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At the age of ten I could not figure out what this Elvis Presley guy had that the rest of us boys did not have.I mean,he had a head,two arms and two legs,just like the rest of us.About nine o’clock on Saturday morning I decided to ask Eugene Correthers,one of the older boys,what it was that made this Elvis guy so special.He told me that it was Elvis’wavy hair and the way he moved his body.

About half an hour later all the boys in the orphanage(孤儿院)were called to the main dining-room and told we were all going to downtown Jacksonville,Florida to get a new pair of Buster Brown shoes and a haircut.That is when I got this big idea,which hit me like a ton of bricks. If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret,then that’s what I was going to get.

A11 the way to town I told everybody, including the matron(女管家)from the orphanage who was taking us to town,that I was going to look just like Elvis Presley and that I would learn to move around just like he did and that I would be rich and famous one day, just like him.

When I got my new Buster Brown shoes, I could hardly wait for my new hair cut and now that I had my new Busier Brown shoes I would be very happy to go back to the orphanage and practice being like Elvis.

We finally arrived at the big barber shop,where they cut our hair for free because we were orphans(孤儿).I looked at the barber and said,“I want an Elvis hair cut. Can you make my hair like Elvis?” I asked him,with a big smile on my face.“Let's just see what we can do for you,little man,”he said.I was so happy when he started to cut my hair.Just as he started to cut my hair, the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing.She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head,like he was telling her“No”.Then he told me they were not allowed to give us Elvis hair cuts.Then I saw my hair falling onto the floor.

1.In the author’s eyes,Elvis Presley was_________.

A.disgusting B.admirable C.ambitious D.dynamic

2.From the passage,we can know that______________.

A.Buster Brown was more appealing than Elvis Presley

B.An Elvis hair cut cost the orphans a lot of money

C.The matron did not want the boy to have an Elvis hair cut

D.The barber was unwilling to give the boy an Elvis hair cut

3.We can learn from the underlined sentence that the boy was______.

A.excited to have an Elvis hair cut

B.worried to think about the secret

C.anxious to remove the ton of bricks

D.careful to seize the chance

4.How would the boy probably feel when he walked out of the barber shop?

A.Delighted. B.Guilty.

C.Self-satisfied. D.Depressed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏银川二中高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







I am so exciting that I can’t wait to share that I experienced with you today. I gave my first lesson in our school, that left me a deep impression.

When I entered into the classroom, my students began to make much noise. I stand on the platform, not knowing what to do at first. But soon I realized everything must be done. “My friends, do you know who I am?” I asked them in loud voice. Immediately, the classroom became quiet and the kids were curiously about me. Then I wrote my name on the blackboard and introduce myself in standard Chinese with local accent, which sounded very funny. “My friends, it seems that I can speak several language.” When hearing this, the kids burst into laugher. Gradually all the kids turned their attention to my class.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年内蒙古杭锦后旗奋斗中学高二下月考一英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The landmark success of herbal (药草的) expert Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman national to win a Nobel prize in science, has aroused an extreme sense of national pride and hopes on the future of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Tu, born in 1930, shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Irish-born William Campbell and Japan’s Satoshi Omura for her discoveries concerning a therapy against malaria.

She discovered Artemisinin(青篙素), a drug that has significantly reduced the death rates for patients suffering from malaria(疟疾). “Artemisinin is a gift for the world people from the traditional Chinese medicine. It is of great importance for curing malaria and other infectious diseases and for protecting the health of the world people,” Tu said in Beijing. “The discovery of Artemisinin is a successful example of collective research on traditional Chinese medicine. The prize winning is an honor for China’s science cause and traditional Chinese medicine in their course of reaching out to the world.”

“Tu’s winning the prize indicates China’s prosperity (繁荣) and progress in scientific and technological field, marks a great contribution of traditional Chinese medicine to the cause of human health, and show cases China’s growing strengths and rising international standing,” Premier Li Keqiang said in a congratulatory letter Monday evening.

In 2011, Tu became the first scientist on the mainland to win America’s respected Lasker Award for her discovery of a new method to malaria treatment,which are given annually to people who have made major advances in the understanding, treatment, cure and prevention of human diseases since 1945. Graduating from the Beijing Medical College in 1955, she is chief researcher and professor at the Beijing-based China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

On China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo, the news has been sent by at least tens of thousands of users and received many “thumb-ups.” Netizen(网民)“Xiaoxie” wrote, “ Now I feel truly proud of being a medical student.”

1.We can learn from the text that Artemisinin has a good effect on ______ .

A. reducing the death rates of cancer patients.

B. curing patients suffering from malaria.

C. declining the infection rates of diseases.

D. preventing people from being infected with malaria.

2.How old was Tu You you when she received Lasker Award?____

A. 85 B. 81 C. 45 D. 25

3.Which of the following is Not True?___

A. Tu’s winning the prize has aroused a strong feeling of nation pride in China.

B. Premier Li Keqiang praised medical researchers for their work and achievements.

C. The congratulatory letter shows that both China’s strengths and international standing have reached the highest rank around the world.

D. The Lasker Award is awarded to people for their excellent contributions to medical science every year.

4.What type of writing is this text? ____

A. An advertisement B. An announcement

C. A speech D. A report


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京大学附中河南分校高一3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone agrees that it’s necessary to reduce carbon emissions (排放物) around the world. There is less agreement over exactly how nations should go about achieving a more carbon - free planet. Thus, the environmental equivalent: cap – and – trade carbon emissions, or place a carbon tax on all users?

With cap - and - trade programs, governments limit the level of carbon produced by an industry. Companies that hold their emissions below the cap can sell their remaining allowance on a carbon market, while companies that go beyond their limit must purchase credits on that market. Carbon taxes are more straightforward: a set tax rate is placed on the consumption of carbon with the idea that raising the price will encourage industries and individuals to consume less. At the moment, cap-and-trade has the upper hand, but doesn’t defeat the tax just yet.

Supporters of the tax argue that a cap – and – trade system would be too difficult to administer – and too easily gamed by industries looking to sidestep emissions caps. Cap-and-trade advocates contradict that like all other flat taxes, a carbon collection would relatively burden lower – income families, who spend a greater percentage of their income on energy than rich households.

So which system will have a larger effect on carbon consumption? A 10% carbon tax might reduce the demand for carbon about 5 % or less, according to an analysis by the Carbon Tax Center, an environmental advocacy group. That may not be enough. Businesses and governments haven’t figured out how the two competing systems can work together, but in the end, the world may need both.

1.The passage focuses on_________.

A. programs of collecting taxes

B. systems of reducing carbon emissions

C. reasons for reducing carbon emissions

D. contradictions between the two systems

2.According to the cap – and – trade program, companies_________ .

A. are forbidden to produce carbon emissions

B. are allocated the same amount of carbon consumption

C. can sell their remaining allowance within their limits

D. can sell the extra amount of carbon at a higher price

3.Carbon taxes work by _________.

A. burdening well – off families

B. encouraging industries to consume carbon

C. raising the price for carbon consumption

D. limiting the carbon consumption of industries only

4. The underlined word “cap” in the second paragraph most likely refers to_________. A. limit B. credit C. level D. rate


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京大学附中河南分校高二3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I’ll never forget the kindness offered by strangers. Last year, two days before Christmas, my friend Harry _______, saying that their kitchen had caught fire,______ everything in their kitchen, including all their food. Harry and his wife are ______ from Mexico with four children, and I knew they always had a(n) ______ harvest from their farm every year. After putting down the phone, I drove to their house, taking some _____ I had.

When I arrived there, I found that they had all their belongs _____ in their front yard. They were so._____ to see me, because they knew I could help them. Then I _____back, but I was very _____, knowing I was really in a hard place financially and was _____ to do more for them.

I told a friend of mine about the story and asked if he could give a hand. He immediately_____ and said, “I know these people mean a lot to you and I want to _____ them.” You know, they had _____ met before. He asked me to take Harry to buy some necessities. Of course, he would _____. At the check-out counter of a supermarket, I noticed we had chosen too many items, so I had the _____ take some back. As we were walking away, I_____ heard a voice behind me, “Wait, I want to pay for them.” I turned around, thanked the man _____, and told him that my friend’s house had been burned. He said he _____ because he had lost his job but was now working again. We went away with tears in our eyes. It was such a wonderful _____, seeing folks stepped up when someone needed help, even for a_____ stranger.

1.A.visited B.called C.explained D.questioned

2.A.destroying B.changing C.breaking D.cooking

3.A.workers B.teachers C.farmers D.drivers

4.A.common B.entire C.hard D.poor

5.A.tools B.food C.medicine D.clothes

6.A.burned up B.carried away C.collected up D.sold out

7.A.excited B.surprised C.fortunate D.calm

8.A.walked B.ran C.flew D.drove

9.A.nervous B.upset C.regretful D.disappointed

10.A.unwilling B.unable C.unnecessary D.unafraid

11.A.went B.prepared C.agreed D.apologized

12.A.interview B.save C.teach D.help

13.A.never B.seldom C.still D.ever

14.A.select B.pay C.shop D.exchange

15.A.mom B.clerk C.friend D.manager

16.A.suddenly B.frequently C.luckily D.immediately

17.A.kindly B.indirectly C.informally D.patiently

18.A.admitted B.complained C.understood D.tired

19.A.feeling B.idea C.incident D.performance

20.A.sick B.pitiful C.foreign D.total


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东菏泽市高三下期4月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


A strong memory depends on the health and vitality (活力) of your brain. They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isn’t true. 1.

Give your brain a workout. Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”. The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information. 2.

Don’t skip the physical exercise. While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn’t mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.

Get enough sleep. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best. 3.

Keep stress in check. Stress is one of the brain’s worst enemies. Over time, stress destroys brain cells. Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.

Have a laugh. 4. That holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the body. Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.

5. Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, “healthy” fats and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. For brain health, though, it’s not just what you eat—it’s also what you don’t eat.

A. Eat a brain-boosting diet.

B. Play games with memory.

C. Laughter is the best medicine.

D. But oversleeping is not good for your brain.

E. Even skipping a few hours makes a difference!

F. You have to shake things up from time to time!

G. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃武威二中高三下期每周检测(3月31日)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


On any collecting trip, obtaining the animals is, as a rule, the simplest part of the job. As soon as the local people discover that you are willing to buy live wild creatures, the stuff comes __1.___(pour) in; ninety percent is, of course, the more common types, but they do bring an occasional rarity. If you want the really rare stuff, you generally have to go out __2.___ find it yourself.

The chief difficulty you __3.___ when you have got a newly caught animal is not so much the shock it might be suffering, but the fact __4.___ being caught forces it to exist close to a creature it regards as an enemy of the worst possible sort: yourself. On many occasions an animal may take beautifully to being in a cage but __5.__ (get) used to the idea of living with people is another matter. This is the difficulty you ___6.___ only deal with by patience and kindness. For month after month ___7.___animal may try to bite you every time you approach its cage, ___8.___you have lost all hope of making a favorable impression on it. Then, one day, sometimes without any ___9.___ (warn), it will trot forward and take food from __10.__ hand, or allow you to tickle it behind the ears. At such moments you feel that all the waiting in the world was worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南益阳箴言中学高一下学期3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday is my best friend Li Ming’s birthday. When the school was over, I went to the bookshop. I bought a book calling Exploring Space, and had them wrapped for him. Since he had wanted to buy this book for week. I knew that he would be very pleasing with my present. When I got the party, Li Ming said hello to me with a big smile. I noticed that there were much presents on the floor, and I was sure that mine would be her favourite. I gave the present to Li Ming and whispered in his ear, “You will love it.” He could not wait to unwrap it. All of a sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I looked and I saw some big red words on the cover of the book that said, Caring for Your Baby! I had picked up the wrong book in the shop!


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市高三下学期开学(零模)检测考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Alibaba has become China’s largest online commercial company, ______ a profit of 1.47 billion yuan in 2010.

A. earns B. earning C. earned D. to have earned

