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A new retail phenomenon from Japan which allows customers to walk away with free products is to launch in Britain. From tomorrow, visitors to SampleTrend’s central London store can try anything on its shelves, and all of the products can be taken home without charge.

For an annual membership fee of £60,users are free to enter the shop once a month and help themselves to no less than £250 worth of goods every year. The only ‘catch’ is that shoppers are asked to complete a simple questionnaire about each product they try. Known as ‘try-vertising’,the concept allows manufacturers to test products and receive consumer feedback(反馈)before launching onto the open market. It is already a sensation in Japan and now looks set to transform the fortunes of the embattled UK retail industry. If everything goes well, countries such as Germany and France will give it a try. According to new figures, stores are facing a Christmas crisis with the weakest high street trading for six months. Michael Ghosh, the founder behind SampleTrend, said, “The concept behind SampleTrend is unique in the UK. It allows shoppers the opportunity to walk away with a number of real, full-size products of their choosing without handing over a penny.” The concept of in-store try-vertising is simple but effective. Businesses across all sectors from cosmetic manufacturers to beverage makers, place new products on the shelves at SampleTrend and wait for consumers to try them out.

Customers complete a short 10-point questionnaire about the product. The feedback they provide is used to make any finishing touches before the product is brought officially to market. The SampleTrend store stocks everything from cosmetics, food and drink, and household goods. Ghosh, the former advertising and sales director for Disney Europe, said such feedback may also build brand loyalty from the outset— a particularly appealing prospect for new businesses.

1.The most attractive part of the idea for customers is that_____.

A. they only pay £60 for a life-long membership

B. they can help to make the products better

C. it won’t take much time to finish the questionnaire

D. they can take things home without paying for them

2.The idea of ‘try-vertising’ originates from_____.

A. Germany B. Britain C. Japan D. France

3.The purpose of ‘try-vertising’ is to_____.

A. get feedback for their new products

B. sell more products at Christmas time

C. encourage people to buy more products

D. give customers free products as gifts

4.What does Michael Ghosh think of this business idea?

A. Puzzling. B. Unpractical.

C. Promising. D. Surprising.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川广安三校联考高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My grandfather Andy Anderson is 99. His life story is one for the big screen -- he met my grandmother on a Saturday, and they married on the following Saturday. They stayed together until my grandma died 67 years later.

Without going to college, Andy worked his way to the top. He became the manager of the dairy department of Safeway. He earned the nickname Mr. Cheese, which eventually turned into Grandpa Cheese among the family. He has taught me a lot and here' s what he has learned in his 99 years.

Always maintain a good sense of humor. Find something humorous in every single situation. Never be too good to start at the bottom. Exercise every day, even when you don' t feel like it. Don't spend more money than you make. Save your money now and spend it later.

You must be able to forgive, even if it' s difficult to do. Love is not always easy; sometimes you have to work at it. Your family is the most precious thing you will ever have in life.

If you are faced with a problem, don' t delay trying to figure it out. But if there's no way to figure it out, you have to forget about it. Make sure you' re doing what you love; don't be afraid to follow those dreams you have for yourself.

School education is important, but not necessary. Life can be an education in itself. Explore your world and stay curious; Having a bad job is better than having no job at all; Try not to take yourself so seriously. Don't ever be afraid to be your true self. Your life is delicate, and if you fail to take care of yourself properly, you'11 spoil.

Life is a gift that you must unwrap. It' s up to you to determine if what's inside will lead you to happiness or frustration. You have the power to make that decision for yourself.

All of above come from Grandpa Cheese. If you're wondering what Grandpa Cheese is up to these days, he' s riding his motorized scooter (踏板车) around Benicia, CA, and "planning on what I'm going to do when I start to get old," he says.

1.Which of the following agrees with Grandpa' s philosophy?

A. Exercise if you like it.

B. A good job secures a happy life.

C. Happiness makes longer life.

D. Love needs efforts.

2.If you have a problem with no solution, the best way is to _____________

A. leave it aside B. have a sense of humor

C, take care of yourself D. keep trying

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The author' s great-grandparents are living a happy life now.

B. Whether life will be happy or miserable is decided by yourself.

C. School education helps develop curiosity about the world.

D. Andy was called Mr. Cheese before being a Safeway manager.

4.The passage is probably from _____________ .

A. An advertisement. B. A biography.

C. A political newspaper. D. A science fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北唐山开滦一中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One of the special features of English people is self-discipline (自律). Generally, English people are polite and always want to please others. On the other hand, they don’t like to show their emotions, even in dangerous situations. Imagine the scene! Some English people are caught in a violent storm in the forest. Anybody else would be anxious to run away. The English would just try to hide their emotions. Not a sign of fear would be seen on their faces.

We often hear of the English "reserve"(矜持). On a long railway journey, with four Englishmen sitting together, often there won’t be a single word spoken during the whole journey. The English think it is a bad manner to ask personal questions. That wouldn’t be the case in America. In a short ride in New York, a taxi driver will tell you about himself, his wife and his family, and probably the towns of England he has visited, too.

The English value privacy (隐私) very much. An Englishman’s house usually has a small garden with a fence all around to separate it from the neighbors’. An Englishman’s house is his castle.

Finally, we have to refer to the most special feature of the Scottish (苏格兰的) people —the Scottish dress. Scotland is probably best known to the world for its traditional costume —the kilt. This short, skirt-like piece of clothing is worn by men.

The kilt is made of a special type of colorful cloth called tartan, which is very special in Scotland.

1.When the English are in a dangerous situation they usually _______.

A. laugh at other people B. behave very bravely

C. hide their emotions D. run away immediately

2.In the second paragraph the author mentions a taxi driver in New York to ________.

A. explain what a personal question is

B. show the bad manners of Americans

C. show that English people are not very polite

D. show the reserve of the English

3.What do we know about the kilt in the last paragraph?

A. It’s long and just like a skirt.

B. It’s worn by both men and women.

C. It’s made of a special type of cloth in Scotland.

D. It’s a traditional costume all over Great Britain.

4.What can we learn about the English from the passage?

A. They are not very confident.

B.A house with a fence all around makes them feel safe.

C.They usually don’t respect others’ privacy.

D. They prefer a house with a garden to a flat.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南湘潭市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Julie is only eleven years old, but she is famous all over the world because of her _________ with wild animals.

Her parents came to Africa with Julie many years ago. They worked for a group which helps poor children around the world. One day, Julie was showing her friends how to use a _________. Then, they wanted to _________ a photo of Julie with an interesting tree behind her. He took a photo of Julie standing under the tree. _________ they looked at the photo, they saw something hanging down from the tree. They realized it was a leopard (豹) ’s tail.

Julie decided to go back to the tree because she wanted to get a better photo of her and the leopard. _________ , the leopard was still there and was_________ , so they were able to get a good photo of Julie and the sleeping _________ .

After they got the photo, Julie showed it to the local Sunday Newspaper. After seeing the photo, readers wrote letters to the _________ asking to see more, so Julie started to take more photos with lions, snakes and other wild animals. Soon a lot of magazines started to _________ the photos from her. Julie and her family earned much money and _________ the money to save poor children.

1.A. money B. photos C. parents D. friends

2.A. radio B. camera C. book D. computer

3.A. create B. paint C. take D. send

4.A. When B. Because C. If D. Where

5.A. Usually B. Unusually C. Luckily D. Unluckily

6.A. awake B. alive C. afraid D. asleep

7.A. cat B. snake C. leopard D. lion

8.A. website B. magazine C. newspaper D. poster

9.A. ask B. buy C. sell D. learn

10.A. donated B. get C. spent D. developed


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽舒城中学高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Most students do an IQ text early in their school career. Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is ___1.__ determines how well they are going to do in life. When they see other students doing __2.___(well) than them, they usually believe that those students have ___3.__ higher IQ and __4.__ there is nothing they can do to change facts. However, new research ___5.___ EQ suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ.

While your IQ tells you how ___6.___(intelligence) you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence. Professor Salovery, ___7.___ invented the term EQ, gives the following description: At work, it is IQ ___8.__ gets you promoted. Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovery suggests that when ___9.___(predict) someone’s future success, their character, ___10.__ is measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃嘉峪关一中高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A wise teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each child to bring a bag containing a few ______. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child _____hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put into his / her ______ will depend on the ______ of people the child hates.

Some children had two potatoes; some had three and others had_____ up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the bag ____ they go for a week.

___ the days went by, the children started to _____ ,because the rotten(腐烂的) potatoes ____ an unpleasant smell. And the students with five potatoes also had to carry _________ bags.

______ a week, the teacher asked, "How did you______?" The children started complaining about the trouble they had to ______, when they had to carry the heavy and _______ potatoes everywhere they went.

Then the teacher said, "This is the _______ when you carry your hate for somebody inside your______. The smell of hate will _______ your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot ______ the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you _______ what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for a ______?"

1.A. games B. books C. potatoes D. persons

2.A. chooses B. loves C. hates D. forgives

3.A. bag B. box C. basket D. barrel

4.A. kind B. number C. weight D. size

5.A. ever B. even C. already D. hardly

6.A. whatever B. whenever C. however D. wherever

7.A. As B. Although C. When D. After

8.A. argue B. disagree C. stop D. complain

9.A. gave in B. gave up C. gave off D. gave away

10.A. larger B. heavier C. more D. fewer

11.A. Until B. Before C. After D. Toward

12.A. play B. learn C. feel D. realize

13.A. go up B. go through C. go on D. go with

14.A. fresh B. delicious C. lovely D. smelly

15.A. situation B. chance C. example D. way

16.A. study B. work C. life D. heart

17.A. pollute B. damage C. kill D. take

18.A. continue B. last C. bear D. love

19.A. remember B. imagine C. recognize D. notice

20.A. week B. moment C. while D. lifetime


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西忻州一中高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分;

3. 错误类型不涉及单词拼写。

It is interested to visit another country, but sometimes there are some problem when we don’t know the language very well. It may be difficult to communicate about the people there.We may not know how to use the telephone in the country where we are visiting. We must not know where to buy the things we need. In a strange country we may not know which to go to eat or what to order in a restaurant. It is not easy to decide how many money to tip(付小费)waiters or taxi drivers.When we are helpless, we may not know what to ask for help.After a short time later,however,we learn what to do and what to say. We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be sorry leave both the place and people.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一模块测评英语试卷3(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Mozart was a great man born with a given talent.He was writing songs at the age of five and performing before the queen by the time he was six years old.Early on,Mozart realised what his talents were,practiced or honed what he was born to do and used his natural abilities to create amazing pieces of music.

Mozart was not the first to be born with natural talents and he wasn’t the last.We all have them.We only need to discover what they are and use them to the best of our abilities.You have been given amazing gifts that are meant to be shared with the world.Your job is to find out what those talents are and master them.

Finding your natural talents may not be an easy task.Perhaps your parents except fewer wouldn’t approve of(赞成) your artistic ability to paint or sing,because they want you to be a successful doctor or lawyer.Maybe your gift wouldn’t seem to have the ability to bring the kind of wealth you hope.These may be excuses;it’s up to you.Have you ever noticed that when you engage in an activity in which you are naturally talented,you feel active and excited?That’s a sign that these are the things you should do.Discover your brilliance(才华) in life and practice,practice,practice.

Look at the world’s greatest athletes.They practice what they’re naturally good at,and what they love.You don’t see Jordan sitting trying to study DNA.If that was something he was talented at,that’s what he would be doing.But it’s not.He’s a brilliant athlete.He sticks to what he does best and he realises his dream.

There are only two steps to success—discover your brilliance and perfect it.

1.In the writer’s opinion Mozart’s success lies in .

A.his great given talent

B.making good use of his natural talent

C.learning from others

D.his favorable conditions

2.What does the underlined word “honed” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.To do something repeatedly to improve one’s skill.

B.To find out what one is always good at doing.

C.To do what one likes and what is interesting.

D.To ask others for some advice of doing something.

3.We can infer from the passage that many parents want their children to .

A.be a teacher or a lawyer

B.be a singer or an artist

C.earn much money as a player

D.give up painting or singing

4.In Paragraph 4 the writer advises us to .

A.work hard at what we are engaged in

B.fear no difficulty and realise our dream

C.practice what we are naturally good at

D.become a great athlete like Jordan


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一课时演练英语试卷1(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The names of the hurricanes are chosen from a list of names in alphabetical(字母的)order.Female and male names are chosen alternatively.For example,the first hurricane of the year will be called “Alexandra”,the second “Bernard”,the third “Catherine”,etc.

When newspapers and radio describe the damage caused by a hurricane named Hazel,girls named Hazel are probably teased(取笑)by their friends.To keep out of trouble,the Weather Bureau says,“Any resemblance between hurricane names and the names of particular girls is purely accidental(偶然的).”

Some women became angry because hurricanes are given their names,but many other women are proud to see their names make headlines.They don’t even care that they are the names of destructive storms.Because more women seem to listen to like it than dislike it,the Weather Bureau has decided to continue using girl’s names for hurricanes.

In some ways a hurricane is like a person.After it is born,it grows and develops,and then becomes old and dies.Each hurricane has a character of its own.Each follows its own path through the world,and people remember it long after it has gone.So it is natural to give hurricanes names,and to talk about them as if they were alive.

1.The underlined word “resemblance” probably means .

A.sameness B.difference

C.trouble D.success

2.What happens to girls named Hazel according to the passage?

A.They suffer from hurricanes.

B.The Weather Bureau looks for them.

C.Others often make fun of them.

D.They can’t find boyfriend.

3.According to the passage,which is more reasonable?

A.Some women feel unhappy because hurricanes are given their names.

B.A lot of men complain the Weather Bureau.

C.Many women want to be known.

D.All the hurricanes are caused by women.

4.Public opinions make the Weather Bureau .

A.consider the disagreement of some women

B.go on naming hurricanes after women

C.name hurricanes after men

D.look for a new method to name hurricanes

5.It is natural to give hurricane names because .

A.they become old and die

B.all of them should be remembered

C.each hurricane has its own day to come

D.each hurricane has its own character

