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3.As the summer time approaches,more and more commercials and advertisements can be seen on the mass media encouraging students to join English study tours abroad.The purpose of these tours is to provide students with an opportunity to learn English in a native speaking environment and use English in real situations.Parents always believe that their children will automatically speak good English after attending these study tours.However,for me,as an English major and former participant of many English study tours,I find these summer tours ineffective.
Parents who send their children abroad for a summer to study English usually believe that the native speaking environment,including the courses,teachers,and host families,can help their children to learn English better.This might be true if the students really study hard and they really get an all-English environment.But the fact is that,most of the time,the tour part is more important than the study part.Although these tours take place in foreign countries,students are rarely exposed in an all-English environment.You will find that,in the morning classes,Taiwanese students would like to stick together and speak Chinese with each other,even though there are some students from other countries.In the afternoon,the students go on a sightseeing excursion with their companions from Taiwan; they speak Chinese of course.In the evening,when students return to the host families,they would stay in their room and share the day with their roommate,another Taiwanese student.People who speak the same language with you is like a log(原木)in the ocean when living in a foreign country where you can not express yourself well,so that you would naturally stick with them.This is especially true with children.
Another unrealistic expectation parents have for these tours is that the experience of living abroad can make their children more independent and mature.However,maturity does not come overnight.It takes time and practice.The most important of all is that they need a good mentor(顾问).None of these exist in the study tours.

30.Which of the following is the most important thing for children who study in an English environment according to the writer?B
A.Host families.    B.Hard work.    
C.Courses.          D.Teachers.
31.The underlined word"mature"in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.active         B.free        
C.outgoing       D.grown-up
32.What's the author's attitude towards the English study tours abroad?B
A.Doubtful.     B.Negative.   
C.Positive.     D.Neutral.

分析 最近出现了很多学生出国学习英语的热潮,本文作者对此持否认的态度,文章分析了原因.

解答 30.B  推理题.根据第2段3,4行This might be true if the students really study hard and they really get an all-English environment.可知学生的努力才是最重要的.B正确.
32.D 猜测词义题.根据make their children more independent and mature.可知这个词与independent是相近意义的词,选项里只有D:成熟符合要求.独立且成熟!
33.B 推断题.根据第一段最后两行However,for me,as an English major and former participant of many English study tours,I find these summer tours ineffective.可知作者认为这样的夏令营没有效率,对此持否定态度.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

A.Choose your staff carefully.
B.Assemble a team starting with a teacher.
C.Decide ideas and titles for articles.
D.A great idea--starting a school newspaper.
E.Make a schedule for the staff.
F.Think about what's appropriate.
Do you want to start a school newspaper?If you do,then this is the article for you.Starting a school newspaper can be a great learning experience and is a respectable thing to put on a resume(简历) in the future as it shows your interviewer your leadership skills and that could very well help land you the dream job for your future.Being part of the school newspaper will give you a good idea on other people you barely know and also it will give you a chance to learn what goes on in the school.
This is essential for the success of the newspaper.A teacher brings something very important to the party,and that is authority.A teacher is there primarily to help make sure that everyone gets their articles in on time.With a teacher,staff simply feel an obligation to get their articles in.This really makes your job a lot easier.A teacher not only sees to it that articles are handed in on time,with a teacher around,staff will quit over 80% less.
Use your common sense for what's suitable for a middle school newspaper.Don't print anything hinting on weapons,violence,drugs,or basically anything that's illegal or not fit for middle school.
Because most school newspapers have 12articles,brainstorm 12.Some ideas are:games,colouring contest,short story,advice,random facts,sports,poetry or fashion.Once you have these articles planned out,open a word document and come up with cool titles and layout for your newspaper.You can copy a few things from the internet,but if it has a copyright,make sure to say where you got them from.
Recommend to your staff that once they hand in their first article,get a head start on their next article because life consists of all things,e.g.sickness,vacation,family affairs etc.Also tell them to let you know if they can't get one article in so you can cover for them.Print off the schedule and give it to all your staff members.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.From Jame's face,I could see he was terrified of beingabandoned(抛弃) by us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11."Reduce,reuse,and recycle",this familiar environmentalist slogan tells us how to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfills and waterways.The concept is being used to deal with one possibly dangerous form of waste-electronic junk (电子垃圾),such as old computers,cell phones,and televisions.But this process for managing e-waste may be used in an unscrupulous(肆无忌惮的) way more often than not used,a recent report suggests.
"A lot of these materials are being sent to developing nations under the excuse of reuse-to bridge the digital divide,"said Richard Gutierrez,a policy researcher.
One of the problems is that no one proves whether these old machines work before they hit the seaways.Because of this,the report says,e-waste is a growing problem in Lagos,Nigeria,and elsewhere in the developing world.Much of the waste ends up being thrown away along rivers and roads.Often it's picked apart by poor people,who may face dangerous exposure to poisonous chemicals in the equipment.
Businessmen also pay workers a little money to get back materials such as gold and copper.This low-tech recovery process could expose workers and the local environment to many dangerous materials used to build electronics.According to Gutierrez,this shadow economy exists because the excuse of recycling and reusing electronics gives businessmen"a green passport"to ship waste around the globe."Developing nations must take upon some of the responsibility themselves,"Gutierrez said.But,he added,"A greater portion of this responsibility should fall on the exporting state."
China,for example,has become a dumping place for large amounts of e-waste.The nation is beginning to take action to stop the flow of dangerous materials across its borders.The Chinese government,after many years of denial is finally beginning to take the lead.

67.The passage mainly tells us thatD.
A.developing countries are making full use of e-waste
B.e-waste is a growing problem in developed countries
C.developing countries are facing serious environmental problems
D.e-waste is sent to developing countries under the excuse of reuse
68.What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?C
A.A lot of e-waste is dumped in developing countries.
B.Old computers and TVs still work before sent abroad.
C.The problem of e-waste is growing in developing countries.
D.Poor people break up e-waste to collect some valuable materials
69.From what Gutierrez said we can learn thatD.
A.poor countries should be blamed for this problem
B.developing countries should be responsible for this problem
C.neither rich nor poor countries should be blamed for this problem
D.exporting countries should be mainly responsible for this problem
70.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatB.
A.China has hidden a large amount of e-waste in many secret places
B.China has greatly changed her idea about the problem of e-waste
C.China is falling behind other countries in dealing with e-waste
D.China has prevented poisonous materials entering China for a long time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Zoos divide opinion:there are those who think it is cruel (残忍的) to keep animals locked up while others believe zoos are important for the survival of endangered species.
To think that zoos imprison animals is to misunderstand what zoos are about.Without zoos many of the creatures we love and admire would no longer exist.Every single day,over one hundred animal species vanish.Scientists predict that as early as 2050 one quarter of the Earth's species will become extinct(绝种的).
Some animals are in danger because they are hunted.Worriedly,the population of tigers has already fallen by ninety-five percent.Other species are in danger because of a lack of food.For example,there are fewer than 1300 giant pandas left in the wild.
Zoos have special breeding programs to help those animals in danger.These breeding programs are proving very successful.As Irene Shapiro from Zoo and Wildlife Support says,"the Puerto Rican Parrot has grown in numbers from just thirteen to about eighty-five and the Golden Lion Tamarin Monkey,which has almost died out twenty years ago,has been reintroduced back into the wild."
Unfortunately,not everyone understands this important role zoos play.For example,Brian Featherstone from the Anti-Zoo Forum says,"I can't believe we take animals from the wild and put them in cages for the entertainment of the public!We should view them on film or TV in their natural environment."
However,this misses the point.A zoo does more than display animals to the public.It ensures their survival.Without zoos you would not be able to see many of these animals on TV or anywhere else!
67.What's the writer's attitude towards zoos?C
A.He shows no opinion either for or against them.
B.He thinks that they are unnecessary and cruel.
C.He believes they play an important environmental role.
D.He expresses a desire that more of them be built.
68.The underlined word"vanish"in Paragraph 2 most probably meansB.
A.remain           B.disappear        C.become rarer         D.get killed
69.According to the passage some people do not agree with zoos because theyD.
A.are too expensive to run            
B.put animals in danger
C.do not provide enough food            
D.keep animals locked up
70.According to the writer,the most important function of the zoo is toC.
A.make a lot of money                 
B.entertain visitors
C.ensure animals'survival               
D.educate the public.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.It was a youthful indiscretion(不检点行为) that scarred the ancient world.
A 15-year-old Chinese boy has been outed as the person who scrawled graffiti(涂鸦) on a 3,500-year-old temple in Luxor,Egypt.The boy's crudely carved message,which was written with Mandarin characters on a bass relief in the Luxor Temple,read,"Ding Jinhao was here."
A photograph of the graffiti taken by another Chinese tourist quickly went viral in China on Friday after being posted to social media site Weibo,where it received more than 100,000 comments.Users on the website were able to identify of the boy and posted his address online.Over the weekend,his school's website was hacked,and reporters descended on his home in the city of Nanjing.
Besieged by reporters,the child's mother offered a formal apology on Saturday for her son's behavior."We want to apologize to the Egyptian people and to people who have paid attention to this case across China,"the boy's mother told local newspaper Modern Express.
With China's economy booming over the past decade,a growing number of the country's residents have become global tourists.Earlier this month,Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang addressed what he termed the"uncivilized behavior"of some of tourists that was giving his country a bad name abroad.
The teenager whose act now symbolizes a national shame,meanwhile,wishes he could return to anonymity(匿名) once more."The boy has known about it since Friday and cried all night.He has had to be moved around because reporters rushed to their house for interviews,"a reporter from the Modern Express who talked with the parents told the Global Times.
On the bright side,Egypt's ministry of antiquities described the damage to the temple wall as superficial and said it would attempt to restore it.
68.From the second paragraph we can learnC.
A.Ding Jinhao is admired by his peers
B.People in China are tolerant of Ding's behavior
C.Ding's graffiti has caused a great wave in mainland China
D.Weibo is very popular with young people
69.The underlined expression in the third paragraph can be replaced byC.
A.Permitted      B.Encouraged      C.Surrounded   D.Determined
70.What is the boy's wish nowB.
A.he wants to live in America to shy away the attention from the public
B.he just wishes he could live back a normal life
C.he wants to go back to Egypt to remove his graffiti
D.he wants to be one of the working staff for Global Times
71.The writer uses the quotation by Vice Minister Wang Yang to showA.
A.Chinese should reflect upon some misconducts
B.China is a civilized country
C.people shouldn't go abroad
D.China is an influential country.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Some people believe the world will come to an end if they say"no".Thoughts that stop us from saying"no"include:"If I say‘no',everyone will hate me.People will think I'm rude."Saying"no"to people you will harm them in some terrible way.
None of the above will happen if you say"no".People don't really care that much!Imagine someone asking to wear your new jacket and you say"no".Even if that person asks why,you can be honest and tell her you've decided not to lend it out.You don't have to apologize or make up excuses.Imagine you ask your friend for a lift and he says,"Sorry,the car's full already."Do you feel hurt?The fact is that the car's full.That's all.
That doesn't mean it's always easy to say"no",especially when you care about the person.Here are some confident ways of saying"no"that don't sound rude.How about saying,"I'll get to my homework right now.""I really don't have time to do that now.Can you get someone else to do it for you?"
If you act like it's no big deal to say"no",and just stay relaxed,then it doesn't have to be that important for the other person to get you to say"yes".If you're at a party and someone hands you a beer,you can pass it on to the next person,or calmly say"no thanks".
Using humor is a good idea to avoid doing something you don't want to do.But if using nice jokes isn't easy for you,the following TIPS may help:Make an Excuse:It makes me throw up; Avoid It:I'm going to be late; we'd better hurry; Pour It on:Are you serious?I can't believe you said that!Switch Directions:Wait.I have to tell you about what Jenny said to me.
61.In Paragraph 1,the writer mainly talks about.B
A.the belief that saying"no"will destroy the world
B.the reasons why people are afraid of saying"no"
C.the bad effects that saying"no"will bring about
D.the wrong opinions that are caused by saying"no"
62.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A
A.It is natural for people to say"no"if they have to.
B.You can say"no"to those who don't care much.
C.It is honest of you to apologize if you say"no".
D.Your friend will feel sorry if he says"no"to you.
63.In terms of saying"no",the writer thinks that.C
A.it is always hard for people to say"no"
B.always saying"no"makes people confident
C.it needs skills for people to say"no"politely
D.people need to make up excuses to say"no"
64.When you calmly say"no"to the other person,you may consider that.A
A.it doesn't matter really
B.it helps you feel relaxed
C.he or she is less important than you
D.saying"yes"means you're unimportant
65.How many tips does the writer offer you to follow besides nice jokes?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.There are two types of people in the world.Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life,one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy.This arises from the different ways in which they consider things,persons,events and the resulting effects upon their minds.
People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things:the pleasant parts of conversation,the well prepared dishes,the goodness of the wine and the fine weather.They enjoy all the cheerful things.Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things.Therefore,they are continually dissatisfied.By their remarks,they sour the pleasure of society,offend (hurt) many people,and make themselves disagreeable everywhere.If this turn of mind was founded in nature,such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied.The intention of criticizing(批评) and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation(模仿).It grows into a habit,unknown to its possessors.The habit may be strong,but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes.I hope this little warning may be of service to them,and help them change this habit.
Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination,it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck.Those people offend many others; nobody loves them,and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect.This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments.If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune,nobody wishes them success.Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes.If they bring on themselves public objections,no one will defend or excuse them,and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings.These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing,without worrying needlessly about themselves and others.If they do not,it will be good for others to avoid any contact(接触) with them.Otherwise,it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient,especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
71.People who are unhappyD.
A.always consider things differently from others
B.usually are affected by the results of certain things
C.usually misunderstand what others think or say
D.always discover the unpleasant side of certain things
72.The underlined phrase"sour the pleasure of society"in Paragraph 2 most nearly means"B".
A.have a good taste with social life       
B.make others unhappy
C.tend to scold others openly              
D.enjoy the pleasure of life
73.We can conclude from the passage thatC.
A.we should pity all such unhappy people
B.such unhappy people are dangerous to social life
C.people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness
D.unhappy people can not understand happy persons
74.If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit,the author suggests that people shouldA.
A.prevent any communication with them    
B.show no respect and politeness to them
C.persuade them to recognize the bad effects
D.quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes
75.In this passage,the writer mainlyC.
A.describes two types of people               
B.laughs at the unhappy people
C.suggests the unhappy people should get rid of the habits of unhappiness
D.tells people how to be happy in life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making.The findings may explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that continue their hardship.
Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty.But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder.Until recently,it was economists who studied poverty,not psychologists.Eldar Shafir,a psychologist in Princeton University says now scientists from both fields work together.Mr.Shafir and his team did two experiments.One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey.Another was carried out among sugar cane farmers in rural India.
The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others belonged to the middle class.All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairs.
The volunteers were given two imaginary situations.In the first,the car repairs cost﹩150.In the second,﹩1,500.
"And what we found is that the poor and the rich performed equally well on almost all the tests."
Not so when the researchers raised the repair costs to﹩1,500.
"Now the poor performed significantly worse."The poorer lost about 13IQ points on average.This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.
The scientists then wondered if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor.The Indian sugar cane farmers earn most of their money once a year,when the harvest comes in.But the money often does not last through the year.
"So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest.
The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey.They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.
And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.
"They performed much more slowly and with many more mistakes when they were poorer than when they were richer."
Mr.Shafir says the results support 50years of research that shows all humans have limited mental power to deal with things in life.
"And so the insight here is that,having not enough of something in a way makes it harder to make good decisions for everything else."

61.What is true about earlier studies?B
A.They were done by economists and psychologists.
B.They found it hard for poor people to become rich.
C.They explained why poor people made poor decisions.
D.They showed the poor people cared less about their health.
62.In the first experiment,the poor performed worse becauseC
A.they had not slept for one night
B.it was just an imaginary situation
C.the increased price affected their decision
D.they didn't take the second situation seriously
63.The Indian sugar cane farmersD
A.are smarter when they are poor
B.earn money all through the year
C.earn lots of money so they think they are rich
D.feel rich after the harvest and poor before harvest
64.What do the two experiments have in common?A
A.They got similar findings.
B.They were carried out in the rural areas.
C.They were carried out by economists only.
D.They chose two groups of people with different income.
65.What could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Once poor,always poor?
B.Why are poor people poorer?
C.Poverty weakens brain power.
D.Different experiments,different findings.

