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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A blog can be a very effective way of spreading the words about yourself, and your other writing. It can unshroud your knowledge, and create an ongoing relationship with your readers. A good blog is more than just a marketing tool; it’s also an expression of your personality.
An obvious starting point is to post samples of your work that not only show off your skills and writing ability but also leave people wanting more. Post elections from the most exciting parts of your stories but end them just as the action reaches its peak. If you write nonfiction (写实文学), show people what they could achieve, and give them a few steps to get them started.
Give tips, information and advice about the subjects you cover. For example, something about struggling with difficulty and many other issues like this. Your writing tips can also be included, as well as interesting, strange or funny things you discovered during your research. Whenever you contact an expert, ask if he or she has any interesting stories you could use. You many also give background information about your stories and locations
Give details of coming posts on your blog, so people can watch out for you, or come and meet you. Personal news will help people feel better connected to you Include photos of objects and locations in your writing, famous people you meet, the views from your window, and your favorite things – with a note about where they came from and what they mean to you. Look out for things that will help your readers get to know you better, know the subject better, or anything else you think they might find useful, inspiring or entertaining.
If you only occasionally post things on your blog, people have a tendency to forget you. As a writer you shouldn’t ever run out of interesting materials to fill your blog with —and your readers will love you for it

  1. 1.

    Which is the best title for the text?

    1. A.
      What to Blog about
    2. B.
      How to Start a Blog
    3. C.
      Why to Launch a Blog
    4. D.
      How to Make Website Attractive
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “unshroud” in the first paragraph means _____

    1. A.
      put on
    2. B.
      turn up
    3. C.
      show off
    4. D.
      write down
  3. 3.

    You’d better blog about ______

    1. A.
      the difficulties of your position to readers
    2. B.
      the entertaining stories you have
    3. C.
      advice about your readers’ subjects
    4. D.
      masterpieces from famous writers
  4. 4.

    What does the author suggest for keeping a blog?

    1. A.
      Posting things on your blog once in a while
    2. B.
      Adding new stories to it every day
    3. C.
      Filling it with attractive things frequently
    4. D.
      Loving it as your life


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Where we live,on the eastern shore of Maryland,the gentle waters run in and out like fingers slimming at the tips.
The Canada geese know this place,as do the white swans and the ducks. In autumn,they come home for the winter. Once or twice each year,snow and frozen rain move into the area. When this happens,if the river is at its narrowest,there is a freeze which hardens the water to ice.
One morning,a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window,which overlooked the Tred Avon River. Suddenly she leaned forward and cried out,“There is a goose out there.”
We saw the figure of a large Canada goose,very still,its wings folded tight to its sides,its feet frozen into the ice.
Then from the dark skies,she saw a line of swans. They floated from the top of the sky downward and at last landed on the ice. My friend was on her feet now,with one hand against her mouth,unbelieving. As the swans surrounded the frozen goose,she feared that life it still had might be pecked(啄) out by those great swan bills.
Instead,those bills began to work on the ice. The long necks were lifted and curved down,again and again. It went on for a long time. At last,the goose’s head was lifted. Its body was pulled. Then the goose was free and stood on the ice. And the swans stood in the air watching. Then,as if it had cried,“I cannot fly.” Four of the swans came down around it. Their powerful beaks chipped off the ice held in the feathers. Slowly,the goose spread its wings as far as they would go,and moved slowly into the sky.
This is a true story. I just think of it in the bad moment,and from it comes only one hopeful question:If so for birds,why not for man?

  1. 1.

    Which would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      Why Not for Man?
    2. B.
      Graceful Swans
    3. C.
      Swans’ Brave Act
    4. D.
      I Just Couldn’t Believe It!
  2. 2.

    What happened to the Canada goose?

    1. A.
      It was deserted by other geese
    2. B.
      It was stuck in the ice
    3. C.
      It was wounded and couldn’t fly
    4. D.
      It was lost in the water
  3. 3.

    At first the author’s friend was worried that________

    1. A.
      the swans would not help the Canada goose
    2. B.
      she didn’t care about this matter any more
    3. C.
      the swans wouldn’t identify with the Canada goose
    4. D.
      the swans would peck the Canada goose to death
  4. 4.

    What did the swans do when they saw the Canada goose couldn’t fly?

    1. A.
      They chipped off the ice held in its feathers
    2. B.
      They waited patiently for the ice held in its feathers to melt
    3. C.
      They came down and lifted it up to the sky together
    4. D.
      They stayed with it and protected it


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What if we could replace oil with a fuel which produced no pollution and which everybody had equal access to? The good news is that we can. In fact, we are swimming in it--- literally.
Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of the universe. Our own sun is basically a big, dense cloud of the stuff. And hydrogen can be used to create electricity for power, heat and light.
The problem is that hydrogen is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It does not exist as a material on its own, but is always part of something else. So it has to be separated before it can be used.
Most commercial hydrogen in use now is created from natural gas. As oil will start to run out in around the year 2030, it makes sense to produce as much hydrogen as possible as soon as we can. But natural gas supplies will also begin to run out soon after. Another source is needed.
Researchers are now using electricity to make water into hydrogen. Companies are working on the problem in their own areas. The first commercial hydrogen “fuel cells” for computers and mobile phones have already come on to the market. Auto companies have also invested over US $2 billion in the production of hydrogen fuelled cars.
The nations of a hydrogen fuelled planet would not fight over energy recourses. There would be a great reduction in pollution. The only by-product of creating hydrogen is pure drinking water--- something that is very scarce in many parts of the world. But that is not where the good news ends. Once the costs of producing hydrogen have been brought down, it will possibly provide power for a third of the Earth’s population that has no electricity.
And electricity creates wealth. In South Africa over the last decade there has been a large programme of electrification. Thanks to the programme, people do not have to spend their days looking firewood to burn for heat. And with electric light, they can work long into the night.
Some scientists see radical changes in the way the human race co-operates. Hydrogen creates electricity, and is also created by it. With dual use fuel cells, everyone who consumes energy could also produce it. Late at night, a man drives home in London and connects his car into the “world-wide hydrogen web,” which it supplies with electricity. A few hours later, a man in Beijing uses that electricity to power the hydrogen cell in his car. Hydrogen could be the first democratic energy source.
Like all dreams of the future, it seems very far away. But the threat of war and terrorism in the Middle East has made governments and businesses more aware of the need to end oil dependency and spend more time and money on hydrogen resource. So maybe the threat of war is not a completely bad thing for the future of the human race

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refer to?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    What is the problem with using hydrogen as energy?

    1. A.
      It has by-products
    2. B.
      It has to be separated from other materials
    3. C.
      It will make energy too cheap
    4. D.
      It is too far away from us
  3. 3.

    Why does the author give the example in the last but one paragraph ?

    1. A.
      To tell us that we produce energy while using hydrogen power
    2. B.
      To tell us that hydrogen power does not produce pollution
    3. C.
      To show hydrogen power can stop war
    4. D.
      To show hydrogen power is cheap
  4. 4.

    What is the author’s attitude about the future?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What is the passage mainly about?

    1. A.
      war and energy
    2. B.
      the future of hydrogen as an energy resource
    3. C.
      the disadvantages of oil
    4. D.
      How to end war


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You hear the comment all the time: the U.S. economy looks good by figures, but it doesn’t feel good. Why doesn’t ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? It is a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of The Wealthy Society by John Kenneth Galbraith, who died recently at 97.
The Wealthy Society is a modern classic because it helped describe a new moment in the human condition. For most of history, “hunger, sickness, and cold” threatened nearly everyone, Galbraith wrote. “Poverty was found everywhere in that world. Obviously it is not of ours.” After World War II, the fear of another Great Depression gave way to an economic growth. By the 1930s unemployment had averaged 18.2 percent; in the 1950s it was 4.5 percent.
To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would cause discontent. Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn’t really want or need. Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unsatisfying. Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people wrongly considered government only as “a necessary bad.”
It’s often said that only the rich are getting ahead; everyone else is standing still or falling behind. Well, there are many undeserving rich — overpaid chief managers, for instance. But over any meaningful period, most people’s incomes are increasing. From 1995 to 2004, people feel “squeezed” because their rising incomes often don’t satisfy their rising wants — for bigger homes, more health care, more education, and faster Internet connections.
The other great disappointment is that it has not got rid of insecurity. People regard job stability as part of their standard of living. As company unemployment increased, that part has gradually become weaker. More workers fear they’ve become “the disposable American,” as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name.
Because so much previous suffering and social conflict resulted from poverty, the arrival of widespread wealth suggested utopian (乌托邦式的) possibilities. Up to a point, wealth succeeds. There is much less physical suffering than before. People are better off. Unfortunately, wealth also creates new complaints.
Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their citizens. But the search for growth cause new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order. Wealth sets free the individual, promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self-accomplishment. But the promise is so unreasonable that it leads to many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social consequences, including family breakdown. Figures indicate that happiness has not risen with incomes.
Should we be surprised? Not really. We’ve simply confirmed an old truth: the seeking of wealth does not always end with happiness

  1. 1.

    The Wealthy Society is a book ______

    1. A.
      about previous suffering and social conflict in the past
    2. B.
      written by Louis Uchitelle who died recently at 97
    3. C.
      indicating that people are becoming worse off
    4. D.
      about why happiness does not rise with wealth
  2. 2.

    Why do people feel“squeezed”when their average income rises considerably?

    1. A.
      They think there are too many overpaid rich
    2. B.
      There is more unemployment in modern society
    3. C.
      Their material demands go faster than their earnings
    4. D.
      Health care and educational cost have somehow gone out of control
  3. 3.

    What has wealth brought to American society?

    1. A.
      Stability and security
    2. B.
      Materialism and content
    3. C.
      A sense of self-accomplishment
    4. D.
      New anxiety, conflicts and complaints


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Singapore Flyer was launched in 2008 and states to hold the current title for the world’s biggest observation wheel, full 30 meters taller than the London Eye observation wheel in London! Soaring 165 meters, Singapore Flyer offers a whole view of Singapore’s important tourist attractions including the scenic Marina Bay.
Singapore Flyer is also popular for providing an attractive range of shopping and dining choices. Among its greatest dining choices is the Singapore Flyer Sky Dining, one of the most exciting dining experiences you will ever come across.
Singapore Flyer Sky Dining is the first ever in the world to offer a full service in the sky. To top it all you are presented with best menus created by award-winning cooks from all over the world.
The sky dining doesn’t stop from there. You will gain fast boarding flights, in other words, no more waiting in line to board an observation capsule (机舱). You can enjoy the service of an in-flight host along with a nice three-course fine dining menu.
Be ready to enjoy yourself in the air-conditioned glass capsule where you will be served a welcome drink, an appetizer (开胃品) along with the main course. From the capsule you will see the night skyline of Marina Bay, Merlion Park, Raffles Place, Empress Place and Padang, bathed in exciting colors. And not just once but you will get to see these very interesting sights twice, during your almost one hour long special dining experience.
Up to five couples can book a small room and there are even choices to book an entire room for you and your partner. The sky dining experience begins from the VIP waiting room where you will be served with tasty desserts and drinks of your choice. You can see the Singapore Flyer conveniently from one of the top hotels in Singapore like M Hotel Singapore.

  1. 1.

    At Singapore Flyer, tourists can ___________

    1. A.
      do some shopping and have dinner
    2. B.
      enjoy some interesting sights just once
    3. C.
      enjoy a wonderful 30-minute dining experience
    4. D.
      get a whole view of all the Singapore’s tourist attractions
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is TRUE about Singapore Flyer?

    1. A.
      It is the second biggest observation wheel in the world
    2. B.
      The menus are created by native cooks
    3. C.
      It provides fast boarding service
    4. D.
      There are no special rooms for couples
  3. 3.

    The underlined phrase in the third paragraph probably means “___________”

    1. A.
      What’s more
    2. B.
      At the top of it
    3. C.
      What’s worse
    4. D.
      From top to bottom
  4. 4.

    The three-course dining menu at Singapore Flyer usually includes the following EXCEPT___________

    1. A.
      a welcome drink
    2. B.
      the main course
    3. C.
      an appetizer
    4. D.
      tasty desserts
  5. 5.

    Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

    1. A.
      Virtual Tourism
    2. B.
      A Guide to Singapore Flyer
    3. C.
      Eating at Singapore Flyer
    4. D.
      The future of Singapore Flyer


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Going Zero Waste means more than just managing the rubbish we create.It means reducing it too.While it might seem like a difficult thing to do, it's well worth it.And what better time to start than Christmas?
We need to copy the way Nature wastes nothing.Many things are created by human society that we know will soon become useless and be thrown out.How many plastic bottles or even PCs end up in the rubbish bin? Instead,we should design products that can be more easily repaired,reused and recycled.
Kamikatsu, a Japanese village,has already gone Zero Waste.The 2,000 villagers compost their leftovers,and recycle everything else.There are 34 different boxes at the re-cycling centre! Residents grumble about the inconvenience,but they also see the benefits.
People who live Zero Waste lives are careful about what they do.They never take more than they need.Reusing plastic bags at supermarkets is a great way to reduce waste.And those who plan before they shop avoid having to throw food out later.Also,it’s best not to go food shopping when you’re hungry:You’ll be sure to buy too much!
Let’s think about how to enjoy a Zero Waste Christmas.By sending recyclable cards,we can help our friends and family reduce waste.And what better way to enjoy the spirit of Christmas than with a real tree that can be replanted in the spring?
Going Zero Waste requires us to think more about what happens before and after we act.It takes ambition,and it's not always easy.But just think how good it would be,both for ourselves and for the environment, if we never had to waste anything.

  1. 1.

    When is this passage probably written?

    1. A.
      After a Christmas.
    2. B.
      Before Zero Waste starts.
    3. C.
      Before a Christmas.
    4. D.
      When Zero Waste is very popular.
  2. 2.

    What should we do to reduce waste according to the passage?

    1. A.
      To stop using plastic bottles or even PCs.
    2. B.
      To create more things that can be repaired quickly.
    3. C.
      To avoid sending cards on Christmas.
    4. D.
      To copy the way Nature wastes nothing.
  3. 3.

    If we want to live Zero Waste lives we should do the following except        

    1. A.
      taking no more than we need
    2. B.
      reusing plastic bags
    3. C.
      not going food shopping when we’re hungry
    4. D.
      not making a plan before we shop
  4. 4.

    What’s the main purpose of this passage?

    1. A.
      To enjoy a clean Christmas.
    2. B.
      To complain about the pollution.
    3. C.
      To educate people to behave well.
    4. D.
      To call on people to attend Zero Waste.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“You'll have to take care of the baby today,” a woman told her husband. "I'm not feeling well."
"Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear" her husband said. "I'll be pleased to look after our baby." "By the way, shall I do the shopping for you as well?” her husband asked.
The woman was very glad and said, "That will help me very much. I'll give you a list of things to buy"
She wrote out the list and gave it to him.
The man took the baby to the supermarket and put him in the shopping cart. Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things and looked for those that were on his list.
At first everything was OK, but then the baby began to cry.
Then he started to scream.
And scream!
“Keep calm, George,” the man said. “Don’t get excited. Don’t shout, George. Don’t lose your temper, George.”
A woman in the supermarket heard him saying so. She walked up to him.
“I think you are wonderful,” she said. “You are so patient with your little George.”
“Madam,” the man said, “I’m George. He’s Edward.”

  1. 1.

    The man took care of the baby instead because his wife was       

    1. A.
    2. B.
      busy doing housework
    3. C.
    4. D.
      going to buy things
  2. 2.

    The baby cried so hard        

    1. A.
      at home
    2. B.
      in the supermarket
    3. C.
      in the street
    4. D.
      in the car
  3. 3.

    When the baby was crying, the father kept taking to       for relaxing

    1. A.
      his baby
    2. B.
      the woman
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    The underlined sentence “Don’t lose your temper.” in this passage means“        

    1. A.
      become angry
    2. B.
      shut up
    3. C.
      walk on
    4. D.
      calm down


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Without plant, people could not live. We eat plants. We breathe the oxygen(氧气)that plants produce. And we need plants for another reason: we need them for their beauty.
Imagine a world with no plants. Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells, their beautiful colors and their lovely shapes. Imagine when the wind blows, not being able to hear the leaves in the trees or watch the branches sway(摇摆)from side to side.
Everywhere people need the beauty of plants. That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers. That is why people always try to design houses with room for some grass and a garden.
Do you talk to your plants? Do you give them love and attention?
Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, writers of a book called THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS, tell of an experiment in which two seeds were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. The other plant was given only hopeless ideas. After six months, the loved plant was bigger. Under the earth it had more and longer roots; above the earth, it had a thicker stem (茎) and more leaves

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, which of the following is right?

    1. A.
      If there are no flowers, there will be no sweet smells
    2. B.
      Without plants, we can’t hear the wind
    3. C.
      We plant trees to watch the branches sway from side to side
    4. D.
      We need plants not only for food and oxygen but also for their beauty
  2. 2.

    In the experiment, the plants were________

    1. A.
      of different kinds
    2. B.
      talked to in two different ways
    3. C.
      both given love and attention
    4. D.
      grown in the same place
  3. 3.

    At the end of six months,________

    1. A.
      one plant had longer roots than the other and had a thicker stem
    2. B.
      one plant had longer roots while the other had a thicker stem
    3. C.
      the plants were of the same size
    4. D.
      one plant had a thicker stem while the other plant had more leaves
  4. 4.

    The experiment has proved(证明) that________-

    1. A.
      we should talk to plants and give them love
    2. B.
      without plants people could not live
    3. C.
      we should grow as many plants as possible
    4. D.
      plants need plenty of water, sunshine and attention


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has heard of the San Andreas fault (断层), which constantly threatens California and the West Coast with earthquakes. But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri?
   Between December of 1811 and February of 1812, three major earthquakes occurred, all centered around the town of New Madrid, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. Property damage was severe. Buildings in the area were almost destroyed. Whole forests fell at once, and huge cracks opened in the ground,  releasing some strong smell chemicals.
   The Mississippi River itself completely changed character, developing sudden rapids and whirlpools (激流和漩涡). Several times it changed its course, and once, according to some observers, it actually appeared to run backwards. Few people were killed in the New Marid earthquakes, probably simply because few people lived in the area in 1811; but the severity of the earthquakes are shown by the fact that the shock waves rang bells in church towers in Charleston, South Carolina, on the coast. Buildings shook in New York City, and clocks were stopped in Washington, D.C.
Scientists now know that America's two major faults are essentially different. The San Andreas is a horizontal boundary between two major land masses that are slowly moving in opposite directions. California earthquakes result when the two masses make a sudden move.
The New Madrid fault, on the other hand, is a vertical fault; at some points, possibly hundreds of millions of years ago, rock was pushed up toward the surface, probably by volcanoes under the surface. Suddenly, the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed, leaving huge cracks. Even now, the rock continues to settle downwards, and sudden sinking motions cause earthquakes in the region. The fault itself, a large crack in this layer of rock, with dozens of other cracks that split off from it, extends from northeast Arkansas through Missouri and into southern Illinois.
   Scientists who have studied the New Madrid fault say there have been numerous smaller quakes in the area since 1811; these smaller quakes indicate that larger ones are probably coming, but the scientists say they have no method of predicting when a large earthquake will occur

  1. 1.

    This passage is mainly about ___________

    1. A.
      current scientific knowledge about faults
    2. B.
      the San Andreas and the New Madrid faults
    3. C.
      the causes of faults        
    4. D.
      the New Madrid fault in Missouri
  2. 2.

    The New Madrid fault is __________

    1. A.
      a vertical fault
    2. B.
      a horizontal fault
    3. C.
      a more serious fault than the San Andreas fault
    4. D.
      responsible for forming the Mississippi River
  3. 3.

    This passage implies that _________.      

    1. A.
      horizontal faults are more dangerous than vertical faults
    2. B.
      Vertical faults are more dangerous than horizontal faults
    3. C.
      The volcanoes that caused the New Madrid fault are still alive
    4. D.
      A lot of people would die if the 1811 New Madrid earthquakes happened today


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Having one of those days—or weeks—when everything seems to annoy you? Even if you do nothing about it, your bad mood (心情)will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster, often within a day or two.
Walk it off
Exercise is the most popular bad-mood buster. A person who’s in a bad mood has low energy and high tension. Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or taking some quick exercise can do wonders towards changing that bad mood.
Tune it out
Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tensions go away quickly, because music starts associations with past positive experiences we’ve had.
Give yourself a pep talk
Stop and listen to what’s on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper, including the pessimistic(悲观的)messages you’ve been giving yourself and then give optimistic answers.(“I still don’t have a job.” Vs” I have two interviews next week.”)
Reduce your stress
Relaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters. There include de3ep breathing, stretching and visualizing, all of which sound complicated(复杂的)but aren’t. One easy way to visualize, close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way to unhappiness is to make a to-do list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no options. By taking control over certain areas, you realize you’re not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life.
Avoid things that won’t improve your mood
TV may not help much: you need to increase your energy level and stimulate(刺激)your mind-something that the TV show “Neighbors” won’t do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as potatoes and pasta(面食), produce a calming effect on people who have a desire for them

  1. 1.

    Which of the following may help us stop a bad mood?

    1. A.
      Draw a picture of something complicated.
    2. B.
      Put more sugar into your coffee.
    3. C.
      Writing down negative thoughts.
    4. D.
      look ahead and write something positive.
  2. 2.

    Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

    1. A.
      It helps raise your spirits.
    2. B.
      It brings us a new technique.
    3. C.
      It is not complicated to do so.
    4. D.
      It is an area to be easily controlled.
  3. 3.

    What can we infer from the passage?

    1. A.
      You don’t have to be nice to your neighbors
    2. B.
      you often feel powerful when in bad mood
    3. C.
      Some TV shows won’t energize you
    4. D.
      Slow exercise can gets you out of bad mood
  4. 4.

    Which would be the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      How to Beat a Bad Mood
    2. B.
      Energy Level and Stress
    3. C.
      Bad Mood and Our Life
    4. D.
      How to Control Your Feeling

