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A long time ago, there was an emperor. One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and 16  as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered.  17  enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and 18  as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He 19  riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. Even when he was 20  and tired, he did not stop 21  he wanted to cover as much area as possible. When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was exhausted and was  22 . Then he asked himself, “Why did I 23  myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only 24  a very small area to 25  myself.”
The above story is 26  to the journey of our 27 . We push ourselves very hard every day to make more 28 , to gain power or recognition. We neglect our 29  , time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding 30  and the things we love to do. One day 31  we look back, we will 32  that we don’t really need that much, 33  then we cannot turn back time for what we have 34 .
Life is not about making money. Life is definitely not about work! Work is only 35  to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.
A.Good B.Strange C.SureD.Interesting
A.kept onB.asked forC.gave upD.succeeded in
A.push B.makeC.destroyD.prove
A.need B.have C.findD.show
A.live B.bury C.supportD.sleep
A.healthB.career C.honorD.freedom


小题1:B本题考查动词的词义。cover 原意为覆盖,此处为行程,跨越。句意为:骑上马去跨越他能够跨越的地方,尽可能的多。use vt 用  work vi 工作,起作用 get vt 得到
小题2:C本题考查形容词词。sure 肯定的,确信无疑的 strange 奇怪的,陌生的 interesting 有趣的。句意为确信无疑的是,他迅速的跳上马-----。
小题3:A本题考查动词词义。从后面的去鞭笞马可知,他骑得尽可能的快去经过更多的地方。run vi 跑;expand vi 扩大,展开;struggle vi 奋斗,挣扎
小题4:A考查动词词组。keep on 继续,不停地---; ask for 请求,要求;give up 放弃;succeed in 在---某方面取得成功;句意为:他不停的骑马-----
小题5:D考查形容词词义。甚至是当他又累又饿时,他都没有停下来----。Sad 悲伤,难过;excited 激动,兴奋;confused 困惑,困扰;hungry 饥饿
小题7:C本题考查动词的词义。句意:他筋疲力尽,快要死了----。sleeping vi 睡觉;arguing vi争吵,争论;smiling vi微笑。
小题8:A本题考查动词词义。push sb to do sth 推动(驱使)某人做某事儿-----。为什么要驱赶着自己去占有那么多的土地呢?
小题9:A动词词义。句意:现在我要死了,我仅仅需要一小片地去埋葬自己。 need 需要  have 拥有 find 发现 show 展示,出示
小题10:B本题考查动词词义。句意同上 live 居住,生活; bury 埋葬;support 支持;sleep 睡觉 
小题11:C形容词词义。句意:上面讲的故事和我们人生的旅程是相似的。be similar to 与----相似; useful 有用的 certain 确信无疑的;special 特殊的,特别的。
小题12:D本题考查名词词义。句意同上。future 将来未来past 过去 history 历史 life 生命,生活。
小题13:D本题考查名词词义。由后面的权力,认可可知前面应是挣更多的钱。friends 朋友;progress 进步;discovery 发现。
小题14:A本题考查名词词义。由前文的故事可知我们忽视了健康还有和我们家人在一起的时间。Health健康;career 事业;
honor 荣誉;freedom 自由。
小题15:D考查名词词义。句意:我们忽视了我们的健康,和家人在一起的时光,还有也忽视了去欣赏我们周围的美好的事物。condition 条件,状况。
realize 意识到---- ;regret 遗憾,后悔---;  apologize 道歉  explain 解释
小题19:B本题考查词义。句意同上。saved     节省,拯救;missed 失去,迷失;reduced减少;won 赢得。
小题20:C考查形容词词义。句意:工作仅仅是让我们继续生活去享受生活的乐趣和美好的东西所必需的。possible 可能的;        probable 很可能的;    necessary 必需的,必要的;      suitable 适当的,相配的。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I wasn’t surprised when I read that actress Helen Hunt recently stated that she would never allow her young daughter to become a child star. Ms Hunt is the daughter of a Hollywood technical director, and grew up in Hollywood. Now in her late 40s, she started acting and modeling when she was eight and has probably seen a lot over those years in show business.
She has had a successful career. She earned four Golden Globes and four Emmys. She also attained the top honor of her profession when she won the Best Actress Academy Award for her role in the 1992 movie, As Good As It Gets. Given those accolades, Ms Hunt is successful. There is no doubt that her early experiences as a child star prepared her for what has been an outstanding adult career. Given those achievements, why would this star declare she’ll never allow her daughter, now at the age of six, to follow in her footsteps?
Everyone familiar with the entertainment scene is aware of the reasons for her attitude. Recent tabloid (小报) news headlines featuring the troubles of former child stars, among them Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and the late Gary Coleman, may answer the question. Although Ms Hunt managed to become a successful grown-up star, she apparently believes she’s an exception.
What Ms Hunt may be suggesting is that many very young stars go through unnatural childhoods on movie and TV sets. While they’re earning big incomes, they’re so pampered (纵容) by directors and praised by fans; they may get false impressions that their lives will always be that way. Then, within a few years, when faced with reality, they’re hurt and confused. After all the overwhelming affection, they find they can’t deal with the problems. That’s often when drugs and alcohol take over their lives.
Helen Hunt has some other reasons why she doesn’t want her daughter to be in the entertainment business. Many child stars can never make a successful transition to meaningful adulthood. However, as with many Hollywood movies, I believe there are both good and bad scenes about how it can be played out in real life.
小题1:According to the passage, Ms Hunt _________.
A.started acting and modeling when she was a little girl
B.has been acting for about 30 years
C.is the daughter of a famous actor
D.started singing when she was eight
小题2:The underlined word “accolades” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________”.
小题3:The author thinks Helen Hunt’s success is mainly due to _________.
A.her hard workB.the help of a technicaldirector
C.her experiences as a child starD.her talent and good luck
小题4:Helen Hunt wouldn’t allow her daughter to become a child star because she thinks _________.
A.child stars often take drugs and alcohol
B.being a child star may ruin her future
C.child stars aren’t able to solve their problems
D.it is difficult to succeed as a child actor
小题5:From the passage we can conclude that _________.
A.few child stars will succeed in the future
B.there is no way to save the entertainment business
C.the author has a different opinion about child stars
D.meaningful adulthood only belongs to non-child stars


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I work as a postal letter carrier in Charlotte. One day several years ago, I drove up to a   1 . Christy, the young divorcee (离了婚的人) who lived there, was waiting by the roadside. She said that she had a   2  to tell me.
About six months  3  it seemed that I had   4  a letter to her which had her street   5  on it but was addressed to another house with the   6  number on a different street in the neighborhood. She decided to   7  the letter at the correct house.
It turned out that the letter had been   8  for Johnson, who happened to be   9 . They talked for a little while, and later on he   10 . Then they started dating and had been going   11  together ever since.
I felt sorry for delivering the letter wrong, but I was   12  that I had brought these nice people together.
A few months later a(n)   13  sign went up in Christy’s yard, and then wedding   14  were sent out. Soon the house was sold, the wedding happened,   15  Christy, with her kids, moved into Johnson’s house.
A few months later, I saw a For Sale sign in   16  yard. I feared the   17  might be in trouble, so I made up a(n)   18  to go to their door and   19  on them.
Christy opened the door, smiled broadly, and pointed to her huge stomach “We’re having twins!” she said, “This house won’t be big enough, so we have to   20 .”
A.put down B.drop offC.hand outD.give away
A.SaleB.SalesC.On SaleD.For Sale


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in (旁听生)   for another l8 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?
It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unmarried college graduate student, and she decided to, put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course. " My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers, She only gave in a few months later when my parents promised that would someday go to college.
And 17 years later I did go to college. But I artlessly chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and ail of my working class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.
It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the $ 5 deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.
小题1:From the passage we know that the author          .
A.was adopted by a lawyer and his wife
B.dropped out when he was 17 years old
C.The author was admitted to Stanford
D.valued his dropping out
小题2:The author dropped out mainly because           .
A.His academic performance was very poor.
B.He did not want to waste his parents' money.
C.His parents were too poor to afford the college tuition.
D.He didn't think university could help him to get a well-paid job
小题3:Why did the author think dropping out was a good decision?
A.He could transfer to Stanford.
B.He could follow his passion.
C.He didn't have to attend classes any more.
D.He could spend more time in Hare Krishna temple.
小题4:What can be inferred from this passage ?
A.The author was taking a risk when he made the decision of dropping out.
B.The author enjoyed the comfort and pleasure of life after he dropped out.
C.The author's parents were very angry at his decision.
D.The author was a very curious person.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday.The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in its 111-year history.Informed of his win today, the author, who was having dinner at home, was “overjoyed and scared".
Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers, Mo Yan-a pen name for Guan Moye, grew up in Gaomi in Shandong province in eastern China. At the age of 12, he left school to work, first in agriculture, later in a factory. In 1976, he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing.
He published his first book in 1981, but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu, which was successfully filmed in the same year, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. In his writing, Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth and his works show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Mo Yan is known as a prolific(多产的)writer.In addition to his novels, he has published many short stories and essays on various topics. Despite his social criticism, he is seen in his homeland as one of the most famous contemporary authors.Dozens of his works have been translated into English, French, Japanese and many other languages.
The awarding ceremony will be held on December 10.The winner will win a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award of about $l million.
小题1:Mo Yan developed his ability for writing when he was     _  .
A.on a farmB.in a factoryC.in the armyD.in a school
小题2:One of Mo Yan's characteristics of writing is that he ________.
A.explains difficult matters in simple words
B.focuses on social problems in the country
C.describes his characters in a unique way
D.writes about topics he is familiar with
小题3:What's the best title for this passage?
A.How Mo Yan Gets Nobel Prize
B.Mo Yan Wins Nobel Prize in Literature
C.An Introduction to Nobel Prize
D.A World Famous Writer, Mo Yan


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Genzeb Tibeb is very bright. At only 11 years old, her future is looking promising.  She is ranked 2nd Out of 56 students at her govemment school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where she has been seleeted for a special program because of her talent. She knows she is special and proudly shows off her certificate and book signifying her accomplishments in this special program.
But her future hasn't always looked so bright. While her mother, Bekelech, sacrificed immensely for Genzeb, she would not have been able to continue sending her to school. When her husband died, Bekelech was the sole provider for their five children. In order for them to survive, she began the daily routine of walking approximately 8-10 miles a day collecting sticks to sell near her 8' x 10' home in Kichene.  It wouldn't have been long before Genzeb would have been, forced to quit school in order to help her mom.    But Bright Future changed all that.
Genzeb has been at Bright Future for 3 years.  Since Ethiopian schools let out early, Genzeb walks to the facility right after lunch.  Because of her high ability, she even helps teach the younger children there, building confidence and locking in important foundational academic skills. There's also other meaningful opportunities Genzeb experiences which allow her eyes to be opened to the different opportunities that are available to her if she completes her studies.  Field trips are one of her most favorite activities of all. She especially loved the one to Addis Ababa University.
She knows it goes beyond fun trips, though. "I am happy because I get extra help for school from Bright Future," Genzeb shares.  At so many levels, her involvement with Bright Future allows her to receive a better education, which she values.  For one day she wants to help people in need by becoming a doctor.  And now she knows, that with a lot of hard  work, that dream might just become a reality.
小题1:What does the underlined word¨sole" in the second paragraph    probably mean?
小题2:According to the text, what is the major factor that can help Genzeb Tibeb continue  her school?
A.Bright FutureB.Her talent.
C.Her motherD.Her school
小题3:From the text we can leam_______.
A.Genzeb Tibeb quitted school for several years.
B.Genzeb Tibeb was admitted into a famous university,
C.Genzeb Tibcb was involved in Bright Future activities.
D.Genzeb Tibeb had to earn a living by herself.
小题4:According to the taxt, what is Bright Future probably?
A.A student training centerB.A scholarship organization
C.A government schoolD.An orphanage organization
小题5:Which of the following things didn't Genzeb Tibeb clo on Bright Future ?
A.Collecting and selling sticks.
B.Teach younger kids there.
C.Lock in academic skills.
D.Take part in field trips.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The summer of 1975 I’d just graduated from college in Southern California and received a Ford Car for a   36  present. I had my first job, in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, thinking myself a very   37  gown-up, I   38  my uncle’s place in South Laguna after a visit,   39 admitting to him that I had less than an eighth of a tank of gas and no   40  to buy more on the way to L.A. I pulled onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched the   41  move down as I headed north. When the engine started giving off strong smells, I   42   into a gas station. There was no self-serve then; there were no credit cards, no ATMs.
I   43   the guy at the station. I could write him a check for gas, I said, or I could   44 in my car and try to walk to a town with a   45   the next morning. As he was informing me that I could sleep in my car but he’d have me arrested, a station wagon pulled up to the next 46 . The driver—a thin, plain, middle-aged guy—overheard the tail end of my   47   request. As the attendant went to   48  him, he nodded at me. “  49   her tank first,” he said.
“Really?” I said.   50   bloomed. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. But please. I just need two 51   worth. I just need to get home.”
“Fill it,” he   52  to the attendant. Then he turned to me, “You’ll do the same one day, for someone else.”
I keep looking for someone unlucky, hoping to save her   53   on the road. Meanwhile, in case she never shows up, I try for other acts of   54   kindness. That quiet driver is always at the pump a few feet away, instructing the attendant to fill mine   55 .
A.jumpedB.walked C.lookedD.pulled
A.OpenB.Start C.FillD.Heat


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, which meant visiting and taking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.
The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children lived abroad. Their living conditions were not satisfactory while the old man had a lot of savings. She was expected to comfort him and keep up his spirits.
Every Saturday the girl came on time to keep him company, telling him stories. When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注), she would help massage his arms. The doctor found the patient much improved mentally. The old man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted at others.
But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled. Each time the girl left, the old man would give her some money. The doctor did nothing to interfere (干涉), unwilling to offend the old man. A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after suffering coma (昏迷) a few times.
When rescued from the latest coma, the old man told the doctor his last wish, “I have deep sympathy for the girl. Will you be kind enough to help her finish her studies?”
But the doctor knew that her family was well­off and she had no difficulty pursuing her studies. Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her father’s car.
When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the old man, the doctor told her the bad news. She was very sad and burst into tears. Then she handed $ 500 to the doctor, saying, “The old man had all along thought I came to do the job because of poverty. He gave me money so that I could continue my schooling.” Now he got the answer to the puzzle. In the last period of his life, the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.
小题1:If you’re a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, what kind of people do you have to attend to?
A.Patients with a lot of money.
B.Patients suffering from cancer.
C.Patients without many days left.
D.Patients living alone.
小题2:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The doctor told the old man the truth.
B.The old man’s children were wealthy.
C.The girl’s father encouraged her to accept the money.
D.The girl didn’t accompany the old man when he died.
小题3:What is the real reason resulting in the old man’s mental improvement?
A.The girl’s love and great care.
B.The pleasure of helping people in need.
C.The doctor’s medical treatment.
D.His children’s progress in life.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When Joe was about to start school, all signs pointed to success. Yet things turned out to be quite 36 . The fourth grade even found him at the 37  of the class. Joe struggled day and night, but it did not 38  —until one stormy afternoon.
On that afternoon,   39 the math teacher started to introduce difficult concepts, dark clouds
covered the sky, and the storm set in. Hard though she tried to make the kid,   40 , the thunder won the battle for their attention. No one  41 the concepts. Except for Joe. He understood them and answered all the questions correctly. The teacher patted him on the back, and told him to go around to the others and explain how he had managed it.   42 by his newfound success, Joe moved quickly throughout the room. Soon math time was followed by the time for 43 . All children naturally drew 44 pictures on such a day. Except for Joe.
Since then, Joe started 45 . Though he never made it to the top, his math teacher was always 46 and curious about the change: Why had that stormy day changed Joe?
On the day Joe graduated, he presented the teacher with his most 47  possession—the picture of a bright yellow sun. On the picture Joe had written: This is the day I  48 my brightness.
A.woke up toB.put up withC.got on withD.looked down upon

