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For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success in life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-aholic kids who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek the same kind of approval from their friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car.

The implication (含义) of saying “You are the prettiest girl in class,” or talking about the goals she scored but not her overall effort, is that you love her only when she looks the best, scores the highest, achieves the most. And this carries over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of over praise on 400 fifth graders while she was at Columbia University. She found that kids praised for “trying hard” did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”.

“Praising attributes (品质) or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that quality, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges,” says Dweck, now at Stanford University. “They figure they’d better quit while they’re ahead.”

1.The underlined words “Praise-aholic kids” refer to kids who are ______.

A. tired of being praised

B. extremely fond of being praised

C. very proud of being praised

D. worthy of being praised

2.The author quoted Dr. Dweck’s words in the last paragraph in order to make the article ________.

A. more persuasive B. better-organized

C. better-known D. more interesting

3.We can infer from the passage that _____.

A. praise for results works better than praise for efforts

B. praise for efforts should be more encouraged

C. praising a child’s achievements benefits his or her success in life

D. praising a child’s abilities encourages him or her to take on challenges


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建省泉州市毕业班3月质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达











Dear Mike,

How is everything going? ____________________________________________________________








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省德兴市高二下期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Coral reefs

For millions of years, coral reefs have provided homes and food for thousands of different living things. Fish and sea birds share the reef with other sea creatures. Now these beautiful places are in danger. 1. Scientists have found that people and pollution have ruined more than one-fourth of the earth’s coral reefs. Unless things change, all of the remaining reefs may die within your lifetime.

Some people think that coral is stone because of its rough, hard surface. But coral is an animal! Tiny polyps (水螅体) form the coral reefs. 2. These colours come from the algae (海藻) living inside the coral. Billions of coral polyps stick together. New ones grow on the dead corals. This happens year after year. Over time, the coral builds up a reef. The reef rises from the ocean floor until it almost reaches the sea’s surface. It takes coral 500,000 years to build a huge reef. 3.

The coral reefs have been harmed in different ways. People have broken off pieces of coral. They wanted to sell or keep them. To catch more fish, people have dropped sticks of dynamite (炸药) into the water. 4. Water pollution has encouraged overgrowth of the sea plants that grow near coral reefs. They block out the sunlight that the algae need. 5. Warm water kills the algae. When the algae die, the coral loses both its food and its color. The coral turns white and dies. Scientists call this coral bleaching (珊瑚白化). The bleached part of the coral reef cannot recover.

A. They come in many colours.

B. This has blown up parts of the reefs.

C. So are all the sea plants and animals that depend on them.

D. The worst problem is the heating up of the world’s oceans.

E. Coral reefs are experiencing a rapid increase in most locations.

F. However, it has taken human beings less than 100 years to destroy the reefs.

G. They cover less than 1% of the ocean floor, but support about 25% of sea creatures.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建长泰县二中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My friend Kenny and his family had just returned from Disney World. “I saw a sight I’ll ________ forget,” he said. “I want you to know about it.”

He and his family were ________ Cinderella’s(灰姑娘)castle. It was packed with kids and parents. Suddenly all the children rushed to one ________ . If it had been a boat, the castle would have tipped over. Cinderella had ________ .

Kenny said she was a beautiful young girl with each hair ________ , white skin, and a sweet smile. She stood in the garden of ________ , each wanting to touch and to be touched.

For some reason Kenny ________ and looked toward the other side of the castle. There was a boy who might be seven or eight years old. His ________ was hard to determine because of his height. Dwarfed(侏儒)in height, he stood ________ quietly, holding the hand of an older brother.

It was very ________ that he wanted to be with the children. He ________ to be in the middle of the kids reaching for Cinderella. But can’t you feel his ________of being turned down? Fear of being laughed at again?

But Cinderella ________ the little boy. She immediately began walking in his direction. ________ but firmly inching through the crowd of children, she became ________ . She walked quickly across the floor, bent down and placed a ________ on his face.

“I thought you would ________ the story,” Kenny told me. I did. It ________ me of the one you and I had heard of before. The names are ________, but isn’t the story almost the same? In both cases a gift was given. In both cases love was ________ . In both cases the lovely one performed a gesture beyond words.

1.A. alwaysB. oftenC. everD. never

2.A. outsideB. insideC. besideD. behind

3.A. sideB. stepC. wallD. stop

4.A. leftB. startedC. enteredD. disappeared

5.A. in lengthB. in placeC. in peaceD. in advance

6.A. studentsB. girlsC. parentsD. kids

7.A. turnedB. whisperedC. jumpedD. shook

8.A. nameB. appearanceC. ageD. mind

9.A. thinkingB. watchingC. listeningD. searching

10.A. strangeB. stupidC. humorousD. obvious

11.A. longedB. failedC. regrettedD. pretended

12.A. pleasureB. angerC. fearD. amusement

13.A. protectedB. noticedC. supportedD. saved

14.A. RudelyB. HardlyC. RelaxedlyD. Politely

15.A. tiredB. busyC. freeD. astonished

16.A. kissB. handC. giftD. touch

17.A. catchB. appreciateC. followD. inspire

18.A. warnedB. informedC. remindedD. cheated

19.A. differentB. importantC. necessaryD. unique

20.A. separatedB. dividedC. expandedD. shared


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年河北大名县、永年、磁县、邯郸县高二下期中联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错









In order to live happy, we should keep in good health. Personally, to stay healthy, we should do as follows. Firstly, taking exercise regularly. We can do sports such as swimming, running and playing the basketball. Such sports keep us energetic and also makes us happy. Secondly, they should develop a good lifestyle. Going to bed early and get up early can be helpful. Finally, we need to have a healthy and balancing diet. It is bad for us to eat a lot chocolate or meat, that contains much sugar and fat. It is necessary that one should eat various kind of healthy food such as fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Worst Game Ever?

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a video game that came out for the Atari 2600 game system in 1982. It was based on a very popular film of the same name. Star programmer Howard Warshaw created it with consultation from the film director Steven Spielberg.

It was July 27th, 1982. Howard Warshaw was hot off the success of his most recent game, Raiders of the Lost Ark. He received a call from Atari C.E.O, Ray Kassar. Atari had bought the rights to make a video game version of Spilberg’s Movie, E.T., which had just been released(发行) in June. Kassar told Warshaw that Spielberg had specifically asked for Warshaw to make the game Warshaw was honored, but there was one huge problem. Atari needed the game finished by September 1st in order to start selling it during the Christmas season.

It had taken Warshaw six months to create Raiders of the Lost Ark. The game he made prior to that took him seven months. He was expected to create E.T. in around five weeks. Warshaw accepted the challenge anyway and production began. Spielberg wanted Warshaw to create a simple maze game similar to Pac-man, but V had a bigger vision. He wanted players to explore different environments in 3D world. Usually companies like Atari have people test games before releasing them, but they decided to skip testing due to time limitations.

The game was a hot holiday item at first. Unfortunately, Atari overestimated how many they would sell. They made 5 million copies and they only sold 1.5 million. Most people who played the game hated it. The graphics(画面)were bad. Game play was awkward. Players got stuck in holes that they couldn’t escape. Some people who stuck with the game grew to like it, but it wasn’t the mainstream success that Atari had hoped it would be.

Too many copies of the game sat on store shelves. One employee remembers the game being discounted five times, from $49.95 to less than a dollar. A newspaper in New Mexico reported that between 10 and 20 semitrailer truckloads of Atari products were crushed and buried at landfill in Alamogordo. Atari lost over $100 million on E.T.. The game was so bad that it was said to have affected Atari’s reputation. The video game industry soon fell into a deep depression, with a profit $3.2 billion in 1983 to just over $100 million in 1985, almost a 97% drop. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial will long be remembered as one of the worst games ever made, if not one of the causes of the decline of entire video game industry.

1.What can we learn about Howard Warshaw from the passage?

A. He was ambitious. B. He was cautious.

C. He was unreliable. D. He was inexperienced.

2.Why did E.T. end up one worst video game ever?

A. It was produced in a hurry.

B. It was set in a 3D environment.

C. It was released at a wrong time.

D. It was based on a popular movie.

3.According to the passage, the failure of the game E.T. may have____

A. destroyed the reputation of the film E.T.

B. given chances to other companies to rise

C. led to the fall of the video game industry

D. made people lose interest in 3D environment

4.In the passage the author describes Atari’s failure________

A. in a disapproving way

B. with a supportive attitude

C. with a feeling of pity for the company

D. without expressing his/her own opinions


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was David dreamed to be an interpreter, _____ he joined a translation club at the age of 16.

A. but B. so C. or D. for


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年山西古县、高阳、离石三区八校高二下第一次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hey, ladies! It’s summer again and it’s time for a new you! No more make-up, no more pretending! Yes, that’s right! It’s time to stop making ourselves beautiful for the camera, and start posting confident pictures without all the make-up and extra tricks we add onto ourselves in the hope of appearing more attractive and beautiful. Because believe it or not, we already are!

After we wash our face and go to bed, it is not so perfect. You know it the face we should confidently be showing to the world! Who cares if you have pimples(面痕)or your eyes look small, or if you have crow’s feet? Guess what? Those are actually what make you such a beautifully grown woman. And any person who doesn’t think so is just not as strong as you.

Nowadays we are so prone to do anything and everything to make us look as young and perfect as possible. Yet the troth is, by doing this, we are actually making our tree skin get worse and badly affected by all the junk we put on. We are making ourselves believe that by changing our appearance we will be more accepted and seem more attractive to other people. And yet, our final goal is to find that without all of the make-up. What kind of twisted(扭曲的)game are we really playing with ourselves?

So I would like to make a suggestion for all women out there to give yourself a break at least this summer. Take a couple of pictures without all of that make-up on. You don’t need it every single day, especially not this hot summer! You’ll be surprised that the more confident you are about showing the real side of you, the more attractive you will be to everyone else.

Yes, the saying, “Beauty comes from within” is an old one, definitely still holds some troth today. So be brave, carefree, and make-up free! Let the world see you for who you really are!

1.The author thinks that ladies should show others _______.

A. their crow’s feet

B. their beautiful pictures

C. their real face with confidence

D. their attractive appearance

2.What does the author think of adding make-up to our face?

A. It makes perfect images.

B. It’s really meaningless.

C. It makes true images go outdated.

D. It’s hard to achieve what we wish.

3.What is the author’s purpose of quoting the old saying?

A. To declare it’s what one really is that matters.

B. To show the importance of adding make-up

C. To give us some examples of adding make-up.

D. To tell us not to neglect those old sayings.

4. What is the topic of this text?

A. Spending more time being with families and friends.

B. Not putting on any make-up on our face this summer.

C. Paying enough attention to ourselves in this summer.

D. Showing the beautiful side of ourselves to others.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Cloning can lead to many complicated problems.

— __________. That’s why a lot of people are strongly against it.

A. That’s it B. Nonsense

C. That’s all right D. What a pity

