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When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to______ the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

A. point out B. make out C. leave out D. put out




试题分析:句意:当你在写这一段时,我建议你省略最后一句,因为它实在是让人厌倦。四个选项的含义分别是: A指出;B辨认出,理解;C遗漏,省略;D生产;扑灭;故C正确。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽铜陵第五中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— May I speak to Mr Smith?

— I am afraid not. He is at a meeting now. It’s not ___.

A. reliable B. convenient C. beneficial D. available



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Jayne Fisher watched anxiously as her 17-year-old daughter Katie pulled her lamb(羊羔) into the Madison County Junior Livestock for sale.

 Katie was battling cancer. This was her first chance in months to be outdoors having fun, away from hospitals and treatments, and she had come with high hopes for earning some money for her treatment. She had wavered a little on her decision to part with the lamb, but with lamb averaging two dollars a pound, Katie was looking forward to it. So the bidding(出价began.

That’s when Roger Wilson, the auctioneer(拍卖师), had a sudden inspiration that brought some unexpected results. “We sort of let everybody here know that Katie had a situation that wasn’t too pleasant,” is how he tells it. He hoped that his introduction would push the bidding up, at least a little bit.

Well, the lamb sold for $11.50 a pound, but things didn’t stop there. The buyer paid up, then decided to give the lamb back so that it could be sold again.

That started a chain reaction, with families buying the animal and giving it back, over and over again. When local businesses started buying and returning, the earnings really began to pile up. The first sale is the only one Katie’s mom remembers. After that, she was crying too hard as the crowd kept shouting, “Resell! Resell! ”

Katie’s lamb was sold 36 times that day, and the last buyer gave it back for good. Katie ended up with more than $16,000 to pay her medical expenses——and she still got to keep her famous lamb.

1.Katie sold her lamb in order to_______.

A. earn an amount of money to cover her medical expenses

B. help her mother support their family and keep more lambs

C. show her lamb was a famous one and raise some money

D. get some unexpected results from a chain reaction

2.Why did families buy Katie’s lamb and return it repeatedly?

A. They had fun in reselling it.

B. The auctioneer ordered them to do so.

C. They wanted to help Katie from the heart

D. Katie’s mother cried for help.

3.The word “waver” in the second paragraph probably means _______.

A. agree B. hesitate C. refuse D. focus

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Battling cancer B.A warm-hearted auctioneer

C. Bidding from the heart D.A wise lamb



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

2014年春晚上, 一曲《时间都去哪儿了》戳中所有人泪点。伴随我们成长,父母在不经意间老去, 全社会都沉浸在对父母的感恩中, 你也颇有感触, 请以此为主题, 写一篇感想。

附歌词: ……记忆中的小脚丫,肉嘟嘟的小嘴巴,一生把爱交给他,只为那一声爸妈;时间都去哪儿了,还没好好感受年轻就老了, 生儿养女一辈子,满脑子都是孩子哭了笑了;时间都去哪儿了,还没好好看看你眼睛就花了,柴米油盐半辈子, 转眼就只剩下满脸的皱纹了……


1. 歌词仅供參考,请勿逐句翻译。

2. 文中应包括对父母付出的回忆, 和对如何感恩父母的反思。可以适当增加细节加以发挥。

3. 词数120左右。文章开头已给,不计入总词数。参考词汇: 皱纹 wrinkle

The audiences were all moved to tears by the song Where has the time gone in the Spring Festival Gala (春晚) of this year.






科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Joshua, my son, is fifteen years old. He was born with Down Syndrome (唐氏综合症). In the last fifteen years. I have experienced many difficult and stories. However, right now I want to just stick to the topic of . When Joshua was born, they us not to “waste our time, energy or money". They claimed that our son would never accomplish anything. They told us he would never walk, talk or learn to use the toilet. , we were not about to accept the words. However, we weren’t really sure what to expect.

Therefore, we expected him to develop at his own pace, with a lot of help and encouragement, but only to develop little. We decided that we saw progress we could never give up. Very early on, we knew in our hearts that we had to have high expectations, but how high? We could not set goals for him that he could not ever possibly reach. , if we did not have high hopes, the chances would be very slim for him to work to his potential.

When Joshua was four and a half years old, his younger sister, CJ, was three and attended the same preschool in a younger class. The school an art contest and all the children in it presented pictures. The pictures were hung on the wall and the president of the local church, who was not personally with the children, was appointed to be the .

On the day of the contest, I made my through the crowded parents to see CJ’s picture, it was likely to be hung there, but Joshua's class pictures were not yet up and I didn’t think twice about seeing his picture leaving the building. You see, I had no expectation that Joshua would win; it was for me to know that he was able to draw a picture and have it with those of the other children.

Well, when I returned to the kids, you can image my when I discovered that Joshua was the winner from his class! Proud and excited, he told everyone, “I won the contest! I it! ”

CJ kept insisting that she had won too and it was certainly a feeling to know that Joshua had achieved something that his sister had not. After that I decided to keep my expectations . It seems that most people work to whatever expectations are set for them. Why should Joshua be any ?

1.A. inspiring B. frustratingC. encouragingD. exciting

2.A. expectation B. loveC. educationD. instruction

3.A. suggested B. hopedC. persuadedD. advised

4.A. Luckily B. UnfortunatelyC. NaturallyD. Generally

5.A. due to B. as long asC. so far asD. in case

6.A. However B. BesidesC. ThusD. Therefore

7.A. charged B. preparedC. engagedD. held

8.A. familiar B. similarC. friendlyD. close

9.A. host B. teacherC. headmaster D. judge

10.A. effectB. wayC. forceD. struggle

11.A. whereB. asC. whenD. that

12.A. afterB. duringC. before D. once

13.A. anxious B. enoughC. amazingD. pleased

14.A. displayedB. kept C. takenD. replaced

15.A. take upB. keep upC. get up D. pick up

16.A. surpriseB. expectation C. anxietyD. amusement

17.A. gotB. drewC. madeD. defeated

18.A. specialB. extraordinaryC. curiousD. mixing

19.A. onB. highC. greatD. easy

20.A. difficultB. upsetC. disappointedD. different



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Wait a moment, please. When I _________ writing the letter, I will go shopping with you.

A. will have finished B. have finished

C. will finish D. finished



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are a number of advantages when it comes to living alone. However, it also comes with a few safety concerns. You still never know who will be around the corner. Don’t become another victim; be sure to follow our tips.

1. All doors should be kept locked.

Always keep your doors locked when you are in your apartment or dorm. Make sure the doors are closed behind you when you come into the building and never leave your room unlocked, even when you are in it. There’s always a chance that someone might sneak in while you are unaware. Always try to remember to close doors behind you to ensure your safety.

2. Don’t lose your keys.

Even if you do everything you can to keep the doors locked, criminals might still be able to come into your house with a key. Always know where your keys are to prevent this. Never put them down in a public place or give them to friends. Also, before you bring your car into the repair shop, take off the house keys.

3. When it comes to safety, standing up for yourself is important.

If you aren’t getting all the security features you want, don’t be afraid to ask. If your lighting situation is less than ideal, discuss this with your supervisor or landlord. Talk to the campus security organization if you think a security phone near your dorm is a good idea. Request that the building employ someone to monitor those entering and leaving the building. You should feel safe where you reside (居住于), so stand up for your rights.

4. Be careful.

You still might find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. Check your peephole (窥视孔) before letting anyone in. Whenever you witness something around your building that makes you uncomfortable or suspicious just dial 911. It is a good idea to always walk with a friend instead of alone. Become familiar with people who live in the building, so you can keep track of anyone that is a stranger.

1. to

follow when living alone

Leave your doors2. as soon as you come into the building so that someone is not able to sneak in.

Never lose your 3. or give them to others.

4. up for your rights:

Discuss this with your supervisor or landlord if you are not 5.

with your lighting situation.

Request the building to have someone 6. to monitor

those entering and leaving the building.

Ask the campus security organization to fix a security7. near your dorm.

Be careful

Dial 911 when you find something uncomfortable or 8. .

When walking, keep your friends in9. instead of alone.

Be familiar with people in the neighborhood so that you will

pay attention to 10. .



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There are a number of methods to provide relief from your toothache, which can’t cure the problem.

A. permanent B. temporary C. contemporary D. consequent



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽省六校教育研究会高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

According to the police, the man called “Tuhao”_______ to be a professional cheat in business.

A. worked out B. made out

C. figured out D. turned out


