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After a year at sea, 16-year-old Laura Dekker can finally say, “Mission accomplished!” Last month, she finished a daring trip around the world aboard her 38-foot boat, Guppy. Dekker, who is from the Netherlands, traveled more than 30,000 miles all by herself. She is the youngest person ever to sail around the globe alone.

Dekker had wanted to lake on this challenge when she was even younger. She first tried to set sail at the age of 13, but a court in the Netherlands stopped her. They said that she was too young to make such a risky trip by herself. But Dekker insisted she had the navigation skills and patience of an adult sailor.

She finally took off on January 20, 2011. During her trip, Dekker battled loneliness, storms, and worries about pirates. But she also got to surf, scuba dive, and started a new hobby: playing the flute. Although Dekker didn’t spend all of her time at sea—she stopped at ports along the way—she did spend her 16lh birthday on the open ocean. To celebrate, she ale doughnuts for breakfast.

But Dekker didn’t sail into the record books. Guinness World Records and the World Sailing Speed Record Council no longer recognize records for “youngest” sailors. They dropped the category in 2009 to discourage children from attempting such dangerous feats (壮举) But that didn’t stop Dekker,who was born on a yacht during a seven-year world voyage undertaken by her parents.

Dekker doesn’t mind that she won’t hold an official record. She says it was a personal goal, and she is happy she achieved it.

“I am not disappointed at all that Guinness World Record won’t recognize my attempt.” Dekker wrote on her website. “I did not start on my trip to achieve any record…I did it just for myself.”

1.Dekker wasn’t allowed to sail at the age of 13 because .

A. people were concerned about her safety

B. she didn’t learn any sailing skills well

C. she had to continue her study at school

D. she didn’t have enough patience for long trips

2.What does the underlined word “accomplished” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Failed. B. Completed.

C. Continued. D. Started.

3.In 2009 records for youngest sailors were canceled in order to .

A. set a higher sailing standard for teen sailors

B. stop children entering Guinness World Records

C. encourage parents to sail with their children

D. prevent children making dangerous attempts

4.What could be the best title for this passage?

A. A New Guinness World Record in Sailing

B. A New Sailing Standard for Teen Sailors

C. A Teen Girl Sailing Alone Around the World

D. The Youngest Sailor in Guinness World Records


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高一下学期第三次(5月)月考英语试卷 题型:七选五

How to Be an Effective Member of a Team

Working in a team can be rewarding, but at times it can be difficult. To create a successful team, effective communication methods are necessary. Here we’ve outlined some ways to avoid some common team mistakes as well as some helpful advice.


1. Letting bad feelings brew(酝酿)will only make you feel bad and want to isolate yourself from the group. Not only does it feel good to get the bad feelings out, but it will be better for the team in the long run.


People in your group will lose respect for you if you’re constantly blaming others for not meeting deadlines. Group members understand if you have a heavy workload and aren’t able to meet a deadline. Saying something like, “I’m really sorry, but I’ll get it to you by the end of today.” will earn you a lot more respect than trying to make it seem like it’s everyone else’s fault that you missed your deadline.

Support group member’s ideas

If a teammate suggests something, always consider it! 3. And this makes you a good team member. After all, nobody likes a know-it-all.

Listen Actively

Look at the person who’s speaking to you, nod, ask questions and acknowledge what’s said by paraphrasing points that have been made. If you’re unclear about something that’s been said, ask for more information to clear up any confusion before moving on. Effective communication is a vital part of any team. 4..

Get Involved

Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. Take the time to help your fellow teammates. You can guarantee there will be a time in the future when you’ll need some help or advice. 5..

A. Don’t Blame Others

B. Avoid showing off

C. Thus, the value of good listening skills shouldn’t be ignored.

D. Have faith that people will recognize when good work is being done.

E. If you have a problem with someone in your group, talk to him about it

F. And if you’ve helped them in the past, they’ll be more than happy to lend a helping hand.

G. Considering the group’s ideas shows you’re interested in other people’s ideas, not just your own.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省兴义市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达












科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省荆门市2016-2017学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷 题型:完形填空

As I sat there one night in Namibia, staring out at one of the most perfect sunsets I’d seen in a while, I realized why I never wanted to visit Africa alone. Sometimes the _____ of travel is not so beautiful when you don’t have someone to _____ it with. And there I was, staring out at this gorgeous _____ , and I was alone. I had no one to share that moment.

Sure, there was my tour group, but it’s not the same. Sharing a moment with people you have a bond with is much _____ from sharing it with strangers. Days later, I kept coming back to the _____ I felt at that moment. There was nothing wrong______ anyone on my tour-----they were all nice, polite, and talkative, and we got along well. But tours are _____ organized, and sometimes you closely _____ with people and sometimes you don’t. Dining alone may well be one most awkward times of solo travel. But like anything, the more you do it the more you get used to it.

And as I sat there looking at this beautiful sunset while zebra _____ from the nearby watering hole, a   ___ hit me at the moment-----I am alone .And I am _____ it. While I’m an introvert(内向的人)and I like my “me” time, after 6.5 years, solo travel isn’t for me any longer. I no longer _____ to wander cities or gaze upon African sunsets alone. I want to _____ with people I know. I want_____ faces. I want to share moments. I make plenty of _____ on the road, but I’m tired of having to ______ in each new city.

I think everyone should travel alone at some point in their life; you _____ a lot about yourself by doing so. I never ____the solo travel I’ve done in the past and never felt alone or bored during those years, but Africa made it ______ that it’s time to move on to a new _____ of my life. I couldn’t hold onto the past any longer.

1.A. route B. beauty C. destination D. plan

2.A. share B. compare C. award D. admire

3.A. grassland B. sky C. desert D. sunset

4.A. different B. helpful C. unusual D. admirable

5.A. doubt B. sadness C. wonder D. comfort

6.A. for B. in C. with D. on

7.A. expensively B. commonly C. meaningfully D. casually

8.A. play B. compete C. bond D. fight

9.A. drank B. lay C. bent D. ate

10.A. stone B. truth C. stick D. ball

11.A. fond of B. proud of C. afraid of D. tired of

12.A. desire B. fail C. dare D. refuse

13.A. communicate B. work C. travel D. deal

14.A. round B. familiar C. healthy D. similar

15.A. friends B. mistakes C. decisions D. plans

16.A. take over B. look over C. turn over D. start over

17.A. learn B. worry C. care D. concern

18.A. recall B. dream C. regret D. experience

19.A. clear B. valuable C. impressive D. basic

20.A. situation B. discovery C. challenge D. chapter


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省九江市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Have you ever had a headache during a test? Have you ever been too worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night? If so, then you know that stress is.

Not all stress is bad for you. Some kinds of stress can help you get things do better, like when you are running towards the finishing line or when you are being asked to give a speech to your class. Stress sometimes can help push you to make full preparation for a test. However, too much stress can result in anger, depression and other related problems, which we need to take serious.

There are many things in our life what might cause stress ------ having too much homework, taking a difficult test, and having economic problems.

It’s impossible to live in a life completely free of stress, so you should learn to deal with stress. The best way reduce stress is to have a balance life. If you get enough sleep, eat properly, take more exercise and have enough fun time, you’ll probably feel less stressed.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省濮阳市2016-2017学年高一下学期(期末)升级考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Academy Award nominees(提名者)____go home empty-handed may not have a shiny Oscar to show off,but they may tum out to be the bigger____in the game of life.According to a study____in British Medical Journal, Oscar-winning screenwriters are more____,more productive,and more respected than____nominees;____,they die sooner by about four years.

"Because success is usually linked to better heath,this is the first____ever that success is not associated with ____longevity(寿命),"says Donald Redelmeier,lead author of the study.Researchers tracked down(追踪)information about every person who was ever____for an Oscar since the awards were first handed out 73 years ago.

To____the puzzling findings,he offer two theories.The first is the "work-to-death hypothesis(假说、理论)". ____Redelmeier,screenwriters are more apt to____unhealthy lifestyles,meaning they smoke____,exercise less,and ____a lot of late-night hours,which translates into not____sleep.

Screenwriters don't have a boss to report to,____brings into account Redelmeier's second____,the "party-hearty hypothesis." "When you become a successful screenwriters,you____status without daily accountability,and as a____ your success may lead you more alcohol,more____,and more obesity",he says.

1.A. that B. when C. where D. who

2.A. winners B. losers C. writers D. innovators

3.A. brought B. taken C. published D. drawn

4.A. possible B. successful C. useful D. helpful

5.A. losing B. succeeding C. getting D. gaining

6.A. however B. therefore C. but D. so

7.A. job B. music C. dance D. song

8.A. talented B. improved C. excited D. satisfied

9.A. announced B. nominated C. declared D. informed

10.A. explain B. tell C. speak D. say

11.A. According to B. Due to C. Owing to D. Thanks to

12.A. make B. lead C. earn D. take

13.A. much B. many C. more D. most

14.A. work B. spend C. cost D. settle

15.A. enough B. little C. few D. small

16.A. what B. when C. which D. that

17.A. argument B. explanation C. settlement D. suggestion

18.A. gain B. win C. defeat D. beat

19.A. start B. result C. place D. matter

20.A. actions B. steps C. measures D. parties


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省滁州市九校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







I was reading an article in a book while I came across a word I didn’t know. “Dad, what is the meaning of the word?” My dad, as he usual did after work, was watching his most favorite show. “You have the dictionary, don’t you?” he shot back. He didn’t even look up my face. I went back my room, and there on my study table is that dictionary. I looked it up and found it’s exact meaning. Ten year have passed and I still use that dictionary, along with the lesson I received earlier in life from my old man: to be independent.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省武威市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末练习英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假如你是李华。你的美国笔友 即将随其父母来中国,并中国度过中秋节。他来信向你询问 有关中秋节的习俗,请你告诉他有关中秋节的习俗。

要点如下: 1 历史悠久。2 中国人独有的传统节日。 3 家庭团圆。4 共进晚餐。 5 吃月饼。 6 赏月。

要求: 1 词数100 左右。 2 可适当添加细节。 3 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

I am glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.










Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省铜陵市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

My community and suite are still recovering from the disaster that struck recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds struck late on a Friday evening knocking down trees, blocking roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines.

Hundreds of people suddenly found themselves in the dark without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, the Internet, and television. They found themselves cut off from the modem world enduring uncomfortable heat.

The most amazing thing happened, however, as the reality of the crisis sank in: it brought out the best in us. While there were a few acts of selfishness and stealing they were covered by the wave of love that came from the hearts of so many.

People shared their food, ice, and gas. People who still had power opened their homes to those who had none. People rushed out to clear roads and homes. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and restore electricity. People gathered to talk, share hugs and offer words of hope and faith that God would see them through it all. Strangers came together as one family to help each other in this time of great need.

It was such a joy seeing all these people acting like true Children of God under the most trying circumstances. Life's disasters often strike all of us. No one is spared. We all get hurt and challenged. How we respond to them, though, is up to us. We can let them bring out the worst or the best in us. We can react to them like demons of selfishness or like angels of love.

May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may throw at you then May you live all of your days here with so much love that Heaven sings and God smiles.

1.How were the community and state affected by the storm?

A. Power lines were restored. B. People were blocking the roads.

C. Electricity supply was cut off. D. The unbearable heat killed people.

2.Why did the reality bring out the best in people?

A. Because there were no acts of selfishness and stealing.

B. Because people were busy repairing the damaged roads.

C. Because Children of God got all of people together here.

D. Because people are only too ready to help others selflessly.

3.What docs “trying” in paragraph 5 mean?

A. easy. B. difficult.

C. convenient. D. comfortable.

4.What suggestion does the writer give when it comes lo difficulties?

A. Throw your heart to life.

B. Leave your soul to demons.

C. Face difficulties with love.

D. Choose whatever you like.

