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根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Pearls of wisdom in Proverbs

Out of sight, out of mind. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 1. . Each of the phrases mentioned above teachers a common truth. But what exactly is a proverb? It’s a short statement that contains a general truth. It is popularly known and often repeated.

Every culture has proverbs. 2. . For example, many cultures value old people for their wisdom and experience. This idea can be found in proverbs. A Chinese proverb says, “An old horse will never get lost.” And a Portuguese proverb states, “An old pan is the one that makes good food.” 3. . The English say, “Good and quickly seldom meet.” The Chinese say, “Think three times before you act.” A Russian proverb exclaims, “Take your thoughts to bed with you, for the morning is wiser.”

There is a saying: To truly know a people, learn their proverbs. Proverbs contain a culture’s values and morals. 4. . People in Saudi Arabia value books and learning. One of their proverbs says, “A book is a garden carried in the pocket.” The French say. “There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.” So that culture thinks that being honest is important. Egyptians know that value of friendship. One of their proverbs says, “Friendship doubles joy and halves grief.”

In Africa, many proverbs also use images familiar to Africans. For example, “The best way to cat an elephant in your path is cut him up into little pieces.” 5. . Or “A roaring lion kills no game.” This means that one cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it. One must get out and strive for it.

Learning proverbs in another language is fun. You can make a good impression with your language ability. But remember, proverbs are usually used in spoken language. They are rarely used in writing. If you use a lot of proverbs when you write, people will think you don’t have original thoughts

A. What is your favorite proverb?

B. Have your heard any of these proverbs before?

C. Many culture also agree that acting in a hurry is not a good idea.

D. And while some are special for one culture, there are common themes.

E. In other words, the best way to solve a problem is to work on it bit by bit.

F. There are also proverbs such as “get your ducks in a row.”

G. So you can learn what is valued in different cultures through their proverbs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东惠阳高级中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The passage is about a letter written by Li Qiang who is taking up the prize that ___1.___ won last year. At first he was nervous and ____2.___ (certain) about the journey. However, with Wang Ping’s guiding, Li Qiang __3.____(transport) into the future safely. Hit by a lack of fresh air, his head ached and he tried to make the necessary ___4.___ (adjust) to this new situation. Soon he was back ____5.___ his feet again ___6.__ flew after Wang Ping in a hovering carriage ___7.____ (drive) by computer. Arriving at Wang Ping’s house, Li Qiang was shown into __8.___ large room with a green wall made of trees, ___9.___ leaves provided the room with oxygen. ___10.___ (exhaust), Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃兰州第一中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I sat in the chair reflecting on the past year. At that time, my Charley came into the room. Charley took one look at my face and she could I was off in another world. Charley said, “You have that on your face! Tell me what you were ”. “Well, Charley,” I replied, “I was listening to a song on the radio that asked you have done over the last year. When I on the year, I’ve realized I have had such good fortune, with a few bumps (碰撞) along the way.”

Charley immediately asked, “Tell me about the three things that you the most during this year.”

I sat thinking if I had to only three things that influenced me, what would they be? After a few minutes, I said, “OK, here are the three things that influenced me the most: My family. Throughout the year I had many , but my family were always there support and encouragement. My friends. Over the years I have my dreams and my goals with my friends. Some goals I have and other goals I have not. friends like you always supported and me. My colleagues. I have worked with some people over the last year. I have been very to have the opportunity to work with these excellent people over the last year.”

Charley smiled and said, “Do you realize that everything you have said has one thing in ?”

“What are you saying, Charley?” I asked.

She replied, “Neither the material things in your life, nor your job has had the most meaning in your life. It is the people in your life that have made the biggest in your life!”

I smiled. Material things are not , and while our jobs provide the means of existence for us, the important things in life are the people who touched our lives.

1.A. sister B. classmate C. mother D. friend

2.A.argue B. suggest C. tell D. wonder

3.A. look B. appearance C. mark D. mask

4.A. doing B. thinking C. listening D. annoying

5.A. where B. that C. what D. why

6.A. call B. talk C. insist D. reflect

7.A. influenced B. demanded C. entertained D. motivated

8.A. write B. pick C. get D. own

9.A. plans B. experiences C. challenges D. achievements

10.A. receiving B. expecting C. winning D. offering

11.A. shared B. provided C. connected D. compared

12.A. set B. realized C. failed D. scored

13.A. But B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D. Unless

14.A. accepted B. satisfied C. replaced D. encouraged

15.A. stupid B. brave C. amazing D. ordinary

16.A. fortunate B. miserable C. unhappy D. surprised

17.A. character B. store C. common D. nature

18.A. effort B. spirit C. motivation D. people

19.A. choice B. difference C. problem D. progress

20.A. useful B. important C. practical D. unnecessary


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖南省长沙市高三第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some people ________ not have plans yet for New Year’s Eve, but others know exactly what they will be doing.

A. can B. must C. need D. may


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市东城区普通校高三11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____in the sports world,a sportsman needs to train constantly to keep himself in best condition.

A.Survive B.Surviving

C.To survive D.Survived


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆万州第二高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错









When I was 12 years old, I went for my father to his workplace—a car showroom. I was wandering around when I see a poor woman with a child on her lap sit outside the showroom. When I saw that she was crying, I went outside and told my father. He went out, offered her some water and then asked her how was wrong. The woman said that her husband had been died some months before and that she didn’t have anyone else in her family could help her. Her children had been sick for the past three days so she was unable to go to work. Now she didn’t have a grain of food to eat. My father and I were deep shocked by her story. Then he took them to a nearest hospital for her child to be treated.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江瑞安市高三上学期第一次四校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Letterboxes are much more in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.

A.common B.normal C.ordinary D.usual


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京海淀区高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

__________ ups and downs in the past four years,Bob finally succeeded in extending his business overseas.

A.Experienced B.To experience

C.Having experienced D.Experiencing


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省高三第六次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn’t like attention drawn to myself.And otherwise assigned a seat by the teacher, I always to sit at the back of the classroom.

All this after I joined a sports team.It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team.At first I thought it was a crazy because I didn’t have a good sense of balance, nor did I have the to keep pace with the others on the team and they would tease me.But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “ for it”, I wouldn’t have decided to give it a try.

Getting up the courage to go to the tryouts was only the of it! When I first started the practice sessions, I didn’t even know the rules of the game, much what I was doing.Sometimes I’d get and take a shot at the wrong direction—which made me feel really stupid. , I wasn’t the only one “new” at the game, so I decided to on learning the game, do my best at each practice session, and not to be too hard on myself for the things I didn’t “just yet”.

I practiced and practiced.Soon I knew the and the “moves”.Being part of a team was fun and motivating.Very soon the competitiv in me was winning over my lack of confidence.With time, I learned how to play and made friends in the friends who respected my efforts to work hard and be a team player.I never had so much fun!

With my self confidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates.I have gone from “ “in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself, raising my hand—even when I sometimes wasn’t 100 percent I had the right answer.Now I have more self confidence in myself.

1. A.as B.until C.unless D.though

2. A.hoped B.agreed C.meant D.chose

3. A.continued B.changed C.settled D.started

4. A.idea B.plan C.belief D.saying

5. A.right B.chance C.ability D.patience

6. A.going B.looking C.cheering D.applying

7. A.point B.half C.rest D.basis

8. A.enjoying B.preparing C.attending D.watching

9. A.less B.later C.worse D.further

10. A.committed B.motivated C.embarrassed D.confused

11.A.Interestingly B.Fortunately C.Obviously D.Hopefully

12. A.focus B.act C.rely D.try

13. A.want B.do C.support D.know

14. A.steps B.orders C.rules D.games

15. A.role B.part C.mind D.value

16. A.process B.operation C.movement D.situation

17. A.expressed B.improved C.preserved D.recognized

18. A.dreaming B.playing C.relaxing D.hiding

19. A.by B.for C.with D.to

20. A.lucky B.happy C.sure D.satisfied

