 0  131413  131421  131427  131431  131437  131439  131443  131449  131451  131457  131463  131467  131469  131473  131479  131481  131487  131491  131493  131497  131499  131503  131505  131507  131508  131509  131511  131512  131513  131515  131517  131521  131523  131527  131529  131533  131539  131541  131547  131551  131553  131557  131563  131569  131571  131577  131581  131583  131589  131593  131599  131607  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

1. At that time one British pound        $2.80. (exchange)

那时一英镑可以兑换2. 80美元。


科目: 来源: 题型:

  I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes―even his meals. Once he forgot, he ate breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, "If John didn't have his head tied on,he would forget that too!" Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn't that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say,just very,very absent-minded. One hot summer day,Pro?fessor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children,he kept the name of the town a secret.

However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.

The professor's wife was surprised to see him again so soon. "Oh,my dear,I forgot the name of the town. ""What? You forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name!Now I'll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don't forget where you put it."

Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.

"What is the matter now?"

"As you told me,I didn't forget where I put the name of that town,but I forgot where I left our children!"

(   ) 6. In the opinion of the writer of this passage, the professor is        .

   A. careless   B. absent-minded

   C.  foolish   D. forgetful 

(   ) 7. The underlined word "embarrassment" in the first paragraph may mean        .

   A. amusement   B. satisfaction

   C.  fun   D. discomfort 

(   ) 8. From the end of the story,we know Mrs. Smith would probably be very        .

   A. satisfied   B. sorry

   C.  angry   D. funny


科目: 来源: 题型:

  Scientist Florence Wambugu works with farmers in Kenya, a country in East Africa. She helps them grow bigger and better crops. Wambugu is especially interested in finding simple ways to produce more food.

In the past ten years,Wambugu has spent much of her time studying sweet potatoes, which are an important food in her part of Kenya. A virus kept attacking the plants. It stopped the sweet potatoes from growing well. Because of the virus,some farmers lost three quarters of their crops.

Wambugu went to war against the virus. Her search for a way to save the sweet potatoes led to a lab in St. Louis, Missouri.

  The lab mainly works on genes, the chemical " computer programs" found in the cells of living things. Genes tell a plant to produce pink flowers or an animal to grow black hair. Now scientists have found ways to move genes from one living thing to another. That process is called genetic engineering.

  Wambugu spent three years in the lab. As a result, she created a sweet potato plant that could fight off the virus. Wambugu tested her research in Kenya, and her plants produced won?derful sweet potatoes.

  That's just the beginning, Wambugu believes. Genetically modified foods, she thinks,could help farmers in poor countries grow badly-needed crops,thus,fewer people will go hun?gry-

(   ) 1 . The text is written mainly to        .

   A.tell us sweet potatoes are in danger of being attacked by virus

   B.introduce Wambugu's contribution to genetic engineering

   C.introduce a new way of killing plant viruses

   D.tell how hard Wambugu worked in her lab for three years

(   ) 2. What caused Wambugu to set up a lab in St. Louis, Missouri?

   A.Her wish to save sweet potatoes inKenya.

   B.Her great interest in genetic engineering.

   C.her love for sweet potatoes.

   D.Her interest in plant life.

(   ) 3. The fourth paragraph mainly explains what        is.

   A. a crop virus   B. chemical technology

   C.  a computer program   D. genetic engineering

(   ) 4. What is Wambugu's attitude toward "genetic engineering"?

   A.It will help more hungry people.

   B.It should be carefully used.

   C.It has more disadvantages than advantages.

   D.It is a too expensive technology at present.

(   ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Florence Wambugu often helps farmers with their work.

   B.Florence Wambugu has studied sweet potatoes for 10 years.

   C.Genes can be moved from one thing to another.

   D.Florence Wambugu has succeeded in creating a genetically modified sweet pota?toes.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known. When Dr. Gibbs wasn't 1      lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres(英亩) ,and his life's 2       was to make it a forest.

  The good doctor came from "No pains,no gains" school of gardening. He had some inter?esting 3       about plant management. He 4       watered his new trees. Once I asked why, he said that watering plants spoiled(宠坏) them,and that if you 5       them,they would grow 6       . So you had to make things 7       for them and got rid of the weak trees early on.

  He talked about how watering trees made for 8       roots, and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in 9       of water.

  So he never watered his trees. He planted an oak(橡树) and, 10       watering it every morning,he would 11       it with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him 12       he did that,and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

Dr. Gibbs 13       a couple of years after I left home. But the trees he planted are 14       now.

I planted some trees a few years ago, 15       water to them for a whole summer,and prayed over them. Two years of careful care has 16       in trees that grow weaker and weaker. Whenever a cold wind blows, they 17       .

So I'm 18       my view to life, because life is hard. Too many times we pray for comforta?

ble life. In fact, what we need to do is to pray for 19       that reach deep into the Eternal(永恒) ,so when the rains fall and the winds blow,we won't be 20       .

(   ) 1.A. starting   B. seeing   C. saving   D. spending

(   ) 2.A. goal   B. courage   C. time   D. money

(   ) 3.A. activities   B. theories   C. services   D. records

(   ) 4.A. always   B. sometimes   C. never   D. Often

(   ) 5.A. watched   B. spoiled   C. heated   D. watered

(   ) 6.A. taller   B. weaker   C. deeper   D. faster

(   ) 7.A. rough   B. sharp   C. easy   D. soft

(   ) 8.A. deep   B. high   C. shallow   D. low

(   ) 9.A. honor   B. terms   C. face   D. search

(   ) 10.A. instead of   B. because of   C. as a result of   D. due to

(   ) 11.A. treat   B. destroy   C. cover   D. beat

(   ) 12.A. how   B. why   C. when   D. where

(   ) 13.A. passed by   B. passed away   C. got around   D. died out

(   ) 14.A. straight   B. alone   C. strong   D. dying

(   ) 15.A. carried   B. contained   C. prevented   D. moved

(   ) 16.A. stayed   B. finished   C. experienced   D. resulted

(   ) 17.A. sing   B. die   C. tremble   D. vary

(   ) 18.A. losing   B. changing   C. keeping   D. exploring

(   ) 19.A. roots   B. fortunes   C. waters   D. materials

(   ) 20.A. punished   B. troubled   C. panicked   D. damaged


科目: 来源: 题型:






honors荣誉title头衔teaching methods教学方法progress进步respect尊敬

余写作支招―) 写作定性

此文定性为人物传记类文章,要求简介老师的生平和事迹,重点表现老师敬业爱岗,关爱学生,教学有方,成绩突出这几方面。时态主要为一般现在时和过去时。句型多为陈述句。本文可分三段来写:第一段介绍张老师的个人简况及主要成就;第二段描述其教学行为及与学生的关系:第三段概括其影响。人物描写可以多用形容词和副词。二) 难点突破


devoted,humorous,strict,lovely, excellent,warm-hearted,to have much knowledge in, to get on well with,to be strict with/in,to make much progress, not only...but also


描述某人对工作和生活的态度:可用以下句型,使语言很地道,如: She concerned herself with welfare projects.

She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.


It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, traveling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles.


be devoted to sth. /doing sth.献身于

have a good relationship with sb.和某人关系良好

be good at擅长于

be skilled at在某方面很熟练

be popular with sb.受到某人欢迎

with the help of sb. /with one's help在某人的帮助下

deliver one's lectures讲课

lead/live a/an...life过……的生活



科目: 来源: 题型:

  OLYMPIA.March 24―Luo Xuejuan, a swimming gold medalist at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games,became the first Chinese person to relay the Olympic Flame in Greece on Monday,receiving the flame from the first Olympic torchbearer(火炬手) ,Greek Alexandros Nikolaidis.

  Despite her previous experience as a torchbearer in the Beijing leg of the Athens 2004 torch relay, Luo felt honored and proud of being chosen as the first Chinese torchbearer,the Xinhua News Agency reported Luo as saying in an interview.

  She talked about the great responsibility that she felt,as she believed she was representing every Chinese athlete and even Chinese person by running her leg of the relay.

  Regarding missing the torch lighting ceremony because she had to be in an assigned location to wait for the flame,Luo felt no regret. "Even though I couldn't see it,I was able to feel the flame light and knew that it was happening at a place nearby," she said.

  Luo expressed her belief that even if people couldn't communicate with words, the Olympic Flame enables the transmission of the Olympic spirit and brings smiles wherever it might go. In Luo's mind,the Olympic spirit represents purity,competition, friendship, enthusiasm, peace and harmony.

(   ) 4. Why didn't Luo see the torch lighting ceremony?

   A.She was late for the ceremony.

   B.She was not allowed to go there.

   C.She waited for the flame as the next torchbearer.

   D.The ceremony took place at a place far away.

(   ) 5. Choose the best explanation for the underlined word "leg" in Paragraph 3.

   A.One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.

   B.The part of a pair of trousers.

   C.One of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table.

   D.One part of a journey or race.

(   ) 6. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A.Luo Xuejuan was the first Olympic torchbearer inGreece.

   B.Luo had never been selected as a torchbearer before.

   C.Luo believed that the Olympic flame helped communication among people.

   D.Luo felt regretful because she missed the torch lighting ceremony. 

(   ) 7. What's the best title of the passage?

   A.Luo Xuejuan:A Swimming Gold Medalist

   B.The Torch Lighting Ceremony

   C.The Torch Relay Had Begun

   D.Luo Xuejuan;the First Chinese Torchbearer of Athens Torch Relay 

(   ) 8. This passage is most likely to be seen in a         .

   A. novel   B. newspaper   C. magazine   D. textbook


科目: 来源: 题型:

 As late as 1800, women's only place was in the home. The idea of woman in the business world was unthinkable. Men were certain that no woman could do a good job outside her home. This was such a widely accepted idea that when the well-known Bronte sisters began writing books in 1846, they had to sign their books with men's names instead.

  Teaching was the first profession open to women soon after 1800. But even that was not an easy profession for women to enter because most schools and colleges were open only to men. Oberlin College in Ohio was the first college inAmericato accept women.

  Hospital nursing became respectable work for women only after Nightingale became fa?mous. Seeing that she was not only a nurse but also a rich and well-educated woman,people began to believe it was possible for women to nurse the sick and still be "ladies". Miss Nightin?gale opened England's first training school for nurses in 1860.

  The invention of the typewriter in 1867 helped to bring women out of the home and into the business world. By 1900, thousands of women were working at real jobs in schools, hospitals and offices in both England and America. Some women even managed to become doctors or lawyers. The idea that women could work in the business world had been accepted. 

(   ) 1. Why couldn't women become teachers easily? Because       

   A.the first profession open to them was writing.

   B.most schools and colleges were open only to men.

   C.they wanted to be nurses instead.

   D.they had to work in the business world. 

(   ) 2. The article is mainly about         .

   A.women in the business world

   B.the famous Bronte sisters

   C.schools and colleges inAmerica

   D.rights for American women

(   ) 3. Which fact does the article lead you to believe?

   A.The Bronte sisters thought that they were men.

   B.England's first training school for nurses was in Ohio.

   C.There are more men than women in professional jobs.

   D.Women find it necessary to work harder than before.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 In 1977 ,a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a 19-month-old baby in a most unusual way. The author was Agatha Christie, one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world.

  In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar,near Saudi Arabia. Doctors were unable to 1      the cause of her illness,so she 2     to London and admitted to Hammersmith Hospital, where specialist help was 3      . She was then only half-conscious(半昏迷) and on the " Dangerously 111" list. A team of doctors hurried to 4      the baby only to discover that they, 5      ,were puzzled by the very unusual symptoms. While they were discussing the baby's case,a nurse asked to 6      to them.

"Excuse me”,said nurse Marsha Maitland, " 7      I think the baby is 8      from thallium poisoning.”

"9      makes you think that?" Dr. Brown asked.  " Thallium poisoning is extremely 10        .”

"A few days ago,I was reading a novel called A Pale Horse 11      Agatha Christie”, Nurse Maitland explained. "In the book,somebody uses thallium poison, and 12      the symptoms are 13      . They are exactly the same as the baby's.”

"You're very observant and you may be right," another doctor said. "We'll 14      some tests and find out 15      it's thallium or not."

The 16      showed that the baby had 17      been poisoned by thallium,a rare metal used in making optical(光学的) glass. 18      they knew the cause of illness, the doctors were able to give the correct treatment. The baby soon 19      and was sent back to Qatar. Inquiries(调查) showed that the poison 20      from an insecticide(杀虫剂) used in Qatar. 

(   ) 1.A. describe   B. diagnose   C. discover   D. discuss

(   ) 2.A. flew   B. sent   C. went   D. was flown

(   ) 3.A. inexpensive   B. important   C. available   D. impossible

(   ) 4.A. examine   B. see   C. look after   D. cure

(   ) 5.A. too   B. either   C. often   D. never

(   ) 6.A. refer   B. turn   C. speak   D. belong

(   ) 7.A. and   B. so   C. as   D. but

(   ) 8.A. coming   B. suffering   C. tired   D. dying

(   ) 9.A. Who   B. How   C. What   D. Which

(   ) 10.A. rare   B. serious   C. clear   D. dangerous

(   ) 11.A. in   B. on   C. by   D. about

(   ) 12.A. all   B. some of   C. one of   D. both

(   ) 13.A. drawn   B. broadcast   C. announced   D. described

(   ) 14.A. make up   B. carry out   C. get through   D. deal with

(   ) 15.A. that   B. how   C. what   D. whether

(   ) 16.A. words   B. tests   C. examination   D. book

(   ) 17.A. indeed   B. actually   C. probably   D. never

(   ) 18.A. As long as   B. As for as   C. Once   D. If

(   ) 19.A. died   B. got injured   C. recovered   D. got ill

(   ) 20.A. must come   B. should come   C. might have come   D. have come


科目: 来源: 题型:

10.        while I'm away, (carry)



科目: 来源: 题型:

9. Our dictionary        the students, (intend)


