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科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Why Frank and Peter want to cycle to work?
A. It’s convenient.  
B. It's cheap.  
C. It’s environmental.
2. How much is the Anderson bicycle?
A. £65.  
B. £80.  
C. £145.
3. Which bicycle does the man prefer probably?
A. The Anderson one.  
B. The cheap one.  
C. The Curzon one.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the man doing?  
A. Working in the office.  
B. Hanging out.  
C. Repairing his car.
2. What is the woman going to do?
A. Attend classes.  
B. Go shopping.  
C. Have lunch.
3. How long does the woman study at the college except lunch time every day?
A. 5 hours.  
B. 6 hours.  
C. 7 hours.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Why did Polly get a bad sleep last night?
A. She had a bad headache.   
B. She had a bad stomachache.   
C. Her neighbors made much noise.
2. Who practiced the piano last night?
A. The teenager upstairs.  
B. The girl in Apartment 3.  
C. The man in Apartment 2.
3. What will the woman probably do tonight?
A. Take some medicine.  
B. Listen to some music.  
C. Talk to her neighbors.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Where does this conversation take place?
A. On the phone.  
B. In the woman’s home.  
C. At an insurance company.
2. Which window was broken?
A. The living room window.
B. The kitchen window.  
C. The bedroom window.
3. Why does the man talk to the woman?
A. To make a damage report.    
B. To help her rebuild her house.    
C. To show honesty in his business.


科目: 来源:江西省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. Substances used in bone repair.  
B. How to maintain healthy bones.  
C. The structure of sea coral.
1. What does the speaker mention as a disadvantage of transplanting bone from donors?
A. It is too expensive.    
B. The patient might reject the bone.    
C. There are not enough donors.
3. What is one reason that coral works well as a replacement for bone?
A. It has holes into which new bone material can grow.    
B. Its composition is similar to that of bone.
C. It is not as brittle as bone.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:听力题

1.What does the conversation probably take place?
A. At a restaurant.    
B. At the hospital.  
C. At a theatre.
2.  What does the man mean?
A. He’s already an hour late.
B. He’s too nervous to calm down.
C. The woman shouldn’t wait to be interviewed.
3.  What does the man want to know about the word?
A. The spelling.  
B. The meaning.  
C. The pronunciation.
4. Where are the speakers?
A. In a cinema.    
B. In a zoo.    
C. In a restaurant.
5.  According to the woman, what should the man do at first?
A. Ask about on the phone.
B. Phone and make an appointment.
C. Read the advertisements in the newspapers.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the man?
A. He is a student.      
B. He is a teacher.      
C. He is a worker.
2. How long does it take the woman to finish the work?
A. All night long.    
B. All day long      
C. Half an hour.
3. What’s the woman going to do tonight?
A. Help the man with the work.    
B. See a film.  
C. Do maths homework.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. Why doesn’t the woman give the boy something to eat? 
A. There isn’t any food to eat.
B. The boy just ate something.
C. They are going to have dinner soon.
2. What snack does the boy want at first?
A. Potato chips.  
B. Candy.    
D. Sandwich.
3. Which food doesn’t the woman offer to the boy for a snack?
A. Tomatoes.  
B. Broccoli.    
C. Carrots.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? 
A. Friends    
B. Classmates    
C. Co-workers
2. What does the man like to do?
A. To cycle.    
B. To garden.    
C. To climb mountains.
3. What kind of books does the woman like to read?
A. Love stories.    
B. Crime stories    
C. Science fiction.


科目: 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What is the probable relation between the speakers?
A. Friends.    
B. Strangers    
C. Workmates.
2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. At home.    
B. In an office    
C. In the open
3. Why did the man go to Seattle?
A. To live there.      
B. On business.    
C. To visit the city.

