
     There is no such thing as a free lunch. Success doesn¡¯t come to anyone who sits back and does nothing at all. As they say, ¡°As you sow, so shall you reap£¨ÊÕ»ñ£©.¡±

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  Everyone has a desire for success while success only belongs to the hard-working people. As the old saying goes, ¡°no pains, no gains.¡±

   I failed in the last exam. So discouraged was I that I didn¡¯t want to do anything. I didn¡¯t do exercises and even attend to what the teacher said in the classes. Later on, I found things got even worse. Meanwhile, a great many students made every effort to study. Only then did I realize I was wrong and that success will not wait for me. So I made the best of every minute to catch up with my classmates. Now I¡¯m progressing in my studies. I feel confident that my effort will pay off eventually.

   My story makes me believe failure is temporary for a diligent person but permanent for the lazy. One¡¯s efforts will surely be rewarded with success no matter how big or small the success is.


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Dear Peter,

I¡¯m writing to express my thanks to you£®




Yours truly,

Li Hua





¡¡¡¡Dear Peter,

¡¡¡¡I¡¯m writing to express my thanks to you£®You are both my teacher and my friend£®My English has improved greatly thanks to your creative help£®At one time, I was too shy to speak English, especially in front of others£®It was your encouragement that helped me overcome my difficulties and enabled me to express myself clearly£®Now I¡¯ve become more outgoing, and of course speak English much more fluently£®

¡¡¡¡I¡¯m also grateful for the summer camp at which I got to know you£®I learned a lot about American culture there, and will always remember the days we spent together£®I hope we can be friends forever£®

¡¡¡¡Best wishes to you, and have a nice trip£®

Yours truly

Li Hu

