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科目: 来源: 题型:

  Hawaii volcanoes are known as "shield" volcanoes, gently sloping mountains produced from a lot of very wet,fast-moving lava flows(溶岩流"Each Hawaiian island is made up of at least one primary volcano.

  When you move along the island chain from the south,where volcanoes are active,to the northwest part of the chain, the volcanoes become older―and less active. The active volcanoes erupt,then a type of rock known as basalt(玄武岩) was formed. When in a "molten" state, ba?salt produces the fluid lava that you see running down mountains and valleys.

  The Big island of Hawaii is home to five major volcanoes:Kilauca, Mauna Loa,Mauna Kea,Hualalai and Kohala. Mauna Loa is considered the largest active volcano on earth,even though it has not erupted since 1984. But Kilauea, home of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,is the most active volcano in terms of how much lava erupts each year,and the place most visitors come to see volcanic action.

  Ancient hawaiians believed that Kilauea was the physical manifestation(物理表现) of the fu?ry(猛 烈) of the mountain goddess, Pele. Kilauea has added 550 acres of coastal land since erup?tions began in 1983. Hot rivers of molten orange lava,flowing downhill, can be seen most any evening of the year.

  Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,two hours' drive from Kona and five hours' from Kohala on the Big Island, can be the highlight of any vacation. Open year-round, one can explore the many aspects of Kilauea volcano. Much of the best hiking on the Big Island is found within this park. And a visit to the park will give you an up-close view of a volcano.

  The Park,open 24 hours a day,is sometimes referred to as the "drive-in" volcano since it can be easily viewed by car. Even if you don't experience lava flows when you visit there is

much to see.

(   ) 5. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is sometimes referred to as the "drive-in" volcano because .

   A.it is only open to drivers

   B.it is open 24 hours a day

   C.people can easily view the volcano in a car

   D.people can get an up-close view of the volcano

(   ) 6. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that        .

   A.Hawaiians still know little about Kilauea

   B.people in ancient Hawaii held Kilauea in respect

   C.Kilauea has destroyed much farmland since its first eruption

   D.Kilauea is far away from the coast

(   ) 7. The main purpose of the passage is to        .

   A.attract visitors to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

    B.describe the beautiful scenes of Hawaii volcanoes

   C.give us some information about Hawaii volcanoes

   D.tell us where to see Hawaii volcanoes

(   ) 8. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A.Hawaii volcanoes are a great tourist attraction.

   B.It's dangerous to view volcanoes in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

   C.No one knows when a volcano in Hawaii will erupt.

   D.Almost all volcanoes lie in the Big Island of Hawaii.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 For thousands of years,mankind has bred plants and animals to create more desired and useful plants and animals. For instance, modem corn has been bred to such a large size that it is no longer able to reproduce without man's assistance. Modem dairy cows produce too much milk;because if they are not often drained of milk,they could leak,burst, become infected, and possibly die. Furthermore, most domesticated dogs cannot survive in the wild even with special training. Since natural evolution is extremely slow and mankind's selective breeding pro?grams only take a few generations to produce a completely new species,natural evolution has al?ready taken a backseat to mankind's breeding programs.

 Additionally,mankind has successfully killed off several species all together. For instance, there are no more European wolves in existence and mammoths probably become extinct because of mankind. Even certain diseases have been permanently eradicated(根除) from the planet, and dozens of other diseases will soon be too. Again, natural evolution did not cause most of the ex?tinctions during humanity's reign.

 Currently, scientists are creating new species with desired characteristics in the lab signifi?cantly faster than natural evolution creates new species. In a single generation, new species can be artificially created and destroyed,while natural evolution could take thousands of years to do the same but only haphazardly(4禺然地) .Scientists are even able to replace flawed(有缺陷的) or damaged genes with different genes to attempt to cure genetic defects. This is something that natural evolution could possibly never correct.

 Eventually scientists will be able to enhance even people. For example, imagine not only correcting your eyesight with gene therapy,but also ensuring that all of your descendants do not inherit your old genes of poor eyesight too. Scientists will one day be able to enhance the mem?ory and intelligence of your children,so that they will do better in school and achieve more in life. Doctors and scientists will be able to customize babies before they are born just like picking options at a car dealership.

 In the near future,natural evolution in the genetic code of any species can be quickly fixed if desired. As a result, natural evolution is doomed.

(   ) 1. The underlined word "backseat" probably means         .

   A. powerful assistance   B. important part

   C.  bad fortune   D. secondary position

(   ) 2. We can learn from the passage that        .

   A.artificial evolution can benefit the mankind

   B.humans' flaws won't be inherited in future

   C.natural evolution can't change species' nature

   D.artificial evolution helps choose human sexes

(   ) 3. Through the passage the author mainly wants to tell the readers that        .

   A.natural evolution survives strongly

   B.natural evolution is almost dead

   C.artificial evolution brings humans interests

   D.artificial evolution causes species' extinction 

(   ) 4. We can infer from the passage that        .

   A. artificial evolution is the future   B. artificial evolution causes mess

   C.natural evolution causes species to die   D. natural evolution will completely stop


科目: 来源: 题型:

  We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Justin in a high chair and 1 our meal. 2Justin screamed with delight, "Hi there.”His eyes were wide withand his mouth was bared in a toothless laugh.

  I looked around and saw the 4of his pleasure. It was a man in 5 . His shirt was dirty,and his hair was unwashed. His 6 waved and he said to Justin, "Hi,baby?" My husband and I exchanged 7 . We wondered what we could do. Justin continued to 8 . Everyone in the 9 looked at us and the man. Our meal came and the man began shouting from 10 the room. My husband and I were 11 and ate in silence. We finally got through the meal and headed for the door. "Lord,just let me out of here 12 he speaks to me or Justin," I 13 .

  As I drew closer to the man,I turned my back trying to 14 any air he might be breath?ing. As I did so,Justin reached with both arms in a baby's "pick-me-up" 15 Before I could stop him,Justin had propelled himself from my arms to the man's. A very old smelly man and a baby had 16 their love relationship. Justin in an act of total trust and love,laid his tiny head upon the man's ragged 17 . The man's eyes closed, and I saw his aged hands so 18 cradled(抱着) my baby's bottom.

  After a moment, the old man gave Justin to me, "God bless you,Madam. You've given me my Christmas gift.”On our way home,my husband asked why I looked so deeply 19 . I told him I had just witnessed the pure love shown through a tiny child who made no 20 . A child saw a soul,and a mother saw a suit of clothes.

(   ) 1.A. enjoyed   B. made   C. prepared   D. ordered

(   ) 2.A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Finally   D. Immediately

(   ) 3.A. surprise   B. disbelief   C. excitement   D. fright

(   ) 4.A. source   B. expression   C. reality   D. object

(   ) 5.A. uniform   B. suit   C. dress   D. rags

(   ) 6.A. head   B. body   C. hands   D. face

(   ) 7.A. opinions   B. looks   C. words   D. girls

(   ) 8.A. laugh   B. struggle   C. practice   D. perform

(   ) 9.A. street   B. hotel   C. station   D. restaurant

(   ) 10.A. outside   B. on   C. across   D. over

(   ) 11.A. astonished   B. embarrassed   C. amused   D. encouraged

(   ) 12. A. as   B. before   C. after   D. so

(   ) 13. A. insisted   B. required   C. admitted   D. prayed

(   ) 14. A. avoid   B. breathe   C. accept   D. touch

(   ) 15. A. schedule   B. position   C. service   D. feature

(   ) 16. A. built   B. stopped   C. continued   D. found

(   ) 17. A. knees   B. bag   C. shoulder   D. legs

(   ) 18. A. quickly   B. clumsily   C. gently   D. tightly

(   ) 19. A. moved   B. worried   C. bored   D. annoyed

(   ) 20. A. significance   B. comment   C. difference   D. judgment


科目: 来源: 题型:


low-carbon低碳的 ecological environment生态环境 crisis危机 advocate提倡,宣传 severely严重地 aggressively强有力地 promote提升 undertake 从事,承担 energy conservation 會巨源保护


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Latin America and other poor regions of the world will bear the impact(影响) of climate change, a top official from the organization that shared this year's Nobel Peace Prize said.

  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ,a UN network of scientists,was awarded the prize along with former US Vice President AI Gore for their work warning the pub?lic of the peril of global warming.

  "The results of the IPCC show very clearly the impact of climate change will be much seve?rer for the poorest groups and Latin America is included in that”,said IPCC vice chairman Mo?han Munasinghe of Sri Lanka.

  He said water management issues were likely to be the most pressing problem caused by global warming in Latin America. Dry areas will become much drier and other areas will face increased floods and associated waterbome diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

  He said in spite of the problems faced by Latin America, the region is very practical in dealing with the issue.

  "My sense is that Latin American countries have been much more responsive(反应积极的) to the issue of climate change because they feel much more vulnerable(脆弱的) ,"Munasinghe said. "For North America, particularly the United States, the reaction is more defensive."

  Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva said, "Global warming is a burden(负担)shared by both developing and developed nations. If we are to reduce our "greenhouse" gas e-mission by 100 percent, without richer nations reducing theirs by at least 80 percent, we will still be affected.”

(   ) 5. Why were IPCC and AI Gore awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize?

   A.They were working together to fight global warming.

   B.They stopped the global warming becoming severer.

   C.They warned the public of the impact of climate change on poor regions.

   D.He predicted the influences of developed nations on climate change.

(   ) 6. The underlined word "peril" in the second paragraph probably means .

   A. danger   B. force   C. possibility   D. range 

(   ) 7. We can learn from the last but one paragraph that Mohan Munasinghe seems to       .

   A.be blaming the USA for its reaction to global warming

   B.seek more countries to help them fight global warming

   C.be optimistic about reducing the impact of global warming

   D.look for the real reasons why global warming is so severe 

(   ) 8. Marina Silva believes that       

   A.developing nations should learn from developed nations to fight global warming

   B.developed nations have a bigger role to play in solving the problem of global warming

   C.developed nations have made more contribution to reducing the impact of global warming

   D.developing nations are able to do little in solving the problem of global warming


科目: 来源: 题型:

 One of my Chinadialogue colleagues in Beijing recently bought a Philips energy-saving light bulb to replace a standard one. He was happy with his choice. It may have cost 30yuan (just under US $4. 50) ―ten times the price of a filament(灯丝) bulb―but he wanted to save energy as part of his low-carbon lifestyle. And according to the shopkeeper, he would save,in the long run,much more than the 30yuan he was spending.

  Yet only one month later,his expensive light bulb blew up,before he had saved even a small part of the purchase price. Will he stick to his high-cost, low-carbon lifestyle?

China's environmental organizations have started to advocate low-carbon lifestyles and the decrease of carbon footprints to help fight against climate change. But they have overlooked one fact;in China, low-carbon living comes at a high cost.

  It means buying energy-saving bulbs and appliances, and environmentally friendly building materials and daily goods. Cost can no longer be the only standard for purchases. An energy-saving and environmentally friendly product is more expensive than a standard alternative― whether it's a simple light bulb or the house it shines. For average consumers, even buying an ordinary bulb is a huge burden. How can we persuade ordinary people to choose an energy-saving residence? This is not a trend they can afford to follow;perhaps this fashion is only for the rich.

  Most consumers today do not cause huge carbon dioxide (C02) emissions. Their responsi?bility lies not in choosing a low-carbon lifestyle today, but in avoiding a high-carbon life in the future. The principle of "common but differentiated responsibility"―a basis of sustainable de?velopment―can be applied here as well.

  In China, low-carbon living still is resisted by a lack of social infrastructure(基础设施) .E-ven if your salary allows you to make that choice,nobody is there to help you accomplish it.

  Consider energy-saving homes. You need to find out whether or not the developer has used natural materials wherever possible;how effective the insulation(纟色缘物、隔热物) is;and what the green credentials of installed equipment are. You can read up a little, but you'll still be luck to avoid being puzzled by the developers' marketing. Many so-called energy-saving buildings are nothing of the sort,and some are even more energy-hungry than the average home―as Li Taige warned in his article "Energy-efficient buildings? Not always",on Chinadialogue last August. 

(   ) 1. What may probably be the best title of this passage?

   A.To purchase a cheap bulb―your wise alternative.

   B.To choose an energy-saving residence―a must of your life

   C.To learn a low-carbon lifestyle―each citizen's responsibility

   D.To learn a low-carbon lifestyle―a promising but difficult purpose (   ) 2. Why did the writer's colleague get an energy-saving light bulb?

   A.He wanted to save some money.

   B.He wanted to use a more powerful light bulb.

   C.He was asked to do so by some organizations.

   D.He wanted to try learning his low-carbon lifestyle. 

(   ) 3. We can infer from the passage that .

   A.Using energy-saving bulbs and appliances is a fashion.

   B.It's difficult for most Chinese to try to learn a low-carbon lifestyle.

   C.Not all citizens have the same responsibility―learn a Sow-carbon lifestyle.

   D.Most Chinese families cannot afford to purchase an energy-saving residence 

(   ) 4. What is the writer's attitude towards the low-carbon lifestyle?

   A. infomative and entertaining   B. supportive but cautious

   C.  negative but wise   D. positive and active


科目: 来源: 题型:

                     Keeper of the Spring

  There was an old man who lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern slope of the Alps.

The old gentleman had been 1 many years before by the town council to clear away the debris(垃圾) from the pools of water that fed the lovely spring flowing 2 their village. With faithful,silent regularity,he removed the 3 and branches,and wiped away anything that would otherwise have choked and polluted the fresh flow of water. The village soon became a popular 4  , for tourists.

  Years passed. One evening the town council met for its semi-annual 5   . As they re?viewed the 6   , a man noticed the small amount 7 to the keeper of the spring. The man said, "Who is he? Why do we keep him on the list year after year? No one ever 8  him. For all we know,the strange ranger of the hills is doing us no good,it isn't 9 to keep him any longer.”By a vote,they dispensed with(解除) the old man's services.

  For several weeks, nothing 10 .

  By early autumn,leaves began to 11 Small branches fell into the pools, hindering(阻塞) the rushing flow of water. One afternoon someone 12 a slightly yellowish-brown color in the water. A few days later, the water was much 13   . Within another week,a slimy film 14 sections of the water along the banks,and it was smelly. Birds left,as did the 15 . Disease and sickness 16 deeply into the village.

  Quickly, the 17council realized their error in 18 . They rehired the old keeper of the spring, and within a few weeks, the river began to 19 and the village came back to life.

  Never 20 the seeming smallness of your task,job,or life. 

(   ) 1.A. allowed   B. inspired   C. hired   D. served

(   ) 2.A. on   B. at   C. over   D. through

(   ) 3.A. birds   B. leaves   C. banks   D. trees

(   ) 4.A. attraction   B. station   C. direction   D. expression

(   ) 5.A. opening   B. meeting   C. organization   D. celebration

(   ) 6.A. debt   B. rule   C. dairy   D. budget

(   ) 7.A. taught   B. paid   C. permitted   D. borrowed

(   ) 8.A. orders   B. reminds   C. sees   D. respects

(   ) 9.A. optimistic   B. strong   C. comfortable   D. necessary

(   ) 10.A. worked   B. changed   C. began   D. arrived

(   ) 11. A. fall   B. grow   C. gather   D. wave

(   ) 12. A. mixed   B. recognized   C. noticed   D. painted

(   ) 13. A. fresher   B. clearer   C. colder   D. darker

(   ) 14. A. covered   B. protected   C. removed   D. formed

(   ) 15. A. keeper   B. spring   C. tourists   D. branches

(   ) 16. A. gave   B. reached   C. got   D. knew

(   ) 17. A. excited   B. encouraged   C. embarrassed   D. frightened

(   ) 18. A. experiment   B. preparation   C. knowledge   D. judgment

(   ) 19. A. clear up   B. set off   C. bring in   D. look around

(   ) 20. A. look down upon   B. be satisfied with

       C;be concerned about   D. think highly of


科目: 来源: 题型:

10. Many cadres think the only good cadres are those who support them,and this seems

       in the Party, (widespread)



科目: 来源: 题型:

9.They        the essential thinking work is going to be done by the teacher, (tend)



科目: 来源: 题型:

8.Fashion designers take advantage of the fact that women        ,provided they look right, (put)


