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 August 23rd is a blue day for me. When I look back on the day,I can't help feeling depressive.

  At 7:00 a.m., the scream from my alarm clock forced me to open my eyes. The room was in gloom. It was raining outside. How comfortable it would be if I could stay in my bed for the whole day,listening to the sound of rain and enjoying laziness. But it was time to get up to prepare breakfast for my husband. He was supposed to attend an important meeting at 8 :00. I spent 5 minutes pushing me into the kitchen. Who knows the terrible day began at this moment.

  When I turned on the tap,there was no water out. I was confused. Suddenly,I remembered the hateful notice posted on the building's entrance about a temporary water outage in the morning. I forgot it because of returning late from a birthday party. I searched all the water containers in the kitchen. There was no sufficient water for my husband's clean,least cooking food. It was 7:20. I have no time to waste. I called a friend living in next building for some water. Under her help,my husband finally had gone for the meeting on time. Sighs,I thought that I could go to bed to continue my dream.

  In the dark and silent bedroom,I was quickly back in my dream of last night―fighting against a mosquito,which had been buzzing around and I tried unsuccessfully to hit it again and again. The mosquito was so shrewd to escape,but I finally won the fight. All of a sudden,I was waked by furious knocks at my door. I rushed to the door but slipped down and hit the ground heavily. The horrible pain in my right leg and ankle attacked me over all so that I couldn't stand up and move. At this moment,I was shocked by a horrible screen. I was lying in water. All rooms were in water,2 inches deep,like a swimming pool. Hearing the sounds from taps,I realized that I left the taps on when I went to bed. What a stupid mistake!My leg hurt like hell,but I tried to move bit by bit to the door. I opened the door before I was totally exhausted. My neighbor switched off all taps and called the ambulance. In hospital,the X-ray showed that my leg was broken. Tears continuously ran down. I felt painful and lonely. I couldn't reach my husband,for he stopped his cellular phone during the meeting. At supper time,I finally saw him in the hospital. So I prayed along with my husband to end the unlucky day soon.

  Every time,I flash back the blue day,I highly appreciate my neighbor who helped me out. So I am convinced that even if you encounter a blue day,you can surely find some spots sparking in your mind.

(   ) 1. The writer's room was covered by water because        .

   A. the water pipe was broken during the night

   B. her neighbor broke the water pipe by chance

   C. the writer forgot to switch off the taps after turning it on

   D. the rain outside was too heavy and the water pipe was blocked

(   ) 2. The underlined word "furious" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to

   A. unfamiliar   B. strong   C. violent   D. funny

(   ) 3. From this passage we may infer that the writer was a little        .

   A. forgetful   B. cautious   C. desperate   D. energetic

(   ) 4. A suitable title for this passage might be        .

   A. A Helpful Neighbor   B. A Blue Day

   C. A Careless Housewife   D. What a Swimming Pool

1. C 见文章第4段,Hearing the sounds from taps,I realized that I left the taps on when I went to bed. What a stupid mistake!水漫全屋的原因是作者忘了关水龙头。

2. C从上下文可知,因漏水,邻居"使劲"敲门,符合题意。furious这里表示"猛烈的"。

3. A通读全篇,作者先是忘记了告示上停水的通知,后又忘记关水龙头一事,因而导致了下文一连串的不愉快。水漫全屋,右腿受伤,因此A 项是正确的。


4. B全文以A blue day为中心,从事情的缘起,到发生,到结尾,甚至后来对这一天的追忆。中心是A unforgettable blue day ,其他三项都是细节,不足以概括主题。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练1-10


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10.         ,I doubt that we really need it. (fact)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot,it can cause serious medical problems―even death. Recently,extreme heat was blamed for killing more than one hundred people in India. Experts say heat may be nature's deadliest killer.

  The total heat of a hot day or several hot days can affect health. Several hot days are considered a heat wave. Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature. This causes great stress on the human body.

  The most common health problem linked to hot weather is heat stress. The causes of heat stress include wearing heavy clothing,physical work or exercise,hot weather or high humidity (湿度) .

  Untreated heat stress can lead to a more serious problem called heat exhaustion. A person suffering from heat exhaustion loses too much water through perspiration (流汗) .The person becomes dehydrated. Heat exhaustion also can lead to heat stroke if it is not treated. Heat stroke is the most serious disorder linked to hot weather.

  Generally,the body temperature rises to more than forty degrees Celsius. The body stops perspiring. The skin becomes dry and very hot. A person may become unconscious,not knowing what is happening.

  Health experts say adults should drink about two liters of water a day to replace all the water lost in liquid wastes and perspiration.

  In hot weather,drinking cool liquids is best. Cool drinks do more than just replace lost body water. They also help cool us faster than warm liquids do. This is because they take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster. Yet experts advise against drinking sweet liquids in hot weather. The sugar they contain slows the liquid from getting into the blood system. Doctors also warn against alcoholic drinks. Alcohol speeds the loss of body water through liquid wastes.

  Doctors say actions other than drinking water can protect against the health dangers of heat. Stay out of the sun,if possible. Wear loose,lightweight and lightcolored clothes. Also,rest more often. Physical activity produces body heat.

  Experts say these simple steps can prevent the dangerous health problems linked to heat. They will prevent sickness,help you feel better and may one day even save your life.

(   ) 5. The example in the first paragraph indicates that         .

   A. India is not a suitable place for people to live in

   B. extreme heat can be deadly and fatal

   C. extreme heat is the main cause for death in India

   D. Indian government is to blame for not taking active measures

(   ) 6. Which of the following is NOT the cause of heat stress?

   A. Low humidity.

   B. Hot weather.

   C. Wearing heavy clothing.

   D. Physical exercise.

(   ) 7. What does the underlined word "dehydrated" mean in Paragraph 4?

   A. The body stops perspiring.

   B. The body temperature is high.

   C. The body loses much salt through perspiration.

   D. The body loses large amounts of body water.

(   ) 8. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. We should drink cool liquids and sweet liquids in hot weather.

   B. Drink plenty of water can solve the problem of heat exhaustion.

   C. When the body temperature is over 40 degrees Celsius,a person is sure to die.

   D. Physical activity can help us prevent the dangerous problems linked to heat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A 9-year-old girl fell through the ice of a small pond while ice skating,and her father plunged in trying to save her.

  A few miles away,a12-year-old boy on an allterrain vehicle broke through another frozen pond. "Cody Lechler was pulled from the water and died at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in suburban Milwaukee," officials said.

  "The bodies of the father and daughter,Brian Obbink,44, and Megan were recovered later Friday by a law enforcement dive team,Sheboygan County Sheriffs Sgt.",Doug Tuttle said.

  Megan had been skating on the footballfield size pond in Cedar Grove with her6-year-old sister Friday morning when the ice broke and Megan fell through. When their father tried to save her,he also fell in,Tuttle said. The younger sister ran to a nearby home for help,and someone called911,but it was too late.

  "Rescuers chopped through the ice to search the pond by boat Friday afternoon”,Tuttle said. Snow was falling in the area and the temperature was 22 degrees.

The ice on the pond,about40 miles north of Milwaukee,was less than 3 inches thick.

Neighbor Bill Schreiber said he saw two people running to the pond,one of them in shorts. "I've never seen people on the pond,only guys training their hunting dogs out there," he said.

  "About10 miles northwest of Cedar Grove,in the Town of Lyndon,rescuers pulled a 12-year-old boy from a small pond after he drove a fourwheeler into the pond," Cascade Police Chief Cory Roeseler said.

  The boy had been hunting with an adult neighbor and drove out of the woods ahead of him. The neighbor spot the fourwheeler in the pond,about25 feet from shore and called for help.

  Sheriff s Deputy Jim Opgenorth said the deaths were a reminder that people need to be careful around ice.

  "There is no such thing as safe ice ," he said.

(   ) 1. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. parents prefer to go skating with their children in winter

   B. it was very cold when the tragedy occured

   C. nobody would offer help when the younger sister ran for help

   D. people often goes hunting together with dogs and bicycles

(   ) 2. According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

   A. Two sisters and their father died on Friday after falling through the ice in Wisconsin.

   B. It was too late to save the12-year-old boy in hospital after he was pulled from the icy pond.

   C. The father and daughter came into themselves very soon after the falling.

   D. The younger sister called911 for help when she found her father fell in the ice. (   ) 3: While the12-year-old boy was hunting,          .

   A. he was on a fourwheeler driven by a dog

   B. snow might be falling in the area

   C. his partner went ahead of him out of the woods

   D. he heard someone calling for help

(   ) 4. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

   A. The thicker ice is,the safer it will be.

   B. Ice is more dangerous than anything else.

   C. It is usually not safe to travel on the ice.

   D. Ice is not the safest thing in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Next week,I will travel to Europe to attend the G8 summit. At this meeting,the leaders of industrialized nations will discuss ways to advance trade,fight disease,promote development that works,increase access to education,and address the longterm challenge of global climate change.

  When we help lift societies out of poverty,we create new markets for American goods and new jobs for American workers. When we help reduce disorder and suffering,we make America safer,because prosperous nations are less likely to breed (繁殖) violence and export terror.

  On Tuesday,America took new action to address the ongoing genocide (种族大屠杀) in Darfur. On my orders,the Department of Treasury tightened our existing economic sanctions (制裁) against Sudan and imposed additional ones. The people of Darfur have suffered long enough. We will not ignore a crisis that challenges the conscience of the world.

  On Wednesday,the United States demonstrated leadership on another crisis affecting Africa . HIV/AIDS. In2003,my Administration launched a$15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS relief,and I've asked Congress to double our plan for HIV/AIDS prevention to$30 billion over the next five years.

  On Thursday,I announced three new initiatives (措施) that will help the developing world. The first initiative is a new project called the Africa Financial Sector Initiative. This initiative will help bring African nations the technical assistance they need and it will encourage the international financial community to promote up to$1 billion of new private investment in Africa.

  The second initiative is to help more of the world's poorest children get an education. My Administration has provided about$300 million to improve educational opportunities throughout that continent. Now,with the support of Congress,we will devote$525 million over the next five years to help provide a quality basic education for up to four million children in poor nations.

  The third initiative is a proposal to help developing nations meet their growing energy needs while protecting the environment and addressing the challenge of global climate change.

  In all these endeavors,the American people can be proud of our global leadership and generosity. Our Nation is delivering aid and comfort to those in need. We're helping expand opportunity across the world. We're laying the foundation for a more peaceful and hopeful future for all our citizens.

(   ) 5. Which may not be discussed during the G8 summit?

   A. Ways to deal with greenhouse effects.

   B. New medicines and treatment for AIDS.

   C. A new system to set curricula in universities.

   D. Increasing the number of import and export products.

(   ) 6. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. America has taken measures to stop the genocide in Darfur

   B. America will come up with three initiatives at the G8 summit

   C. America will benefit a lot from helping achieve the goals of the G8 summit

   D. America has decided to spend$825 million helping children get an education

(   ) 7. The speaker made this speech in order to         .

   A. make an official report of the government's work

   B. tell the public the purpose to attend the G8 summit

   C. inform the world what America has done for them

   D. say goodbye to the public before he travels to Europe

(   ) 8. From the tone of the speech,we can see that the speaker is         .

   A. optimistic   B. confident   C. generous   D. broadminded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Papa was a rancher (牧场主) .He worked with 1        He was proud of the way he 2       ,He always wore clean clothes even when he worked. That is very 3        for a rancher who works outside on a horse farm. He often said to me , " Son,you may not be able to buy the best clothes,but you must always keep those you have 4       . That is the important thing."Papa did what he said. His clothes were 5        dirty like those of most of the other ranchers I knew.

Papa never worked outside 6       a hat. He always wore the same kind of hat. It was a 7       hat. He never pushed the hat to one side of his head,he wore it straight and he did not push the top of his hat 8        like most cowboys do. Papa had 9        hats. One was his Sundayhat,the other was his everydayhat. When his Sundayhat got old,he wore it 10        and then bought a new Sundayhat. He wore his Sundayhat only to church or on holidays. Most of the time he 11        his Sundayhat in a special box. He hid it so we could not find it. Papa loves his hats and he 12        for them in a special way. He never threw them down on the 13       ,someone might sit on them. He even had a special place for his everydayhat. As soon as he came into the house from 14       ,he put his hat on the nail behind the kitchen door.

  Mama was very careful of Papa's hat. She was proud of the way he looked when he worked. She was not 15        to touch his Sundayhat. Then something happened. Maybe it was the 16        of the long summer,maybe Mama read about the hats in a magazine or book,she got the idea that Papa should not wear a 17       wool cowboy hat in the hot weather. She began to believe that Papa would 18        his hair if he did. Mama began to care more about Papa's hair than his hats. Perhaps it was Uncle George who made Mama 19        about Papa's hair. Uncle George had no hair. His head was as smooth as an egg. Papa had fake black hair that shone like 20       . It was terrible if Papa lost his hair because he wore a heavy wool cowboy hat. So Mama began to worry.

(   ) 1. A. horse   B. cow   C. sheep   D. chicken

(   ) 2. A. fed   B. acted   C. dressed   D. lived

(   ) 3. A. easy   B. common   C. difficult   D. necessary

(   ) 4. A. smart   B. folded   C. clean   D. smooth

(   ) 5. A. seldom   B. never   C. always   D. occasionally

(   ) 6. A. wearing   B. without   C. having   D. with

(   ) 7. A. strange   B. straw   C. nice   D. cowboy

(   ) 8. A. aside   B. down   C. up   D. over

(   ) 9. A. two   B. many   C. clean   D. special

(   ) 10. A. sometimes   B. occasionally   C. often   D. every day

(   ) 11. A. stored   B. protected   C. got   D. kept

(   ) 12. A. cares   B. looks   C. keeps   D. asks

(   ) 13. A. chair   B. table   C. floor   D. bed

(   ) 14. A. school   B. work   C. downtown   D. church

(   ) 15. A. banned   B. permitted   C. encouraged   D. advised

(   ) 16. A. rain   B. coolness   C. heat   D. wind

(   ) 17. A. heavy   B. light   C. strange   D. special

(   ) 18. A. spoil   B. lose   C. hurt   D. damage

(   ) 19. A. care   B. think   C. talk   D. worry

(   ) 20. A. silk   B. gold   C. sunshine   D. moon


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance. There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems―from computer systems to product distribution (分配) systems to plumbing (流通) systems.

  Visionary skills (想象能力) will be in demand. The ability to gather and absorb a wide range of input,then use that knowledge,understanding,and view to guide organization into future,will be vital.

  Numbers and measurement will be important,of course,but smoothing the flow from month to month,from quarter to quarter will be essential for highly profitable longterm performance. Practically every company will have to move away from today's puzzlement with looking ahead only as far as the next financial reporting period.

  Ability to organize will definitely be important in the corporation of the future. Everywhere there will be a need to organize something:resources,workflow,marketing mix,financial opportunities,and much more,all will demand high levels of organization and reorganization.

  Persuasive skills will be used in many ways by the corporation of the future,the most effective individuals will be those who know how to present information and ideas so that others can understand and support a particular position. Good salesmanship will be essential in many more interactions than we consider today,especially inside the organization.

  Communication skills―careful listening,clear writing,close reading,plain speaking,and accurate description―will be invaluable. In tomorrow's fastpaced business environment there will be precious little time to correct any misunderstandings. Communications breakdown may well become a fatal corporate (企业) disease.

  Ability to learn will be above everything else in importance―enabling people to grow in effectiveness and help their companies achieve desired objectives. Some of this skill is innate (天生的) ,but many people improve their ability to learn―and to relate different aspects of learning―through college and university courses. We believe the liberal arts education experience will prove to be the most valuable type of education for tomorrow's leaders.

  The top employees of the coming century will be flexible (灵活的) ,creative and motivated toward making a positive difference in the world. They will seek balance,growth and fulfillment in both their work and home environments. The corporation of the future must respond to these needs and desires;otherwise they will find themselves limited by a lack of qualified people to accomplish the organization's work.

(   ) 1. From the passage we know that a person who has visionary skills         .

   A. does a lot of reading and research

   B. always takes everything for granted

   C. has a better understanding than others

   D. has a foresight of what he is devoted to

(   ) 2. The top employee in demand is a person who is         .

   A. used to waiting for the boss's commands

   B. a good organizer as well as a good listener

   C. talkative but few people can understand him

   D. qualified and experienced but refuse to accept new things

(   ) 3. The following statements are wrong EXCEPT         .

   A. most people were born with the ability to learn

   B. some misunderstandings won't influence communication

   C. people who are masters in their career are top employees

   D. if you can make yourself understood then you are an effective person

(   ) 4. Which is the main idea discussed in this passage?

   A. Various skills are needed in our modern society.

   B. Ability to learn is the most important thing.

   C. The corporation of the future must respond properly to new desires.

   D. Misunderstandings occur chiefly due to lack of communication skills.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The soldiers cheered as the train crossed the border into the state of Wisconsin. It had been a 1       trip from the south back to their homes in the north.

  One of the men had a 2       red scar across his forehead. Another had an injured leg that 3        it painful for him to walk. The third had 4        large and bright eyes,because he had been sick with malaria.

  The three soldiers 5        their blankets on the train seats and tried to sleep. It was a 6       evening even though it was summertime. Private Smith,the soldier with the fever,7       in the night air.

  His joy in coming home was 8        with fear and worry. He knew he was sick and weak. How could he take care of his family? Where would he find the 9        to do the heavy work all farmers have to do? He had given three years of his life to his 10        And now he had very little money and strength 11        for his family.

  Morning came slowly with a pale yellow light. The train was 12        down as it came into the town of La Crosse where the three soldiers would get off the train. The station was 13        because it was early on Sunday. "I'll get home 14        for dinner," Smith thought. "She usually has dinner at about one o'clock on Sunday afternoon," and he 15       .

  They jumped off the train together. "Well,boys," Smith began, "here's where we say goodbye. We've 16       together for many miles. Now,I suppose,we are done."The three men found it 17        to look at each other.

  "We 18       go home with you," one of the soldiers said to Smith. " You'll never be able to walk all those miles with that heavy 19        on your back."

  "Oh,Fm all right," Smith said,putting on his army cap. "Every step takes me 20        to home."

  They all shook hands. "Goodbye!”"Good luck!”"Same to you!" "Goodbye!”

(   ) 1. A. short   B. long   C. sad   D. wonderful

(   ) 2. A. usual   B. common   C. small   D. large

(   ) 3. A. made   B. forced   C. caused   D. took

(   ) 4. A. unhappily   B. uncommonly   C. unusually   D. unnaturally

(   ) 5. A. spread   B. covered   C. put   D. folded

(   ) 6. A. cold   B. warm   C. dark   D. sweet

(   ) 7. A. jumped   B. shook   C. shivered   D. cursed

(   ) 8. A. compared   B. mixed   C. filled   D. delighted

(   ) 9. A. power   B. force   C. strength   D. ability

(   ) 10. A. family   B. farm   C. country   D. friends

(   ) 11. A. left   B. devoted   C. contributed   D. supplied

(   ) 12. A. running   B. slowing   C. moving   D. going

(   ) 13. A. crowded   B. empty   C. clean   D. dirty

(   ) 14. A. in time   B. on time   C. at times   D. before time

(   ) 15. A. said   B. spoke   C. shouted   D. smiled

(   ) 16. A. fought   B. walked   C. marched   D. played

(   ) 17. A. easy   B. hard   C. exciting   D. serious

(   ) 18. A. ought to   B. must   C. can   D. may

(   ) 19. A. pack   B. task   C. responsibility   D. wound

(   ) 20. A. sooner   B. closer   C. faster   D. quicker


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Imagine a place where you can buy a wedding dress and ring,get married,and have a wedding party all in a day? The Mall of America offers all those goods and services.

  The huge shopping and entertainment center is the largest mall in the United States. It covers thirtyone hectares. It cost six hundred fifty million dollars to build. The Mall of America has more than five hundred stores including four large department stores. It has sixty eating places.

  But,there is a lot more to do at Mall of America than shop and eat. Why not visit the mall's aquarium? The ninetyone meters long,glass tunnel holds thousands of sea animals. They swim,crawl and float in about four million liters of water. You can walk alongside the aquarium and watch sharks eat or see a Caribbean reef up close.

Young visitors to the Mall of America can also enjoy roller coasters,ferris wheels and other rides. It has the largest indoor amusement park in the United States. The mall also has a dinosaur museum,flight simulation (模拟) center and fourteen movie theaters.

  More than eleven thousand employees keep the operation running smoothly. During the summer and holidays,the mall employs thousands more people for temporary work. Mall spokesman Daniel Jasper says more than fortyfive million people visit every year from all over the world. He says on any given day there are enough people at the Mall to make it the third largest city in Minnesota.

  The Mall of America will be fifteen years old next year. The owners are planning a year of celebrations. They are also planning a major expansion. It will include hotels,a business center,water park and performing arts center.

(   ) 6. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. An introduction to a shopping center.

   B. An advertisement of a mall.

   C. The size of a mall in America.

   D. The people running the mall in America.

(   ) 7. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

   A. The mall has the largest amusement park in the USA.

   B. In the mall,you can not only shop but also attend lectures.

   C. There are more employees in summer than in winter.

   D. The mall is ninety one meters long and has fourteen movie theatres.

(   ) 8. What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

   A. The Mall of America has become the third largest city in Minnesota.

   B. The mall is usually visited by many people.

   C. The mall is regarded as the best place by many Americans.

   D. People try to make it become a large city.

(   ) 9. What can you infer from the last paragraph?

   A. The mall is the earliest mall in America.

   B. The celebration will be planned for a year.

   C. The mall will offer more kinds of service.

   D. The mall will be taken place by a business center.

