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科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Shakespeare once called the English countryside “the precious stone set in the silver sea”- and he is not the last to sing high praises of its beauty and historical charm(魅力).

The countryside is particularly beautiful during the summer, especially in August and September. As one travels the countryside, you’ll find more of its treasures: so many plants and animals, romantic castles(浪漫的城堡), secret gardens, and villages so unchanged in the last decades that they seem to have been caught under a fairy’ s spell.

Must-sees include Derbyshire, called “the heart of England” and home to the National Park. The great peaks were the muse(创作灵感)of the Bronte sisters (and if you love the book Jane Eyre, you can visit North Lees hall, where the real Eyre family once lived).

History lovers will enjoy a visit to Lincoln city (its most famous son is Lord Alfred Tennyson). It is also known for its cathedral(大教堂), the charming tea shops, a small castle. One would never guess its violent past—built by Romans, it was once a center for arrow(箭) making.

Harry Potter fans shouldn’t miss a visit to Alnwick, which is better recognized as the “Hogswarth” in the movies.

Let’s not leave out the Wessex region, where one can see one of England’s greatest mysteries, Stone Henge. You can also go to the City of Bath, which has been famous for its medicines springs since the Roman times. Other popular tractions include Salisbury Cathedral, and landscaped(景色优美的) gardens of Stourhead, and the cobbled(用鹅卵石铺的) streets of Shaftesbury. This is also home to Oxford, one of the world’s most famous universities.

Art lovers will also like a visit to East Anglia, whose landscapes inspired the painter Constable (he was born in Dedham village). This is also home of the University City of Cambridge, and the famous architectural(建筑上的) attraction, King’s College Chapel. Be sure to visit the aircraft museum of Duxford.

1.What was Shakespeare’s attitude towards the English countryside?

A. Uninterested. B. Dissatisfied(不满意的).

C. Surprised. D. Admiring.

2.According to the text, Lincoln city________.

A. produced arrows in the past

B. will be enjoyed by music lovers

C. was the place where the Eyre family once lived

D. has one of the world’ s most famous universities

3.When traveling in the countryside, Harry Potter fans are advised to visit ________.

A. the Wessex region B. Derbyshire C. Yorkshire D. Alnwick

4.The text is most probably taken from ________.

A. a travel guide

B. a book review(书评)

C. a history paper

D. a newspaper report



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Are you feeling anxious about your test next week? Here are some tips that will help you in dealing with stress(压力) and anxiety.

Study regularly

One of the most important ways of avoiding test anxiety is to prepare well in advance. Study regularly for a few hours every day. 1. .

Reduce study pressure(压力)

If students are not able to deal with anxiety or nervousness, they could talk to their teachers, student counselors(辅导员), parents or friends. Parents should also avoid pressurizing(加压) their kids to do well. 2.

Then your children can study without any tension(紧张). Another important point that arises here is neither the students nor the parents should compare the children with their other classmates and friends.

Physical fitness

3. Many times due to anxiety students avoid sleep and starve themselves. They should sleep for at least 6-7 hours a day and eat nutritious and healthy food. Exercising regularly is equally important as talking to friends and socializing(社交).


Plan your studies well. Chart(制图) out a timetable and take proper breaks between studying. Along with the study time, allot (分配) time to relax and do what you love to do. Practicing simple breathing skills will also help reduce stress.

5. While it is important to gain good scores in tests, it is not the most important thing in life. Learning to deal with nervousness and stress will not only help them to do well in school tests, but also in their future life.

A. Prepare schedule

B. Listen carefully in class

C. Do not forget to eat and sleep properly.

D. It helps in increasing the confidence of students.

E. Create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere (放松的气氛) at home.

F. Students should remember that tests are just a part of life.

G. Test and exam time causes a lot of nervousness in students.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

On arrival in the downtown El Paso, I came across an old man, a bum(流浪汉) on the street corner. He me and asked if I was running away from home. I him, “Not exactly, sir.” The old man wanted me to follow him to see great. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public .

He asked me to sit down while he was looking for something between the shelves. A few moments , he returned with a couple of old books. He then sat down, , “There are two things that I want to teach you Number one is to judge a book by its cover, for a cover can you. As a matter of fact, I am one of the men in the world and have all the things that money can buy. a year ago, my wife died, and since then l have been thinking about my life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet in life, one of which was it would be like to live like a on the streets. I promised to do that for one year. For the past year, I have been going from city to city doing just that. So, you see, don't ever judge a by its cover, for a cover can fool you “

“Number two is to learn how to read, my boy. For there is one thing that people can't take away from you, and that is your .” At that moment, he put my right hand in his and put them upon the books he had from the shelves. They were the writings of Plato(柏拉图) and Aristotle(亚里斯多德)—great classics from ancient times.

1.A. hit B. stopped C. blamed D. rewarded

2.A. refused B. warned C. told D. prevented

3.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

4.A. Factory B. School C. Library D. Hospital

5.A. special B. normal C. rich D. favorite

6.A. before B. late C. later D. ago

7.A. crying B. saying C. reading D. laughing

8.A. ever B. always C. never D. often

9.A. attract B. fool C. protect D. teach

10.A. wealthiest B. happiest C. loneliest D. stupidest

11.A. So B. Simply C. But D. Since

12.A. finally B. aimlessly C. thankfully D. deeply

13.A. experienced B. saw C. paid D. used

14.A. where B. what C. how D. why

15.A. bum B. beggar C. policeman D. driver

16.A. busily B. easily C. freely D. exactly

17.A. picture B. book C. person D. price

18.A. always B. hardly C. only D. rarely

19.A. opinion B. clothes C. wisdom(智慧) D. appearance

20.A. opened B. pulled C. placed D. filled



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story1. for the English? This is a question 2. is not so 3. (fool) as itmay seem, for I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story than to the English. For example, they care for 4. the mystery(谜) in the story 5. (solve), but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition(介词) is used before 6. certain word in the speech of a certain character.

Of course, if you want to know the story only, you need not bother (麻烦) about the language. But a student of English is different 7. a student of stories or what is called the general reader. As you may also have learned from the above, you ought to read not only very carefully but also aloud8. you learn the passage by heart and can recite it as if it 9. (be) your own. On 10. hand, this will teach you many useful words and phrases; on the other hand, it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in expression.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.He was in trouble and _____________(寻求) the help of a private lawyer.

2.A friend in need is a friend _____________ (真正地).

3.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some ____________( 量起来)over 90 metres.

4.He was going to take them and their _____________(行李) to catch “The True North”.

5.Most Canadians live ____________ (在……之内)a few hundred kilometres of the USA border.

6.Canada's population is only _____________ (稍微)over thirty million.

7.The earth became so ______________(猛烈地)that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.

8.Water had also appeared on other planets but, ____________(不像) the earth, it had disappeared later.

9.How life began on earth is one of the biggest ____________(迷;难题)that scientists found hard to solve.

10.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which ____________ (阻止)heat escaping from the earth into space.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




Never shall I forget the first English lesson giving by Miss Liu. One Monday morning, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young or beautiful lady. Then she introduced herself and said they shouldn’t call her Teacher Liu but Miss Liu. Later, she asked us to go to the blackboard and said something about ourselves with English in turn. When it was my turn, I felt so shyly that I didn’t dare to say anything before the class. She went up to me and said kindly, “Don’t afraid I believe you can do them well” At the last, 1 went to the blackboard. She praised me for which I had done.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省保定市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


主要内容包括 :



(1)带他参观故宫(the Forbidden City), 鸟巢(the Bird’s Nest), 水立方(the Water Cube)和长城(the Great Wall)。




注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可适当增加情节,使行文连贯。3. 信的开头已为你写好。

Dear Tom,

Recently, while visiting a senior high school website of New Zealand, I saw the message you posted on it. _______________________________________________________________________





Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



科目: 来源:2016届河北省高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, 1. goes like this, "Your future 2. (depend) on many things,but mostly on you. " I can't agree 3. (much) with this view. It's true that our future 4. (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, 5. hard work play a more important role. In 6. words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a 7. (limit) education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he 8. (change)not only his own fate but also the history of America. 9. to this day. Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.

10. , I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写,根据汉语提示或首写字母填单词( 5分)


1.For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves or light incense in m________ of their ancestors.

2.China and Japan have mid-term festivals , when people a________ the moon and in China enjoy mooncakes.

3.Even though her ________ (顾客) might get thin after eating Yong Hui’s food, they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit.

4.Would you please come in? ________ (允许) me to lead the way .

5.The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand ,which a_______ for my appearance.



科目: 来源:2016届河北省高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

In the lobby(休息室) after a long day at work, I found myself standing next to a handsome young man with a nice smile. A __ showed what we had in common: I had ____ in New York city from Germany while he had ____ from South America.

We exchanged stories about the ____ of starting a new life in a new country. “I’ve been ___an apartment within walking distance from my ____. And what I want is to have a good ____ of Central park! But I’m dreaming. I can’t ____ to rent a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to share in expenses.” The young man wrote a ___ down on a piece of paper. “Her name’s Carol and she is a good girl,” he said. “You’ll ____ her, and she needs a roommate.”

I called her right away. “I’ve been ___ to hear from you,” said Carole, who lived near Central Park. ___, she became my best roommate, and has been my ___ for 34 years.

“We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently. “But I wondered what took you so ____ to call.” I said. “I called right after I ____ your South American friend.” Carole looked amazed. “Not a friend, ___ I met him only once, and he told me about you. But that was a whole week before you finally ____.” “But I don’t understand; I didn’t know him until that afternoon.” “Maybe he know of you before because you were ____ known in the company for your achievement.”

Though you are a small potato, if you work hard and do ___, people will find you sooner or later.

1.A. chat B. action C. letterD. sentence

2.A. got B. arrived C. reachedD. approached

3.A. returnedB. appearedC. heardD. come

4.A. pleasureB. difficulties C. excitement D. danger

5.A. finding outB. adoptedC. decorated D. searching for

6.A. job B. homeC. school D. friend

7.A. sightB. visitC. view D. point

8.A. realizeB. provide C. afford D. stand

9.A. numberB. sign C. mark D. note

10.A. meet B. like C. believeD. agree

11.A. looking B. staying C. waiting D. keeping

12.A. AndB. However C. Then D. Indeed

13.A. wifeB. friend C. roommate D. partner

14.A. receive B. find C. notice D. see

15.A. shortB. fast C. longD. slow

16.A. ran into B. heard from C. knew ofD. referred to

17.A. hurriedlyB. rapidly C. commonly D. exactly

18.A. saidB. called C. spoke D. visited

19.A. farB. muchC. wellD. rather

20.A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. something


