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When a dirty and untidy orange cat showed up in the prison yard,I was one of the first to go out there and pet it.I hadn’t touched a cat or a dog in over 20 years.I spent at least 20 minutes,knelt down behind the kitchen as the cat rolled around,relaxed.What he was expressing outwardly, I was feeling inwardly.It was an amazing bit of grace to feel him under my hand and note that I was reaching a li fe or another creature with something as simple as my care.

Over the next few days,there were other prisoners responding to the cat.Every yard period,a group of prisoners gathered t here.They stood around talking and taking turns petting the cat.These were guys you wouldn’t usually find talking to each other.Several times I saw an officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisoners.Bowls of milk and water appeared along with bread, wisely placed under the edge of the dustbin to keep the birds from getting it.

The cat was obviously homeless and in pretty bad shape.People said that the cat came to the right place.He's getting treated like a king.This was true.but as I watched I was also thinking about what the cat was doing for us.There was a lot of talk about what's wrong with prisons in America.We need more programs.We need more psychologists or treatment of various kinds.Some may even talk about making prisons more kind.But I think what we really need is a chance to practise our own kindness.Not receive it,but give it.After more than two decades here,I know kindness is not a value that's encouraged.It's often seen as a weakness.

Instead,the culture encourages keeping your head down,minding your own business,and never letting yourself be weak.

The cat did my heart good to see the effect he had on me and the men here.By simply saying,”I need some help here”,he did something important for us.He needed us.And we needed to be needed.I believe we all do.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The cat was dirty because it was kept in prison.

B.The author realized the importance of practising kindness.

C.The officer in the prison enjoyed petting the cat.

D.The prisoners prepared food for both the cat and birds.

2.We can infer from the third paragraph that______.

A.caring for others is encouraged in American prisons

B.the American prison culture will be improved

C.showing love to others ca n make prisoners strong

D.the author is not content with the prison culture

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Animals Need Care.

B.Prison Culture is Important.

C.Caring Makes Us Human.

D.Everyone Needs to be Cared for.

4.In Paragraph 2,the author mentioned that “Several times I saw an officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisoners.” to______ .

A.show us the officer and prisoners get along well with each other

B.show us the officer and prisoners all like the cat

C.show us the American prison culture does need improvement

D.show us the American prison culture is great


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西上高县二中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A Bite of China, made by CCTV’s Documentary Channel, sparked discussion not only on Chinese food, but also on locally made documentary programs.

When you think of documentaries(纪录片), you may think of them as long, boring programs. But documentaries can be wonderful and bring stories from the real world into our homes. With fascinating footage(影片片段) and stories, documentaries encourage us to think about interesting issues we wouldn’t necessarily know about.

So, what makes a good documentary, and what should we pay attention to when we watch one? Here, we offer a few easy strategies to help you get the most out of watching documentaries.

Pay attention to the themes

While watching a documentary, keep your eyes and ears peeled for the themes people talk about and what ideas they focus on. Is it meant to be informative or raise a certain emotional response?

Think critically

Listen to what the people in the documentary are saying and ask yourself the following questions: If you were debating with someone or introducing a new concept, would you say the things the people in the documentary are saying? Do the arguments make sense?

Check the sources

If you’re sitting at the computer and can’t think of anything to do, why not look up the points the documentary made and see if they are accurate? You could even read more about what is presented in the documentary.

Who are the creators?

The creators or financial backers of a film will usually be involved with how the subject matter is presented. For instance, as the documentary—2016: Obama’s America, was directed in large part by a conservative writer, it’s not surprising that it’s critical of President Obama from the beginning.

1. The passage is mainly written to ______.

A. inform us of factors of good documentaries.

B. help us enjoy documentaries better.

C. introduce ways of making documentaries.

D. help us figure out themes of documentaries.

2.Why is 2016: Obama’s America mentioned in the article?

A. Because the author dislikes Obama.

B. Because it is directed by a writer.

C. Because it is quite popular in China.

D. Because it is a persuasive example.

3. According to the passage, ______.

A. it is always difficult to get the themes of documentaries.

B. financial backers often appear in documentaries.

C. it’s better to think twice about what is in documentaries.

D. many points of documentaries are not accurate.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西曲沃中学校高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

I was never very neat, while my roommate Mary was extremely organized. Each of her 1.____(object)had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签)everything. I always looked for everything. She would push my dirty clothing over and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other. Finally, a war broke out one evening. Mary warned me against 2.___(put) my shoes under her bed. Suddenly, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

The room was filled 3.___ anger. We could not have stayed together for 4.___ single minute but for a phone call. Mary answered 5.___. From her end of the conversation,I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬)under her covers, sobbing. 6.___(obvious), that was something she should not go through alone.

I realized that I should do something7.___(show) my concern. Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn’t notice Mary was watching .She8.___(reach) out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into 9._(she)eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”

Mary and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn’t always agree, 10.___ we learned the key to living together:giving in, cleaning up and holding on.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西曲沃中学校高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many children, _____ parents are way working in big cities, are taken good care of in the villages.

A. their B. who C. whose D. with whom


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北唐山开滦一中高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

Many people prefer airplanes when 1. (take) a long trip. For others, cruise ships offer the best choice. However, for some travelers, the only way to2. (true) experience a country is traveling overland by motorcycle, train 3. hitchhiking (免费搭便车)。

Kevin and Julia Sanders are two well-known overland travelers. In 35 days they rode by motorcycle from Alaska to the tip of South America, 4. journey of 20,000 miles across 14 countries. Kevin believes that traveling by bike gives people more 5. (free) because you never have to worry 6. bus or train schedules. Instead you can organize your time the way you want.

If you prefer to travel in a little more comfortable, trains are another popular overland choice. The train offers travelers the opportunity 7. (communicate) with locals.

For the adventurous, hitchhiking can be an exciting way to see a country. Hitchhiking can be quite 8. (danger) and is not advised in many countries, but when 9. is safe to do so, travelers love it. Hitchhikers often learn things that cannot 10. (find) in travel guides.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东临沂一中高一6月(第三次)月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

“So teach Kolby to close the door”, my daughter Emma said after hearing me _________ again about the dog coming in with the door open, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January _________ air.

Teach a dog to close a door behind him? That has got to be a really, really _________ thing to do.But then she took it a step _________.“Come on, Kolby”, she said, grabbing(抓起) some treats and _________ him to the open door.“Touch”!And “touch” he did, which moved the door to a _________ position.She _________ him with a treat, smiled, looked at me, and said “see!” And I saw and became _________ .Over the last few days I have been consistent(一致的)with Kolby .Each time he comes in, I bring him back to the _________ door and ask him to close.There have been _________ in the beginning, but lately more and more successes.

However, there remains much work to be done.I have to get him to follow my hand signal again and again _________he will close the door from a distance.But, I now realize, as long as you keep to the focus , the _________ will be completed and, in the way things are _________ , completed quickly.

What a _________treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! Even more wonder can be found in the _________ I learned so clearly from both Emma and Kolby.

A wish is just a wish until you decide to take _________ .Once you _________ the belief that it is “too hard”, then it remains “too hard ” and out of _________ .Once you want to achieve a goal, and _________ that it is “easy”, then it becomes “easy” to do what needs to be done.Just _________ doing it.

1.A.complain B.scream C.worry D.scare

2.A.thin B.fresh C.dirty D.cold

3.A.interesting B.funny C.hard D.possible

4.A.again B.further C.deeper D.backward

5.A.dragging B.pushing C.driving D.attracting

6.A.stopped B.fixed C.closed D.checked

7.A.rewarded B.gave C.offered D.thanked

8.A.moved B.convinced C.concerned D.puzzled

9.A.open B.closed C.broken D.perfect

10.A.pleasures B.experiments C.failures D.pauses

11.A.in case B.even if C.as if D.so that

12.A.interest B.task C.dream D.order

13.A.changing B.reacting C.progressing D.happening

14.A.wonderful B.small C.different D.simple

15.A.knowledge B.skills C.lessons D.experience

16.A.patience B.part C.delight D.action

17.A.hold on to B.pay attention to C.come up with D.live up to

18.A.date B.touch C.reach D.power

19.A.prove B.believe C.recognize D.realize

20.A.imagine B.start C.keep D.enjoy


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南湘潭市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



Man has been interested in robots for quite some time. Scientists are always inventing new and better robots, 61. which will play an important role in our future lives.

First, smarter robots will help us with the housework. They will take over jobs such as preparing meals, washing dishes, and sweeping the floor, so that 62. 他们会有更多的自由时间玩乐.

Second, robots will help us with our work. 63. They can be asked to do all the heavy and dangerous work, and help out in hospitals, schools and offices.

Third, robots will be our friends. Whenever we feel sad, lonely or upset, 64. 我们可以和机器人聊天. Robots will not only be good listeners, but they will also offer us good advice.

In conclusion, 65. robots will be more and more intelligent and will benefit us in many ways.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃嘉峪关一中高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


你的生日快到了,父亲许诺将送你一份生日礼物。下面就是这份特殊礼物的描述。请你以“Father’s Gift for My Birthday”为题,用第一人称讲述这个故事。要点如下:







科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年外研版必修3高一模块测评英语试卷2(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


School leaders from around the country gathered at the White House on November 19 for“Connected to the Future,” a conference about digital technology in education.Connected is the Obama Government’s five-year plan to support the growth of digital learning in schools.This growth includes equipping America’s schools with high-speed broadband Internet(宽带互联网).

At the conference,President Barack Obama said the U.S.Department of Education is taking steps to help educators and school districts as they change to digital learning.The department created new guidelines to help schools work to improve their technological infrastructure(基础设施).The guidelines are also designed to help schools choose the right digital devices(装备)and set up policies(政策)for their proper use.

“We have to do more to offer our children a world-class education,”Obama told the crowd of school leaders.“We have to improve our education level if we are going to make sure that every child in America can go as far as their dreams and talents will take them.”

According to Cecilia Muoz,director of the Domestic Policy Council,less than 40% of public schools in America have high-speed Internet access in their classrooms.She believes that Connected will make America a leader in using technology to educate students.

Muoz mentioned the Mooresville school district as a success story.Mooresville provides each student in grades 3 through 12 with a device,and uses a mostly digital subject.Muoz said Mooresville now ranks third in test scores and second in graduation rates(比例)in the state.

At the end of the president’s speech,1,200 school leaders attending the event signed the Future Ready District Pledge on their iPads.It promises the education leaders to help develop a culture of learning through technology at their schools,and to support teachers and students in using technology.

“Every child deserves a chance at a world-class education,”Obama added.“That’s what makes our nation great.”

【小题1】Who will take charge of putting the plan into practice?

A.The leaders of all the schools.

B.All the state government officials.

C.The U.S.Department of Education.

D.The U.S.Domestic Policy Council.

【小题2】Which of the following statements is true?

A.All students in Mooresville have digital devices.

B.Mooresville has carried out Connected for years.

C.Teaching quality in Mooresville was the worst in the past.

D.Digital learning helps Mooresville’s test scores and graduation rates go up.

【小题3】The purpose of Connected to the Future is to .

A.make America get ahead in digital learning

B.make all the schools teach with digital technology

C.enable more schools to connect with the Internet

D.equip all schools with the high-speed Internet in 3 years

【小题4】This passage mainly wants to .

A.tell readers how to use digital devices for learning

B.introduce some information about a five-year plan for digital learning in U.S.

C.encourage more and more countries to use digital devices to teach

D.make people know the importance of teaching with digital devices

