精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的真佳选项。

    This morning during my walk,I had a good chance of meeting someone I’d been wanting to cross paths with for some time. I had 21 this elderly gentleman before.

    A few months ago he was 22 cans and bottles from the recycle bins behind my house. I was 23 to see this and . was sad at the 24 that he had to do this to survive. I thought about putting bottles in ? bag for him with a 25 saying the bag was for him to take,but then I gave up the idea out of 26 for him.

    So you can imagine my 27 when I saw him again in another (小巷) just around the comer from the green space I was headed to. I walked over to him and 28 to him a very quiet “Hi." His 29 was turned to me and he didn't reply. I decided maybe he didn’ t want to be 30 . So I kept walking. Then I 31 the big bag full of cans and bottles I had collected from my trip to the coast. “He can 32 those!” I thought. I walked back over to him. I told him if he 33 there,I could get him some more 34 . “That would be very good,” He said,with a big 35 .

I hurried home and 36 in five minutes and he was 37 waiting there. I handed the bag to him and 38 that it wasn’ t m?ch. “Every little bit 39 . Thanks so much. And have a great day,” he said.

    I wished him a great day as well and went on walking with a light 40 step.

21. A. visited   B. helped     C. recognized   D. seen

22. A. stealing   B. moving     C. collecting   D. carrying

23. A. shocked   B. frightened    C. proud   D. anxious

24. A. plan   B. fact     C. report   D. excuse

25. A. note   B. map     C. book   D. picture

26. A. control   B. respect     C. question   D. reach

27. A. confusion   B. fear    C. relief   D. excitement

28. A. explained   B. listened    C. pointed   D. whispered

29. A. back   B. focus     C. hand   D. mind

30. A. caught   B. disturbed    C. pushed   D. mentioned

31. A. kept   B. divided    C. offered   D. remembered

32. A. afford   B. share     C. have   D. find

33. A. waited   B. worked     C. got   D. rode

34. A. gifts   B. money     C. advice   D. bottles

35. A. smile   B. dream     C. sign   D. change

36. A. calmed down   B. set out    C. came back   D. stood up

37. A. even   B. also     C. yet   D. still

38. A. hoped   B. apologized    C. realized   D. imagined

39. A. helps   B. fails    C. hurts   D. survives

40. A. careful   B. obvious     C. cheerful   D. painftil



21.D. 由第二段中作者的描述推断,几个月以前我 见过(seen) 这位老人。

22.C. 由本空后的the recycle bins推断,几个月以 前,我见到他正从我房后的垃圾箱里捡 (collecting) 废瓶子和罐子。


24.B. 看到这位老人捡瓶子,我非常惊讶 (shocked) 。对他以检废品为生这一事实(fact) 感 到难过。

25.A. 由本空后的saying the bag…take推断,设空处指便条(note) 。

26.B. 出于对老人的尊重(respect) ,我放弃了这一想法。

27.D. 由本空后的saw him again推断,当我在一个小巷中又见到他时,非常高兴(excitement) 。

28.D. 由本空后的a very quiet “Hi."推断,我走近 他,小声对他问好,故填whispered。

29.A. 由本空后的didn't reply推断,他当时背(back) 对着我,没有回应。

30.B. 他没有回应我的话,我想可能是因为他不想被打扰(disturbed) .

31.D. 我想起了(remembered) 以前从海边捡到的废品。

32.C. 由第38空前的handed...to him可知,我想,老人可以要了(have) 这些废品。

33.A.34 .D 由第37空后的waiting there和第31空 后的cans and bottles推断,如果他在这儿等 (waited) —会儿,我就能给他多拿些废瓶子 (bottles) .

35.A. 听到我要送给他一些废瓶子,他应该很高兴,说话时笑容满面,故选smile。

36.C. 37.D. 由下文中的waiting推断,5分钟后,我返回来了(cameback) 。他还(still) 在那里等。

38.B. 根据本空后的it wasn’t much推断,我递给他 袋子后,还非常抱歉(apologized) 没有给他很多。

39.A. 由本空后的Thanks so much推断,老人认为 对他来说每件废品都能帮(helps ) 到他。

40.C. 作者做了好事后心情很好,于是迈着轻快的 步子继续向前走着,故选cheerfui。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第27期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Happiness training at work can be extremely good for the company as well as the individual. A few short training days can produce huge benefits. 1       There are so many benefits of happiness training at work. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Happiness at home;One of the benefits for happiness at work is that people will go home happier. Being happier at home translates into a benefit to business because a better mental state and a proper rest will mean employees can work more efficiently and productively the next day. 2       Emotional intelligence:There is a change toward stress reduction,as people are taught happiness and begin to practise it at work. 3       It will increase the individual's skills to deal with problems,and the ability to improve his selfcontrol.

Increased focus:Happiness is responsible for creating an increased ability to focus on the job at hand or the problem to be solved. 4       Loving work:Happiness at work creates the environment for people to actually love what they do. They begin to experience the feeling of loving their work. Since an employee spends 8  to 10 hours,5 days a week at work,it accounts for a great deal of his life.

Feeling appreciated: 5       When you make someone feel appreciated,he feels better about himself and what he is doing for the company. He feels like he is making a contribution to the other people in the company and to the people who buy the products and services of his company. Employees feel they are making a difference.

   A. People will waste less time and be more in the "flow".

   B. Happiness increases emotional control for the individual.

   C. The cost is very small,but the positive effects can be everlasting.

   D. Happiness exists when you look at the overall picture of your life.

   E. It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

   F. They will be far less likely to take time off either because of poor health or excuses.

   G. How do all these benefits take place not only for the worker but for the management as well?

1.                  2,                  3.                  4.           5.        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Hua and I were neighbours and we went to same school. We always went to school together. We were good friend and had a great deal to share with every day. However,one day,Li Hua copied my homework,which made me such angry that I did not want to be friends with him any long. Then on Monday morning I ran downstairs without realize it was raining,but there was no time to return home to fetch an umbrella. It happens that Li Hua was just around the corner and he offered to share her umbrella with me. He made an apology to me in a gently voice. I forgave him but gave him a hug.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Robert:Oh,look at the sky,Betty!It looks like rain. Betty:I hope it won't rain.

Robert:That's not 1        the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.

Betty:We cannot have a picnic 2        good weather. We need sunshine for all the games and entertainment.

Robert:Yeah,sunshine―   3       not too much!Do you remember last year? Betty:Surely I do. It was so hot that all we did was to look for shade and look for ways to 4        from the sun.

Robert:And no one wanted to participate in any of the games. All we wanted was cold drinks.

Betty:If there5         (be) a little wind to cool us off...

Robert:But there was not. Just the burning sun and we nearly got6         (burn) . Betty:     7          ( obvious) we don't have that problem this year. Did you hear the weather forecast?

Robert:No. I was watching a football match and forgot8       ( stop) it for the weather forecast. Maybe it will only be a short shower,which cools things off a little. That 9       not be bad. Betty:Wish10       were true.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in a ordinary school. Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorlyequipped classroom,I found the teachers patiently and considerate. Besides,I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided make the best of it. I worked hard and get along well with my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties,they were always available. Soon,I became one of the top student in my class,and which greatly increased my confidence and got him motivated.

My experience tell me that it is not what you are given but how you make use for it that determines who you are.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

     There is a park in the center of our town,where is a wonderful place for people to meet and did exercise. Kids often go there feed birds,play games or fly kites after school. My friends and me often read there. To my surprised,yesterday I read a article in the local newspaper about a plan to turn the park into a parking lot. After reads the article,I was decided to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper. I wanted to express why I was on the plan. After all,people in the town need a place to have funs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


               Volunteer teaching ?n Sur?n,Thailand

    Surin,the heart of Thailand,is well-known for its beautiful sight and friendly local people. To the north of Surin is the valley of the Mun River,and to the south is the great Dongrek mountains. For those who want to escape to a much simpler way of life,Sunn is the best choice.

    Our hands-on teaching volunteer experience gives you the chance to help children through teaching. You* 11 be given all the necessary training to have an exciting and educational lesson. Your working place will be in a Thai government school. The school day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm,which means that you’ 11 have plenty of free time in the evening to relax or explore the local area.


. Day 1 Arrive in Bangkok 

Touch down in Bangkok and head to your guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a rest and then do some local exploring until you meet the rest of the volunteers in the evening.

. Day 2  Bangkok tour

Explore some of the city’ s  most famous places such as temples and palaces. Tour the Klongs of Bangkok on an exciting boat ride.

. Day 3  Go to Surin 

Take a train to Surin,live in yòur volunteer home and then get all the information about the volunteer project.

. Day 4  Meet the students

Yo? will get the chance to meet everyone an 4 introduce yourself to everyone at the school you will be volunteering at.

. Day 5-7 Teaching time,8. 30 am - 3. 30 pm,Monday - Thursday 

Teach English in a Thai government school and provide the children with valuable life skills and learn about Thai life at the same time. A truly interesting experience!

. Day 8-10 Free time in Surin 

Relax during your time off by exploring Surin or visiting nearby Cambodia on the weekend.

13. What do we know about Sunn according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It is a poor place.

   B. It is located in the south of Thailand,

   C. The local people live a simple life.

   D. There are many rivers and mountains there.

14. When may the volunteers travel around Surin during weekdays?

   A. At night. B. In the morning,

   C. At noon. D. In the late afternoon.

15. How will the volunteers explore the Klongs of Bangkok?

   A. By bus. B. By train,

   C. By boat. D. On foot.

16. On which day can the volunteers visit Cambodia?

   A. Day 1.   B. Day 3.

   C. Day 6.   D. Day 9. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                A ★★★☆

A Trip with Grandma 

    Little Sprout is a lovely hamster (仓鼠) ,who is about to go on his first overnight trip with his grandmother and sister,but the thought of being away from his parents makes him nervous. Thankfully,Sprout has brought along a stuffed animal. Gradually,he finds himself having more fun. This hamster will help your child find the courage to take his first trip away from home.

Lately Lily 

    Lily is a brave girl whose parents are travel writers. She is travelling the world with her parents and her best friend Zeborah. Together,they explore the world and make new friends. The bright colours of the illustrations(插图) bring the wonders of travelling to life. The book focuses on the exciting exploration and will encourage readers to venture into the world. There is also a fun App offered to feature Lily on a tour of Paris.

Greetings from Kiwi and Pear 

    Kiwi and Pear are two little monkeys who start an adventure around the world. They send readers a postcard from each place they visit. The monkeys visit some of the most famous places,including the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. The book comes with a map that shows all the stops on their journey. Readers can track the monkeys’ trip as they travel the world,giving kids a chance to learn some geography.

Not For Parents series 

   Lonely Planet is the largest travel guide book publisher in the world. It started a series designed for young travellers. Today,the series totals more than 20 books about the wonders of the world,how to be a world explorer and even how to search for dinosaurs. The humor of the books will attract children and make it easy for them to remember what they are reading.

1. Why does little Sprout feel upset?

   A. He has lost his stuffed animal.

   B. His grandmother treats him badly.

    C. He is unwilling to travel with his sister.

   D. He will be separate from his parents for some time.

2. What do we know about Lily?

   A. She is a courageous girl.

   B. She wants to be a travel writer.

    C. She makes a new friend called Zeborah.

   D. She makes use of an App to guide her trip.

3. Which of the following contains a map that shows the stops of the trip?

   A. Lately Lily.

   B. Not For Parents series,

    C. A Trip with Grandma.

   D. Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

4. Both Lately Lily and Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

   A. use humorous words

   B. are about adventurous stories

    C. tell science fiction stories 

   D. teach kids to love their family 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Five of us went off to Amsterdam late last summer for a week. We finished our holiday jobs and thought we deserved a break. We got a cheap flight to Amsterdam,took a bus into town,and went to see the sights. .

   None of US knew the place,so it was a bit of an adventure,and we got completely lost at one point.

My friend Dave nearly fell into ? canal when we were crossing a bridge because he wasn,t looking where he was going!But we managed to find the Van Gogh Museum,where we had to queue for two hours. There were so many people!While we were waiting there,I met an old friend from school. The world is a small place!

   We stayed in a travellers’hostel(招待所) ,and met some friendly Italians who were staying there too. The hostel was cheap and clean. Ten people in one dormitory can be a problem!And for food,we generally ate in fast food restaurants. Did you know the Dutch have mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) with their chips? But on my birthday we had a special meal at an Indonesian restaurant.

   Anyway,public transport is good,so it's easy to get around the city. A lot of people rent bikes,but we preferred to go by bus. You have to be careful though. You get your ticket from a machine,not from the driver. When we were going to the Vondelpark on Friday,two of the boys didn’ t have any money to buy a ticket,and an inspector caught them. They had to pay five times the fare!They tried to say they were foreigners,but the man didn' t accept that. The rest of us just laughed. In the end,we all had a great time and would love to go back to Holland.

1. Why did the author decide to go to Amsterdam?

   A. To visit his friends.

   B. To find a holiday job. 

    C. To take a business trip.

   D. To enjoy a summer holiday.

2. What happened to the author after he arrived in Amsterdam?

   A. He fell into a canal.

   B. He came across his old friend.

    C. He had a quarrel with his friends.

   D. He couldn' t  find the Van Gogh Museum.

3. What was the author's problem according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. There were too many people in one room.

   B. The local people were not very friendly.

    C. The meals in fast food restaurants were bad.

   D. He had to clean the room while living in a travelers,hostel.

4. What did the author think of his stay in Amsterdam?

   A. Boring.     B. Exciting.

    C. Tough.      D. Disappointing.

