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科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州市高三11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has some opinion about history, no matter how ill-informed.Walking through a parking lot in a university in Miami, I noticed a bumper sticker (车尾贴纸) that said, “Ruin a Liberal’s (自由派) Day—Recite Historical Fact!” But Marwick thinks this sort of opinion is just fine; it is unavoidable that we all feel a sense of ownership of history.

History never stands still, as Marwick says at the beginning of The Nature of History, “The shape and content of history, too, vary according to the methods and materials available to different generations.” Marwick’s goal is to explain, in plain language, the changes in the way history is done up to the present; one method is to connect history with advances in the physical sciences. Marwick examines a number of case studies toward the end of the book. He ends the book with a refreshing collection of aphorisms (格言) about history. History truly belongs to each and every man and we all belong to history; with the proper education, history can be made more accessible to everyone.

Marwick relates how inventions and the physical sciences have driven historical changes. Dropping a ball in a vacuum will reveal the same properties (性质) each time the experiment is conducted, providing the conditions are the same. But historians obviously do not have the luxury of reproducing such conditions; historians view the past through the present which depends on invention and science.

By looking at the changing nature of history, Marwick feels the study progressing. Although Marwick suspects some people would accuse a historian of creating job security with the endless views of the past, he insists it is imperative based on the philosophy, science, and new materials of the age. History, according to Marwick, must be for everyone and not remain locked behind the walls of academia.

1.The author mentions the bumper sticker in order to ________.

A.show his own opinion about history

B.introduce the readers to Marwick

C.explain the freedom of understanding history

D.make the readers know about the argument between historians

2.Which of the following best describes the statement “History never stands still”?

A.Marwick explains the changes in the way history is done up to the present.

B.Marwick connects history with advances in the physical sciences.

C.He ends the book with a refreshing collection of aphorisms about history.

D.The shape and content of history vary according to the methods and materials available.

3.In paragraph 3, Marwick gives the example of dropping a ball in a vacuum to prove ______.

A.the changeable nature of history

B.the difficulty of historical study

C.changeable ways of historical study

D.the difficulty of scientific study

4.The text is intended to ________.

A.state a historian’s ideas

B.argue against a historian

C.attract readers to study history

D.describe the story of a historian


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州市高三11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




参考词汇:多米诺效应 Domino Effect


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州市高三11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假如你是中学生李华,你的英国笔友William 信,询问你提到的“军训”是什么意思。请你写一封回信,向他介绍“军训”的情况。内容应包括:


(3)目的:...... (内容自拟);(4)感受:印象深刻;影响深远。


参考词语:军训 military training 军营 camp

Dear William,

How are you going? I’m writing to explain to you what military training is.


Li Hua


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My passion started decades ago as a kid on a flight to India. I was attracted by how such a large airplane was able to glide(滑翔)smoothly above the clouds. I made it a goal to become a pilot. I am now a pilot for American airlines. Though being a pilot consumes my life,it is a job worth doing.

My job is slightly different compared to that of a typical pilot. Most pilots have their routes they fly. They then familiarize(使…熟悉)themselves with the routes. However, in my case,I participate in any job where a pilot is immediately required. It is true that some days I might have a workday from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon. In fact,some days,I might even begin my work at three in the morning when I am needed to fly. Sometimes, as for the typical day,I do not have one.

Having been on the job for over two decades,I have learned some important life lessons. As I greet passengers boarding the airplane,I realize I,along with other airline pilots, have enhanced(提高)the lives of those who we are serving. In fact, there is one particular experience that I will never forget. A family was walking in from the gate, explaining that their beloved one was ill and had to be taken to a big hospital in another city immediately. It was at this point that I realized just how important my job was.

Therefore, my life as an airline pilot is definitely not for everyone. However,my job is something I enjoy thoroughly and will continue to do till I am old enough. As a pilot, I have been able to experience so many different types of situations in different places throughout the world. For anyone interested in piloting, I would recommend going for it.

1.The author dreamed of being a pilot when _______.

A. he was travelling in India

B. it was about 30 years ago.

C. he was flying to India as a kid

D. he was a kid living in India

2.What is the main difference between the author’s job and a typical pilot’s?

A. The author’s working time is not regular.

B. The author has his regular route he flies.

C. The author has to get up very early every day.

D. The daily working time of the author is longer.

3. The author realized how important his job was because he _______.

A. could serve everyone as he does his daily work

B. could make his guests’ life more convenient

C. could take the ill patient to hospital in short time

D. had been to many advanced countries in the world

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. My pleasure in serving people

B. Difference in my job as a pilot

C. My interest in being a pilot as a boy

D. My job as an American airline’s pilot


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, is said to be the only one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite mound(白蚁堆).

Architect Mick Pearce used precisely the same strategy when designing the Eastgate Building, which has no air-conditioning and almost no heating. The building—the country’s largest commercial and shopping complex—uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building of its size. The Eastgate’s owners saved $3.5 million on a $36 million building because an air-conditioning equipment didn’t have to be imported.

The complex is actually two buildings linked by bridges across a shady, glass-roofed atrium(天井) open to the air. Fans suck fresh air in from the atrium, blow it upstairs through hollow spaces under the floors and from there into each office through baseboard vents(通风口). As it rises and warms, it is drawn out via ceiling vents and finally exists through forty-eight brick chimneys.

During summer’s cool nights, big fans blow air through the building seven times an hour to cool the empty floors. By day, smaller fans blow two changes of air an hour through the building, to circulate the air which has been in contact with the cool floors. For winter days, there are small heaters in the vents.

This is all possible only because Harare is 1600 feet above sea level, has cloudless skies, little dampness and rapid temperature changes—days as warm as 31℃ commonly drop to 14℃ at night. “You couldn’t do this in New York, with its hot summers and cold winters,” Pearce said.

The engineering firm of Ove Arup&Partners monitors daily temperatures. It is found that the temperature of the building has generally stayed between 23℃ and 25℃, with the exception of the annual hot period just before the summer rains in October and three days in November, when a doorkeeper accidentally switched off the fans at night. And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air is recycled.

1.Why was Eastgate cheaper to be built than a conventional building?

A. No air conditioners were fixed in.

B. It was designed in a smaller size.

C. Its heating system was less advanced.

D. It used rather different building materials.

2.What does “it” refer to in Paragraph 3?

A. Baseboard vent. B. Heat in the building.

C. Hollow space. D. Fresh air from outside.

3.Why would a building like Eastgate Not work efficiently in New York?

A. Its temperature changes seasonally rather than daily.

B. New York has less clear skies as Harare.

C. Its dampness affects the circulation of air.

D. New York covers a larger area than Harare.

4.The data in the last paragraph suggests Eastgate’s temperature control system_____.

A. allows a wide range of temperatures

B. can recycle up to 30% of the air

C. functions well for most of the year

D. works better in hot seasons


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Online Money Earning

Yes you can earn money online without any investment or without anytime limit. I have many useful easy methods for earning easy money while we all spend our useful time on the Internet by surfing, chatting, downloading and other work. There is no need to stop any other work. We can earn with or without our daily routine. Here I tell you the complete method for online earning.

First Method

Earn money with “Bux. to”. You can earn money through “Bux.to” by clicking on ads on “Bux. to” site. First you need to open an account at “Bux. to”.

“Bux. To” is a new international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ads on our “Surf Ads” page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising income is paid to our members. “Bux. to” makes money through advertising.

How you make money

You view websites in 30 seconds through the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick sign or a red “x”. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01and the “x” means you have not earned money for the visit. You’ll get red x’s when you have more than one websites from the “Surf Ads” page open. When this happens, you get no credit.

Earnings example

You click 10 ads per day =$0.10

20 referrals(转送) click 10 ads per day =$2.00

Your daily earnings =$2.10

Your weekly earnings =$14.70

Your monthly earnings =$63.00

How to get paid

If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your states area and it will meet your request. At present, it only makes payments through “AlertPay”. It will soon be using other methods of payment.

AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay. You can get a free AlertPay account at http:// alertpay. com.

Method 2 will publish soon…

1.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To tell an interesting story.

B. To solve a puzzling problem.

C. To present an exciting research.

D. To introduce a surprising way to earn money.

2.You can earn money by ________.

A. chatting online B. advertising some products

C. clicking on advertisements D. choosing green ticks or x’s

3.What can we know from the passage?

A. You’ll earn $0.10 if you click 1 ad.

B. You can get your payments through AlertPay.

C. Your AlertPay account is not for free.

B. You’ll get many green ticks if you have many websites open.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery, a small reward like a sticker(贴画) for taking even a taste may help get them to eat previously disliked foods, a UK study said.

Though it might seem obvious that a reward could encourage young children to eat their vegetables, the idea is actually controversial, researchers wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That’s because some studies have shown that rewards can backfire and cause children to lose interest in foods they already liked, said Jane Wardle, a researcher at University College London who worked on the study. Verbal praise, such as “Brilliant! You’re a great vegetable taster”, did not work as well.

The study found that when parents gave their small children a sticker each time they took a “tiny taste” of a disliked vegetable, it gradually changed their attitudes. The children were also willing to eat more of the vegetables—either carrots, celery, cucumber, red pepper, cabbage or sugar snap peas—in laboratory taste tests, the study said.

Researchers randomly assigned (分派) 173 families to one of these groups. In one, parents used stickers to reward their children each time they took a tiny sample of a disliked vegetable. A second group of parents used verbal praise. The third group, where Parents used no special vegetable-promoting methods, served as a “control”.

Parents in the reward groups offered their children a taste of the “target” vegetable every day for 12 days. Soon after, children in the sticker group were giving higher ratings to the vegetables—and were willing to eat more in the research lab, going from an average of 5 grams at the start to about 10 grams after the 12-day experience. The turnaround(转机) also seemed to last, with preschoolers in the sticker group still willing to eat more of the once-disliked vegetable three months later.

Why didn’t the verbal praise work? Wardle said the parents’ words may have seemed “insincere” to their children.

1.The purpose of writing the passage is _______ .

A. to explain why children hate to eat vegetables

B. to present a proper way of verbal praise to parents

C. to show the procedure of an experiment on children’s diet

D. to introduce a practical method of making children eat vegetables

2.The underlined word “backfire” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.

A. produce an unexpected result

B. shoot from behind the back

C. make a fire in the backyard

D. achieve what was planned

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Most children are born to dislike carrots or celery.

C. Oral praise works quite well in encouraging children to eat vegetables.

B. Children in the sticker group will never lose interest in eating vegetables.

D. It remains a question whether rewarding is a good way to get children to eat vegetables.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Children are difficult to inspire.

B. Parents should give up verbal praise.

C. Parents should praise their children in a sincere tone.

D. Children like rewards, not verbal praise.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The secret to losing weight isn’t just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices,and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can damage your weight-loss strategy.1.


We all know this one, but it’s important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss. Whether it’s still or sparkling, aim to make water, your go-to beverage choice. 2.Then try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.

2. Vegetable juice

Whether in a can bottled,or homemade,vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss3. the veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.

3. Unsweetened tea

Green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink. 4.Both are filled with antioxidants,which can help rid your body of toxins.

4. Black coffee

A morning cup of joe or an afternoon iced coffee can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that suppresses hunger. Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermo genesis,which heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee-stick to skim milk and very little sugar.

5.Skim milk

Milk is an excellent source of lean protein,vitamin D, and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong.5. If you are feeling indulgent,add a little chocolate-low-fat. Chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.

A. Think water is boring?

B. Don’t forget black and oolong teas,too!

C. To be honest, milk doesn’t cost too much.

D. Remember to drink several cups of water a day.

E. If you can find a low-sodium variety, even better.

F. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.

G. Opt for low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat.


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

When he was a small boy, he had loved butterflies. Now a grown man with his first son to be born in a few weeks, he found once again fascinated with a cocoon(茧).He had it at the side of the park path. Somehow the twig(嫩枝)had been knocked from the tree and the cocoon had undamaged and still woven to the branch.

As he had seen his mother do,he gently protected it by it in his handkerchief and carried it home. The cocoon found a home in a jar with holes in the lid. The man it every day. One day, for the first time,the cocoon moved. He watched more closely and soon the cocoon was trembling with activity but nothing else . The cocoon remained tightly glued to the twig and there was no of wings.

Finally the shaking became so ,the man thought the butterfly would die from the .He removed the lid on the jar,took a sharp pen knife from his desk drawer and made a tiny slit(切口)in the side of the cocoon. Almost immediately,one wing appeared and then outstretched the other. The butterfly was !

It seemed to its freedom and walked along the edge of the jar. But it didn’t fly. At first the man thought the 54 needed time to dry but time passed and still the butterfly did not .

The man was worried and called up his neighbor who high school science. He told the neighbor he had found the cocoon,placed it in the mason jar, and the terrible trembling as the butterfly struggled to get out. When he how he had carefully made a small slit in the cocoon,the teacher stopped him, “Oh, that is the . You see,the struggle is what gives the butterfly the strength to fly.”

And so it is with us. Sometimes it’s the struggles in life that us the most.

1.A. them B. us C. itself D. himself

2.A. searched B. raised C. found D. pulled

3.A. survived B. appeared C. existed D. hidden

4.A. hanging B. covering C. hiding D. wrapping

5.A. awful B. temporary C. forever D. luxurious

6.A. realized B. noticed C. watched D. recognized

7.A. happened B. arose C. helped D. proved

8.A. scene B. mark C. signal D. sign

9.A. nervous B. strong C. constant D. weak

10.A. struggle B. beat C. quarrel D. fight

11.A. confidently B. finally C. carefully D. proudly

12.A. different B. free C. happy D. alive

13.A. hate B. share C. desire D. enjoy

14.A. wings B. arms C. feet D. hands

15.A. bring up B. get down C. take off D. come out

16.A. observed B. invented C. searched D. taught

17.A. how B. why C. when D. where

18.A. reported B. described C. expressed D. imagined

19.A. excuse B. purpose C. reason D. evidence

20.A. strike B. strengthen C. trouble D. impress


科目: 来源:2014-2015学年山东潍坊重点中学高三12月阶段性教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Sue: Hi, Josh. I just saw you having your driving lesson. How1.it go?

Josh: It was OK at first. But I had to do some parking at the end and I kept 2.(get) that wrong.

Sue: I’m sure it’s all hard. My sister’s just learned to drive but I’ve 3. (decision) to leave it for another year or two. I don’t think I’m old enough.

Josh: I just don’t want to ask my parents for lifts. It would be4.(easy) for them if I could drive.

Sue: It would be of great5. (useful). But are you ready to take the driving test soon?

Josh: Perhaps I will fail in this time. I need some time 6.(practise) any way.

Sue: Are you going to get your own car after the test?

Josh: My parents have said they’ll get 7.for me. They know I can’t8.(real) afford it.

Sue: You’re lucky. Are you planning to drive to college like our classmates each day?

Josh: I think I 9.(continue) taking the bus. The petrol would cost too much10. there’s nowhere to park either.

Sue: Maybe that’s best.

