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科目: 来源: 题型:

5. Yuan Longping searched for a special type of rice plant which had to be .

   A. male and sterile

   B. male and fertile (可繁殖的)

   C. female and sterile

   D. female and fertile 


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. The results of Yuan Longping's experiments were first published in.

   A. 1960   B. 1966   C. 1970   D. 1990


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. Please choose the RIGHT order of the following events about Yuan Longping.

a. Yuan Longping?srice was exported to other countries

b. The results of his experiments were published in Qiina.

c. He studied agriculture in college.

d. The government supported his research group to develop the new system of rice.

e. He began experiments in crop breeding.

   A. c,e,b,d,a   B. e,b,d,a,c

   C. b,c,d,a,e   D. e,c,b,d,a


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. The only way that Yuan Longping thought to produce more rice quickly was .

   A. to be interested in plants

   B. to study agriculture in college

   C. to begin experiments in crop breeding

   D. to cross different species of rice plant


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. Yuan Longping .

   A. is a leading scientist in industry

   B. was born and brought up in China

   C. was educated in a famous school for many years

   D. was given a nickname because he was very naughty


科目: 来源: 题型:

V.书面表达小刚是北京的一名大学生,他曾在北京召幵的国际会议上当过志愿者,当时他参加了一些培训,在培训中他了解到:要当好志愿者,除了要学好外语外,还要 了解不同国家的身势语,只有这样才能更好地帮助外 国朋友。正好小刚在英国的笔友——John ,来信向他 询问如何做一名志愿者,于是他就把他所了解的知识 写信告诉他,以便使他也能做一名好的志愿者。现在 请你以小刚的名义写这封信,信要包括下面的要点:

1. 不同文化有不同的身势语。

2. 法国人热情,见到熟人互相握手,亲吻彼此 的脸。

3. 中东国家的男人说话时站得较近,但对妇女只 是点头,从不与妇女有身体接触。

4. 一般来说,全世界的人见面都握手,但日本人更 喜欢鞠躬。

5. 不同的身势语无所谓好与坏,但了解它们可以 增进了解,减少误解,避免交往中的困难。


1. 书信的格式;

2. 不要逐字逐句地翻译要点,可根据需要适当增 加细节。





科目: 来源: 题型:


Mike called his wife to tell him that he had got two film tickets. He asked her to go and meet him outside the cinema. Mike?swife is very glad because they hadn’t seen a film for quite long time. She met her husband in the entrance to the cinema. Mike took out his wallet to get the ticket,so they were not there. He then tried his pockets,but the tickets were not there,too. Mike looked very worrying. “What's the matter?” asked his wife. “Well,” Mike explained ,“I remember that I did with them. I put them on the desk and forgot to pick them up before leaving for the office!”


科目: 来源: 题型:



Everyone needs a break,and vacations are not meant for serious study. 1. The Spring Festi- val is coming up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey.

Before getting into the recommendations,you need to determine your English reading comprehension level. If youJre at the beginner level,there are two options: reading a children's book or reading a book that you’ve read in Chinese translation. 2.

If you’re at the intermediate level,popular books like pop fiction,mysteries and thrillers are good options. For advanced readers,classic works of literature or modern prize winners ( Nobel,Pulitzer ) are good options.

3. When I pick up a book I like,even though the first few chapters are really hard to get through,I would try to get accustomed to the language the author uses. Generally,after the first few chapters,things get a lot easier,especially if I get involved in the story.

Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a friend who's interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve. 4.

Some quick recommendations :Harry Potter,start with the first book and go on from there;the Narnia series;anything by US writer Michael Crichton;and if you like horror,US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. 5. Happy reading!

   A. If you pick a book which is so challenging,it will be too stressful.

   B. The most important thing is to pick a book that you’re really interested in.

   C. You may also enjoy your reading when hanging out with your family.

   D. You should just find a topic or an author you?re interested in,and the rest will go from there.

   E. You can also discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or email.

   F. Instead,they’re a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.

   G. This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases,since you’re already familiar with the story.


科目: 来源: 题型:

10. volleyball is her main focus,she's also great at basketball.

   A. Since   B. Once   C. Unless   D. While in.


科目: 来源: 题型:

9. there is a storm or some other bad weather,the letter always comes on time.

   A. Because   B. If   C. When   D. Unless

