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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One hot night last July, when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, I tried everything I could think of: a warm bottle, songs gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill of the hours till dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, and his little eyes focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoed out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi’s forty-fifth birthday.
My wife and I heard none of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.
I found in my baby’s behavior a symbol of the new generation. My wife and I had given him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We find that our students don’t read and they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion: “Let them watch it!” If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight about it? Let them watch it all they want!
小题1:Why did the author bring a TV set into his son’s room?
A.To make his son keep quiet.   B.To spend the night by watching TV programs.
C.In order not to let his son feel lonely.D.To make his son go to sleep as soon as possible.
小题2:The baby’s reaction to the TV program was _______ for the writer.  
A.unexpected B.encouragingC.exciting D.calm
小题3:From this passage we know that the author is probably           .
A.a doctorB.a reporterC.an editorD.a teacher
小题4:According to the passage, which is true of the school children?
A.They prefer reading to watching TV.   
B.They like watching TV after school.
C.They would rather watch TV than read books.
D.They like their teachers who teach them reading.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr. Flower was well-known around for growing the best flowers of the year and his four glass-houses were taken good care of. These glass-houses were close to a public path, which was always used ___36__ children and young people walking to and from __37__. Boys of about thirteen years of age, especially, were often tempted(尝试) to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flower’s __38__ . They managed to resist the temptation(抵制诱惑) when Mr. Flower was around, but the temptation often seemed to be too __39__ when Mr. Flower was __40__ to be seen. For this reason, Mr. Flower did his best to be __41__ his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school days.
However, it was not always possible for him to be on guard at these times.  Mr. Flower had tried __42__ to prevent(阻止) the damage to his glass; but nothing that he had done had been__43__. He had been to the school to complain(抱怨) to the headmaster, but this had not done any__44__. He had hidden in the bushes(灌木丛) and __45__ those boys that threw stones __46__ his garden, but the boys could run __47__ faster than he, and they even __48__ at him at a distance(距离). He had even walked along the path and picked up all those __49__ that he could find so that the boys would have nothing to __50__, but they soon found others, or threw lumps of earth instead.
Then just as he had given __51__ hope of winning the battle(战斗), a truly wonderful __52__ came up to him. He set up a large notice board made of good strong wood, some meters away from the glass-houses __53__ it could be clearly seen from the path. On the board he painted the __54__ : DO NOT THROW AT THIS NOTICE. After this, Mr. Flower had no __55__ .The boys were much more tempted to throw stones at the notice board than at the glass-houses.
A.far away fromB.in or close toC.into or out ofD.at or out
A.in no wayB.in a wayC.in the wayD.in many ways
A.watchedB.walked toC.waited forD.run after
A.towardsB.overC.out ofD.into
A.manyB.muchC.moreD.lots of
A.pick upB.catchC.play withD.throw
A.whereB.there whereC.on whichD.there
A.peaceful timesB.further troubleC.more happinessD.questions


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mother’s tummy(肚子), she had had an accident, which   36  that Charlie couldn’t walk. But that had never been a(n)   37  for him; he had always been happy. When he became older, they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and   38  nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him.
There wasn’t a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn’t   39  to see Charlie. “Cheer up, Mr Postman, that way you’ll   40  more letters today!” he would say, or “That was great, Mr Taxi Driver. You   41  that thing better than anyone else.” He also had great ideas and   42  for everything; and he shared them so   43  that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or   44  something new, thanks to Charlie’s ideas.
One day, though, he came up against a real   45 . A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some   46   to be sad: “I don’t have many sweets…my parents didn’t buy me that toy…” Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasn’t going to be   47 , and he kept spending more time with Waterworks,   48  trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone.
Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone   49  a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed   50  on Charlie’s head. He got such a fright that he couldn’t even move his lips. He was speechless, and   51  Waterworks was just about to cry, he   52  Charlie’s happy words so much that he finally said, “Wow, Charlie, that’s a nice clown mask (小丑面具) you just   53 !”
On saying those words, Waterworks felt so   54  that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlie’s enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but see the fun   55  of everything.
A.let downB.taken upC.set freeD.driven away
A.set onB.put onC.build upD.make up


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

While firing off pictures of a curious five-month-old fox, photographer Simon Czapp soon realized his subject had quite an interest in photography herself. The clever fox was so curious about the camera equipment that she climbed right on top of it. And while she was supposed to be the subject of the shoot, the fox stood on the shutter release button (快门按钮) and took her own frames.
Mr Czapp visited the New Forest Wildlife Park to capture images of new arrival Jessie. She has been at the animal park in Ashurst, Hampshire — home to wolves, deer and other animals in 25 acres of ancient woodland — after being abandoned by her mother.
Mr Czapp said, “Jessie was very playful and curious and not at all camera shy. Soon after I arrived she was chewing my shoes and everything seemed to be a game to her. Then she started exploring the camera I had set up on a tripod (三脚架). She balanced her front paws on it and at one point knocked it over.”
He put the camera back on the tripod and Jessie soon jumped back up. At one point she had all four paws on the camera and was keeping her balance. Mr Czapp added, “She jumped up there several times and I realized it could make a good picture. As I was leaving with the public’s viewing window behind me, I thought I heard the camera go off but didn’t think much of it. But when I checked the memory card afterwards, I was amazed to see Jessie had actually taken two pictures of me photographing her. I couldn’t believe a fox had gained an advantage over me! Jessie is a lovely little fox. There were some lovely photos of her but she obviously thought the photographer was worthy of a picture too!”
小题1:The underlined word “frames” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.
小题2:What do we know about Jessie from the passage?
A.She arrived at the park five months ago.
B.She lives at the park together with some other foxes.
C.She was sent to the park because her mother left her.
D.She loved the life in the park so much that she left her mother.
小题3:What is the RIGHT time order of the following steps in Jessie taking a photo?
a. Jessie pressed the shutter release button.
b. Mr Czapp left the camera to take a photo.
c. Jessie climbed onto the camera and balanced herself.
d. Mr Czapp set up his camera on a tripod.
e. Jessie stood up to look at the back of the camera.
A.d, e, c, b, aB.a, b, c, d, eC.c, b, e, a, dD.d, e, b, c, a
小题4:From the passage we can infer that __________.
A.foxes are better at photographing than men
B.some foxes are more friendly than humans
C.Mr Czapp and Jessie took photos for each other
D.Jessie gained an advantage over Mr Czapp in photographing


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested 36  medicine. He always  37  medical books to sea and liked to talk about different diseases. One day a lazy sailor on his ship pretended 38 ill. He lay on his bunk(铺位) and groaned as if he 39  very sick. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to  40  .  He told the man to rest for a few days and  41 the other sailors do his work. Three days later 42   sailor pretended that he had  43 with his chest. 44   the captain looked in his medical books and told the “sick” man 45.
The other sailors were very 46 because they had  47 work to do. The patients had the best food and laughed at their friends when the captain was not 48  49  the mate(大副)decided to punish the sick men and mixed up some soap, soot(烟灰), glue and other unpleasant things. Then he got  50   from the captain to give his new medicine to the “sick” men. When they tasted the medicine, they really did feel ill. It was  51horrible that one of the patients jumped out of his bunk, ran up on deck and climbed the  52  mast(桅杆)on the ship. The captain 53 that the men had tried 54 him. So he made them 55 very hard for the rest of the ship on the sea.
A.beB.wasC.to be D.being
A.will be B.wereC.isD.should be
A.look forB.look inC.look back D.look after
A.got B.took C.sentD.made
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.other’s
A.something wrong B.wrong something
C.anything wrongD.wrong anything
A.Before longB.Once moreC.SuddenlyD.Certainly
A.to drink some water B.to eat something
C.to have a restD.to do more work
A.pleasedB.sorryC.angry D.surprised
A.moreB.much C.lots ofD.little
A.out B.at homeC.presentD.appear
A.At firstB.At the beginning C.At lastD.At the end
A.agreementB.permission C.permitD.promise
A.highest B.highC.higherD.very high
A.heardB.heard ofC.realizedD.guessed
A.cheatingB.cheatC.cheated D.to cheat
A.workedB.to workC.workD.working


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once upon a time, there was a man who was so famous that everyone in his country knew him.
One day, the famous man was sitting in a restaurant with his sister. “It must be great to be famous. Everyone tries to please you, and you can do whatever you want to,” said his sister. “It’s quite the opposite sometimes, in fact. Because I’m famous, I can’t do what I want to,” he denied. “But look, we’re sitting at the best table and eating the best food. We couldn’t sit here and eat this if you weren’t famous,” said his sister. “I’ll show you what I mean,” said he.
The next day, the famous man picked up his sister and took her to another country. “I’m not at all famous here,” he said. “Let’s see how we get on.” Soon they found a restaurant, but it was very busy, so they had to queue. “This wouldn’t have happened if you were famous,” said his sister, but the famous man just smiled.
When they finally got a table, it took the waiter years to bring what they ordered. And the food supposed to be hot was cold, and the food supposed to be cold was hot! Eventually, the famous man couldn’t stand any more and asked to see the manager. “This food is awful. We had to wait an hour for a seat, and the service is also very poor. Look, even my spoon is dirty!”
Showing his horribly yellow teeth, the manager, smiling, said, “Well, that’s just bad luck for you.” 
“Don’t you know who I am?” asked the famous man.
“I’ve no idea,” replied the manager.
So the famous man and his sister ran away, without paying.
小题1:What’s the attitude of the man’s sister toward famous people?
小题2:The famous man took his sister to another country to ________.
A.see how famous he was thereB.enjoy the delicious food there
C.enjoy the beautiful views thereD.see what would happen if no one knew him
小题3: In fact, the famous man thought that being famous ________.
A.was a thing worth taking pride inB.could bring him all he needed
C.was not all great with everythingD.would enable him to travel abroad
小题4:The passage is written mainly ________.
A.to describe famous people’s life
B.to explain the importance of being famous
C.to show how to deal with problems in a restaurant
D.to show that famous people are watched more


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Mum, what does it mean when someone tells you that they have a skeleton (骨骼) in the closet (衣橱)?”Jessica asked. “A skeleton in the closet?” her mother paused thoughtfully, “Well, it’s something that you would rather not have anyone else know about. For example, if in the past, someone in Dad’s family had been arrested for stealing a horse, it would be ‘a skeleton in his family’s closet’. He really wouldn’t want any neighbor to know about it.”
“Why pick on my family?” Jessica’s father said with anger. “Your family history isn’t so good, you know. Wasn’t you great – great grandfather a prisoner who was transported to Australia for his crimes?”“Yes, but people these days say that you are not a real Australian unless your ancestors arrived as prisoners.”“Gosh, sorry I asked. I think I understand now,” Jessica cut in before things grew worse.
After dinner, the house was very quiet. Jessica’s parents were still quite angry with each other. Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husband, who hid behind his newspaper pretending to read. When she finished, she gathered the freshly pressed clothes in her arms and walked to Jessica’s closet. Just as she opened the door and reached in to hang a skirt, a bony arm stuck out from the dark depths and a bundle of white bones fell to the floor. Jessica’s mother sank into a faint (晕倒), waking only when Jessica put a cold, wet cloth on her forehead. She looked up to see the worried faces of her husband and daughter.
“What happened? Where am I?” she asked. “You just destroyed the school’s skeleton, Mum,” explained Jessica. “I brought it home to help me with my health project. I meant to tell you, but it seemed that as soon as I mentioned skeletons and closets, it caused a problem between you and Dad.” Jessica looked in amazement as her parents began to laugh madly. “They’re both crazy,” she thought.
小题1:According to Jessica’s mother, “a skeleton in the closet” means         .
A.a family honorB.a family secret
C.a family storyD.a family treasure
小题2:What can we learn about some Australian’s ancestors from Paragraph 2?______.
A.They were brought to Australia as prisoners.
B.They were the earliest people living in Australia.
C.They were involved in some crimes in Australia.
D.They were not regarded as criminals in their days.
小题3:Jessica’s mother fell down into a faint because she was          .
小题4:Why did Jessica bring a skeleton home? _________.
A.She was curious about it.B.She planned to keep it for fun.
C.She needed it for her school task.D.She intended to scare her parents.
小题5:Jessica’s parents laughed madly at the end of the story probably because        .
A.they were crazy
B.they were overexcited
C.they realized their misunderstanding
D.they both thought they had won the quarrel


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chaplin, one of the greatest and funniest actors, was born in London in 1889. When a poor boy, he was often seen waiting outside the London theatres, hoping to get work in show business. He could sing and dance, and above all, he knew how to make people laugh. But he couldn’t get work and therefore wandered about the city streets.
Charlie Chaplin first acted when he was five. He broke into show business because his mother, a music-hall performer, lost her voice during the performance and had to leave the stage, and Charlie went on and sang a well-known song. Halfway through the song, a shower of money poured onto the stage. Charlie stopped singing and told audiences he would pick the money first and then finish the song. The audiences laughed. This was the first of millions of laughs in Charlie Chaplin’s fabulous(神话) career.
Twenty years later the same Chaplin became the greatest and best loved comedian in the world. His dream came true in the world. His dream came true in the end. Chaplin became world-famous and almost a king in the world of the film.
Even people who don’t understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s films because they are mostly silent. The equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed. The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin, as he was uncertain about making films with dialogues. Instead, he coninued to make films without dialogue, but he added music, which he wrote himself. It isn’t what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy doesn’t depend on words. It depends on little actions which mean the same thing to people the world over.
Chaplin lived most of his life in America and the last years in Switzerland, where he was buried at Christmas 1977, at the age of eighty-eight. There was sadness all over the world at the news of his death.
In his book, Chaplin tells us how to succeed in life. He says, “You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret.”
小题1:Chaplin is regarded as king of comedy mainly because______.
A.lots of people have seen his films
B.he could sing and dance well
C.he knew how to make people laugh
D.he acted out the common human situations best in his comedy
小题2:What makes people laugh in Chaplin’s films?
A.It isn’t his words but his actions.B.Neither his words nor actions.
C.Either his words or his actions.D.Not only his words but also his actions.
小题3:The only secret of Charles Chaplin’s huge success is that______.
A.he can make all people, men and women, old and young laugh
B.he has full trust in himself
C.he is always active and hard-working all his life
D.though he is always in trouble, he never loses heart
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.He was too shy to meet the managers of the theatres.
B.People won’t stop laughing until tears run down Chaplin’s face.
C.People all over the world can enjoy Chaplin’s films without translation because most of them are silent.
D.He wouldn’t like to work at the theatre.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The American local food movement has been all about buying seasonal food from nearby farmers. Now, thanks to the Web, it is expanding to include far-away farmers too. A new start-up, Foodzie, is an online farmers market where small food producers and growers can sell their products.
Foodzie was started by Mr LaFave and two of his friends, who met during college at Virginia Tech, where they would pay frequent visits to farmers markets. Last year, while living in North Carolina, one of them, Emily Olson, now 24, came up with one idea. She was working as a brand manager for a gourmet grocery chain and realized that people who enjoyed fine food but didn’t work in the business had no way to discover handmade foods outside their local farmers markets. Small farmers had no way of finding or selling to faraway customers, either.
Mr LaFAve and the third co-founder, Nik Bauman, both 25, worked in corporate sales and software development. “With business, food and computer science backgrounds, we figured we had everything we needed.” Mr LaFAve said.
The three quit their jobs, and opened this site to the public in December and the site has had 43,000 visitors in the past month. So far, 29 sellers have opened shops and 41 are in the process of opening them. The founders recently hired a fourth employee to help Ms Olson recruit(吸收) new food producers at farmers markets and food shows. Mr LaFAve is convinced that the recession(经济衰退) will not reduce people’s interest in buying locally grown and handmade food. “There is misunderstanding that all these foods are more expensive than mass-produced alternatives,” he said. “People are pouring their heart and soul into these products, and they are of the highest quality. ”
小题1: The passage is mainly about _______________.
A.how an online farmers’ market works
B.the American local food movement
C.three youths starting an online farmers’ market
D.the reasons why people are interested in local food
小题2:Why did the founders start the online farmers’ market?
A.Because it met the need of the market.
B.Because the founders were interested in seasonal food.
C.Because some people wanted to buy locally grown food.
D.Because farmers wanted to sell their foods.
小题3: The underlined word in Paragraph 2 can be used to describe ______________.
A.food of high qualityB.terrible foodC.food of low fatD.fried food
小题4:The founders of the site employed another person to help _______________.
A.open new shops in faraway markets
B.buy locally grown and handmade food
C.find more food outside their local farmers’ markets
D.find more food growers to open shops on their site
小题5:About the three founders, we know that ________________.
A.they are of the same ageB.to start the website they gave up their work
C.they used to be colleagueD.they majored in farming at college


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before, though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.”
小题1:The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because      .
A.he asked to see the manager
B.he entered the hall with a bike
C.the manager had to know about all foreign guests
D.the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him
小题2:Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order,        .
A.China, India, and Pakistan B.India, China, and Pakistan
C.Pakistan, China, and IndiaD.China, Pakistan, and India
小题3:What made Friedlander want to come to China?
A.The stories about Marco Polo.B.The famous sights in Xi’an .
C.His interest in Chinese silk.D.His childhood dreams about bicycles .、
小题4:Friedlander can be said to be       .
A.cleverB.friendlyC.hardworking D.strong—minded

