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It seems that the Englishman just cannot live without sports of some kinds. A famous French humorist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives. Wherever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men always remains boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?
Taking all amateur﹙业余的﹚ and professional﹙职业的﹚sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list. It is called soccer in the US. The game started in Britain and was played in the Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an organized game, or association football, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.
The next is rugby, which is called football in the US. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players rather than eleven. In rugby, an oval-shaped﹙椭圆形的﹚ball is used which can be held by hand as well as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.
In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, it has sometimes been called the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.
Tennis rates high on the list, too. It was introduced into England from France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to almost every country in the world.
Table tennis, or ping-pong, surely is not played as much as it is in China and Japan. Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity. Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of people.
小题1:What’s the main purpose of Paragraph 1? ﹙no more than 11 words﹚
小题2:What are the differences between football and rugby from the passage? ﹙no more than 10 words﹚
小题3:According to the passage, which games were never played in Britain until the late 19th century? ﹙no more than 3 words﹚
小题4:What is the best title for this passage in your opinion? ﹙no more than 4 words﹚

小题1:To tell the readers that the English/British are all sports lovers.
小题2:They differ in shape and the number of players.
小题3:Basketball and volleyball.
小题4:Sports in Britain

小题1:通过第一段的Wherever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men always remains boys and women girls可推断出
小题2:根据第三段The next is rugby, which is called football in the US. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players rather than eleven. In rugby, an oval-shaped﹙椭圆形的﹚ball is used which can be held by hand as well as kicked可知,球的形状和球员的数量不同
小题3:根据最后一段Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity可知

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1] Do you ever wish you were as thin as a model or as strong as your favorite football player? Maybe you wish you were taller or just shaped(塑形) a little differently. Those thoughts are a natural part of growing up. How can you feel better about your body?
[2] Firstly, learning what you can and can’t change about your body is part of growing up .It can be hard to accept. But when people accept the way they look, they often feel happier.
[3] Eating healthy foods can make people feel better about their bodies. Why?­­ Because ________will make you full of energy and keep your body working just the way it should.
[4]Watching TV and playing computer games can be fun, but it doesn’t do much for your body because your body stays still(静止的). Those are called sedentary(需要久坐的)activities because you sit while you do them.
[5] But when you move your body—by playing, dancing, taking part in sports, or even cleaning your room – you exercise your muscles(肌肉).When you exercise a muscle, it gets stronger and stronger. And when you have strong muscles, you can do whatever you want to do.
[6] People feel better about their bodies when their bodies can do whatever they want them to do. So climb a hill, jump rope, ride a bike, swim in a pool ,run up the stairs, or even do the hula – and enjoy all your body can do!
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
小题3:Fill in the blank in paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)
小题4:Why do watching TV and playing computer games aren’t good for us according to paragraph4? (no more than 15 words)
小题5:What will your muscles be after you exercise them? (no more than 10 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bicycle rental companies in Beijing are going broke, because nobody wants to hire their services. Major rental operators have invested about 100 million yuan($14.7 million) in almost 20,000 bicycles but are now struggling to survive.
A spokesman from the Bird of Freedom Bicycle Rental said the company has already sold most of the 400 bicycles. “This is a difficult business, especially when it is cold. The cold weather almost killed the business,” he said.
Bigger rental companies are also facing challenges. Beijing Bicycle Rental Co Ltd, which owns 8,000 bicycles, has invested more than 30 million yuan over the past year. Wang Yong, chairman of the group, said his company had not made a profit since it began in 2005.
Almost all bicycle rental companies in Beijing require deposits of 300 to 400 yuan and then customers need to pay 10 yuan or more per hour. “I don’t want to pay 400 yuan to rent a bike. It’s too dear,” said Zhang Yu, a student in Communication University of China, who does not own a bike and often takes motorized rickshaws. “If renting for one day will cost 20 yuan and I rent a bike for five days, I can use the money to buy a new one."
Although facing economic ruin, some enterprises are still hoping that conditions will improve.
BikeMedia, one of the biggest bicycle rental companies in China, also invested tens of millions yuan in Beijing and has more than 10,000 bicycles. Li Weiwei, general manager of BikeMedia Beijing, said his company has a policy of no deposit and no payment. He said the company tried to put advertisements on the bicycles and in this way, they could make profits. But they had not made a profit yet because of its small scale. However, customers must pay 20 yuan per card and also show proof of good personal credit.
In early July, the Beijing municipal government announced plans to develop a 50,000-bicycle rental operation across the city. “The bigger network we have, the more citizens will rent bikes,” Li said. “This will make rental easier to citizens and we strongly need help from the government.”
小题1:In which season is the bicycle rental business the most difficult in Beijing? (no more than 2 words)
小题2:List the reasons why Zhang Yu is not willing to rent a bike. (no more than 7 words)
小题3:How can bike Media possibly make a profit according to Li Weiwei? (no more than 6 words)
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage ?(no more than 10 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

[1]All people have dreams and they obey the rule that if you can dream it, you can achieve it! Here are four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.
[2]The first goal common to all of us in health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness. Today, with the incredible advances in medical science, the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan, is largely determined by design, not by chance. People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have more energy, and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits. Remember that health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing!
[3]The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships – intimate, personal or social – with the people we like and respect, and who                         is turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area, of your life. How well you get along with people, and how much they     , have more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.
The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid more and promoted (晋升) faster. You want to earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career, whatever you do.
The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence. You want to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have any financial worries. You want to be completely free of them. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listing to determine what you want to eat.
小题1:What does this passage chiefly talk about? (no more than 12 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题3:Complete the following sentence with proper words according to the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4? (no more than 6 words)
Everybody wants to make                         no matter what job he is engaged in.
小题4:Why does the author put health ahead of other goals? (no more than 20 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word “them” in the last paragraph probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)                                                      


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Their round bodies, round flat noses and large ears often remind us of bears every time we see koalas. Probably that’s why these animals are often referred to as koala bears. Koalas are natives of Australia. However, they aren’t found all over the continent. The habitat of koala bears  is eastern regions of Australia and South Australia.
Koalas are found where there are enough forests of eucalyptus(桉树) trees. The association of koalas and eucalyptus trees is due to the fact that these animals feed on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. But that’s not all. In addition, the trees also serve as the homes of the koalas.
Koalas grow around 27 to 36 inches tall and weigh 5 to 9 kilograms on average. Male kaolas are larger than the females. Life can stretch up to 17 years.
Like many other animals, the habitat of koala bears is fast decreasing due to deforestation and quick urbanization(都市化). However, efforts by some scientists and animal lovers have successfully introduced these creatures back in certain parts of Australia.
小题1:What do Koalas look like ?      (回答词数不超过3个)
小题2:Where is the main habitat of koala bears in the world?     (回答词数不超过8个)
小题3:What do eucalyptus trees provide koalas with ?        (回答词数不超过3个)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse        nts should the need arise-as it almostpected, and is prepared to   tion, something comes along to gases we give out in our daily actions and choices.Therefore,combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.
The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually.That's enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.
Surprised? Well,.here's how you can work to reduce it:
1.Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes.This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed.
2.Don't purchase unnecessary clothes,and be careful about the materials you buy.Wool and cotton have a really high greenhouse gas impact.Manmade fibers are a better choice.
3.Try to buy high-quality,long-lasting products even though they    .A laptop is more efficient than a desktop,and a small screen TV is better than a big flat-screen.
4.Only turn the water heater on when necessary,and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating.Put a lid on a pan when boiling water.
5.When using the washing machine,be sure there's a full load and turn the temperature down if it's not really dirty.
6.The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge.Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from the oven or heater.Don't put food in when it's still warm.
7.Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers,get creative.For instance,make them into a soup.Ask to take food home from restaurants if there's some left,but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.
小题1:How does the author introduce the topic of the text?(no more than 5 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
小题3:Why do we keep the fridge out of direct sunlight?(no more than 5 words)
小题4:What does the author say about leftovers?(no more than 14 words)
小题5:What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 6 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a not-so-fun first job from working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.
Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I could that summer. The restaurant called me right away and I thought to myself, this is going to be easy. Within four hours of my first shift (.轮班), I had angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere, and I heard the words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear: "Mike, there's a problem in the men's bathroom and you might want gloves for this one." I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and, particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.
Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations. I love my co-workers there and all the customers know who I am. Every morning the same senior citizens come in and get their morning coffees. They chat with us workers and joke around. Our smiles have just as much to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.
From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life.
小题1:Why did the author apply everywhere that summer? 
(No more than 12 words)     (2 marks)
小题2:What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do?
(No more than 14 words)     (3 marks)
小题3:Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations?
(No more than 13 words)      (2 marks)
小题4:What did the author learn from his first job?
(No mom dm II words)            (3 marks)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Some people seem to have a skill for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be more clever than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners, we may discover a few of the techniques which make language learning easier for them.
First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and rules by themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues(线索) and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.
Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try their best to communicate with others.
They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.
Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn in it.
Learning Techniques
小题1:_______ learning
<> Discover their own way.
<> Find patterns and rules on their own.
<> Form their own 小题2:_______.
<> Depend on the book or teacher.
<> Wait for the teacher’s 小题3:______.
Active learning
<> Make 小题4:     of every chance to practice the language.
<> Try to communicate with people 小题5: ________ the Language.
<> Wait for chances.
<> Make mistakes and try again.
<> Accept information that is not exact or 小题6:_______.
<> 小题7:      in the language.
<> Be afraid of repeating what they hear.
<> Only know the meaning of every word.
Learning with a 小题8:______
<> Have a strong 小题9:_______ in the language.
<> Be willing to communicate.
<> Practice the language 小题10: .
<> Be not interested in it.
<> Rarely practice the language.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how.
Plan your time carefully.
When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After    , you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all the problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.
Find a good place to study.
Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios or TV! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.
Make good use of your time in class.
Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking class notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
Study regularly.
When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher has mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read the material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.
Develop a good attitude towards the tests.
The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you to remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly worried.
There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
Never let tests trouble you in your study.
小题3:Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)
小题4:Which suggestion do you think is the best for you ? Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.

