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【题目】Reducing the amount of salt in our diets could save nearly 20,000 lives in the UK every year, according to researchers.

The recommended maximum daily intake for adults is 6g in the UK, although just month the World Health Organization (WHO) revised this down to 5g. Yet according to figures from the British Heat Foundation, men consume around 9.7g a day, while women have 7.7 g.

Fast food

Salt Content

Original chicken

2.9g per portion (份)

Spicy crayfish

3.5g per portion

Large chips

1 per portion

McDonalds Big Mac

2.1 per portion

Not researchers at three universities, including Harvard Medical School, have revealed the dramatic effect reducing salt could have on death rates by using computer models. They estimated that reducing salt intake to 6g would save 500,000 to 850,000 lives in the US over the next decade.

British doctor Ian Campbell, medical director of charity Weight Concern, told Mail Online: Salt is a big problem in the UK, too. Its a silent killer. Over time consuming too much of it increases the risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks. About 80 percent of our salt intake comes from processed foods, so it can be difficult to avoid.

Many people are unaware of where salt is hidden, such as bread, soups, ready meals, and even breakfast cereals (麦片). The government approach has been to encourage food companies to cut the amount of salt in their products. There has been a reduction but it is taking too long. The Food Standards Agency should consider setting compulsory maximum levels for salt.

Victoria Taylor, Senior Dietitian at the British Heat Foundation, added: Eating too much salt may raise your blood pressure and having high blood pressure increases your risk of developing heart disease.

The government has worked with the food industry to reduce the amount of salt in our food and make labels clearer. But there is still work to be down by everyone because the majority of Brits are still consuming more salt than they would be.

【1】Which of the following in the table reaches the daily maximum amount of salt recommended by the WHO?

A. A large chips and a McDonalds Big Mac.

B. A spicy crayfish and a large chips.

C. An original chicken and a spicy crayfish.

D. A McDonalds Big Mac and an original chicken.

2According to the passage, when people eat processed food they ________.

A. neednt add salt

B. should add a little salt

C. may ruin their health

D. can have risk of heart attacks

3To solve the problem of eating too much salt, Ian Campbell advises ________.

A. having healthier breakfast

B. punishing the illegal food companies

C. reducing the amount of processed food

D. making laws about maximum levels for salt

4The last paragraph emphasizes the importance of ________.

A. making food tables clearer

B. monitoring the food industry

C. promoting the awareness of salt content

D. strengthening the governments functions









2细节理解题。根据About 80 percent of our salt intake comes from processed foods, so it can be difficult to avoid.得知加工过的食品中含有大量的盐分。因此在食用加工过的食品不需要再放盐了。选A

3细节理解题。根据The Food Standards Agency should consider setting compulsory maximum levels for salt.得知Ian Campbell建议食品标准局对盐最高摄入量设定法律。选D



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In order not to let the others hear what he said,he________the news to me.

A.shouted B.told

C.whispered D.said


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Steve Jobs, after generation.rise to fame inspires millions of people, will be remembered generation

A.what B.which C. whose D. who


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For years I fought with the bird's nest that sat on top of my head-my Medusa(神话中的蛇发女妖) hair.No matter what I did and how hard I tried, in no way could I make my unruly (乱蓬蓬)hair to my satisfaction.

Growing up in a Russian-Jewish home with parents who thought North American styling products were something illegal such as drugs, I was never allowed to put them in :my hair.¨ Why buy hair gel? Your hair is so beautiful naturally," my mother would say.The teens at school did not agree.From boys 'not wanting to kiss me when we played spin the bottle in Grade 7 to being called the mop, I suffered from my hair.

When I got to university, I believed my hair was a wall that stood between me and everything-finding a part-time job, getting a boyfriend, etc.

If only I could find a way to manage the curls and put it behind bars, I told myself, I would feel secure and sexy.I tried everything: rollers, hairspray, gels and, at one point, an iron.Then, in my second year, a miracle happened.I was asked to be a hair model for Japanese hair straightening, a process by which the molecules(分子)of my curls would be broken and reset in a bone-straight position.I was the perfect candidate, the hairdresser told me. Although they said how hair relaxing could damage the :scalp (头皮),for the next five years I didn't find them to be true. All of the hairdresser's promises were fulfilled: With my hair straight and smooth, I was no longer the¨ mop".

However, there was extreme damage done to my wallet. To keep up the straightening cost $ 700 every six months, and that was considered cheap.While some people thought I was crazy, I was willing to do anything to never again feel like that anxious, curly-headed girl in Grade 7.But when I moved out. of my parents" house 'at age 26 and rented an apartment, the upkeep of my new image became too costly.

I couldn't hide from my inner Medusa any longer.It was time to hug her and let her fly.Seeking a choice, I turned to the Internet, Google.After hours of searching, I hit upon a“ curly haired" salon, a place designed for girls like me.I doubted these so-called “Curl Ambassadors" could do anything

without using machine of some sort, and though I bought the service called the “Curly-Doo," I suspected I'd have the same unruly mop at the end of the appointment.

I dragged my feet so hard getting there that I arrived 45 minutes late. I secretly hoped they would turn me away.Instead, my stylist simply said :‘‘You are very late. Let me see your hair" At. that moment, my world and beliefs about myself were turned upside down along with my hair. As my head was in a basin full of freezing-cold water, then covered with a jelly-like jam, I wondered what I had got myself into.

¨ Do you really think this will work?" I asked the stylist, Jones.“ My curls are a disaster."“No curly hair is hopeless," she replied.“They just haven't found a way to span>work with it, that's all. "

After the hour was over, Jones had completed her work. She had styled my hair using only her hands, water and a mixture of organic jam. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in the mirror: a naturally curly, Medusa-free me.You could argue that hair is just hair. Yet, it is just such physical features that have such a large influence on how we view ourselves.

According to Jones,75 percent of the population have a wave or curl in their hair and don't know what to do with it. Men cut theirs short. Women flat-iron theirs to death. When I read through a beauty magazine or take the subway to work, it makes me sad to see so many people repressing their natural beauty.

Since then, my world has changed. I have always been outgoing, but these days I seem to be more outspoken and confident than ever. On top of that, friends and co-workers tell me I am looking better than ever, but they don't know the source of the change.

I don't need to tell them* My Medusa hair speaks for herself.

【1】 What can we learn about the writer's hair in the first place?

A. Her parents considered it was bird's nest.

B. Teens at school laughed at it as Medusa hair.

C. She hated it because it couldn't be straightened.

D. North American styling products harmed her hair.

【2】 Japanese hair straightening caused a problem for the writer that

A. her wish to feel secure and sexy didn't come true

B. her hair was seriously damaged after the straightening

C. the cost to keep her hair straight was too high for her

D. she was called ¨the mop" with her hair straight and smooth

【3】 The writer was when she went to the “curly haired" salon.

A. hesitated B. excited

C. disappointed D. determined

【4】 What was the reaction of the stylist in the salon when she saw the writer?

A. She was very angry because the writer was late.

B. She thought totally the writer's hair was a disaster.

C. She was calm and sure of her work.

D. She thought there was no way to fix the writer's hair.

【5】 The writer's world has changed because she

A. has removed her inner Medusa

B. has removed her curls on her head

C. has found a way to straighten her hair in the stylish salon

D. has found the admiration for her from her friends and co-workers

【6】 The best title of the passage can be

A. A Successful Stylist

C. Road to Beauty

B. My Medusa Hair

D. Accept the Way We Are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He had just fallen asleep ________ the telephone rang last night.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A.Power Chord Academy is the benchmark (基准尺度) for teenage musician training. At Power Chord Academy, students play in a band, record a CD, make an MTV video, play concerts, and more! Power Chord Academy offers courses in San Diego, St. Louis and New York with teenage musicians attending from around the world.

B.The Idyllwild Summer Program: Every summer, more than 1,300 children, teens, and adults attend Idyllwild's workshops under the pines, showing interest in creative writing, dance, music, theatre, and visual arts, which are taught by some of the America's finest artists. The resulting experience is unforgettable, exciting, and funny.

C.Guitar Workshop Plus: We own a strong commitment to music education. Join us this summer and treat yourself to a fun and educational music-filled week! Courses are offered for all levels, ages, and styles including blues, jazz, rock, classical music, and song writing. Bass, drum, and keyboard classes are offered as well.

D.UW-Green Bay is a best choice for summer youth camps! Parents love the attractive setting - one that is not too close to a downtown, city environment. Students love the modern facilities, easy access to all campus buildings and all on-site conveniences.

E.Keyboard Discoveries Summer Camp is a residential music camp designed for the young piano student who has completed grades five, six, seven, or eight. Students who have completed grade four may enroll as day campers. The camp welcomes different levels of study. However, all students should have completed at least two years' piano study.

F.Camp Curtain Call lies in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and it offers children (7-18) an exciting combination of traditional summer camp and sports activities with specialized performing and visual arts programming in one of the most beautiful settings in the world. Campers can plan their experience themselves by choosing their own activities.


【1David is a boy of sixteen who likes music very much. In his spare time he often practices playing jazz. And he also shows great interest in playing the drum.

【2Michael is a tall and strong boy who studies in a middle school. It is natural that he likes sports. What's more, Michael is planning to learn how to perform beautifully.

【3Sarah is a lovely girl who is only nine years old. Not only does she like music, but she likes dance. She often sings while dancing with her best friends.

【4Daniel is good at playing the piano. As we all know he has passed grade six successfully. He is going camping only in the daytime to improve his skills of piano further.

【5James lives in England. He is a university student whose major is computer. But he is especially interested in music. This summer he is going to learn how to make videos.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Nowadays, girls are so mean to each other. Many girls are becoming the victims of the harmful behaviors of the female bully.

Emma Tracey was a popular 17-year-old and a well-liked athlete who had already won a soccer scholarship to college. But none of that stopped Emma from becoming the target of online girl on girl bullying (欺凌). Emma began to receive hundreds of online unpleasant comments via the latest social networking site called www.formspring.com.

In March 2011, Emma committed suicide and although all agreed that the online bother was not the single factor that led to Emma’ death, everyone did agree that it was a contributory factor.

Unfortunately, Emma’ story is not unique. A 2010 study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center states “Cyberbullying victims were almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to youth who had not experienced cyberbullying. Girls are 57% more likely to be victims of aggressive cyberbullying and 92% more likely to be the criminals.”

Suicide is obviously the extreme and no one can minimize the tragedy of it. However, there are other damages that occur as a result of aggressive bullying. It can damage self-confidence and lead to feelings of worthlessness, and also increase social isolation and make victims become withdrawn, depressed, anxious, and unsafe. So what causes girls to be so unkind towards each other?

A term known as relational aggression may best describe the cause of girl on girl bullying. It starts with a clique (派系) usually led by a girl with a high level of social status and popularity. In order not to lose her position, she will control girls within the clique and take action if she feels threatened. At the leader’s directive the girls within the clique will spread rumors and lies and annoy other girls continuously.

The bullying starts at school but will quickly go to cyberbullying due to anonymity (匿名) and lack of punishment. Girls will easily do so in the anonymity of the Internet. Finally the cause will be summarized as the unsafety and jealousy of one girl and the twisted loyalty of members within her clique. Underneath the confident exterior (外表) of a female bully lie desperate unsafety.

【1The example of Emma Tracey is given to show .

A. popular youth are not easy to become the target of bullying

B. today’s youth don’t like to study any more

C. suicide is a serious problem among youth

D. cyberbullying is quite common among teenagers

【2The bullying will quickly go to cyberbullying mainly because .

A. it’s free to post comments online

B. the bullies don’t have to give their names online

C. it will not attract much attention

D. it will not affect their real life

【3Which of the following is NOT the cause of bullying?

A. Lack of safety

B. The twisted loyalty of members within a clique

C. Jealousy of others

D. Trying to be friendly

【4We can infer from the last paragraph that a female bully .

A. has strong self-confidence

B. has strong leadership skills

C. is actually weak inside

D. is usually good at study


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He _______after a few day’s treatment in hospital.

A.picked up B.made up C.took up D.looked up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The doctor told Tom’s father that it would not take him a long time to _____ from his disease.

A. suffer B. cure C. treat D. recover

