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4.Jane went to her teacher just now.She ______ about the solution to the  problem.(  )
A.wonderedB.was wonderingC.had wonderedD.would wonder

分析 简刚才去了她的老师那里,她在想这个问题的解决办法.

解答 B 考查时态.根据句子意思Jane去老师那里,因为她一直想知道这个问题的解决办法,表示过去某一段时间内正在发生或进行的动作或状态,所以用过去进行时,A是指过去的动作;C指过去的过去;D指过去将来.故答案选B.

点评 动词时态的考点是近几年高考试题考查的重中之重.各地高考试题对动词时态的考查越来越侧重于语境化、交际化的理解,这加大了试题的难度,没有明确的时间状语,这就要求考生对句子的语境进行正确的判断,从而选出正确的时态.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

1.假定你是李华,你们学校和一所美国中学签署了教师交流协议.在过去一年里,你们的英文老师是来自这所中学的Sue Wood.不久前她返回美国任教.请你根据写作要点和要求给Sue写封电子邮件.
Dear Sue,
I'm Li Hua,one of your students in China.It's almost a month since you left us.We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us.【高分句型】(表达感谢之意)
We are busy as usual.We had an English speech contest the other day.I won the first prize!This again reminds me of all your kind help.Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school?【高分句型】Yesterday,we went there and watered them.The tree you planted yourself is growing well,and the whole class decided to name it Sue Wood.Will you come back to see Sue Wood?(介绍自己及班里发生的事情)
How is everything with you lately?We hope to know more about and your American students.Hope to keep in close touch.(希望了解她的近况).
All the best
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Alfred Carlton Gilbert(1884-1961)was a man of many ideas and talents.As a small boy,he kept trying new things.At age 12,he started a sports club for his friends and got their school to have a field day with active games and prizes.As he grew and practiced,Gilbert became skilled at pole vaulting(撑杆跳高),pull-ups,the long jump and football.
Gilbert broke the world record for pull-ups in 1900and the distance record for running long dive in 1902.And he won a gold medal in the pole vault at the Olympic Games in 1908.By that time,he had nearly finished medical studies.Choosing not to make medicine his career,Gilbert co-founded Mysto Manufacturing,a manufacturer of magic sets,in 1907.Gilbert had amused his friends and earned college money by doing magic tricks,so he knew what was needed.One day,Gilbert saw workers using steel girders(钢梁) to build towers for power lines.That gave him the idea for the Erector Set,a popular construction toy.
In 1917,the Council of National Defense thought no toys should be produced for Christmas because the country was fighting in World War I.Gilbert and other men from the Toy Manufacturers of America went to Washington,with about 40different toys.They had 15minutes to speak.This meeting was at the end of a long,hard day.Gilbert told the government men at the meeting how toys helped children learn.His helpers brought out the toys.Soon,the tired government men were on the floor,playing with building sets,models of navy ships,and other toys.The time limit was forgotten; so was the Christmas toy ban(禁令).
Gilbert spent the rest of his life improving erector sets.His company made and sold the sets,plus chemistry and other science sets and toy trains.He made items for homes,businesses,and the army.When he died in 1961,he had 150patents (专利)for his many inventions.But his main joy was in helping children learn and have fun at the same time.
24.What's the right order of the events about Gilbert?C
a.He argued against a ban on toy production.
b.He broke the world record for pull-ups.
c.He set up a manufacturer of magic sets.
d.He started a sports club for his friends.
e.He won a gold medal in the pole vault.
25.The story mentioned in paragraph 3shows thatA.
A.Gilbert's toys interested not only children but adults
B.toys could help children learn about World War I
C.toys were a danger to the Council of National Defense
D.Christmas toys were not popular during wartime
26.According to the text,Gilbert was known asB.
A.a teacher,boy-maker and businessman
B.an athlete,inventor and businessman
C.an athlete,writer and businessman
D.a magician,writer and toy-maker
27.What would be the best title for the text?D
A.An easy way into the sporting circle.
B.The man who saved Christmas.
C.Influenced of toys on children
D.The amazing Mr.Gilbert.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.You can't imagine ______when they received these nice Christmas presents.(  )
A.how they were excitedB.they were how excited
C.how excited were theyD.how excited they were


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.It's well established that people with low economic status are the hardest hit by the current obesity pandemic (肥胖症),as well as related health problems such as diabetes.Poor healthcare,stress,unhealthy lifestyles,and a lot of cheap junk food are all thought to play a role.But a new study suggests there's a subconscious (潜意识)component,too.
When researchers merely led study volunteers to consider themselves low-class,they were more likely to prefer,choose,and eat larger amounts of food,as well as higher-calorie foods.The findings,published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,reflect what's been seen in a variety of animals.Thus,the authors assume that the mental problem may be an evolutionary holdover (遗贸物)intended to improve survival by compensating for a lack of social and material resources.More important for humans,the findings suggest that we may no!be able to deal with obesity by just improving access to healthier foods and promoting exercise.
For the study,psychology researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore drafted nearly 500healthy participants for two experiments.In the first,the team had 101participants complete a task in which they were shown a ladder with ten steps and told to select which step they were on relative to either a wealthy,well-educated,powerful person or a poor,uneducated,unimportant person.Next,the participants got to pick foods from an imagined buffet.Taking into account things like each participant's normal eating pattern,hunger,and gender,the researchers found that those who ranked their social status lower chose more food and more high-calorie foods than those that ranked themselves as having a higher social status.
In the other experiment,researchers gave 167 participants the same socioeconomic ranking task,then asked them to match high calorie foods (pizza,hamburgers,fried chicken) and low calories foods (vegetables and fruits) with either pleasant or unpleasant descriptors,such as tasty or nasty.Again,those who landed lower on the ladder had a tendency to prefer the high-calorie
"These findings suggest that the thought of low social standing may be critically linked to obesity risk via increased intake of calories,"the authors conclude.As such,the subjective experience of low social standing may be another barrier to improving health.

62.What does the author want to reveal in the first paragraph?C
A.More and more people tend to suffer from diabetes.
B.Unhealthy lifestyles contribute to obesity pandemic.
C.Subconscious plays a part in causing obesity pandemic.
D.low-class people are less likely to be affected by diabetes.
63.What is the possible link between low-class people and animals?A
A.Consumption of larger amounts of food results from desire for survival.
B.Low-class people and animals are easily affected by mental disabilities.
C.Creatures consuming higher-calorie foods consider themselves low-class.
D.humans and animals have both consumed much food during evolution.
64.How can humans deal with obesity completely according to the findings?D
A.By carrying out the two experiments.
B.By adopting comprehensive approaches.
C.By accessing large amounts of healthy foods.
C.By getting involved in lots of physical exercise.
65.The passage mainly intends to inform us thatB.
A.findings remain to be proved
B.obesity pandemic represents risks
C.low social standing ruins dignity
D.positive thoughts help stay in shape.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Mom wanted only one thing for her birthday."Can you find me another copy of this song?"she asked,and handed me a worn-out cassette tape.I knew exactly what was recorded on it:My Redeemer(救世主).I heard the song played at least a thousand times while growing up.After so many years,the cassette tape was too worn out to be used.I promised her I would find a replacement.My Redeemer became Mom's favorite song after my younger brother Tim was killed by a drunk driver in 1973.The only thing that helped her calm down was the soulful sound of My Redeemer from the local radio station.
We recorded it on a cassette tape so she could listen to it any time she wanted but none of us knew who the soloist (独唱者) was.These days,I thought the song would be easy to find out.I went home and searched the Internet.Several songs with that title popped up,but none of them was the one Mom loved.I got frustrated.
Mom's birthday drew near and then one day,I was driving home,listening to our local radio station.A familiar tune came on.It was My Redeemer!As soon as I could,I phoned the station.I got a line on the soloist,who was called Alan Parks.I typed his name into Google and found his home number in South Carolina.Minutes later,I was telling him how much his recording meant to Mom.He offered to ship two CDs out to me personally.I gave his my adders.
"Red Lion,Pennsylvania?"he said."Do you know the Logans?""They are our neighbors!""I've been friends with them for 25 years,"Alan said."They'll be at my concert at York Gospel Chapel on April 17th.Would you and your mom come too?"We sure would.Mom was excited to hear Alan sing My Redeemer to her,live in concert-on the evening of her 87th birthday.

24.Why was the song My Redeemer so important to the author's mother?A
A.it could comfort her sad and painful mood.
B.It reminded her of the love from her husband.
C.It was given to her by a very important friend.
D.it was the only thing that the author's brought friend.
25.What can we learn about Alan parks from this passage?B
A.He lived in Red Lion,Pennsylvania.
B.He is a kind and warm-hearted musician.
C.He offered to give the author two cassette tapes.
D.He would sing for the author's mom on the radio station.
26.Which of the following is most surprising?C
A.Alan Parks and the author lived in the same neighborhood.
B.Alan Parks happened to get to know the author's mother.
C.The author's mother went to the concert on her birthday.
D.The author's mother became good friends with Alan Parks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Alex and Donna Voutsinas are like many couples; they met at work,fell in love and were preparing for the coming (56)marriage (marry).Days before their wedding,the couple was looking at old family (57)photos (photo) when Donna came across a picture of herself as a child (58)on vacation at Disney and showed it to her boyfriend.
But Alex was more interested in the man (59)walking (walk) in the background behind Donna?s smiling family and the character Mr.Smee from Disney?s?Peter Pan.?Alex recognized the man in the background because it was his father,(60)who was pushing a stroller (婴儿车) during their own family trip to Disney.
Decades before they met as adults,the couple (61)had crossed (cross) paths at Disney as kids.
"Just (62)to be (be) in the same picture with my wife when we were (63)basically (basic) babies,it's unbelievable,"Alex Voutsinas said.The chance meeting is more unbelievable because the two families lived countries apart.(64)When the photo was taken,Donna?s family was living in Florida and Alex?s family called Montreal home.I was glad he asked me to marry him before the picture,?Donna said,?because I know that its because he loves me and (65)not because he thought it was meant to be,it was fate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The door was open,from ________ he could see everything outside.(  )
A.whichB.after whichC.behind itD.where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.When he was driving home,he was stopped by the policeman and was _______ of speeding.(  )

