4.What can we conclude from the article?

A.British and American table manners are completely different from each other.

B.American people pay more attention to their table manners than British people do.

C.With globalization, the American cut-and-switch method has been abandoned in the US.

D.British people’s way of using a knife and fork may be more efficient than American people’s.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三第一次模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—The constant noise around here______ me crazy!

—Calm down.It’s no use complaining.

A.drove B.drives C.is driving D.had driven


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江富阳镇第二中学高一上第三次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

1.As far as I am c_________________, health is more important than money.

2.She changed a lot and I had great difficulty r___________ her at first.

3.The panda will be t________________ to Singapore by air.

4.The man p____________ us into buying his product yesterday.

5.A number of houses were d_______________ in the earthquake and the number of people who became homeless was large.

6.He was involved in a bank robbery and was s______________ to three years in prison.

7.It was under______________for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in.

8.Black people had no v_____________ and could not choose who ruled them.

9.All streets were d_________________ with flags and flowers on National Day.

10.I don’t doubt that the gold ring b_______________ to her.

