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Poet William Stafford once said that we are defined more by the detours (绕行路) in life than by the narrow road toward goals. I like this image. But it was quite by accident that I discovered the deep meaning of his words.
For years we made the long drive from our home in Seattle to my parents’ home in Boise in nine hours. We traveled the way most people do: the fastest, shortest, easiest road, especially when I was alone with four noisy, restless kids who hate confinement (限制) and have strong opinions about everything.
Road trips felt risky, so I would drive fast, stopping only when I had to. We would stick to the freeways and arrive tired.
But then Banner, our lamb was born. He was rejected by his mama days before our planned trip to Boise. I had two choices: leave Banner with my husband, or take him with me. My husband made the decision for me.
That is how I found myself on the road with four kids, a baby lamb and nothing but my everlasting optimism to see me through. We took the country roads out of necessity. We had to stop every hour, let Banner shake out his legs and feed him. The kids chased him and one another. They’d get back in the car breathless and energized, smelling fresh from the cold air.
We explored side roads, catching grasshoppers in waist-high grass. Even if we simply looked out of the car windows at baby pigs following their mother, or fish leaping out of the water, it was better than the best ride down the freeway. Here was life. And new horizons (见识).
We eventually arrived at my parents’ doorstep astonishingly fresh and full of stories.
I grew brave with the trip back home and creative with my disciplining technique. On an empty section of road, everyone started quarreling. I stopped the car, ordered all kids out and told them to meet me up ahead. I parked my car half a mile away and read my book in sweet silence.
Some road trips are by necessity fast and straight. But that trip with Banner opened our eyes to a world available to anyone adventurous enough to wander around and made me realize that a detour may uncover the best part of a journey—and the best part of yourself.
小题1:Why did the author use to take freeways to her parents’ home?
A.It was less tiring.
B.It would be faster and safer.
C.Her kids would feel less confined.
D.She felt better with other drivers nearby.
小题2:The author stopped regularly on the country roads to _____.
A. relax in the fresh air
B. take a deep breath
C. take care of the lamb
C. let the kids play with Banner.
小题3:What does the author discover from the trio according to Paragraph 6?
A.Freeways are where beauty hides.
B.Getting close to nature adds to the joy of life.
C.Enjoying the beauty of nature benefits one’s health.
D.One should follow side roads to watch wild animals.
小题4:Why did the author ask the kids to get out of the car on their way back home?
A.To give herself some time to read.
B.To order some food for them.
C.To play a game with them.
D.To let them cool down.
小题5:What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Charm of the Detour
B.The Road to Bravery
C.Creativity out of Necessity
D.Road Trip and Country Life


小题1:文章中的第二段“We traveled the way most people do: the fastest, shortest, easiest road, especially when I was alone with four noisy, restless kids who hate confinement (限制) and have strong opinions about everything.”明确给出了作者以前为什么喜欢走freeways(高速公路),结合选项,只能选B。
小题2:题干中问作者为什么有规律的停车。这显然是在谈作者的这次绕道旅行。结合第三段和第四段,我们发现是由于our lamb was born,并且第五段中有一句话“We had to stop every hour, let Banner shake out his legs and feed him.”,这都说明答案为C。
小题3:第六段中的it was better than the best ride down the freeway和最后一段均说明作者很开心,这段旅程是生活中最美好的(best)。故答案为B。C错在文中根本没有提及健康问题。
小题4:前面的那句话“everyone started quarreling”是作者asked the kids to get out of the car的原因。最接近的就是D。
小题5:文章的第一段(we are defined more by the detours (绕行路) in life than by the narrow road toward goals. I like this image)和最后一段就说明绕道的魅力。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

An old woman walked around as she pushed her shopping cart full of many things. She was
 36 . Her hair was untidy. Her clothes were torn. And some of her teeth were missing.
She  37  and asked me for change. Instead of giving her change, I  38  her to eat out and she  39 . We went across the street to an outdoor café so she could  40  her cart while we had lunch. The  41  was surprised when this woman appeared and did not want to serve us,  42  she forced herself. We ate our lunch. She was very  43  and the food disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.
When we were ready to  44 , I was feeling very good about myself and then she asked for a  45 . It was then that I had to  46  myself and all the hidden bias (偏见) that I had towards this  47.
She wasn’t wrong, but my reluctance(不愿)must have  48 . I held her in my arms carelessly and  49 I felt shame. She thanked me for lunch and then left.
I  50  there for a moment and realized that I had  51  to give this woman the one thing that cost  52  —love. I ran after the woman and caught up with her and asked her if I could give her a  53  hug and she agreed. I gave the woman the best one I’ve ever given anyone. “That’s getting it right,” she said and her big  54  lit my path as we parted.
The  55  I learned was that if you’re going to give, then give it your all and get it right the first time.
A.watch overB.get hold ofC.reach forD.catch up with
A.customer B.shopperC.waitress D.traveler
A.teeth B.smileC.feetD.mouth


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My little son Logan had cerebral palsy(脑瘫). I should thank Tri-North Buiders, in which I was working, for   36 him. Four years ago, Tri-North Buiders   37 a daycare center called Little Buiders Day School. Little Buiders had 10   38  ranging in age from 6 weeks to 5 years, with three full-time teachers and a part-time teacher   39  there. All the four teachers helped Logan with his daily   40 , including feeding, walking and playing.
  41  Logan couldn’t speak, the teachers   42  with him through pictures. Logan was then   43  in all activities, such as art projects, plays, field trips, ect . Many things were centered   44 Logan.
Later, when Logan recovered to be almost like a   45 child and was preparing for his transition(过渡,转变)to the public school, the daycare workers worked with the school to ensure a(n)  46  transition. Not only was Logan  47 by the school, but the non-disabled children there were not surprised by Logan’s special   48 , which made Little Builders a perfect place to help today’s children   49 people like Logan.
I used to spend a lot of time in the daycare center. When Logan first began to learn to eat, he   50 ate with me or his father around . It was not   51 for me to carry Logan about while feeding him. I know that Logan would not be doing as   52  as he does now if not  53 Tri-North Buiders Company. In a world of making money at all   __54 _, I think you should know about the company making a(n)  55 
A.keeping up withB.taking care ofC.making use ofD.keeping in touch with
A.helping outB.showing offC.staying upD.looking out
A.think highly ofB.prepare forC.get along withD.make fun of


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On the first day of class, Mr. Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature(生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.
When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else's in our class.
What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn't wait to get the answer.
Very simple, Mr. Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?
Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?
We should have guessed it out, Mr. Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat's), hadn't he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.
小题1:We failed in the test because we didn't ______.
A.take notes while listening
B.show interest in what Mr. Whiteson said
C.listen to the teacher carefully
D.think carefully
小题2:We got angry because ______.
A.Mr. Whiteson didn't tell us the truth about cattytiger
B.we failed in the test
C.we didn't know why he played the joke on us
D.there was no cattytiger
小题3:We didn't find out it was a lie for ______.
A.we simply believed our teacher very much
B.we took notes carelessly
C.we hadn't watched the skull carefully enough
D.Mr. Whiteson spoke too fast
小题4:Mr. Whiteson meant that ______.
A.teachers couldn't make any mistakes
B.textbooks might be wrong sometimes
C.we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong
D.we shouldn't believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. It was the final quarter. The score was two to one, my son’s team in the lead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering encouragement.
With less than ten seconds remaining, the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son’s teammate, Mickey O’ Donnel. With shouts of “Kick it!” echoing across the playground, Mickey turned around and gave it everything he had. All around me the crowd erupted. O’Donnel had scored!
Then there was silence. Mickey had scored all right, but in the wrong goal, ending the game in a tie. For a moment there was a total hush. You see, Mickey has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症)and for him there is no such thing as a wrong goal. All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey. He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.
The silence was finally broken when Mickey, his face filled with joy, hugged my son tightly and shouted, “I scored! I scored! Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would react. I need not have worried. I watched, through tears, as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five(致礼)salute and started chanting, “Way to go Mickey! Way to go Mickey!” Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.
Later that night, when my daughter asked who had won, I smiled as I replied, “It was a tie. Everybody won.”
小题1:Which is the most correct description of the author’s son? He was _________.
A.braveB.sympathetic C.honestD.proud
小题2:The underlined word “hush” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_________”.
A.cheerB.laughter C.silence D.cry
小题3:Why did the author hold his breath when Mickey scored and hugged his son?
A.Because his son might get angry with Mike B.Because Mickey cheated everyone
C.Because his son would accept the factD.Because the score was out of his expectation
小题4:We can infer from the passage that Mickey          .
A.was hated by his own team
B.was excited when he realized the fault
C.was warm-hearted and played soccer for both teams
D.was cared about by his teammates


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In many African countries, the care of orphans has been mainly led by foreign donor organizations. However, Sister Florence has changed all that. Using her own resources, Sister Florence is leading the work of raising orphans from different backgrounds. Sister Florence Wanjala’s biggest motivation to start the orphan program was when she saw a little boy whose parents had died. The boy was living with a cruel grandparent and he would visit the grave of his mother, crying for support. Sister Wanjala wanted to give a helping hand and give him hope. From that time, she started feeling the call to help a larger number of orphans.
She opened an office with a few friends and coordinated (协调)a program to help the orphans. All the registrations were done in the office and the program so far has 8000 children. Sister Wanjala said, “My dream is to help the orphan to live a holistic (完整)life and be a good Kenyan citizen to help this country. Many people think that the way to support orphans is to put them in an institution(孤儿院). Others support them up to the age of eighteen, but here, we do it very differently.” For Sister Wanjala, putting a child in an institution is normally her last choice. She prefers the orphans to live in a foster(寄宿的) home.
She said, “I’m so encouraged and happy to see the orphans succeeding. When they come first or second in class, it shows how the program has helped them, and that’s encouraging to me as I continue to coordinate the program.”Through her charity work, more than 1000 orphans have been able to find a home. Sister Wanjala, as a mother, takes care of her own family.
小题1:What inspired Sister Wanjala to start the orphan program?
A.Her preference for kids. B.Her own similar experience.
C. A sad story about an orphan.D.Her successful charity work.
小题2:Sister Wanjala opened an office mainly to ______.
A. set up as many institutions as possible for orphans
B start a program to offer orphans a foster family
C.  provide school education for those orphans
D.  raise more money for the homeless kids
小题3:What does the underlined sentence probably mean?
A. She didn’t want orphans to live in an institution.
B. She preferred to put orphans into an institution.
C. She had no choice but to put orphans in institutions.
D. She sent orphans into an institution in the end.
小题4:What can we learn from the text?
A. Sister Wanjala finally adopted the little boy.
B. Sister Wanjala found foster homes for 8000 orphans.
C. Sister Wanjala was too busy to care for her own family.
D. Sister Wanjala was not alone in helping orphans.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Going green seems to be a fad(时尚) for a lot of people these days.Whether that is good or bad,we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad but a life style.
On April 22,2011,we decided to be green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond the easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 diffenent things to do and this was no easy task.
With the idea of going green every single day a year,Our Greean Year started. My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all green things that could be done to help the environment. We wanted to push the message that every little bit helps.
Over the course of Our Green Year, we completely changed our lifestyles. We now shop at organic(有机的) stores. We consume less meat,choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don’t need. We have given away half of what we owned through websites.Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice, with no chemical cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the smell of home-made fresh bread. In our home office anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punished.
Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others. We believe that we do have the power to change things and help our planets.
小题1:What might be the best title for the passage?
A.Going green
B.Protecting the planet
C.Keeping Open-Minded
D.Celebrating Our Green Year
小题2:It was difficult for the couple to live a green life for the whole year because_______.
A.they were expected to follow the green fad
B.they didn’t know how to educate other people
C.they were unwilling to reduce their energy
D.they needed to perform unusual green tasks
小题3:What did the couple do over the course of Our Green Year?
A.They tried to get out of their ungreen habits.
B.They ignored others’ ungreen behaviour.
C.They chose better chemical cleaners.
D.they sold their home-made food
小题4:What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The government will give support to the green roject.
B.The couple may continue ther project in the future.
C.Some people disagree with the couple’s green ideas.
D.Our Green Year is becoming a national campaign.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A Leap(跳跃)to Honor
Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.
To perfect her skills, Lola   36   for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.
That’s especially impressive,          37    she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and can’t _38   how far away things are.
When she was little, her mom   39  that even though she couldn’t see         40   , she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the    41    right away and gymnastics became her favorite.
Though learning gymnastics has been more    42   for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesn’t let her _43  stop her from doing anything that she wants to.
She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest          44_ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to          45_ your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.
To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most   46  for anyone because it’s four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn’t fall      47  the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10---- her highest score yet.
Lola doesn’t want to be          48    differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don’t know about her vision _49 _. She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her _50          attitude.
Lola never thinks about   51__. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her   52         is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she’s learned to other kids    53  she grew up.
Lola is   54  of all her hard work and success. She says it’s helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her   55        for others is “just believe yourself”.
A.since B.unlessC.afterD.though
A.suspectedB.rememberedC.imagined D.noticed
A.talentB.quality C.natureD.condition
A.proudB.tiredC.ashamed D.confident


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had  36  a beautiful sports car in a show room, and knowing his father could well   37  it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day came near, the young man awaited 38_  that his father had bought the car. 39 , on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his  40  study room. His father told him how  41  he was to have such a fine son, and told him how  42  he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully  43 gift box.
Curious, and somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and  44  a lovely, leather- bound (皮纸封面) Bible(圣经),  45 the young man's name pressed in gold.   46 , he raised his voice to his father, and said "With 47  your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in  48  . He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very   49 , and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him  50  that graduation day.
Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram(电报)  51  him his father had passed away, and willed(立遗嘱) all his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and  52_ things.
When he arrived at his father's house, sudden   53 and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still gift - wrapped Bible _54__as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages.
Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the  55  . It had a tag (标签) with the date of his graduation on it, and the words PAID IN FULL.
A.look forB.take care ofC.careD.mind

