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“Homestay is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local(当地的) family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability,” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won’t be disappointed.”
After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.
As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family(寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.
The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.
The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.
【小题1】In the “homestay” program, a visitor can _____.

A.learn more about holidays B.understand his culture better
C.improve the language ability D.take part in foreign meetings
【小题2】The writer had wanted to visit London since _______.
A.last month B.a long time ago
C.the special meeting D.her stay abroad
【小题3】The writer’s host family ______.
A.was very kind to her B.went sight-seeing with her
C.had two white daughters D.was interested in her activities
【小题4】From the passage, we know that the writer ______ in London.
A.wished to stay a little longer
B.had a wonderful time
C.had classes in many interesting places
D.helped the teacher take the students in a car


【小题1】细节理解题。根据文章第一段的It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability.判断选C。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文章第二段的and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.判断选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. 判断选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed much occupied with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.
During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.
One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. As I was looking at him, he suddenly turned, and asked me, “Do you think I’m handsome, Miss Eyre?”
The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it “No, sir.”
“Ah, you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.”
“Sir, I’m sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn’t matter, or something like that.”
“No, you shouldn’t! I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab(刺)me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.”
I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly, “Yes, you’re right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one, and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man, take my word for it, but I have done wrong. It wasn’t my character, but circumstances that were at fault. Why do I tell you all this? Because you’re the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you’re sympathetic and give them hope.”
“Don’t be afraid of me, Miss Eyre.” He continued. “You don’t relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me, and laugh, and speak freely. You’re like a bird in cage. When you get out of the cage, you’ll fly very high. Good night.”
【小题1】Which of the following cannot describe Miss Eyre’s first impression of Mr. Rochester?

【小题2】Why did Mr. Rochester say “…and then you stab me in the back!”?
A.Because Jane had intended to kill him with a knife.
B.Because Jane had said something else to correct herself.
C.Because Jane had regretted having a talk with him.
D.Because Jane had intended to be more critical.
【小题3】From what Mr. Rochester said to Miss Eyre, we conclude that he wanted to_____.
A.tell her all his troublesB.change his circumstances
C.change her opinion of himD.tell her his life experience
【小题4】At the end of the passage, Mr. Rochester sounded______________.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We know the westerners like to plan for their time carefully in order to do all the things that are important to them. So if your American or English friend asks you to dinner, he usually invites you a week ahead. But if you really have no time and can't go to the dinner, you can ring him to say sorry. The dinner is usually served at home, sometimes at a restaurant. You should get there on time, and don't forget to put on your fine clothes. It is also a good idea to take some little presents to your friend, such as flowers, chocolates and so on. When you are at dinner, you should also observe (遵守) some other customs. Here I'll give you some dos and don'ts about them in the following: 
1) Don't leave bones on the table or the floor. (You should put them on your plate with fingers.) 
2) Don't use your bowl to drink soup, but use your spoon to help you instead.
3) Don't talk with much food in your mouth.
4) Don't ask others to have more wine. (This is quite different from that in China.)
5) After dinner, use your napkin (餐巾) to clean your mouth and hands.
6) Make sure small pieces of food are not left on your face.
Then after dinner, you can stay there a little time. And your friend will be pleased if you leave in half an hour or so. Next day, you had better ring him up to thank him for the good dinner.
【小题1】If your American or English friend wants to invite you to dinner, he will invite you _________

A.on the night before the dinner 
B.on the day before the dinner 
C.at the last moment 
D.a week before the dinner 
【小题2】It would be impolite to _____.
A.put bones on your plates with fingers 
B.persuade others to drink more 
C.drink soup with your spoon 
D.make sure that there is nothing left on your face after dinner 
【小题3】Which of the following is not true?
A.After dinner, you'd better stay and talk with your friends for a long time to show your thanks. 
B.You'd better ring your friend the next day to show your thanks. 
C.After dinner, you'd better leave in half an hour. 
D.After dinner, use napkin to clean your mouth. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly increased by foreign language skills.
Deeply involved with this new technology is a kind of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.
Overseas assignments (指派) are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive (行政) ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to manage back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more common.
Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices (装置) with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.
English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.
The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight (洞察力) to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign customers over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset (有价值的人或物) to the firm.
【小题1】With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ________.

A.are eager to work overseas
B.have to get familiar with modern technology
C.are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations
D.are attaching more importance to their overseas business
【小题2】In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Line 3, Para. 3) probably means ________.
A.leaving all care and worry behind
B.being unable to think properly for lack of insight
C.being totally out of touch with business at home
D.missing opportunities for promotion when abroad
【小题3】According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?
A.Ability to speak the customer’s language.
B.Connections with businesses overseas.
C.Technical know-how.
D.Business experience.
【小题4】The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can ________.
A.fast-forward their proposals to headquarters
B.better control the whole negotiation process
C.easily make friends with businesspeople abroad
D.easily find new approaches to meet market needs


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The day I became a mom was not the day my daughter was born, but seven years later. Up until that day, I had been too busy trying to survive my abusive(辱骂的) marriage. I had spent all my energy trying to run a "perfect" home that would pass inspection each evening, and I didn't see that my baby girl had become a toddler. I'd tried endlessly to please someone who could never be pleased and suddenly realized that the years had slipped by and could never return. 
Oh, I had done the normal "motherly" things, like making sure my daughter got to ballet and gym lessons. I went to all of her recitals and school concerts, parent-teacher conferences and open houses alone. We suffered from my husband's rages(暴怒) when something was spilled(溢出) at the dinner table, telling her, "It will be okay, Honey. Daddy's not really mad at you." I did all I could to protect her from hearing the awful shouting and complaints after he returned from a night of drinking. Finally I did the best thing I could do for my daughter and myself: I removed us from the home that wasn't really a home at all. 
That day I became a mom was the day when my daughter and I were sitting in our new home having a calm, quiet dinner just as I had always wanted for her. We were talking about what she had done in school and suddenly her little hand knocked over the full glass of chocolate milk by her plate. As I watched the white tablecloth and freshly painted white wall become dark brown, I looked at her small face. It was filled with fear, knowing what the consequence of the event would have meant only a week before in her father's presence. When I saw that look on her face and looked at the chocolate milk running down the wall, I simply started laughing. I am sure she thought I was crazy, but then she must have realized that I was thinking, "It's a good thing your father isn't here!" She started laughing with me, and we laughed until we cried. They were tears of joy and peace and were the first of many tears that we cried together. That was the day we knew that we were going to be okay. 
Whenever either of us spills something, even now, seventeen years later, she says, "Remember the day I spilled the chocolate milk? I knew you had done the right thing for us." That was the day I really became a mom. I discovered that being a mom isn't only going to ballet or gym, recitals, and attending every school concert and open house. It isn't keeping a tidy house and preparing perfect meals. It certainly isn't pretending things are normal when they are not. For me, being a mom started when I could laugh over spilled milk. 
---- By Linda Jones from “Chicken Soup for Soul”
【小题1】What does the underlined part "the right thing" refer to?

A.Becoming a single mother.
B.Divorcing with her abusive husband.
C.Doing all the motherly things well and running the family.
D.Not blaming on her daughter’s spilling the chocolate milk.
【小题2】Which statement is NOT true?.
A.The author had suffered from an unfortunate marriage for a long time.
B.All the things the author did were to protect her daughter
C.The author hadn’t been a mother until she removed from her marriage.
D.Both the author and her daughter were frightened at the husband and father.
【小题3】Why did the author and her daughter laugh and then cry?
A.Because it was a thorough relief after they had suffered too much.
B.Because they were actually crazy.
C.Because they wouldn’t see the abusive man any more.
D.Because spilling the chocolate milk on the wall was really funny.
【小题4】What is the best title for this article?
A.How To Be a Better Mon? B.The Day I Became a Mom
C.A Thing Happened 17 Years Ago D.Survive an Abusive Marriage


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Springtime in Paris
Departures: May 5, 12, 19 and June 9
4 days for $129 per person
Paris in the Springtime was, is and always will be, something rather special. Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days? This attractive city has something to offer everyone and with prices at just $129. It's great value too.
Your break begins with executive coach transfer (中转) from regional (各地的) pick­up points and travel to Paris is via cross­channel ferry (渡船), arriving at your hotel in the evening. The Ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private facilities in all rooms: satellite TV, radio, telephone and alarm clock. It has a bar and a restaurant and is situated about two miles south of Notre Dame enabling you to explore Paris with ease.
The following day, after continental breakfast (included), the coach takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city, during which you will see the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, L'Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, in fact almost every famous landmark you will ever have heard of. You then leave Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles, the home of Louis XIV. The tour ends mid­afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day at your leisure. In the evening there is a ‘Paris By Night’ tour showing you the beautiful buildings with bright lights.
Day three takes you to Montmartre, perhaps the most picturesque quarter of Paris and home of the Sacre Coeur and the Moulin Rouge. In the afternoon you are free to explore this beautiful city as you wish, perhaps a pleasure voyage on the River Seine, wander around the picturesque gardens or look through among the antique shops (古玩店). In the evening you will have the opportunity to visit the best night­club in the city, the splendid Patin. On the final day it's back to the UK via channel ferry.
Included in the price of $129 per person:
* Return executive coach travel to Paris;
* Return ferry crossings;
* Three nights accommodation in a twin bedded room in a Central Paris hotel with private facilities;
* Continental breakfast during your stay;
* Guided sightseeing tour of “Paris By Day” and “Paris By Night”;
* Visit to Chateau of Versailles (admission not included);
* Tour on Montmartre;
* Services of an experienced bilingual tour guide at all times.
【小题1】This advertisement is mainly________.

A.to tell tourists the route to Paris
B.to show the price of traveling to Paris
C.to introduce the city of Paris
D.to attract tourists to Paris
【小题2】During the stay in Paris, the tourists will________.
A.have a free time of half day
B.have a “Paris By Night” on the first evening
C.have a pleasure voyage on the River Seine together
D.live in a hotel two miles away from Paris
【小题3】After paying $129,the tourists will have to pay ________ in Paris.
A.the continental breakfasts
B.tour on Montmartre
C.admission ticket to Chateau of Versailles
D.services of a bilingual tour guide
【小题4】We learn from the text that________.
A.the tourists can telephone in Ibis without paying
B.the tourists will see the Eiffel Tower on the third day
C.Palace of Versailles is not in the center of Paris
D.it will take you a long time to get to Montmartre from Paris


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As you climb into the hill country, the roads get dustier and rougher, and fewer cars can be seen. Phonxay is one of the poorest districts of Laos, and many of its villages are only accessible by footpath. Our destination this hot morning is a concrete water tank that can be found just off the road. A UK organization helped to build it six years ago, and in the nearby village of Thapho, where clean drinking water is scarce, it has made a big difference. The tank feeds six taps which in turn give water to over 800 people---it has improved things for almost every family, from schoolchildren to grannies.
But lately, we were told, the clean water supply has come under pressure from new arrivals, people who have come down from the hill areas, and there are concerns that there will not be enough clean water to go round.
There are also serious worries about resources in Laos. The Chinese are building a 400km railway link, which could transform the landlocked country. About 150,000 Chinese workers will be involved. What will this do to local clean water supplies? How will the workers be fed?
The vast majority of Laotians live on farms. But with foreign investors wanting to buy up land, local people will have to be moved to make room for them. Heavily dependent on both foreign aid and foreign investment, Laos still falls well behind its neighbours, although its economy has grown at about 6% a year in the last decade. Its biggest economic problem is the lack of locally trained skilled workforce.
But there are reasons to be hopeful for the future. Laos is beautiful, and foreign tourism continues to grow: fortunately so far the fast-food chains and coffee bars common elsewhere are nowhere to be seen. Although all local media are government-run, the Internet is not controlled and the BBC and CNN are available to those with satellite dishes.
The government has also achieved impressive results in rural development, with communities benefiting not just from cleaner water but the construction of new schools and regular visits from medical teams. Poverty will not be history in Laos within the next decade, but with small steps forward and a bit of outside help, the country could find itself out of the UN’s least-developed category by 2020.
【小题1】What is putting pressure on the local supply of clean water?

A.Dust from the road is making the water dirtier.
B.There are too many taps accessing the water.
C.The population of the area is growing fast.
D.The coming summer will dry up rivers and lakes.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason for Laos to be hopeful?
A.There are no fast-food restaurants in the country.
B.Laos has a variety of tourist attractions.
C.Information on the Internet is freely accessible.
D.The government owns all local media.
【小题3】What is the most serious limitation on Laos’ economic growth?
A.The lack of local skilled workers.
B.A poor transportation system.
C.Too much foreign aid.
D.Too many foreign workers.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Laos: slow-developing nations
B.Laos: small steps forward
C.Laos: least-developed land
D.Laos: landlocked country


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photography.
Born in Hungary in 1913,Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests.Capa had originally wanted to become a writer,but after his arrival in Berlin he first found work as a photographer.He later left Germany and moved to France and it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa,mainly because he thought it would sound more American.
In 1936,after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War,Capa went to Spain and it was here that he built his reputation as a war photographer.It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier.One of Capa’s most famous quotes was“If your pictures aren’t good enough,you’re not close enough.”And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme.His photograph,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls.However,many have questioned the reality of this photograph,claiming that it was staged.
When World War II broke out,Capa was in New York,but he was soon back in Europe covering the War for Life magazine.Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944.Capa,armed only with two cameras,took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the Normandy landing(诺曼底登陆),but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames.It was the images from these frames,however,that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winning movie Saving Private Ryan.
【小题1】Capa originally wanted to be ____________.

A.a journalist B.a writer C.an American D.a photographer
【小题2】Why did Capa change his name?
A.To hide his identity.
B.Because he had been involved in protests.
C.To sound more American.
D.Because he had to leave Hungary.
【小题3】Capa went to Spain to ________________.
A.fight in the civil war B.build his reputation
C.have a holiday D.take photographs
【小题4】Capa’s famous picture Death of a Loyalist Soldier _______________.
A.was taken by someone else B.was definitely real
C.wasn’t even taken in Spain D.cannot be proven real or staged
【小题5】A mistake meant that ______________.
A.most of Capa’s images of the Normandy landing were destroyed
B.Capa lost both of his two cameras
C.Capa’s images inspired an Oscar winning movie
D.only one hundred of Capa’s photographs were published


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

