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Vans, Keds, Dollies—they sound like the names of rock bands,but if you have teenagers, you'll know they’re actually the latest in teenage footwear.

But experts are now warning that the current shoe fashions will be causing teenagers discomfort in the short term and storing up years of foot, knee and back pain in the future. Here, the experts identify the problems caused by teenagers’ shoe choice.


Slip?on shoes with elastic (弹性的) sides are particularly popular among teenage boys—with Keds and Vans the most sought-after brands.

The main problem is that they are just too flat—so flat that the heel, which strikes the ground first, also becomes damaged and painful.


The worst shoes of all are such light and thin dolly shoes. The problem is partly their flatness, as with Keds and Vans. However ballet pumps, which have no string or heel, have other specific problems.

“As the shoe has no fastening device, it relies on the toes to keep the shoe on, causing an awkward gait (步法) , this leads to short—and long-term problems such as calluses (茧子), heel and knee pain.”


These shoes can also cause problems with gait. They may look good, but the heels on these are so high they can force the wearer’s body weight forward, making them very unstable.

Teens who wear these shoes regularly are also in danger of joining those millions of women with constant back pain.


So what do podiatrists (足科医生)have on their wish list, especially for everyday wear?

Something in a natural, breathable fabric, with a string to hold it on,with a small heel and a deep toe?box that does not press the toes,such as Clark's,Marks & Spencer or Rhino.

If your teen insists on wearing “bad” shoes, get them some simple foot orthotics(矫形器) in the shoes. These support and correct the movement of the foot and, properly fitted by a podiatrist, can often transform their walk and halt the damage.

1.Of all the shoes mentioned in the passage, which can cause the worst problems?

A.Ballet Pumps. B.Wedges & Stilettos. C.Keds and Vans D.Marks & Spencer.

2.The underlined word “halt” in the last paragraph probably means________.

A. increase B. stop C. worsen D. cure

3.From this passage we can infer________.

A.podiatrists are expert at producing branded shoes

B.fashionable shoes all have orthotics in them

C.experts are strongly against wearing popular shoes

D.trendy shoes may ruin teenager’ health







1.细节题:根据BALLET PUMPS The worst shoes of all are such light and thin dolly shoes. The problem is partly their flatness, as with Keds and Vans. However ballet pumps, which have no string or heel, have other specific problems. “As the shoe has no fastening device, it relies on the toes to keep the shoe on, causing an awkward gait (步法) , this leads to short—and long-term problems such as calluses (茧子), heel and knee pain.”可知Ballet Pumps造成的问题最严重,故选A。

2.猜词题:根据These support and correct the movement of the foot and, properly fitted by a podiatrist, can often transform their walk and halt the damage. 可猜出“halt”的意思是停止,故选B。

3.推断题:根据If your teen insists on wearing “bad” shoes, get them some simple foot orthotics(矫形器) in the shoes. These support and correct the movement of the foot and, properly fitted by a podiatrist, can often transform their walk and halt the damage.可知时髦的鞋可能会毁坏青少年的健康,故选D。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省东区高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger ,but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways .

You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water . A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater . Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers .It came from underground . The more roads and parking lots we pave ,the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater .

Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺). Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall ,but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs .

Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference ,too. In the United States ,a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day ! This shows how much we depend on water to live ,but there’s a lot we can do to lower the number .

You can take steps to save water in your home .To start with ,use the same glass for your drinking water all day .Wash it only once a day .Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full 。Help your parents fix any leaks in your home . You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away .

1..Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater ?

A. paving parking lots . B.Throwing batteries away .

C. Using river water D. Throwing rubbish into lakes .

2. What can be inferred from the text ?

A. All water shortages are due to human behavior .

B. There is much we can do to reduce family size .

C. It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs .

D. The average family in America makes proper use of water .

3.The last paragraph is intended to .

A.show us how to fix leaks at home

B. tell us how to run a dishwasher

C. prove what drinking glass is best for us

D. suggest what we do to save water at home

4.The text is mainly about .

A. Why paving roads reduces our water

B. how much we depend on water to live

C. why droughts occur more in dry climates

D. how human activity affects our water supply



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省偃师市南院高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

His first successful fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president, he fought to unite the country and organize the government. Now Nelson Mandela has set his sights on a new enemy, AIDS.

On March 19 the former president, hosted his second AIDS?awareness concert. He warned that 25 million people in Africa were already infected with the fatal disease.

Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. He was adopted by the chief of his tribe and could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life.

But he refused to be a chief when his people lived under racial discrimination(歧视). He decided to fight for equal rights for all the people in South Africa. Before 1990, under the country’s Racial Segregation Law, coloured people and white people lived separately. Black people were treated unfairly even when taking a bus. Blacks had to stand at the back of the bus to make room for white people even when there were only a few of them on board.

For his opposition to the system, Mandela was arrested and spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990 and became the president of the country after the first election was held in which everyone could vote.

Mandela was not only a political fighter who attacked with speeches. He was also a trained boxer and fought in the ring when he was young.

“Although I did not enjoy the violence of boxing, I was interested in how one moved one’s body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat,”he wrote in his autobiography.

As a skillful fighter, he chose music as his weapon against AIDS. He hopes to win another victory against AIDS.

1.When was Mandela arrested?

A.In 1963.

B.In 1990.

C.When he refused to be a chief.

D.When he became the president.

2.Nelson Mandela succeeded in doing the following EXCEPT ________.

A.winning the equal rights for the black people in South Africa

B.uniting South Africa

C.organizing a government in South Africa

D.controlling the spread of AIDS

3.Which of the following statements can best describe the life of Nelson Mandela?

A.Struggle is his life.

B.Sports make his fame.

C.Fight for equal rights.

D.A great fighter against the government.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南洛阳第一高级中学高二下学期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Lily: Boys and girls, May I have your attention Please! Today we have an honorable guest here, Professor Smith, ___1.____ come from the USA. Professor Smith , could you tell us how to study English well ?

Professor Smith: Well, that’s a very broad topic.

Lily : Ok, I see. So __2.____ of all, how should we greet someone that we haven’t seen for a long time?

Professor Smith: You _____3._______ greet them with “ how are you doing “ instead of “ how do you do ?’

Lily : Ok, Here’s another. What is _____4._______ best way to improve one’s accent?

Professor Smith: Ok. You have the habit of speaking Chinese. Your mouth has some special repetitive actions.

Lily: Then what should we do ?

Professor Smith: You should listen to native speakers or talk to people in English _5.___ often as you can.

Lily : But most students are afraid of ____6.____ (laugh ) at

Professor Smith: In the USA, many Chinese students are also shy of speaking English. We should be confident, and speak English as if no one else __7.______(listen )

Lily : Thanks a lot, Professor Smith . In summing up, could you please give us one sentence __8.______ (conclude) our discussion?

Professor Smith: Speak English______9.__________( loud )!

Lily : Thank you professor. And thank you all for listening. Today’s programme will _10._____(repeat) on Friday at 12:30 .See you then

Professor Smith: Good bye then



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北邯郸市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


ETL International English Summer Camp

Volunteer Wanted

EIL was founded in Britain in 1936 with the fundamental aim of international understanding“Learn to live together by living together”.

Requirements: Over 16; good knowledge of English; outgoing; working well with children between 7-12

Activities: Language study, outdoor recreation and travel

Campers: Students from different countries

Camp site:Mount Wuyi, Fujian

Time: July 26-August 9

Application deadline: July 15, 2012

If interested, please e-mail to info@eiuk.org





Dear Sir,

I’m Li Hua from Fujian.



I am looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北石家庄正定中学高二下学期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

A recent survey show that most students often communicate with our parents. But there are still some think it embarrassing to share their ideas with them. Actually everyone should attach importance to family communication. It can be strengthen the bond of the whole family or bridge the gap between children and parents. Besides, share your personal problems and emotions will greatly help reduce the pressure on you and build up your confidence. As for my family, we had a special dinner together every Saturday evening, over that everyone takes turns to share one problem. Then others try to suggest solutions. In this way the whole family can enjoy every single bit of life. I think my family will stick out the tradition forever.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北石家庄正定中学高二下学期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another.

I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and... I became invisible, absent from the conversation. The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction(互动). With email and instant messaging over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated(自动化), the alienation index(疏远指数) goes up. You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.

I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn't wise... they're a great help to us. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.

More and more. I find myself hiding behind e­mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn't really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier ...or at least facilitating my antisocial instincts.

So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people who live near me, no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.

1.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. The Advance of Communications Technology

B. The Consequences of modern Technology

C. The Story of Communications Revolution

D. The Automation of Modern Communications

2.The sentence “Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent” means that ________.

A. the people sitting beside you have to go away to receive a phone call

B. you can hardly get in touch with the people sitting beside you

C. modern technology makes it hard for people to have a face-­to­-face talk

D. people can now go to work without going to the office

3.The writer feels that the use of modern communications is ________.

A. satisfying B. encouraging C. disappointing D. embarrassing

4.The passage implies that ________.

A. modern technology is bridging the people

B. modern technology is separating the people

C. modern technology is developing too fast

D. modern technology is interrupting our communication



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省衡水市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Headington Oxford Summer School welcomes all students throughout the world and provides a fantastic summer school experience. It is close enough to visit London, which is a beautiful city in its own right and also has a number of attractions nearby.

? London:

A trip to the UK would not be complete without a visit to the capital city of London. During the ‘London Day’ all students will have a chance to see famous tourist attractions such as Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square. The students will also enjoy a boat trip on River Thames and a ride to the top of the Shard, an 87-storey building in London for a breathtaking view of the city. There will also be dinner in a London restaurant before heading back to the school.

? Thorpe Park:

With over thirty extreme rides and attractions, and one of the world’s most terrifying roller coasters, enjoy an exciting day out at one of the nation’s most popular theme park

? Bath:

Spend the day exploring this beautiful historic city with impressive architecture, including a visit to the famous Roman baths. Students also have the opportunity of a fantastic shopping experience in this famous market towns!

? Thinktank Science Museum & Birmingham:

Spend the morning in the interactive state of the art science centre followed by an afternoon exploring Birmingham with time for shopping in the Bullring Shopping Centre.

? Warwick & Stratford:

Visit one of medieval England’s most beautiful castles full of history, tales and adventure. Afterwards, enjoy exploring the picturesque streets of Stratford Upon Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare.

? Brighton:

This beautiful seaside town provides a fun-filled day out for all students. The day includes a visit to the Royal Pavilion and its museum as well as Brighton Pier and beach. There is also time for shopping in the famous Brighton Lanes before heading back to school.

1.Where can you overlook the whole city when touring London?

A. On top of the Shard     B. On River Thames

C. In a London restaurant    D. At the Houses of Parliament

2.What can you do in both Bath and Thinktank Science Museum & Birmingham?

A. Visiting art science centre   

B. Doing some shopping

C. Experiencing roller coasters   

D. Exploring historic architectures

3.Where can you enjoy a lovely beach?

A. London    B. Bath    

C. Thorpe Park  D. Brighton



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When Joe left university, he got a good job in a bike’s factory. And after he had worked there for some years, he decided to have a change. So he put a notice several newspapers, says what experience he had and the kind of job he would like to have. One of the answer he received was from a man who was looking for a job either. This man wrote to him, “Dear sir, when you get a new job, to be kind enough to give your name and address to your present boss as I have been trying to find a position like yours for a long time.” After he had finished reading the letter, he suddenly realizes what he had done was real foolish.


