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7.I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small things in thedistance (距离).

分析 我的视力是如此的好以至于能看清远方的小物品.

解答 答案:distance.
分析句子结构可知,本句考查介词短语in the distance在远方,在句中作地点状语;故答案为distance.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Group buying is one of the fastest growing trends in South Africa today.Industry leaders are confident the growth potential remains strong since group buying is location-specific(区域性的).Start-up costs are low and profit room remains high,so many sites continue to receive invested money despite widespread criticism and Facebook's decision to phase out of the deals business due to privacy concerns.
In the early stages of all industries,some companies fail because they cannot compete with stronger companies in difficult economic conditions.To deal with difficult conditions,an alarming number of businesses are developing group buying websites in places like China and India,so the increase of group buying in South Africa is nothing more than a natural progression into the international mainstream.
The group buying concept is fairly new and consumers have accepted this concept because they can now make full use of the rich information available on the Internet.Group buying is convenient and easy so it works.Anyone can view a site,join a mailing list,subscribe to RSS or print out a coupon(优惠券).The current group buying structure offered by the industry leaders works although there are still challenges to overcome.
Perhaps,the future of group buying is tied to the joining together of social media and mobile devices.Mobile devices are with us wherever we go and almost everyone is using some type of social media site like Facebook or Twitter to stay informed.Using GPS and social media technology to provide real time location-specific promotions would be beneficial to every consumer looking for the best deals in town.
Pause for a moment and think about it!What is better than signing on to your phone while having fun in town and you receive a real time information that your favorite shop across the street is offering a killer deal?
The future of the group buying in South Africa is bright and we can expect to see more advanced approaches to this concept in the future.In addition to the technological advances consumers will see the range of promotions expand to include new products and services.

72.What does the underlined phrase"phase out of"mean in the passage?A
A.Gradually stop.    B.Gradually increase.
C.Begin to develop.  D.Continue to enlarge.
73.The author sets China and India as examples to show thatD.
A.China and India are powerful countries
B.China and India are in difficult economic conditions
C.group buying is successful worldwide
D.group buying is an international trend
74.Which of the following is true according to the passage?C
A.People have accepted group buying because it's a new concept.
B.Social media and mobile devices have been joined together for group buying.
C.GPS and social media technology will be helpful in group buying.
D.Shops usually offer a killer deal when their customers are having fun.
75.The author's attitude towards the future of group buying isB.
A.pessimistic      B.optimistic      C.objective         D.subjective.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.April 22,2010 will be the 18th celebration of the annual Take Our Daughters to Work Day (TOD),a project the National Ms.Foundation for Women of America (NFW) developed to expose girls to expanding opportunities for women in the workplace.
         The program offers,millions of girls a first-hand view of the many career opportunities available in their futures.Now that women make up 46 percent of the U.S.workforce,girls can find role models in every occupational field-from politics to molecular biology to professional athletics,to name just a few.TOD encourages girls to focus on their abilities and opportunities,not just their appearance.
         The NFW developed the project more than a decade ago to address the self-esteem problems that many girls experience when they enter adolescence.At school,boys often receive more encouragement in the classroom,especially in math.science and computer science,the academic fields that tend to lead to the highest salaries.Women receive on average only 73 cents for every dollar that men are paid.and remain vastly underrepresented (数量不足) in top executive positions and technology fields.TOD aims to give girls the confidence and inspiration they need to develop successful careers,particularly in non-traditional fields.
         Perhaps because the program had become so widespread and successful,TOD had been criticized for excluding boys,and it was expanded in 2003to include boys.The program's official website states that the program was changed in order to provide both boys and girls with opportunities to explore careers at an age when they are more flexible in tenns of gender stereotyped roles."We should also show boys that becoming a child care provider is as acceptable a choice as becoming a police officer or CEO,"added Sara K.Gould.executive director of the NFW.
61.The purpose for having a Take Our Daughters to Work Day isC
A.to encourage girls to get top paying jobs,
B.to let girls spend more time with their mothers
C.to show girls possibilities for work and careers
D.to give girls a chance to visit their mothers'offices
62.Why are women underrepresented in some fields such as technology?B
A.They are not interested in these fields.
B.They are not encouraged to work in these fields.
C.They are not paid the same as men in these fields.
D.They are not allowed to be educated in these fields.
63.TOD was criticized because some peopleA.
A.thought it was not fair to boys
B.did not like having children at work
C.did not have daughters to take to work
D.would rather have their daughters stay at home
64.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Boys are now included on Take Our Daughters to Work Day.
B.Women and men have always been treated equally at work.
C.Homemaking and raising children are jobs for girls only.
D.Girls grow up receiving more attention than boys.
65.What can we learn from Sara K.Gould's words?D
A.Boys are sometimes more careful and responsible than girls.
B.It is most suitable for women to look after children at home.
C.Aboy's life ambition should be to become an officer or CEO.
D.It is also acceptable for boys to do what girls are supposed to.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.It u won﹩50,000,000would u still go to college?
Lots of people go to college so they have a chance to get a better job,but if you won﹩50million,would you still pursue(追求)a higher education?
Re:If u won﹩50,000,000would u still go to college?
I would surely still go to college if I had that much money,but I would not be competing for a scholarship on collegenet.com.I would probably still discuss things here and I would create other scholarships to help other people to go to college as well.
With﹩50million,I would not have to worry about getting a loan(贷款)from Chase Bank or finding scholarships to study abroad.I would have published several books by now as well,but I would still pursue my education.Going to undergraduate school is something that I really want to do because I want to become a Pediatrician.Money may buy a lot of things,but it does not necessarily give you knowledge and knowledge is what I am hunting for now.
I am not just going to school to get a better job; I am going to school to realize all of my dreams.﹩50million is a lot of money,but no amount of money can keep me from my dreams.
Veggie thought:"Money may make things easier,but it is not everything."
Re:If u won﹩50,000,000would u still go to college?
Would I still go?UMM,YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!
I still want to teach…I don't care if I have more money than Bill Gates…I still want to be in a classroom teaching!!And I need a degree to do that!Teaching is my dream job,and it would make me really happy.
I would  pay off my loans as well as my boyfriend's loans and help out a couple of friends who are having trouble with money.
Re:If u won﹩50,000,000would u still go to college?
I would still go to college.The only difference is with that much money to go to college I probably would stay in college longer and pursue a few extra degrees while I am there.I am looking for knowledge not money.The only problem is I need money to pursue knowledge.
Also I could set up scholarship funds and I could save some more for additional dreams that I have.

56.According to the answers,what do they have in common?C
A.They all prefer money to education.
B.They all want to get a better job.
C.They will continue to pursue knowledge.
D.They will give up jobs.
57.From the first answer,we know the person isB.
A.patient         B.ambitious        
C.mean            D.selfish
58.In the following statements,which is true according to the passage?A
A.They all have something they want to do.
B.They think money is more important than knowledge.
C.The first person is rich.
D.The second person doesn't want to get other scholarship.
59.The underlined phrase"pay off"meansA.
A.give back         B.cost              
C.ask for           D.get.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.He was married ten years ago,but he gotdivorced(离婚)last year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Wang Peng and Yong Hui are couples.Before they got married,they opened their own restaurants and competed for each other.Wang Peng thought his meal was good and his restaurant ought to be full of people,and people went to a newly-opened restaurant belonging to Yong Hui.
Curiosity drove him inside his restaurant.But there were few choices of food and drink on the menu,which making people slim.He couldn't have Yong Hui get away with telling people lies.After doing research on,he realized what was wrong with her restaurant.Then he won his customers back by using a discount and a new sign.But Yong Hui came to his restaurant glaring him angrily.Wang Peng thought her menu was too limiting,and advised her to try a meal.They chatted and thought they should combine their idea and provide a balanced diet with food full of energy and fibre.After some time,they cooperated and got married,working and living together happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I hurried ________ I wouldn't be late for class.(  )
A.sinceB.as ifC.so thatD.unless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.In _________to being used in industry,laser can be applied to operations in the hospital.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Neither you nor anybody else        content to live in such a lonely village.(  )

