 0  131457  131465  131471  131475  131481  131483  131487  131493  131495  131501  131507  131511  131513  131517  131523  131525  131531  131535  131537  131541  131543  131547  131549  131551  131552  131553  131555  131556  131557  131559  131561  131565  131567  131571  131573  131577  131583  131585  131591  131595  131597  131601  131607  131613  131615  131621  131625  131627  131633  131637  131643  131651  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

2. I send you my warmest c        on your success.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. Our world is a small part of the u        .


科目: 来源: 题型:

 根据所给内容和要点提示介绍一下大师齐白石。齐白石(1864—1957) ,湖南湘潭人,中国现代最著名的画家之一。

出生在一个贫穷的家庭,齐白石靠卖画为生。14 岁当木匠并开始自学画画;40岁后,游览中国著名风景区。1917年后定居北京。擅长画花鸟、昆虫、鱼等,擅长篆刻。1953年获得“人民艺术家”称号。1955年获世界和平理事会颁发的国际和平奖。





参考词汇:篆刻seal carving 国际和平理事会the World Peace Council 国际和平奖 the World

Peace Prize


科目: 来源: 题型:

 One day,a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously 24.       hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally,he decided the animal was old,and the well needed  25.        (cover) up anyway; it just wasn’t worth

26.       to save the donkey.

 He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel(伊) and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first,the donkey realized

27.       was happening and cried horribly.  Then, to everyone’s amazement,he quietened down.  A few shovel loads later,the farmer finally looked down the

well. He 28.        (astonish) at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt 29.       hit his back, the donkey was doing something 30.       (amaze) . He would shake it off and take a step up. 31.        the farmer’s neighbours continued

to shovel dirt on top of the animal,he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon,everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over 32.       edge of the well and happily ran off!

 Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest well just by not 33.       (give) up!Shake it off and take a step up.


科目: 来源: 题型:

   I have been interested in art and crafts(工艺品) for as long as I can remember. I studied art at GCSE level and 4       the highest possible grade and then went on to 5       art and interior design(室内设计) at A level. 6       I enjoyed these courses,I never enjoyed studying or linking other artists’work to mine. 7      

I just loved to 8       something and not to really think how or why I 9       it onto canvas. It was for this 10       that I never thought of art as a(n) 11      ,and realized that it would always be a hobby for me.

  After college I 12        3〜4 years without creating 13       but over the past few years I have gradually returned to art and have really 14       putting paints onto canvas again.

  I don’t like many popular artists. I 15       like in-dividua(个人的) paintings and artworks. Many of the pieces I have created have an obvious 16       from Andy Warhol. I am a big 17       of modern pop art,and I suppose I would classify most of my work as 18       pop art. I like to create pieces of artwork using portraits,but 19       portraits in a way that the item will fit into modern surroundings. I love Scott Hansen’s print work and I like the way he 20       a natural element (元素) to his creations. I love some impressionists’(印象主义者的) artworks 21       Van Gogh’s Starry Night and the heavy brush strokes in some of my modern works are a reflection of it. I also love Banksy,and I am 22       by his ability to express the 23       of existing images.

4. A.  lost   B. learned

   C.  achieved   D. knew

5. A.  study   B. teach

   C.  revise   D. practise

6.  A. So   B. And

   C.  However   D. Although

7. A.  In that case   B. In fact

   C.  In addition   D. Above all

8.  A. create   B. invent

   C.  make   D. produce

9. A.  drew   B. painted

   C.  designed   D. coloured

10. A.  excuse   B. cause

   C.  reason   D. sense

11. A.  interest   B. affair

   C.  business   D. profession

12. A.  took   B. cost

   C.  spent   D. invested

13. A.  everything   B. anything

   C.  something   D. nothing

14. A.  disliked   B. enjoyed

   C.  hated   D. failed

15. A.  suddenly   B. sometimes

   C.  generally   D. seldom

16. A.  importance   B. excellence

   C.  popularity   D. influence

17. A.  fan   B. creator

   C.  artist   D. founder

18. A.  classical   B. folk

   C.  modern   D. western

19. A.  use   B. manage

   C.  apply   D. employ

20. A.  reduces   B. joins

   C.  increases   D. adds

21. A.  so as   B. such as

   C.  as to   D. as of

22. A.  amazed   B. expected

   C.  disappointed   D. annoyed

23. A.  sense   B. idea

   C.  meaning   D. feeling


科目: 来源: 题型:

 NEW YORK (Reuters) — Artists and gallery owners have their fingers crossed at New York’s Affordable Art Fair this week,waiting to see how the economic downturn(衰退期) affects sales of their work even as demand in the high-end (高端的) market breaks down.

 Taking place for the eighth year,the fair aims to lure(引诱) new art buyers and long-time patrons(赞助人) with prices ranging from $ 75 to $ 10,000. Most of the work is priced at $ 5,000 or under.

 Despite the “ affordable” tag (标签) ,attracting buyers is still a daunting task when consumers are turning down anything expensive or unnecessary in the economic depression.

 About 64 galleries are participating in this year’s Affordable Art Fair,down from 70 last year. The fair opened in Manhattan on Thursday and ended on Sunday.

Jenny Hirst,an artist from Manchester,England, who exhibited her work at the namesake fair in London and was attending the New York show,said the demand for affordable art “is struggling a bit”.

“They(consumers) say it is nice,but walk away . instead of pulling out their checkbooks,” said Hirst, referring to art buyers.

The economic downturn has affected the high-end art market. Sotheby’s posted a 71 per cent drop in auc-tion(拍卖) sales in the past quarter,while some experts say demand is rare,or in the best case,scarce for expensive art.

“I don’t think it’s that people are saying, 1 can’t spend a million dollars so I’ll go out and spend $ 500,000,”’ said Constance Kamens,a private art dealer and appraiser.

“Some of them are not buying at all but when they are buying,they are buying carefully. ”

Popular belief is that the right piece of art can transform a space,making it an attractive alternative (选择) to buying a new home or redecorating in a recession marked by increasing job losses and tight access to credit.

1. Not many customers buy art works mainly because        .

   A. the art works are too expensive for them to buy one

   B.  they think it is unnecessary to buy an art work now

   C.  they cannot find art works on show are attractive

   D.  the art market is greatly affected by the financial crisis

2. From what Constance Kamens said,we can safely conclude       .

   A. the customers don’t care the price much

   B.  the customers want to buy cheap works

   C.  the customers often bargain with dealers

   D.  the customers are not interested in buying

3. The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 3 has the closest meaning to “      ”.

   A. frightening   B. discouraging

   C.  exciting   D. surprising


科目: 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。



2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

The pool was filled with child. I put on my bathing suit and tried to

swim. But after a minute I had to get out of. A hundred very small pair of legs and arms were splashing(濺起水花) all round me. I returned to a bank and looked out the ocean in peace. Ah,now this was really pleasant. Look at a large fish jumping in aii.i out of the waves,I wandered what kind it was. Suddenly,a strange bird fly over my head singing. What a unusual song it did!It sounded as “You there!You there!”


科目: 来源: 题型:

 One of my favourites as a young girl was writing. I found that it was a great way to express what I was feeling. I actually wrote journals as early as my first grade. I find them amusing to look at now. I even read some to my son. I noticed that he actually started doing the same thing. He came to me the other day and wanted to read me a story he had written——Sponge Bob Square Pants.

As he sat there and read it aloud to me,it brought a big smile to my face, for I saw myself in him. Recently his school held auditions(试演) for a talent show and he was really interested in it. I remembered him asking me,“Mum, what is my talent?” I asked him to list all of the things that he enjoyed doing. He said reading was at the top,followed by drawing,writing and playing Super Mario Brothers. So I asked him, “What can you do to combine some of those things that people would enjoy watching?”

He disappeared into his room for a while and I began to get a little worried. I know how embarrassed he got performing in front of the big crowds. I heard him rushing down the stairs with excitement.

“I can do a puppet (木偶) show,Mum!” He showed me what he had come up with while in his room. He called it, Yoshi Goes to Africa. What a great idea I thought to myself. I found a puppet show tent online and cleaned up some old puppet friends for him. My son was the only boy who entered the talent show at his school and he won the second place. I was so proud of him.

1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

   A. The author felt sorry for her son’s experiences.

   B.  The boy forgot all about his mother’s journals.

   C.  The boy rushed out of the room after finishing a story.

   D.  Both the author and her son were interested in writing.

2. According to the passage,we can learn that        .

   A. the mother asked her son to join the talent show

   B.  the author’s son took great interest in the talent show

   C.  it was the second time for the boy to enter the talent show

   D.  the boy got nervous in front of the big crowds

3. Which of the following did the boy like most?

   A. Writing.   B. Reading.

   C.  Drawing.   D. Playing.

4. Hearing what the boy had come up with about the talent show,the mother was         .

   A. pleased   B. discouraged

   C.  embarrassed   D. nervous

5. Which of the following is TRUE about the mother?

   A. She used to teach her son writing.

   B.  She made a fortune by the journals.

   C.  She helped her son with the puppet show.

   D.  She was against her son playing video games.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1118. He was working 1        a special painting for a church at that time, 2        the church painting was not 3        well. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second 4         .  This is the woman who 5        be seen in the Mona Lisa.

  All in all,the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci’s 6        and it satisfied the husband. Da Vinci used 7        and light in a clever 8        in the painting. Da Vinci loved science and 9        Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何形状) in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and 10        shapes like 11       . Even her 12        can be seen as a small part of a large circle. The woman in the 13        is sitting on a balconyC 阳台) ,and 14        can be seen behind her. Da Vinci loved to study rocks,so these can be seen 15        in his other paintings. The woman is sitting with her knees  16        the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are 17        together in front of her. This way of 18        is now used by many 19        when 20        The Mona Lisa is a remarkable masterpiece.

1. A.  up   B. in   C. on   D. about

2. A.  but   B. thus   C. however   D. so

3. A.  doing   B. going   C. making   D. working

4. A.  servant   B. daughter   C. nurse   D. wife

5. A.  must   B. should   C. might   D. can

6. A.  works   B. jobs   C. novels   D. photos

7. A.  heaviness   B. black   C. darkness   D. oils

8.  A. way   B. picture   C. hand   D. eye

9. A.  chemistry   B. maths   C. geography   D. biology

10. A.  square   B. round   C. long   D. egg

11. A.  balls   B. sticks   C. vases   D. boxes

12. A.  smile   B. shout   C. cry   D. anger

13. A.  church   B. painting   C. sofa   D. house

14. A.  trees   B. buildings   C. mountains   D. flowers

15. A.  by and by   B. here and there   C. over and over   D. up and down

16. A.  on   B. by   C. to   D. beyond

17. A.  caught   B. held   C. supported   D. hung

18. A.  painting   B. living   C. smiling   D. sitting

19. A.  women   B. actresses   C. girls   D. models

20. A. they are being painted   B. painting

   C. being painted   D. they have painted


科目: 来源: 题型:

10. When they were told the importance of time,those boys realized that          (waste) time is like wasting their life.

