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 Friendship can be found closer than you think,even in your own home. 1      ,I knew I always had a great friend,my brother.

  My brother and I have a(n) 2       tradition of never letting the other 3        the mishaps (小事故) that " accidentally" occurred between us. My " accidents" involved " accidentally" 4       him and then he would run as fast as he could around the house. My favorite memory is the time my brother threw a dart (飞镖) at the dartboard while I happened to be standing in front of it 5        the darts. He stood there,halfhorrified,halfsmiling,watching the dart hang from my back,dropping in my bare skin. He also 6       a toy truck at my knees. To make matters worse,instead of making sure my brother 7        what he was doing,my dad pulled out the camera and took a picture. However,neither of them feels any 8        of this.

  Another time that sticks in my mind is both painful and 9       . One night we were staying at my aunt's house and I was really 10        about something. I just remember crying and crying in my brother's arms. I don't even remember 11        I was so sorrowful;the important thing is that I have this memory of 12       he was there for me and feeling comforted by him. In looking back,it is nice to know that two brothers could share that kind of 13       with each other. I love that 14       .

  We had,and still have such a custom. 15       my brother has a caring soul,the days I did believe in him felt very good. That is a feeling I experience so 16        in my life these days― feeling completely understood without even 17       . More often than not,my path feels lonely. But Fve realized that discovering my own 18        is even more of a reason to cherish siblings (兄弟姐妹) whom I can understand and 19       . Almost everyone has a sibling,and they can be the precious 20        to get such feelings.

(   ) 1. A. Looking around   B. Coming out   

       C. Getting forward   D. Growing up

(   ) 2. A. continuing   B. strange   C. unfamiliar   D. classic

(   ) 3. A. forget   B. mention   C. avoid   D. remember

(   ) 4. A. following   B. finding   C. chasing   D. calling

(   ) 5. A. collecting   B. bringing   C. holding   D. showing

(   ) 6. A. dropped   B. threw   C. passed   D. offered

(   ) 7. A. realized   B. recorded   C. asked   D. stopped

(   ) 8. A. pressure   B. pain   C. shame   D. responsibility

(   ) 9. A. tiring   B. comforting   C. fantastic   D. crazy

(   ) 10. A. serious   B. anxious   C. worried   D. sad

(   ) 11. A. whether   B. where   C. why   D. when

(   ) 12. A. watching   B. hearing   C. valuing   D. knowing

(   ) 13. A. joy   B. text   C. emotion   D. idea

(   ) 14. A. achievement   B. memory   C. change   D. development

(   ) 15. A. Because   B. If   C. While   D. Although

(   ) 16. A. commonly   B. rarely   C. accidentally   D. frequently

(   ) 17. A. moving   B. speaking   C. trying   D. listening

(   ) 18. A. belief   B. happiness   C. soul   D. aloneness

(   ) 19. A. miss   B. respect   C. trust   D. stand

(   ) 20. A. resources   B. gifts   C. advisors   D. helpers

1-5   DAACA    6-10 BDCBD 

11-15  CDCBA    16 -20 BBDCA


1. D在"我"成长的过程中,"我"一直有位伟大的朋友:"我"的哥哥。

2. A. 根据最后一段"We had,and still have such a custom."可知,在孩提时期,"我"和哥哥之间有个现在仍然保留的传统。

3. A根据后文描述可知,这个传统就是"绝不会让对方忘记偶尔发生在我们之间那些不愉快的事情"。

4. C根据后文"…and then he would run as fast as he could around the house."可知,"我”的"小事故"包括冷不丁地追着哥哥满屋跑。

5. A根据后文"He stood there,halfhorrified,halfsmiling,watching the dart hang from my back,dropping in my bare skin."可知,此处说的是:"我"站在飞镖靶前面拾飞镖,哥哥想捉弄"我",在身后把飞镖扔向"我"的后背,飞镖顺着衣服滑落到"我"的身上。

6. B根据前文"My favorite memory is the time my brother threw a dart…"和"also"可知,此处说的是:他还把玩具卡车扔向"我"的膝盖。

7. D 根据前文"To make matters worse…"可知,更糟的是:爸爸不但不阻止哥哥的行为,反而拿出照相机拍照。然而,两人对此没有一点内疚感。

8. C见上题解析。

9. B根据后文"he was there for me and feeling comforted by him."可知,此处说的是:另一份脑海中的记忆既是痛苦的又是令人感到安慰的。

10. D根据后文"I just remember crying and crying in my brother's arms."和”...I was so sorrowftil..."可知,作者当时因为某件事感到悲伤。

11. C根据后文"...the important thing is that …"可知,此处语境为:"我"已经不记得为何事那样悲伤了。

12. D "我"知道哥哥陪着"我",给"我"安慰,这是最重要的。

13. C根据前文"…he was there for me and feeling comforted by him."可知,此处指的是哥哥安慰"我",他能理解"我"的感受,兄弟俩能够分享彼此的情感。

14. B前文都是作者的回忆。

15. A因为"我"的哥哥有颗体贴人的心,所以"我"信任他,这种信任的感觉很好。

16. B根据后文"More often than not,my path feels lonely."可知,此处说的是:几乎不用说什么,兄弟姐妹之间就能完全理解对方的感受。这种情愫是很少能感受到的。

17. B见上题解析。

18. D根据前文"More often than not,my path feels lonely."可知,此处说的是:"我"在人生之路上常感到孤独。但"我"已经意识到,这种孤独感成为了"我"更加珍惜"我"与兄弟姐妹之间情谊的理由。

19. C 根据前文"The days I did believe in him …"可推知,此处应表示"信任"。

20. A几乎每个人都有兄弟姐妹,而他们是我们获取理解和信任的珍贵源泉。

题目来源:高中英语丢分题每周一练高二下 > Unit 4 Sharing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. The conference                to communicate your views with foreign experts. (provide)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Researchers from the University of Haifa-Oranim have managed to make out the "self-irri-gating" mechanism (构造) of the desert rhubarb,which enables it to harvest 16 times the amount of water than otherwise expected for a plant in the Negev Desert. This is the first example of a selfirrigating plant worldwide.

  The desert rhubarb grows in the mountains of Israel's Negev Desert,where the average rainfall is particularly low (75 mm per year) . Unlike most of the other desert plant species,which have small leaves so as to reduce water loss,this plant is unique in that its leaves are par?ticularly large.

  Professor Simcha Lev-Yadun,Professor Gidi Ne'e man and Professor Gadi Katzir came across this unique plant while studying the field area,and noticed that its waxy leaves are unusually large. They observed a ridged (成脊状的) structure on each leaf.

  The scientists explained that these deep and wide depressions (凹陷) in the leaves create a "channeling" mountainlike system by which the rain water is channeled toward the ground sur?rounding the plant's deep root. Other desert plants simply absorb the rain water that goes through the ground in its immediate surroundings.

  The findings have shown that the natural selection process has resulted in the evolution of this plant's extremely large leaves,which improved its ability to survive in the arid climate of the desert. The results of experiments and analysis of the plant's growth―in an area with an average annual rainfall of 75 mm―showed that the desert rhubarb is able to harvest quantities of water that are 16 times the amount of water harvested by the smallleafed plants of the Negev Desert. When the research team watered the pJant artificially,they observed how the water flows along the course of the leaves' depressions to the ground surrounding the plant's single root and then goes through the ground to a depth of 10 cm or more. Under the experimental condi?tions,water goes through the ground only as deep as 1 cm. "We know of no other plant in the deserts of the world that functions in this manner," the researchers concluded.

(   ) 1. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. How Plants' "Selfirrigating" Mechanism Works

   B. How Plants Growing in the Desert Survive

   C. A Desert Plant Growing in the Negev Desert

   D. The World's First " Selfwatering" Plant Is Discovered

(   ) 2. The desert rhubarb's "selfirrigating" mechanism       .

   A. enables it to survive with fewer leaves

   B. works in many desert plants in the world

   C. helps it absorb much more water than other plants

   D. prevents the plant from losing water and heat

(   ) 3. Which of the following helps most desert plants adapt to the dry climate?

   A. Thin roots. B. Small leaves.

   C. Deep depressions. D. Ridged structures.

(   ) 4. What can we conclude from the passage?

   A. The discovery of the desert rhubarb surprised the researchers.

   B. The desert rhubarb causes Israel's Negev Desert drier.

   C. The smallleafed plants aren't able to survive in the desert.

   D. The research team studied the desert rhubarb in the lab.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 After a boy had unwrapped his gifts on Christmas morning,his mother asked him which present he wanted to donate.

  "None," the 5-year-old boy replied. His mother explained that sharing was part of the holiday spirit. She also explained that a poor child would be very happy to receive a gift. The boy eventually agreed to part with (舍弃) one of his gifts. He put his four gifts in front of him and tried to decide which one to part with. It was a difficult decision,but he chose to say goodbye to the flute (长笛) ."Where do we take it?" he asked his mother. His mother explained that there was a Salvation Army box two streets away and someone would give the gifts to children who needed them.

  This parting with a gift became a yearly activity. When he was 8 years old,the boy treas?ured the gifts he had received so much that his decision needed to be made using a special method,which led him to part with a set of checkers (跳棋) .Three months later,he saw the checkers set at his friend Jerry's house. When Jerry was 6 years old,his father had died and his mother had lost her job,so he had few gifts.

  The next Christmas,when the boy thought about how much fun he had watching Jerry play with the checkers,he told his mother that he wanted to put his new football in the Salvation Army box. Through giving gifts,he found that giving brings happiness not only to others but also to himself.

(   ) 1. What do we learn about the 5-year-old boy?

   A. He was poor but kindhearted.

   B. He never shared anything with others.

   C. He often donated money to others.

   D. He decided to donate a gift after hesitation.

(   ) 2. The boy and his mother took the flute to         .

   A. a post office for the army two streets away

   B. a postbox for the army two streets away

   C. the Salvation Army which protects the safety of the poor

   D. a box used for collecting gifts for the poor two streets away

(   ) 3. When he was 8 years old,the boy         .

   A. loved his gifts and struggled to donate one

   B. treasured his gifts so much that he stopped donating

   C. was very generous in sharing his gifts with the poor

   D. was too pleased to share his gifts with the poor

(   ) 4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A. Giving presents out on Christmas Eve.

   B. Hard decisions to make about what to give.

   C. Giving brings happiness to others and oneself.

   D. Receiving presents is a pleasant thing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. You must work hard,        in the class.(otherwise)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 As the summer time approaches,more and more commercials and advertisements can be seen on the mass media encouraging students to join English study tours abroad. The purpose of these tours is to provide students with an opportunity to learn English in a native speaking environment and use English in real situations. Parents always believe that their children will automatically speak good English after attending these study tours. However,for me,as an English major and former participant of many English study tours,I find these summer tours ineffective.

  Parents who send their children abroad for a summer to study English usually believe that the native speaking environment,including the courses,teachers,and host families,can help their children to learn English better. This might be true if the students really study hard and they really get an all-English environment. But the fact is that,most of the time,the tour part is more important than the study part.     Although these tours take place in foreign countries,students are rarely exposed in an all-English environment. You will find that,in the morning classes,Taiwanese students would like to stick together and speak Chinese with each other,even though there are some students from other countries. In the afternoon,the students go on a sightseeing excursion with their companions from Taiwan; they speak Chinese,of course. In the evening,when students return to the host families,they would stay in their room and share the day with their roommate,another Taiwanese student. People who speak the same language with you are like a log in the ocean when living in a foreign country where you can not express your?self well,so that you would naturally stick with them. This is especially true with children. An?other unrealistic expectation parents have for these tours is that the experience of living abroad can make their children more independent and mature. However,maturity does not come over?night. It takes time and practice. The most important of all is that they need a good mentor. None of these exist in the study tours.

(   ) 1. What's the author's attitude towards the English study tours abroad?

   A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Negative. D. Neutral.

(   ) 2. Which of the following is the most important thing for children who study in an Eng?lish environment according to the writer?

   A. Host families. B. Hard work. C. Courses. D. Teachers.

(   ) 3. Why are students rarely exposed in an all-English environment?

   A. The study tour itself makes it less important for students to expose themselves in an all-English environment.

   B. Staying with the students from the same country makes study easy abroad.

   C. They only want to stay with their English teachers.

   D. They are not sure about their spoken English.

(   ) 4. What makes parents send their children to join English study tours abroad according to the text?

   A. Parents' misunderstanding to the ads.

   B. Parents' lack of information.

   C. Parents' unrealistic expectation.

   D. Parents' social experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Only when you        will you realize you actually have the ability to change it. (acknowledge)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Astronauts' meals have come a long way from the freezedried powders and semiliquid pastes of decades ago:now US scientists want to grow vegetables in minigreenhouses on the moon.

  Scientists say they are looking forward to a time when residents of future lunar or even Mar?tian outposts will be able to dine on fresh vegetables. Paragon Space Development Corporation has unveiled what it called the first step toward growing flowers―and eventually food―on the moon. 

  Paragon,which has partnered with NASA in previous experiments on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station,calls it a "Lunar Oasis".

  This is a sealed greenhouse that looks like a bell jar encased in a 46 cm triangular aluminum frame. It is designed to safely land a laboratory plant on the lunar surface,and protect it while it grows.

  The miniature greenhouse is to be launched into space by Odyssey Moon Ltd.,a participant in the Google Lunar X Prize. This competition offers $ 20 million to any entrant who can launch,land and operate a rover on the lunar surface.

  Paragon officials say future testing of the " Lunar Oasis" will be driven by Odyssey's flight schedule,which will not happen until 2012 at the earliest.

  When it does lift off the greenhouse will contain the seeds of Brassica,a hardy plant related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Because Brassica goes from seed to flower in just 14 days,it can complete its life cycle in a single lunar night.

  "Colonizing the Moon or Mars seems so far away,but it is important that we do this re?search now," Paragon president Jane Poynter said.

  "It takes a long time to get a lot of research,and to get integrated,reliable efficient sys?tems before colonists move in ," she said.

(   ) 5. What can we know from the text?

   A. American astronauts have eaten fresh vegetables on the moon:

   B. Astronauts' meals have been the freezedried powers and semiliquid pastes so far.

   C. The sealed greenhouse looks like a semicircle jar.

   D. It won't take long before colonists move in to get a lot of research.

(   ) 6. The article implies that         .

   A. astronauts can grow flowers in space at present

   B. Paragon and NASA will carry out the test separately

   C. Lunar Oasis is a series of experiments carried out in space

   D. the earliest testing of the Lunar Oasis may be in 2012

(   ) 7. The underlined word "colonists" in the last paragraph probably has the meaning of

   A. plants   B. wild beasts   C. human beings   D. scientists

(   ) 8. The seeds of Brassica will be contained in the greenhouse mainly because         .

   A. their life cycle is much shorter

   B. they are more nutritious than other food

   C. they are related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage

   D. they are very delicious


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. She would go to the ends of the earth        for the family.(make)


