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We laugh at jokes, but seldom _____ about how they work.

A. we think B. think we

C. we do think D. do we think




试题分析: 考查倒装。句意为:“我们因笑话而笑,但很少去思考笑话怎样让我们笑。”考查部分倒装。seldom 为否定副词放句首,句子需用部分倒装,故选D项。

考点 : 考查倒装



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Was anyone injured in the accident?

—All the people were ______ before the bus exploded. It was really a narrow escape.

A. helped outB. looked over

C. brought upD. left alone



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省高二5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Global Shortage of Fresh Water

1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,河水,井水)

2. 实际上淡水是短缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染严重)

3. 我们应当怎么办(提示:节约用水,开发新水源)






科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省高二5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

1.Hearing the news that her son was found, she breathed a sigh of _______.

A.excitement B.joy

C.relief D.belief



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江苍南巨人中学等三校高二下第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Dear Students,

I am glad to be your guest speaker today. It’s a great pleasure to your school and to meet all of you.

I would like to tell you about . I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I chose this job I could travel the world, but the job has me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes difficult. I have seen famines (饥荒), , earthquakes, poverty and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and .

In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived by begging or . But then a lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them and taught them. She them hope.

Here in China, I a young boy with a serious disease. He had had twenty operations and spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be , but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.

In life, we need role models that we can admire and learn from. I feel upset, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these people.

1.A. visit B. call C. run D. leave

2.A. yourselves B. Themselve C. myself D. itself

3.A. or B. so C. but D. and

4.A. taughtB. madeC. remembered D. heard

5.A. love B. help C. victoriesD. wars

6.A. sadness B. happiness C. lonelinessD. illness

7.A. young B. new C. longD. short

8.A. studyingB. laughingC. stealing D. teaching

9.A. stubborn B. terribleC. calm D. kind-hearted

10.A. caring for B.looking for C. giving inD. giving up

11.A. madeB. paid C. gave D. told

12.A. liked B. askedC. trained D. met

13.A. sad B. happy C. pleased D. friendly

14.A. SinceB. After C. When D. Before

15.A. oneB. two C. three D. Four



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江苍南巨人中学等三校高二下第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It shows that ______ knowledge of first aid can make _____ real difference.

A a. /; a B. /; the

C. the; the D. the; a



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高考摸底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was brought up in the British, stiff upper lip style. Strong feelings aren’t something you display in public. So, you can imagine that I was unprepared for the outpouring of public grief at a Chinese funeral.

My editorial team leader died recently after a short illness. He was 31. The news was so unexpected that it left us all shocked and upset. A female colleague burst into tears and cried piteously at her desk. Somehow we got through the day's work. The next day was the funeral.

Our big boss stepped forward to deliver a eulogy(悼词) and was soon in tears. She carried on, in Chinese of course, but at the end said in English: "There will be no more deadlines for you in heaven." Next came a long-term colleague who also dissolved in tears but carried on with her speech despite being almost overcome by emotion. Then a close friend of the dead man paid tribute, weeping openly as he spoke. Sorrow is spreading. Me and women were now sobbing uncontrollably. Finally, the man's mother, supported between two women, addressed her son in his coffin. She almost collapsed and had to be held up. We were invited to step forward to each lay a white rose on the casket. Our dead colleague looked as if he was taking a nap. At the end of the service I walked away from the funeral parlor stunned at the outpouring of emotion.

In the UK, families grieve privately and then try to hold it together and not break down at a funeral. Here in China it would seem that grieving is a public affair. It strikes me that it is more cathartic to cry your eyes out than try to keep it bottled up for fear of embarrassment, which is what many of us do in the West.

Afterwards, a Chinese colleague told me that the lamenting at the funeral had been restrained(克制) by Chinese standards. In some rural areas, she said, people used to be paid to mourn noisily. This struck me like something out of novel by Charles Dickens. But we have all seen on TV scenes of grief-stricken people in Gaza and the West Bank, in Afghanistan, Iraq and the relatives of victims of terrorist bombings around the world. Chinese grief is no different. I realized that it's the reserved British way of mourning that is out of step with the rest of the world.

1.At the funeral, ________.

A. five individuals made speeches         

B. the boss’s speech was best thought of

C. the writer was astonished by the scene   

D. everyone was crying out loudly

2.According to the writer, people in the West ________.

A. prefer to control their sadness in public   

B. cry their eyes out at the public funeral

C. are not willing to be sad for the dead    

D. have better way to express sadness

3.It is implied that ________.

A. Chinese express their sadness quite unlike other peoples

B. the English might cry noisily for the dead in Dickens’ time

C. victims of terrorist bombings should be greatly honored

D. English funeral culture is more civilized than the others

4.This passage talks mainly about_______.

A. an editor’s death    B. funeral customs

C. cultural differences    D. western ways of grief



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高考摸底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was _____ impossible for anyone to get admitted without the password.

A. quite B. pretty

C. rather D. fairly



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期初联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Liao Fan, a Chinese actor, finally got to know __ real success tastes like when he won the prize for Best Actor at the 64th Berlin film festival.

A. when B. how C. what D. that


