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Kong Zi,also called Confucius(551—479 B.C.),and Socrates(469—399 B.C.)lived only a hundred years apart.During their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece,but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas,and how these ideas in turn,shaped their societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace,though there were more wars in Greece than in China.The Chinese states were very large and feudal,while the Greek city-states were small and urban.The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical(激进的)than Confucius.Unlike Confucius,Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively.Thus,Socrates was able to be more idealistic,focusing on issues like freedom,and knowledge for its own sake.Confucius,on the other hand,advised those in government service,and many of his students went on to government service.

Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life.“Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at birth,though some had more potential than others,and that it was knowledge that set men apart.Socrates focused on the individual,and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did.Like Confucius,he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的) classes.

For Socrates,the family was of no importance,and the community of little concern.For Confucius,however,the family was the centre of society,with family relations considered much more important than political relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A.Socrates and Confucius had much in common.

B.Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.

C.The societies were influenced by the philosophers’ ideas.

D.There were cultural exchanges between China and Greece.

2.Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that .

A.all men were equal when they were born

B.the lower classes should be ruled by the upper class

C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom

D.people should not do to others what they did not want others to do to them

3.What made some people different from others according to Confucius?

A.Family. B.Potential.

C.Knowledge. D.Community.

4.This passage is organized in the pattern of .

A.time and events

B.comparison and contrast

C.cause and effect

D.definition and classification


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南湘潭市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


How to control embarrassing moments

Have you ever done something embarrassing? At that moment, you probably wished you could disappear into air. Good news? You can keep the damage to the minimum. Here’s some help.


You are staring at a handsome boy so hard that you walk into a wall. You dropped all your books. The best thing you can do? If you’re not hurt seriously, laugh it off. Say like “Hey, I can teach you to do that if you want to!” By laughing at yourself, you show people you’re confident and still in control of the situation.


Some situations are not suitable for laughing off. Your underwear falls out of your backpack. You pass gas while giving a speech. Making a joke would call more attention to what happened. What now? You can just pretend nothing happened and go on what you were doing, or you can say “Oh, that was awkward” and then move on.


Some embarrassing situations may embarrass yourself and make someone else feel bad. You imitate (模仿) your teacher’s accent just as the teacher walks in. Making a joke or running away won’t make you look better. Instead, apologize, “I’m so sorry about that.” It may make things right again.

A. Apologize

B. Move on

C. Laugh it off

D. Run away


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一模块测评英语试卷3(解析版) 题型:完形填空


In our modern world,when something wears out,we throw it away and buy a new one.The ________ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of _______ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we _______ a throwaway society?First of all,it is now easier to _______an object than to spend time and money to repair it. _______ modern manufacturing(制造业)and technology,companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively.Products are plentiful and _______.

Another cause is our _______of disposable(一次性的) products.As _______ people, we are always looking for _______ to save time and make our lives easier.Companies _______ thousands of different kinds of disposable products:paper plates,plastic cups,and cameras,to name a few.

Our appetite for new products also _______to the problem.We are _______ buying new things.Advertisements persuade us that _______ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.The result is that we _______ useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world,we can see the _______ of this throwaway lifestyle.Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger.To _______the amount of rubbish and to protect the _______,more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. _______,this is not enough to solve(解决) our problem.

Maybe there is another way out.We need to repair our possessions _______ throwing them away.We also need to rethink our attitudes about _______ .Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

1.A.key B.reason C.project D.problem

2.A.gifts B.rubbish C.debt D.products

3.A.face B.become C.observe D.change

4.A.hide B.control C.replace D.withdraw

5.A.Thanks to B.As to C.Except for D.Regardless of

6.A.safe B.funny C.cheap D.powerful

7.A.love B.lack C.prevention D.division

8.A.sensitive B.kind C.brave D.busy

9.A.ways B.places C.jobs D.friends

10.A.donate B.receive C.produce D.preserve

11.A.adapts B.returns C.responds D.contributes

12.A.tired of B.addicted to C.worried about D.ashamed for

13.A.newer B.stronger C.higher D.larger

14.A.pick up B.pay for C.hold onto D.throw away

15.A.advantages B.purposes C.functions D.consequences

16.A.show B.record C.decrease D.measure

17.A.technology B.environment C.consumers D.brands

18.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Meanwhile

19.A.by B.in favour of C.after D.instead of

20.A.spending B.collecting C.repairing D.advertising


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一模块测评英语试卷1(解析版) 题型:七选五


The sea has always interested man.From it he can get food,minerals and treasure.1. But he couldn’t go far beneath its surface.

2. However,he isn’t a fish.Because he must breathe air,he can’t stay under the water’s surface for any length of time.To explore deep water,man faces even more dangers and problems.

A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases. 3. He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece.Water weighs 800 times as much as air.Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea. 4. .

When a diver is under great pressure,his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes.As he rises to the surface,the water pressure becomes less.If the diver rises too quickly,the gases in his blood form bubbles.The diver is then suffering from the bends(减压病).The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. 5. .

A.His body is under great pressure.

B.Scientists are trying to find more about the sea.

C.For thousands of years,he could sail on it.

D.They can even kill him.

E.He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above.

F.The water pressure can cause a diver to breathe with difficulty.

G.Man wants to explore deep into the sea.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一课时演练英语试卷5(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The Panama Canal opened almost 100 years ago.It connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and reduces travel by about 13,000 kilometers and avoids the need for ships to sail around Cape Horn at the bottom of South America.

Built from 1904 to 1914,the canal has seen annual traffic rise from about 1,000 ships early on to 14,702 ships in 2008.In total,over 815,000 ships have passed through the canal.It has been named one of the seven modern wonders of the world.More than forty ships pass through the canal each day.

Now,a major expansion(扩大) project will permit more ships and bigger ships to pass through the canal.Jorge Quijano,the Panama Canal’s executive vice president of engineering,says,“The present canal has a total capacity(容量) of about 340 million tons a year.With the expansion we expect to double that.”

For years,shipbuilders limited the size of many ships so that they could pass through the Panama Canal.But now many shipping companies use bigger ships to transport more goods as a way to reduce costs.Mr.Quijano says the expansion project will allow many of these larger ships to use the canal.

Workers are building the new locks(船闸) alongside the old ones,which will remain in use.The existing locks are 305 meters long and 33.5 meters wide.The new ones will be 427 meters long and 55 meters wide.They will be able to handle ships with drafts(吃水量) of more than 15 meters.At present,ships can ride only 12 meters deep in the canal.

Engineers could not make the new locks too big.Mr.Quijano says the plans have to balance the size of the locks with the cost for ships to use the canal.

The cost of the expansion is estimated at more than five billion dollars.The new locks are set to open in time to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Panama Canal.

1.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that .

A.the Panama Canal was built close to Cape Horn

B.it took ten years to complete the Panama Canal

C.the Panama Canal now sees a daily traffic of about 400 ships

D.the Panama Canal is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world

2.After the expansion of the Panama Canal, .

A.there will be no limitation to the size of ships through it

B.it will have a total capacity of 500 million tons a year

C.the cost of transporting goods will be relatively low

D.the charge for using the canal will be reduced

3.What do we know about the old locks?

A.They are still used.

B.They will be removed.

C.They have been replaced by the new ones.

D.Ships with drafts of 15 meters can pass through them.

4.Why not make the new locks too big?

A.Because they will cost too much.

B.Partly because of the cost for ships.

C.Because there are not so many workers.

D.Because engineers are against it.

5.What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce the history of the Panama Canal.

B.To show the importance of the Panama Canal.

C.To report the expansion project of the Panama Canal.

D.To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Panama Canal.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一课时演练英语试卷3(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Your house may have an effect on your figure.Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.You can make your environment work for you instead of against you.Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.

Open the curtains and turn up the lights.Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating,for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when they’re in poorly lit places — and so more likely to eat lots of food.If your home doesn’t have enough window light,get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.

Mind the colors.Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites.In one study,people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room.Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing,while cold colors make us feel less hungry.So when it’s time to repaint,go blue.

Don’t forget the clock — or the radio.People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里)per meal than those who rush through their meals.Begin keeping track of the time,and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.And while you’re at it,actually sit down to eat.If you need some help slowing down,turn on relaxing music.It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.

Downsize the dishes.Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat.We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate.When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake(摄入) jumps by 14 percent.And we’ll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short,wide glass than a tall,skinny glass.

1.The text is especially helpful for those who care about .

A.their home comforts

B.their body shape

C.house buying

D.healthy diets

2.A home environment in blue can help people .

A.digest food better

B.reduce food intake

C.burn more calories

D.regain their appetites

3.What are people advised to do at mealtimes?

A.Eat quickly.

B.Play fast music.

C.Use smaller spoons.

D.Turn down the lights.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Is Your House Making You Fat?

B.Ways of Serving Dinner

C.Effects of Self-Consciousness

D.Is Your Home Environment Relaxing?


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一课时演练英语试卷1(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


A new World Bank report warns that children who do not get enough good food in the first two years of life suffer lasting damage.They may be underdeveloped or underweight.They may suffer from poor health or limited intelligence.Besides,these children are more likely to drop out of school and earn less money as adults.

The report notes that too little food is not the only cause of poor nutrition.Many children who live in homes with plenty of food suffer for other reasons.

The study also connects malnutrition(营养不良)to economic growth in poor countries.A lack of nutrition in early childhood can cost developing nations up to three percent of their yearly earnings.Many of these countries have same economic problems that are growing at a rate of two to three percent yearly.The study suggests that poor countries could possibly double their economic growth if they improved nutrition.

Africa and South Asia are affected the most by poor nutrition.The study says about half of all children in India do not get enough good food.The World Bank study also notes that rates of malnutrition in South Asia are almost double those in central and southern Africa.Other parts of the world are also seriously affected,including Indonesia,Uzbekistan,Yemen,Guatemala and Peru.

The study recommends that developing countries change their ways to deal with malnutrition.Instead of directly providing food,the study suggests educational programs in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies.It also recommends cleaner living conditions and improvements in health care.

The World Bank nutrition specialist Meera Shekar said the period of life between pregnancy(怀孕)and two years is very important.Governments should take direct action to improve nutrition for children during this period.

1.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us .

A.malnutrition is the most serious problem in developing countries

B.the relationship between malnutrition and a nation’s economic growth

C.how to develop economics quickly

D.economy is developing slowly in developing countries

2.The underlined word “recommends” in the fifth paragraph probably means .

A.proves B.shows

C.suggests D.orders

3.What would be the BEST title for the passage?

A.Poor Nutrition in the Developing Countries

B.A New World Bank Report

C.Problems in Africa and South Asia

D.Care for Children

4.According to the World Bank report,which of the following is a way to deal with malnutrition?

A.Control the population growth.

B.Pay attention to the economic growth in developing countries.

C.Provide enough food directly to poor children.

D.Educate mothers with young babies in health and nutrition.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



Act one of Pygmalion tells us how the main characters of this play, Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering had their 1._____(fate) meetings while 2._________(shelter) from a heavy rain outside a theater in London, England in 1914.

Eliza Doolittle was 3._______ poor flower girl. When she tried to sell her flowers to a gentleman, her terrible English 4.______(catch) Professor Higgins’ attention. Professor Higgins, an expert in phonetics, could place a person by his / her5._____ (remark). He convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his / her social position.

In his opinion, once educated to speak 6.______(proper), Eliza Doolittle could pass 7._____(her) off in three months 8.___ a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party and perhaps she could even work as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant.

Colonel Pickering, an officer in the army, 9.____ had studied many Indian dialects himself, came to England 10._____( make) the acquaintance of Professor Higgins.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北冀州市高一下期末(A)英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A 16-year-old in foster care has finally found a home. His adoption caseworker (社会工作者), who has known him since he was 7, will become his adoptive mother this month.

In October 2013, Davion Only spoke in front of a church congregation (会众) in St. Petersburg, Florida, and made an _________ for adoption. He had recently learned that his _________ mother, who’d been in jail since Only was born, had died. He had spent years bouncing between foster homes. “My name is Davion and I’ve been in foster care since I was born,” he said. “I know God hasn’t given up on me, so I’m not giving up either.”

The_________ plea (恳求) went viral, and Only’s foster agency_________ calls from more than 10,000 people, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Only _________ traveling to Ohio to live with a minister’s family. But after Only got into a physical _________ with one of his older would-be siblings (兄弟姐妹), the minister and his wife changed their minds.

Back in Florida, Only passed through four different _________ homes over the next year, until he called Connie Going, his adoption caseworker, to make a special _________ .

Only had known Going for nearly ten years, and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always _________ . “I always believed there was a better family than us out there,” Going tells Yahoo Parenting. “He _________ so much in this world.”

But this past July, when Only called and asked again if she might adopt him, Going says something felt _________ . “In adoption there is a ‘claiming moment,’ when you know someone is your child. When he called me to ask, in that moment, I just knew,” she says. “When he asked me, my heart felt this _________ and I just knew he was my son.”

So Going, 52, invited Only to start spending time _________ the rest of her family — the other four children who she also adopted out of foster care. _________ , Going managed to rent a bigger home, got a lawyer, and started adoption _________ .

Only will officially join Going’s family on April 22, when the adoption _________ . “Today, I am feeling blessed and honored by being chosen to be the parent to all my children,” she says. “I work every day on being the best parent I can to them, to be patient and creative so that I can _________ all their needs.”

A spokesperson for Eckerd, Only’s foster agency, told the Tampa Bay Times they were _________ with the new development. “We are truly thrilled that Davion has been united with his forever family.“

While Going is waiting for the newest _________ to her family to become official in the eyes of the law, she says Only is already her child. “I want him to know he is _________ loved for who he is, the way he is,” she says. “The changes he chooses to make in his life, and the choices, are his to make. As a family we will be there through it all, the good and the bad for our lifetime. He is home.”

1.A. apology B.compensation C.appeal D.call

2.A. biological B.botanic C.adoptive D.adaptive

3.A. delighting B.satisfying C. annoying D.heartbreaking

4.A. received B.accepted C.made D.answered

5.A. avoided B.started C.gave up D.ended up

6.A. quarrel B.experiment C.examination D.fight

7.A. permanent B.full-time C.rich D.temporary

8.A. question B.request C.order D.resolution

9.A. determined B.hesitated C.involved D.devoted

10.A. declares B.develops C.discovers D. deserves

11.A. different B.the same C.surprising D.disappointing

12.A. force B.courage C.ache D.energy

13.A. on B.with C.in D.to

14.A. Particularly B.Constantly C.Previously D.Eventually

15.A. performances B.procedures C.persuasion D. production

16.A. goes across B.goes about C.goes through D.goes down

17.A. refuse B.ignore C.meet D.neglect

18.A. pleased B.angry C.disappointed D. enthusiastic

19.A. burden B.brother C.addition D.trouble

20.A. unconditionally B.conditionally C.partly D.amazingly

