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17.Natural gas like other forms of ________,has greatly increased in price in recent years.(  )

分析 就像其他形式的能源,天然气最近几年的价格增长了很多.

解答 答案是D.考查名词的辨析.A 权利,电源;B 力量,力气;C 武力;D 能源,能量.句意是"就像其他形式的能源,天然气最近几年的价格增长了很多."故选D.

点评 解答此类问题首先需要理解每个单词的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.[1]Even if you lost all the money that you have,you can still rebuild everything again as long as your health allows you to do so.That is why it is important to learn to stay healthy.
[2]Sometimes a simple tip that takes a minute to learn can save one of your important organs (器官)!For example,sitting for long does damage to your spine (脊柱)!However,do you know taking one-minute rest by standing and walking every 30 minutes can protect your spine?The more you read about health,the more you will be able to avoid dangerous habits.
[3]If you want to avoid the bad habits,get to know their influence.You can make a list of the bad habits that you have and then spend a few minutes online researching their influence on your health.Most probably you will find that the influence of some of them is deadly and you will be encouraged to give them up completely.
[4]A very large number of health problems happen because of bad eating habits.Collect information about the foods you eat.If you find one of them is harmful,give it up and choose another one that is not harmful.
[5]Do you know long-time sadness can cause disease?Do you know anger is dangerous for your heart?Many of these emotions are not good for you to stay healthy.So,if you ___________,you must learn to keep your emotions under control.
[6]In short,health problems don't happen suddenly,and you just need to change a few things about your life in order to live a healthy one.
71.How can you protect your spine in daily life?(no more than 10 words)
Taking one-minute rest by standing and walking every 30 minutes.
72.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?(no more than 12 words)
Why it is important to learn to stay healthy.
73.What should you do if you find one of your foods harmful?(no more than 12 words)Give it up and choose another one that is not harmful.
74.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)
want to stay healthy
75.What should you do in order to live a healthy life?(no more than 12 words)
Change a few things in order to live a healthy life..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.TFBOYS or The Fighting Boys is a popular Chinese boy band,which         three members-leader Wang Junkai,Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi.(  )
A.makes upB.are made up ofC.consists ofD.is consisted of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Some groups still have difficulty gaining ______ to social services.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.My grandfather had a small farm where he raised beef and some grain for feed.He also worked diligently as a factory laborer and country pastor.He was a good neighbor and well-respected for honoring his word.When harvest time came,he'd piece together his old one-row corn picker and oil it up for the season.All his life he worked hard,helped others,and you could count on him to keep his promises.
He had promised to harvest a few ribbons of corn on a friend's farm,but after harvesting his own corn,Grandpa's little corn picker coughed and quit.It would be out of commission until a particular part could be ordered,but that would take far too long to help this year.The factory where Grandpa worked began to require overtime.In order to keep his job there he had to leave the farm before dawn and get home until well after sunset.
One autumn night,while harvest time was running out,he and his wife sat at the kitchen table and trying to figure a way out of their dilemma.
"There's nothing you can do,"said my grandma."You'll just have to tell him that you can't help with the corn this year."
"Well that just doesn't sit well with me,"said my grandpa."My friend is depending on me.I can't exactly let my neighbor's harvest rot in the field,can I?"
"When do you think you'd have time to do it?"she asked."With the overtime you've been working you'd be up all night."
"I know of one night that I could do it!"he said,running to the bookshelf.He grabbed the Farmer's Almanac(历书) and started flipping through the pages."Aha!There's still one more full moon in October."They say it's called the harvest moon because it gives farmers more light and more time to collect their crops.
And so a few days later,after a long shift at the factory,my grandpa made his way to the field where my grandma met him in the truck with dinner.The weather was cold but clear,and the moon was brilliant.He worked through the night to keep his word.
I know this story well,so sometimes,when I'm tempted to cut corners(走捷径) or to put off responsibilities,I think of my grandfather with his scythe(大镰刀) cutting wide arcs(弧线)of corn in the light of the harvest moon.

59.Which was the main trouble my grandfather had in helping his friend?C
A.His wife objected to his helping his friend.
B.His corn picker ran out of oil.
C.His corn picker broke down.
D.The weather was not favorable.
60.Which of the following can NOT be concluded from the passage?D
A.My grandfather cared about his work in the factory very much.
B.My grandmother supported my grandfather's decision to harvest the friend's corn at the full moon night.
C.My grandfather must have stayed up all night to help his friend harvest.
D.My grandfather didn't manage to help his friend in time.
61.What kind of quality in the grandfather had the most influence on the writer?A
A.A person should be responsible.
B.A person should be generous.
C.A person should be selfless.
D.A person should be diligent.
62.The passage mainly intends to tell us thatC.
A.helping others is helping ourselves.
B.we should be generous with our time.
C.keep your promise whatever happens.
D.we should be well-prepared for what hasn't happened.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Who give us life,raise us and are our constant support and wellwishers?Our mothers.That's why millions of people across the world take Mother's Day as an opportunity to express thanks and send best wishes to their moms.
However,the celebration of Mother's Day is not the recent thing that many believe it to be.It was the ancient Greeks who started the trO8adition by celebrating their annual spring festival in honor of Rhea,the mother of many gods and goddesses.
Later,in the 1600s,Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated in England.On the fourth Sunday of Lent (大斋期),children brought flowers and special fruitcakes to show their respect for their mothers.It may be the root of the modern Mother's Day.
Thanks to the great efforts of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis,Mother's Day became an official festival in the US.It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.Later,many countries began to celebrate this day as Mother's Day.
Today,Mother's Day is an international festival honoring mothers.It is celebrated all over the world in different ways.In Western countries,the most common way is to treat mothers with breakfast in bed.Kids often allow their mothers to sleep till late in the morning while they prepare her favorite breakfast with their fathers.Some also make handmade gifts or buy beautiful carnations (康乃馨).It is the day when you acknowledge your mothers contribution in your life and pay a tribute (礼品) to her,often with flowers and gifts.It complements Father's Day,the celebration honoring fathers.
Today,Mother's Day is a day celebrated on various days in many places around the world.

32.Why do people across the world celebrate Mother's Day?A
A.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to their mothers.
B.Because they want to express thanks and send best wishes to Rhea.
C.Because Mother's Day is an official festival in the US.
D.Because Mother's Day is an international festival.
33.The modern Mother's Day came fromD.
34.From the passage we can learn thatB.
A.Rhea is the mother of many gods and goddesses of England
B.many people wrongly believe Mother's Day has a short history
C.in America Mother's day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent
D.on Mother's day fathers have to get up early to prepare breakfast
35.The passage mainly wants to tell usC.
A.how to celebrate Mother's day
B.what to do on Mother's day
C.the historical change of Mother's day
D.the meaning of Mother's day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I mustapologize (apology) for not letting you know the plan ahead of time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Cats are the most popular pets among Americans.So it is not surprising that there are many expressions about cats.Some cats like to catch small birds,like canaries (金丝雀).If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself,we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary.
Sometimes,a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches.
So if you play cat and mouse with someone,you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person.For example,a child might offer something sweet to his little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.
You may have known that cats spend most of their time sleeping.Sometimes people sleep for a short time during the day.This is called a cat nap.
If you tell about something that was supposed to be a secret,we say you let the cat out of the bag.If you are not able to speak or answer a question,someone might ask if the cat has got your tongue.
Have you ever watched children in the classroom when their teacher leaves for a few minutes?"When the cat's away,the mice will play."will best describe that situation.
You may have heard this expression:curiosity (好奇心) killed the cat.This means being too concerned about things that are not your business might cause problems.
If your home is very small,you might say there is not enough room to swing a cat.But you probably should not try this at home!

55.The text mainly talks aboutA.
A.expressions about cats
B.cats and their habits
C.cats and other family pets
D.the relationship between humans and cats
56.Which can describe a person who is proud to have completed a job successfully?D
A.There is not enough room to swing a cat.
B.He plays cat and mouse with someone.
C.The cat has got his tongue
D.He looks like the cat that ate the canary.
57.The underlinde sentence"When the cat's away,the mice will play."probably means thatD.
A.people should help each other
B.students should be well taught
C.students should be afraid of their teachers
D.people often behave badly when not being watched over
58.The text might be found in a book aboutB.
A.science  B.culture  C.customs  D.geography.

