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For most of my 20 years as a teacher, summer vacation was my time to relax. So why was I standing in the schoolyard of an unfamiliar school, wearing myself out for a summer teaching job? The extra paychecks were nice, but I lacked the energy of my younger colleagues. Like Stella. She was in her early twenties, and made keeping up with the kids look effortless. She reminded me of myself, back when I was a bright-eyed student teacher at Ramona Elementary…

I’d never forget my first day. I was too full of energy. Nervous energy. My supervising teacher was watching, and I wanted to make a good impression. I asked my third graders to take out their crayons for the day’s lesson. All of them obeyed. Except one. A girl with two long, dark braids(辫子). Everyone called her Estrellita, or “little star.” Why was she unprepared for class? I demanded to know.

“My sister has my crayons,” she said.

“You should each have your own crayons,” I told her. “That’s no excuse.”

“There are 10 children in my family,” Estrellita said quietly, her big brown eyes never leaving my face. “We have to take turns.”

I was taken aback. I’d completely misjudged the situation. All day Estrellita’s words played on my mind. The next morning I bought a pack of crayons to leave on Estrellita’s desk. She was so happy! That experience taught me an important lesson. Every student had a unique set of challenges—it was my mission to help my students overcome them. That mission used to energize(激励 )me.

Rest was almost over. Stella turned to me and we started chatting. “How long have you been teaching?” she asked. I told her I’d started twenty years before, at Ramona Elementary.

“I went to school there twenty years ago!” Stella said. I looked at her again, this time really seeing her. Those big brown eyes. That long, dark hair...

“Did you use to have two long braids?” I said. “We called you Estrellita… ”

Stella shouted. “ You ! You gave me the crayons!”

She’d become a teacher. To help students like I did. Even doing something that small mattered.

That summer, I threw myself into teaching with a renewed sense of purpose. Estrellita had taught me a lesson once again.

1.How did the author feel according to Paragraph 1?

A. She felt relaxed. B. She felt very tired.

C. She was still excited. D. She was proud of herself.

2.Why didn’t Estrellita take out her crayons?

A. She had to share them. B. She was being naughty.

C. She forgot to bring them. D. She lost them before the class.

3.Which can replace the underlined part “taken aback” in Paragraph 6?

A. fairly serious. B. quite pleased.

C. very surprised. D. extremely angry.

4.What did the author learn through Stella?

A. Never make excuses. B. Why her job mattered.

C. How to be a good teacher. D. To be a giver, not a receiver.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省商丘市2017届高三下学期质量监测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

"It took me a year to complete,all at night.I used almost 500 liters of paint.It was the biggest illegal graffiti(涂鸦)piece ever.

These are the words of a man named Saber from the United States.Saber is talking about a piece of colourful graffiti that he painted in Los Angeles.Saber did not have permission for this painting.It was on city property.Was the graffiti a piece of art?Or was Saber a criminal because he painted it illegally?

Abdal Ullah,a councilor in London,told TIMES magazine,"Graffiti is a crime.It ruins the environment.It makes our neighborhoods feel less safe.And it costs thousands of pounds each year to clean."

Graffiti artists often use high technology paint.This is hard to remove or paint over.Large cities spend millions of.dollars a year to remove graffiti.Graffiti is also often done in places where other criminal behaviour takes place, including violence and the use of illegal drugs.

Some people say that some kinds of graffiti can be considered art.Saber from Los Angeles said,"My painting shows 22 years of intense art making.And I think art is the number one goal for myself.Graffiti is the way I learn.Art gets a bad name because it is considered something only for a few people in society.It is seen as something only a rich or highly educated person can understand.And that is not true.Every single child in the world drew a picture once and had that excitement."

Luckily,there is a group called Writerz Blok in San Diego,California.They set up 12 walls where people can legally paint graffiti.Marcus Tufono,who works at Writerz Blok,explains,"Our goal is to move the illegal graffiti to a legal wall,and then put it on a computer screen and some software,so hat they can take their art and use it around the community.Then graffiti artists have a chance to succeed through their art."

1.Saber's painting was illegal because .

A. it was painted at night B. it was on public property

C. its creator was a criminal D. it was of poor quality

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A. The advantages of graffiti. B. The bad effects of graffiti.

C. The cost of removing graffiti. D. The materials used for graffiti.

3.Which statement may Saber agree with?

A. Graffiti is a type of art.

B. Only a few people understand art.

C. Graffiti is not a good way to create art.

D. Children should be encouraged to draw graffiti.

4.According to the last paragraph,people working at Writerz Blok .

A. help artists paint graffiti legally

B. encourage people to paint graffiti freely

C. punish people for painting graffiti

D. remove illegal graffiti in their city


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省金华市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达



•你怎样得知Jack的愿望 •你愿意成为他的朋友

•你打算如何帮助他 •你盼望他的回复



Dear Jack,

My name is Li Hua. I’m a Chinese high school student and I’m a boy of 17 years old.










Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次段考(B)英语试卷 题型:短文填空

For several billion years after the ”Big Bang ”, the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to 1.was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. The earth became so 2. that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.

3.eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea 4. you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5500 kilometers from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you’re in Canada’s warmest part. People say it is Canada’s most beautiful city, 5. by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast6. of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world.

However, this was not easy. When they first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the froest.7.after her mother came to help her for the first few months8.she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For example, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until then everyone9. thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other, and her study of their body language helped her10.their social system.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省荆门市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试卷 题型:短文填空

California is the third 1.(large) state in the USA and it is the most multicultural state. About 15,000 years ago, the first 2.(settle) crossed the Bering Strait and arrived in California. The Native Americans suffered 3.(great) after the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century. In the 18th century, California 4.(rule) by Spain until 1821 when the people of Mexico gained their independence 5.Spain. California then became part of Mexico. But after the American-Mexican war in 1846, California was given to the USA.

In 1848, gold was discovered in California,6.attracted people from all over the world to arrive there 7.(achieve) their dreams of becoming rich. In 1850, California became 8. 31st state of the USA as a multicultural society.9. (attract) by the climate and lifestyle, more and more people from different parts of the world have been immigrating to California,10.(include) Asians, Africans and Europeans.


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏勤行学区2017-2018学年高二上学期入学考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Many years ago, there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and ________ as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered.________ enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and _____ as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could.

He _____ riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. Even when he was _______or tired, he did not stop _______he wanted to cover as much area as possible. When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was exhausted and was _________. Then he asked himself, “Why did I _____myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only _____ a very small area to _____myself.”

The above story is _____ to the journey of our _____. We push ourselves very hard every day to make more ________, to gain power or recognition. We neglect(疏忽,忘记) our ________, time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding ______and the things we love to do. One day __________ we look back, we will ______that we don’t really need that much, ____________ then we cannot turn back time for what we have __________

Life is not about making money. Life is definitely(肯定地) not about work! Work is only _________ to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

1.A. use B. get C. work D. cover

2.A. Sure B. Strange C. Good D. Interesting

3.A. rode B. ran C. expanded D. struggled

4.A. gave up B. asked for C. kept on D. succeeded in

5.A. sad B. hungry C. confused D. excited

6.A. because B. so C. but D. if

7.A. dying B. arguing C. sleeping D. smiling

8.A. make B. push C. destroy D. prove

9.A. find B. have C. need D. show

10.A. live B. support C. bury D. sleep

11.A. useful B. certain C. special D. similar

12.A. future B. past C. history D. life

13.A. money B. progress C. discoveries D. friends

14.A. freedom B. career C. honor D. health

15.A. things B. condition C. beauty D. people

16.A. before B. when C. unless D. since

17.A. regret B. realize C. apologize D. explain

18.A. but B. until C. however D. or

19.A. saved B. won C. reduced D. missed

20.A. possible B. probable C. necessary D. suitable


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省乐山市2017届高三下学期第二次调研考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空


Our brains naturally start slowing down at the cruelly young age of 30.1. used to be thought that this couldn’t be helped,but new studies show that people of any age can train their brains to work faster.“Your brain is a learning machine,”says Dr.Merzenich from University of California.2. (give) the right tools,we can train our acts as they did when we were young.All that 3.(require) is the practice designed just for this purpose: a few exercises for 4.mind.

Dr.Merzenich has developed a computer-based training method to speed up the process in5. the brain deals with information.Since much of the data we receive comes through speech,the Bain Fitness Program works with language and hearing to improve speed and accuracy.

Over the course of the training,the program starts asking you to distinguish sounds-between“dog” and “bog”,for example-6.an increasingly faster speed.It’s a bit like a tennis instructor,says Dr.Merzenich,hitting balls at you faster and 7.(fast) to keep you challenged.You may start out slow,but before long you’re pretty quick.

The biggest finding in brain research in the last decade is that the brain at any age is highly plastic.8. you ask your brain to learn,it will learn.And it may speed up in the process.

To keep your brain young and plastic,you can do one of a million new 9. (activity) that challenge and excite you: playing table tennis or bridge,doing crossword puzzles,learning a new language…“When it comes to10.(prevent) aging,you really do‘use it or lose it’”,says Barbara Sahakian ,a professor at Cambridage University.


科目:高中英语 来源:高二英语人教版必修5Unit 1 Great scientists 题型:短文改错







1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last night a strong wind as well as heavily rain struck our area. News came that the trees in the park two kilometers away from our school was blown down. This afternoon, we set off the park to do some cleaning. The head of the park met us or gave us some advice on how to clear away the falling trees, branches and leaves. Some times later, we were working hard when it begins to rain. Because few of us had taken along umbrellas or raincoats, so we were all wet. A rain lasted about an hour and it was a pity that they had to stop our work.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宿迁市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

________ thirty minutes earlier, you would have seen the beautiful rosy dawn.

A. If you got up B. Had you got up

C. Were you to get up D. If you should get up

