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科目: 来源: 题型:

1. Everyone has their own s and weak- nesses,so no one can become a perfect person.


科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最—项。 

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

               Many people simply follow others,blindly comparing the lifestyles. That is to say,they are not living their life in the way it was truly meant to be lived. Every person has a reason to live on this Earth. Every life has its 1 which has to be ulfilled. Take any activity,be~it a profession,a job,a career etc” and you’ 11 find it's specific to you alone. We should not follow others 2 . We have to leave our own mark behind. WeTiiave to walk our own 3 .

               Some people make 4 for their failures by 5blaming others from whom they have borrowed the 6 or advice. It's clear that 7 taking inspiration from others is the best 8to adopt while accomplishing an activity,following the adviser's each step will wipe out our identity altogether.

               Each human being has his or her own 9 character and abilities. They have certain 10 . These qualities make every person 11 separately in the world. So each one has his or her own 12 to live to the end,his or her deestiny(命运) to 13 . Many people around us make a lot of noise,spreading their countless ideas and advice. One thing that is freely 14  in the world is “offering advice to others So don't be 15 by too many ideas or too much advice from others.

               Every person with his or her own strength and intelligence can 16 their desired goals. They can bring at least a small 17 to this world.

               Each one has to listen to their inner being which always 18 us in a subtle manner. It speaks very clearly through the silence. 19 the advice of your inner voice. It leads us even in the darkness. 20 its help,you can achieve a remarkable victory. So walk your own path.

1. A. purpose   B. responsibility   C. promise   D. order

2. A. quickly   B. faithfully   C. blindly   D. immediately

3. A. step   B. path   C. pace   D. distance

4. A. mistakes   B. reasons   C. excuses   D. wishes

5. A. hardly   B. rightly   C. slightly   D. simply

6. A. words   B. arguments   C. ideas   D. concepts

7. A. although   B. if   C. when   D. for

8. A. style   B. habit   C. method   D. manner

9. A. specific   B. serious   C. political   D. strange

10. A. attitudes   B. voices   C. behaviors   D. qualities

11. A. standout   B. break down   C. catch on   D. show off

12. A. story   B. dream   C. imagination   D. pain

13. A. avoid   B. escape   C. shape   D. reach

14. A. suitable   B. reliable   C. available   D. honorable

15. A. turned down   B. carried away   C. beaten off   D. cheered up

16. A. achieve   B. set    C. declare   D. create

17. A. task   B. chance   C. pity   D. change

18. A. controls   B. guides   C. teaches   D. excites

19. A. Offer   B. Ignore   C. .Receive   D. Follow

20. A. In   B. With   C. By   D. Beyond


科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C知D) 中,备出最佳选项。

                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

            You will probably never find his name in a history book,but to this day,Walker Lee continues to contribute to American heritage (遗产) .Walter Lee is an old-fashioned,modern-day blacksmith(who makes and repairs things made of iron) , still practicing the fine art of shaping metal over a hot fire.

            Walker Lee began his career in hand-forged (手工锻造的) ironwork at the age of 30.The idea of creating an object out of iron,an extremely hard material,appealed to him. He started on this new business by collecting and reading every book he could find that described the process of black-smithing,including its history,its practical and decorative uses,and the equipment.

            During the course of his research,Lee discovered a tool necessary for the success of any blacksmith: the anvil,a heavy block of iron or steel on which a blacksmith shapes the hot metal with a hammer(锤子) .

            Lee bought his first anvil from 84-year-old Hurley Alford Templeton of Philadelphia. It weighed 100 pounds. The anvil cost him $100,and four months later,he paid $75 for another anvil from Cornell University in New York.

            When building his blacksmith shop,in the interest of economy,he constructed it out of inexpensive wood. It was a simple little building that stood for only nine years. Lee replaced his first shop with a finer one made of more expensive wood.

            The very first object Lee forged in his shop was a long,pointed Hudson Bay knife. As he recalls that event he says, “From the minute I first saw the thing take shape,I was attracted ...still am. There's something magic in it. You heat it up and pound it with a hammer and it goes where you want it to go."

             Years later,at a family event,Lee,discovered that his Italian ancestors were expert coppersmiths (铜匠) .During the gathering,Lee's great uncle Johnny said that Lee’s love for blacksmithing was “in the blood,” and he happily presented Lee with a new 125-pound anvil.

1. Why did Lee choose to be a blacksmith?

   A. He hoped to protect American heritage.

   B. He wanted to experience a new career.

   C. He needed to support his family.

   D. He took a great interest in it.

2. Lee learned blacksmithing.

   A. by teaching himself

   B. from his great uncle

   C. from an 84-year-old man

   D. by studying at a university

3. How do blacksmiths use the anvil?

   A. They put it on a hammer and hit hot iron.

   B. They place iron on it and shape the iron.

   C. They use it to produce a hot fire.

   D. They use it to make hammers.

4. The underlined words “that event” refer to.

   A. the family event 

   B. the meeting with Johnny

   C. the making of the Hudson Bay knife

   D. the construction of his blacksmith shop

5. Why does the author write the article?

   A. To advertise hand-forged objects.

   B. To describe a modem blacksmith.

   C. To teach basic blacksmithing skills.

   D. To introduce the art of blacksmithing.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 活动的意义;2. 活动相关事项。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

         Boys and girls,your attention please!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

         You're welcome to join us.


科目: 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。




            Last Sunday,I went to Beijing Olympic Forest Park with my friends Chris. As soon as we got there,we were very attracted by the breathtaking scenery that we couldn't help to taking many photos. As we walked on,we noticed a kite hang up on a branch,but its owner,a little boy,was too short to get it down. The boy looked worrying and we decided to help him. Unluckily,the kite was also beyond my reach. Then we looked around and found a stick,with what we got the kite down. We gave kite back to the boy. He was very delighted and thanked us for what we do. We also felt very happy and it made our outing more enjoyably.


科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

             Pascal Cotte,a French scientist discovered that aportrait(肖像) of a woman was hidden under one of 61. most famous paintings in the world,the "Mona Lisaw.

             In December 2015,the digitally enhanced and reconstructed image of the hidden portrait 62. (show) at a press conference in Shanghai by Pascal Cotte,63.has been analyzing the famous painting 64. (create) by Leonardo da Vinci for nearly a decade. Pascal said he found the image by 65. (use) a special camera that took images of the painting under 66. (extreme) strong light.

              The hidden portrait is of a woman,almost the same as the Mona Lisa,but with several small important 67. (differ). The woman appears to be looking to the side rather than directly 68. the viewer, and she does not have the famous smile that has delighted viewers for over 500 years. Pascal told the media that he thinks his recent findings challenge the long held belief 69.  the painting is of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant. However,some art historians doubt 70.Pascal's findings could prove the Mona Lisa was someone else other than Lisa Gherardini.


科目: 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                                   ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                 Since first grade I had always been good at school. I loved to read and remembered things easily. I always did well on tests. When it came to fifth grade science,41,I was struggling. 42I tried hard I still couldn't seem" to understand it. Mom and Dad had always been so proud of my 43 grades and I didn’t want to 44them. Just before the test I had written several of the answers on my 45 in barely legible(勉强能辨认的) pencil. I sat 46as the teacher started to hand out the tests. I didn't want to get caught,but I didn’t want to 47 either.

                  As the teacher was coming to my row 48 the fire alarm went off. It was an unscheduled fire drill. We all headed out the door and stood together 49 the all-clear signal. As I stood outside in the warm sunshine I 50 what a fool I had been. I knew my mom and dad would be proud of me and 51 me no matter what my grades were. As soon as we were allowed back in,I wiped the 52  on my desk away. I had been given a second chance and I wasn't going to 53 it. I took the test,did my best,and felt 54.

                   I'm not sure why life gave me a second chance that I day. It wouldn't be the last time,55.The second chances in my life have 56me to grow into the person I am today.

                   Life is full of second chances but you have to!be 57 to take them. You have to be willing to ask for 58 and begin again. You have to be willing to release your mistakes and grasp your inner(内心的)59 . You have to be willing to give up your 60 and just love. Every day when you wake up you are given a second chance at life. Embrace(拥抱)it,treasure it,and use it wisely!

41. A. therefore   B. otherwise   C. besides   D. however

42. A. If   B. While   C. As   D. Since

43. A. good   B. final   C. average   D. similar

44. A. frighten   B. reject   C. lose   D. disappoint

45. A. eraser   B. paper   C. desk   D. hand

46. A. straight   B. nervously   C. back   D. comfortably

47. A. fail   B. miss   C. leave   D. change

48. A. immediately   B. actually   C. suddenly   D. naturally

49. A. sending out   B. picking up   C. responding to   D. waiting for

50. A. realized   B. remembered   C. noticed d. doubted

51. A. persuade   B. love   C. remind   D. praise

52. A. numbers   B. dust   C. answers   D. water

53. A. waste   B. take   C. create   D. make

54. A. at sea   B. at peace   C. in a hurry   D. at a loss

55. A. either b. still   C. yet   D. though

56. A. forced   B. asked   C. allowed   D. pushed

57. A. willing   B. hopeful   C. careful   D. confident

58. A. help   B. fairness   C. advice   D. forgiveness

59. A. loneliness   B. pride   C. goodness   D. wish

60. A. belief   B. fear   C. dream   D. heart


科目: 来源: 题型:



                                Classical music 

             The term classical music has several meanings. Many countries call their own traditional or ancient music classical music. However,in Western parts of the world people use the term classical music to refer to art music.

             36 Classical music is more complex. It is usually written down in a form that classical :musicians can read off the page. Classical musicians do not frequently improvise(即兴创作).To improvise means to make up music while playing it.

             People called composers(作曲家) write classical music. 37 The music may require stringed mstruments, windinstruments, keyboardinstru-ments,or percussion instruments(打击乐器) ,or a

combination of any of these.

             38 A musical work may be written for only one instrument,a few instruments,or a large group of instruments. An orchestra is a large group of instruments.

             Classical music developed in Europe over hundreds of years. Much of the earliest classical music was used in religious ceremonies. Later,nonreligious music became more popular.

             Classical music grew and changed rapidly from the late 1500s to the mid-1700s. The modem orchestra was formed during this time. 39

             Music experts call the time from'about 1750 to 1820 the classical age. In this period,musicians developed a number of musical forms. One of them was the symphony,a long musical composition for an orchestra.

             The 1900s were a time of great experimentation in classical music. 40 For example,electronic instruments opened up new ways of expression for composers and musicians.

   A. Much classical music was emotional.

   B. Composers used new forms and even new instruments.

   C. They write classical music for different types of instruments.

   D. Also,musicians created new types of classical music,such as opera.

   E. Art music,or classical music,is different from popular music and folk music.

   F. Composers usually decide how many instruments should play a musical work.

   G. Musicians often performed classical music to entertain audience in royal courts.


科目: 来源: 题型:


             Does SMS seriously affect young people's ability to write good English?

             Recently,a Scottish teenager wrote her entire;English exam in text language. Should she be allowed to do that?

SMS is on the increase but is it sending the nght message to young people and teachers? Some teachers believe that SMS is having a negative effect on young people's literacy(识字) skills They say that texting is preventing young people from wnting properly. Because texting is fast and users have to be brief,good grammar,spelling and sentence structure is forgotten. As a result,young SMS users are not able to write correct English. Other teachers,however,say that young people should be permitted to express themselves and that texting is just a modem means of communication. Teachers who want to ban it are “old-fashioned."

One educational expert commented,“Children need to learn to communicate in a range of ways.”

              A lot of teachers and lecturers refer to the story of the teenager who wrote an entire English essay in text language. Her essay started,aMy!summr hols wr CWOT. B4,we used 2go2 NY 2 C my bro. ILNY,it's a gr8 plc.” The translation of I this is,My summer holidays were a complete!waste of time. Before,we used to go to New York I to see my brother. I love New York. It's a great  place."

              ●Text language should only be used for texting? i (That's why it’s called TEXT language.) We'11 i never get a good education if we keep using text language instead of correct English.

                                           — Lucy,17, Oxford

              ●I don't think that students should be allowed : to text because it will create problems for the teachers. Most of them simply don't understand text language.  

                                           一 Chris,18, Leeds

              ●No way!I think it's OK for emails and texts,but NOT for schoolwork,because it will affect your spelling when you,re older.

                                       一 Jordan,16, London

              ●I think teachers should let us use text in classes. Over thousands of years our language has changed a lot. Text is a new type of language and teachers should learn it. 

                                            —Ahmed,17, Bradford 

              ○ Click here to add a comment.

32. What is the text mainly about?

   A. The advantages of SMS.

   B. How to write good English.

   C. Whether SMS is good for young people.

   D. Whether teachers should use text language.

33. Some teachers worry that if texting is allowed in class, .

   A. teaching will suffer

   B. young people won't write correctly

   C. the development of language may be affected

   D. young people won't express themselves clearly

34. Students who oppose the use of text language hold that .

   A. text language may make education suffer

   B. text language shouldn't be used in emails

   C. teachers should first learn to use text language

   D. students can use text language with teachers,permission

35. The text is probably taken from .

   A. a diary       B. a report

   C. a newspaper   D. a website


科目: 来源: 题型:


              Crime-fighdng technology is getting more sophisticated(高级的) and rightly so. The police need to be equipped for the 21st century. In Britain we ve already got the world's biggest DNA database. By next year,the state will have access to the genetic(基因的) data of 4. 25 million people: one British-based person in 14.Hundreds of thousands of those on the database will never have been charged with a crime.

              Britain is also reported to have more than four million CCTV (closed circuit television) cameras.

There's a continuing debate about the effectiveness of CCTV. Some evidence suggests that it's helpfiil in reducing shoplifting and car crime.It has also been used to successfully identify(识别)terrorists and murderers. However,many claim that better lighting is just as effective when it comes to preventing crime, and that cameras could displace (转移) crime. A police report said that only one crime was solved for every l,000 cameras in London in 2007. In short,there's conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of cameras,so it's   likely that the debate will continue.

              Professor Mike Press,who has spent the past decade studying how design can contribute to crime reduction,said that,in order for CCTV to have any effect,it must be used in a targeted way.

Most cameras that simply record city centres continually — often not being watched 一 do not produce results. CCTV can also have the opposite effect of that intended,by giving citizens a false sense of safety and encouraging them to be careless with property(财产) and personal safety.

              Professor Press said:“All the evidence suggests that CCTV alone makes no positive influence on crime reduction and prevention at all. The weight of evidence would suggest' the investment is more or less a waste of money unless you have lots of other things in place.”He believes that much of the increase is driven by the marketing efforts of safety companies who promote the crime-reducing benefits of their products. He described it as a “lazy approach to crime prevention" and said that authorities should instead be focusing on how to change the environment to reduce crime.

28. Why did Britain set up a DNA database?

   A. To beat crime.

   B. To lead the world.

   C. To access other countries’ database.

   D. To improve their medical technology.

29. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

   A. CCTV has many negative effects.

   B. CGTV is ineffective in reducing crime.

   C. People's views on the effectiveness of CCTV vary.

   D. Better lighting leads to a greater crime reduction than CCTV.

30. What is Professor Mike Press's attitude toward CCTV?

   A. Unconcerned. B. Unsatisfied.

   C. Positive.    D. Cautious.

31. According to Professor Press,a good way to prevent crime is .

   A. to change the environment

   B. to use more cameras in the future

   C. to promote the marketing of safety products

   D. to remind citizens to be careful with their property

