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科目: 来源: 题型:

2. Like other animals,we are guard until we know it is safe to relax.


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. We see examples of unconscious body language very often,yet there is also “learned” body language,which varies culture to culture.


科目: 来源: 题型:


We use both words and sentences to 1. our thoughts and opinions and to 2. with other people. Just like spoken language,body language 3. from culture to culture.

Every culture has developed a formal way to 4. strangers. 5. ,Europeans and Americans shake hands. They do this with the right hand. That means I trust you. Tm not carrying a 6. .

Greetings in Asian countries do not 7. touching the other person,but they always involve the hands. Today,American youths often greet each other with the expression, “Give me five!” Body language is 8. for anyone to study.

People give 9. much more by their 10. than by their words.


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. Which of the following belongs to one of the greetings in the US?

   A. Not to touch the other person.

   B. To put the right hand over the left.

   C. To greet each other with “give me five”.

   D. To join their hands,


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. Why do Europeans and Americans shake hands with their right hands?

   A. They have been used to it.

   B. The right hands are the weakest ones.

   C. They think it is formal.

   D. They want to express they trust each other.


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

   A. Not all body language is conscious.

   B. Europeans shake hands with their left hands.

   C. At any time,we use “learned” body language.

   D. Ways of greeting are the same all over the world.


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. According to the text,we can communicate in several ways EXCEPT .

   A. spoken words   B. written words

   C. body language   D. building our bodies


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. What is the best title of the text?

   A. When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do

   B. Greetings Around the World

   C. How to Shake Hands

   D. Non-verbal Communication


科目: 来源: 题型:

V. 书面表达

假如你是李华,刚刚收到两年前参观过你市的英 国笔友Mike的来信,询问近来公共交通的状况,请你 简要介绍杭州市政府采取的四条措施,并且从中选取 一条或两条,结合自己的经历,写一篇短文,告诉Mike 你的感受和想法。

措施:1. 降低公共汽车票价;

2. 推行免费自行车租赁;

3. 修建4条地铁;

4. 增加出租车数量。

注意:词数120左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计人 总词数。

参考词汇:bike rental自行车租赁 Dear Mike,You asked me about the present situation of the public transportation in Hangzhou in the last lette






Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

IV. 短文改错

My school has taken on a new look since it moved into a new place. It is quite different of the old one. It used to be only one classroom building and the playground is not large enough for all the students to have sports on. Sometimes we had to practise run along the streets outside. The teaching conditions were even worst. Our teachers used to teach with only a blackboard and chalk and the experiments could only be done in the classroom. But now besides the classroom building,a modern lab building has also put into use,which all kinds of experiments can be done. We have not only a large playground and also a gym. Classes can be given by the help of computers and multimedia. What are great changes!I feel proud of my school.

