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There are several ways from which to choose for you to keep your kids safe in your neighborhood. But the first step to keep your child safe in your neighborhood is to know your neighbors.

Knowing your neighbors can save you a lot of worry. It lets you know that the car that has just driven down the street belongs to “the yellow house on the corner”, or the truck that has just driven by the playground looks unfamiliar, but the guy in the passenger seat resides two doors down. It’s these simple things that keep you from going_out_of_your_mind whenever you see someone driving by where children are playing.

But you shouldn’t just know what they look like. The next step is to know them well. What do they do?How do they act?You might be OK with them driving by the playground since they live in the neighborhood, but are you OK with them being on the playground? Knowing your neighbors solves several things. First you find out what kind of people they are. This helps you know if you should let your child go out in an area where they gather. Let us face it: you do not want your child to play around people or people’s children that curse (咒骂) or hit each other. Sometimes you have to protect your child against your own neighbors.

Knowing them also makes them know you. Being neighbors is an interesting thing. You might not like them or have the same views as them, but we all usually protect those that we consider our own. If you know your neighbors, they know you. They are more likely to look after the child of the nice lady down the street in the brick (砖) house, than the people, in the house on the corner, who no one ever sees.

1.This passage is mainly to tell us________.

A. how to keep your child safe in the neighborhood

B. how to set a good example to your neighbors

C. how to get along with your neighbors

D. how to teach your child to protect himself

2.If someone resides two doors down, he________.

A. studies at the same school with your kid

B. often comes to the neighborhood to offer help

C. lives in the same neighborhood as you

D. likes driving the truck around the neighborhood[

3.The underlined phrase “going out of your mind” in Paragraph 2 probably means________.

A. becoming very excited

B. becoming very worried

C. becoming very disappointed

D. becoming very relaxed

4.From the third paragraph we can know that________.

A. it is important for you to be polite to your neighbors

B. people in the same neighborhood are quite different

C. people like enjoying themselves on the playground

D. knowing your neighbors helps to keep your kids safe


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省兴义市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Laozi was a Chinese philosopher who came from a village in the southern state of Chu. He is considered 1. (be)the father the philosophy called Taoism.

Laozi2.(serve)in the Zhou capital for a long time before he became unhappy with the dishonest political situation and decided to resign. As he was passing through3.Hangu Pass, the gate-keeper stopped him and asked him to write down a book of his4.(teach). Laozi then composed a book of five thousand saying, 5.(describe)the idea of the Tao and Te. This book was later known6.the Tao Te Ching.

The Tao Te Ching stresses non-action (wu wei), which means the absence of aggressive action. In other words, man should not strive(奋斗)for wealth or fame, and violence is to7.(avoid). This peaceful way of life was extremely8.(influence)in later periods and led to the development of a particular Taoist way of living. 9.included special breathing exercises and special eating habits10.were designed to keep calm.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省滁州市九校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:完形填空

When my grandma fell ill just a few days before Christmas, I felt shocked and sad that she wasn’t going to be at able for Christmas with the people she loved around her. Mother said, “If she can’t come here for Christmas, we’ll take Christmas to her !” She was very _______when we all arrived at the ward with a lot of_______, full of bustle(喧闹)and chatter.

Afterwards, the idea for Secret Santa started to _______in me. The following year, I decided to put my thoughts into action and _______a request on Facebook and Twitter asking people to donate presents to those who were in hospital at Christmas. The _________was incredible.

The first year, in the week _______up to Christmas, I put on a red Santa’s hat and pushed a trolley(手推车) full of presents _______the hospital wards and the local children’s hospice(收容所) handing out some Christmas _______. I made sure those who weren’t _______ also received a present.

And, of course, the nurses and carers were________big boxes of Chocolates. I also took presents into care homes for the __________. Often it was just something little, but I think they were just ________to see a friendly face. It felt good doing something for other people.

________my grandma died last year, I was still determined to keep the ________running for a second year. This time I was overwhelmed(征服)by the response. There were twice as many presents__________as there were the previous year.

We’ll be________presents right up to the Christmas Eve before going to Midnight Mass(子夜弥撒), so it takes a lot of energy and time. But it’s ________ worth to see the looks on the children’s faces when they get their presents, and to see how happy the older folk are with a (n)________and a chat. I love being a real-life Santa Claus.

My grandma always told me Christmas was about giving, not________. “That’s the real spirit of Christmas!” she used to say. ________, I can pass on that message to others.

1.A. positive B. awkward C. greedy D. delighted

2.A. presents B. fruits C. flowers D. foods

3.A. mix B. push C. grow D. check

4.A. cut out B. put out C. make out D. leave out

5.A. honor B. response C. proof D. model

6.A. leading B. turning C. adding D. looking

7.A. beyond B. around C. under D. opposite

8.A. origin B. trust C. guide D. cheer

9.A. rich B. lonely C. well D. outgoing

10.A. treated B. devoted C. invited D. sent

11.A. young B. elderly C. deaf D. blind

12.A. curious B. pleased C. generous D. confused

13.A. Since B. Unless C. If D. Although

14.A. appeal B. fortune C. gesture D. identity

15.A. bought B. created C. donated D. used

16.A. decorating B. delivering C. wrapping D. carrying

17.A. more than B. less than C. rather than D. other than

18.A. report B. praise C. outcome D. visit

19.A. gathering B. misunderstanding C. receiving D. celebrating

20.A. Generally B. Appropriately C. Consequently D. Hopefully


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省武威市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末练习英语试卷 题型:短文填空

The earth was just 1. cloud of dust after the “Big Bang”.The earth exploded loudly with fire and rock.2. were in time to produce many things,which were to make the earth’s atmosphere. As the earth cooled down,water began to appear on 3.surface. It allowed the earth to dissolve 4.(harm)gases. Then life began to develop.

Small plants multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the 5. (develop)of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such6.insects,reptiles and dinosaurs appeared after green plants appeared. Small clever animals spread all 7. the earth. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,8. prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.9.life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can10. (solve).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭阳市、揭东一中2016-2017学年高一下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:书面表达







注意:1. 词数120左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使内容连贯;

3. 参考词汇:第三届艺术周the Third Arts Week;省中学生艺术节the Provincial Arts Festival;书法 calligraphy; 乐器musical instruments;专家expert;短剧short plays。










科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭阳市、揭东一中2016-2017学年高一下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The way he thought of _________ the problem is very useful.

A. solving B. to solve

C. solve D. answering


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭阳市、揭东一中2016-2017学年高一下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

She has been working hard day and night, which of course, _______ her pale face.

A. accounts for B. stands for

C. goes for D. answers for


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达



2.与美国同学多交流,多交朋友 ;



Dear Jack,









科目:高中英语 来源:广西省2016-2017学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Homesickness at college

The thought of college life is quite exciting for students as they taste independence for the first time at college. Their hard work and effort paid off after all. Though college life brings lots of dreams and expectations for students, most of them soon start feeling homesick. 1.But change is a part of life and dealing with change helps us to grow. In the same way, homesickness at college is a brief experience which goes away once students start adjusting in their new environment.

2.Some students may turn to alcohol and drugs. So it is important that students who experience homesickness at college know about how to deal with it. Students should understand that rather than constantly thinking of their hometown, it is better to see it as a challenge and try to defeat it . Though it is not a difficult task, the time that will take each person to deal with home-

sickness at college will be different according to their attitude and personality.3.You

can do that, too.

Remember overcoming homesickness is accepting what you are experiencing. Many students think that being homesick is childish and undeveloped feeling and try to cover it up by acting cool or showing that they are very busy.4.Besides, even their classmates will be going through the same emotions and feelings. Instead of trying to make them understand that they are totally fine after shifting to the new school, going through their emotions and thoughts about life at home for a day or two will be a better choice.5.

A. Homesickness helps students build up a better understanding of life.

B. Homesickness leads to dangerous results if not solved properly.

C. But they don’t realize that homesickness is common to people of all ages.

D. You may miss your parents as you leave home for the first time.

E. This is an important part in the process of beating homesickness.

F. The main reason for the development of such a feeling is change.

G. Believe this is a possible achievement that everyone can achieve.

