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分析 高分句型
1.the National English Speech Competition is to be held in our school on March 5th,2016.
to be held,将举行,是不定式的被动语态,be to do表示按照安排、计划将要发生的事,be/get done为被动语态,表明主语与谓语的动宾关系.
2.Welcome to attend this competition if you have any interest in English speeches or this topic.

解答 Announcement
     We're glad to inform you that(高分句型一) the National English Speech Competition is to be held in our  school on March 5th,2016.It will start at 8:30 am and last about three and a half hours.Twenty  high school students from all parts of China will gather in the stadium and deliver their speeches on the given topic-Future Life.Some famous English professors from the USA and China will be invited to be judges and make remarks on the performances of the competitors.(说明活动内容及举行时间、地点)(高分句型二)Welcome to attend this competition if you have any interest in English speeches or this topic.It would be a valuable experience to exchange ideas with some judges and excellent English learners.(号召学生参加活动)
     Don't miss it.(强调活动的重要性)
                                                                                                                                                                       The Students'Union

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Have you known your test score?
-Not yet.The papers __________.(  )
A.are still being correctedB.are not correcting
C.have already been correctedD.have not corrected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Acrobatic (杂技的) Show in Haidian Theatre Beijing
Introduction of the Show:
This is the entertainment that should not be missed by the young and old on a visit to Beijing.You can see breath-holding acrobatics,some of which can be so demanding in the balance skill as to be close to the impossible.
This time you can see the bicycling show-ten cycling girls all ending up on a bicycle with their fans spread out like a peacock.There are also girls bending and folding their bodies to a position where the feet hold the face and the head and hands are still balancing some glasses.Other exciting acts are the martial arts (武术),balancing of bowls,rope walking,pole climbing,roller skating and plate swirling (转碟子),etc.
Ticket Prices
Two daily acrobatic shows from 5:15pm to 7:15pm.The detailed price is as follows(including 5-65years old):
Yellow Zone:(Mid Rows 14-23)RMB 120
Blue Zone:(Mid Rows 1-4)RMB 160
Green Zone:(Mid Rows 8-13)RMB 220
Red VIP Zone:(Mid Rows 5-7)RMB 400
Book at beijing-travels.com or call 13801067568
Booking information:Your Name,Shows,Date,Time,Tickets,Telephone Number.We will explain your enquiry(咨询) or confirm booking within one working day.When your booking is confirmed,you will receive a confirmation letter by e-mail,which includes the detailed tickets with prices.
Please pay cash to our clerks when you get to the theater.Both RMB and US dollar are acceptable.

21.What can we infer from the passage above?D
A.Only children would like to watch it.
B.It will include the bicycling show by a peacock.
C.It will be shown only twice.
D.It will be performed by highly-skilled acrobatic group.
22.If a couple with their 4-year-old child want to sit in Row 6,they should payA.
A.800yuan       B.660yuan      
C.240yuan       D.320yuan
23.What is the main idea of this passage?C
A.The ways to book acrobatic show tickets.
B.The popularity of acrobatic shows in Beijing.
C.An advert for Beijing Acrobatic Show.
D.The introduction of Chinese acrobatic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Earthquake can strike without warning.But many injuries and deaths from this kind of natural disaster can be prevented if people follow these safety tips.
If you're inside a building,stay there!One of the most dangerous things to do in an earthquake is to try to leave a building.(36)G Drop to the ground.Get under an object(物体) that is not easily damaged.Hold on to it until the shaking stops.You can also get to a comer formed by two walls with your arms over your hand.If you're in bed when the quake hits,stay there and protect your head with a pillow.
(37)B Don't take shelter under a tree,streetlights,electric poles or tall buildings.If you are driving,stop as quickly as possible and stay away from overpasses,buildings,bridges or anything else that might fall or collapse beneath you.(38)D
If you are trapped in ruins,cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a piece of clothing.Use your cell phone to call for help if possible.Don't shout.(39)CTap(敲) on a pipe or the wall so rescuers can find you.
Be prepared for aftershocks.(40)F However,sometimes they even happen months later.Therefore,if you are not in a safe position(位置) after the first shock,you should move quickly but carefully to a safer place.

A.Don't move about or kick up dust.
B.If you're outside,go to an open space.
C.Shouting can cause you to breathe in dust.
D.Don't park your car under a tree or any tall object.
E.Take a good hold of your cell phone in the building.
F.They can happen in the first hours after the earthquake.
G.Most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.In colleges around the country,most students are also workers.
The reality of college can be pretty different from the images presented in movies and television.Instead of the students who wake up late,party all the time,and study only before exams,many colleges are full of students with pressing schedules of not just classes and activities,but real jobs,too.
This isn't a temporary phenomenon.The share of working students has been on the rise since the 1970s,and one-fifth of students work year round.About one-quarter of those who work while attending school have both a full-course load and a full-time job.The arrangement can help pay for tuition (学费) and living costs,obviously.And there's value in it beyond the direct cause:such jobs can also be critical for developing important professional and social skills that make it easier to land a job after graduation.With many employers looking for students with already-developed skill sets,on-the-job training while in college can be the best way to ensure a job later on.
But it's not all upside.Even full-time work may not completely cover the cost of tuition and living expenses.The study notes that if a student worked a full-time job at the federal minimum wage,they would earn just over $15,000 each year,certainly not enough to pay for tuition,room,and board at many colleges without some serious financial aid.That means that though they're sacrificing time away from the classroom,many working students will still graduate with at least some debt.And working full time can reduce the chance that students will graduate at all,by cutting into the time available for studying and attending classes.
There is little reward for attending but not finishing college.Students who end up leaving school because of difficulty in managing work and class are likely to find themselves stuck in some of the same jobs they might have gotten if they hadn't gone at all.The difficulty of working too much while in school can create a cycle that pushes students further into debt without receiving any of the financial or career benefits.
28.According to the passage,the reality of college students is thatC.
A.they throw parties a lot                
B.they stay up late every night          
C.they work besides attending classes    
D.they pay no attention to exams
29.What is the indirect cause of an increasing number of working students?C
A.The need of developing social networks.
B.The lack of summer jobs for young adults.
C.The chance of finding a job after graduation.
D.The expenses of high tuition and living costs.
30.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.working students are more likely to finish college
B.students can cover their college expenses through working
C.students receive a huge reward for managing work and class
D.dropping out of college may not help students get career benefits
31.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.The Difficulties of Landing a Job
B.The Struggle of Work-School Balance           
C.The Reward of Working While Studying
D.The Images of Working College Students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The proud man said he would ratherstarve (挨饿) than beg for food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.If we keep reading,we canbenefit(收益) from it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.In the old society,people suffered frompoverty(贫穷)and illness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I am writing to tell you something about the people doing the square dance in our community,that has made us terribly upset.
Recently,every morning and evening,many people gather dance in our community square,which helps to keep healthy.However,the long-time dancing and the noise pollution causing by the loudspeaker really brings about unbearable things.
We can't rest or sleep well.As a result,the students are not only late from school but also sleepy in class,and the workers are easy tired out while working.
Here are some suggestion to solve the problem.You should either shorten the dancing time  or make another choice of dancing places.Only in this way can they have a fun and let others enjoy life.
Would you please communicate with the organizers about that I said?

