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科目: 来源:江苏月考题 题型:听力题

1. Why does the man like planting trees?
A. Because it is a well-paid job.
B. Because he doesn’t have to work long hours.
C. Because he likes the fresh air outside.
2.Which job doesn’t the man like?
A. Gardening
B. Doctor
C. Lawyer
3.What does the woman think of being a lawyer?
A. It is dangerous
B. It’s well paid
C. It is hard work


科目: 来源:江苏月考题 题型:听力题

1 .How did the woman learn the news of the man’s performance?
A. By watching TV
B. By listening to the radio
C. By reading the newspaper.
2.What do people think of the man’s performance?
A. Wonderful
B. Hard to understand
C. Boring
3.What can we learn about the man?
A. He is disabled
B. He is very poor
C. He has traveled a lot
4.What is the man planning to do?
A. Donate money to disabled children
B. Run a music school for disabled children
C. Improve his playing skill.


科目: 来源:江苏月考题 题型:听力题

1.Which of the following colleges costs the least? 
A. A private college
B. A four-year public college.
C. A community college
2. Which group of students have to pay the most at a four-year public college?
A. Students from “in state”
B. International students
C. Students from other states.
3.How much money will foreign students pay for their first-year study at Berea College? 
A. $18,000
B. $ 26,000
C. Nothing


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:听力题

1. Where does the man come from?
B. England.      
C. France.
2. What is the time in China when London is 9 am?
A.5 pm of the next day.  
B. 5 pm of the same day.  
C. 5 am of the same day.


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:听力题

1.Why does the woman respect and love her parents?  
A. They instructed her and valued her opinion.
B. They gave her too much freedom.
C. They helped her economically.
2.What can we know about the two speakers?
A. They get along well with their parents.
B. They are always allowed to do what they want to.
C. They come from different countries.
3.What does the man think of his parents? 
A. They feel no love for him.
B. They control him too much.
C. They are easy to get along with.


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:听力题

1.Why does the woman call?
A.To report a robbery.    
B. To make an apology.    
C. To look for her friend.
2.Which man is described by the woman?
A. A man in a black shirt, blue glasses.
B. A man in a white shirt, blue glasses.
C. A man in a white shirt, black glasses.
3.When did the young man get the woman’s bag?
A.When talking to her.    
B. When following her.    
C. When knocking into her.


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:听力题

1. How many words do most people use in their everyday life?
A. 60,000 words.    
B.  Less than 60,000 words.  
C. More than 60,000 words.
2. How many English words are there in the dictionary today?
A. 28,000        
B. 70,000          
C. Difficult to say.
3.Which letter has the least entries in Webster’s New World Dictionary?
B. C.        
C. X.
4.What does the passage mainly tell us?      
A. English has a large number of vocabulary.
B. A famous English dictionary-Webster’s New World Dictionary.
C. The most complete English dictionary.


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:听力题


1. What does Mr. Clarke do while his wife is shopping? 
A. He sits in his car.    
B. He pushes the shopping cart.  
C. He waits for her in a caf ?.
2. What will the weather be like?  
A. Cloudy.            
B. Windy.          
C. Sunny.
3. What does the man plan to do during the summer holiday?
A. Travel in a foreign country.        
B. Get ready for his paper. 
C. Save enough money.
4. How much did the man pay?  
A. $10.            
B.  $15.            
C. $20.
5. Why did the woman thank the man?
A. He gave her a lift home again.      
B. He helped her find a room.    
C. She had been a guest in his home.


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:听力题

1. Why did the woman call the man? 
A. To ask for directions.    
B. To inform him where she is.    
C. To say sorry.
2. What time is it now?
A. Around 7:30.            
B. Around 8:00.        
C. Around 8:30.
3. Where did the woman leave from? 
A. The hotel.              
B. Her house.          
C. Her office.


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:听力题

1. What kind of person is Rosie?
A. She’s talkative.      
B. She’s a real complainer.      
C. She’s easygoing.
2. What day is today?
A. Friday.            
B. Thursday.              
C. Wednesday.
3. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. Talk with Rosie directly.          
B. Not go to eat out with Rosie again.      
C. Let some other people talk to Rosie.

