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科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都七中高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








科目: 来源:2015-2016学年四川绵阳南山中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Have you ever felt sick to your stomach during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache?

If so, then you know what it’s like to feel stress. You’ve probably heard people say, “Wow, I’m really stressed out.” 1. But children have lots of things going on in their lives that can cause stress, too.

What is stress?

Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid --- which can give you a stomachache or a headache.

What causes stress?

Plenty of things can cause stress in a child’s life. 2. Good or normal stress might show up when you’re called on in class or when you have to give a report. Have you ever gotten butterflies in your stomach or sweaty hands? Those can be signs of good stress. 3. For example, you may do a better job on your book report if the anxiety inspires you to prepare well before you get up and read it to the class.

But bad stress can happen if the stressful feelings keep going over time. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if you’re going through anything else that makes you upset every day. 4.

Once you recognize that you’re feeling stressed, there are several things you can do. You can try talking about what’s bothering you with an adult you trust, like a parent or teacher. 5. An adult may have ideas about how to solve whatever is worrying you or making you uncomfortable.

A. This kind of stress can help you to get things done.

B. Maybe you hear adults say those kinds of things all the time.

C. Bring up what’s been on your mind and how it makes you feel.

D. Everyone experiences stress at times --- adults, teens, and even kids.

E. There are ways to reduce stress and manage the stress that’s unavoidable.

F. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can actually make you sick.

G. The trick is to remember that some types of stress are good and others are bad.


科目: 来源:2016届广西武鸣县高级中学高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tom was one of the brightest boys in the year, with supportive parents. But when he was 15 he suddenly stopped trying. He left school at 16 with only two scores for secondary school subjects. One of the reasons that made it cool for him not to care was the power of his peer (同龄人) group.

The lack of right male (男性) role models in many of their lives — at home and particularly in the school environment (环境) — means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.

They don’t see men succeeding in society so it doesn’t occur to them that they could make something of themselves. Without male teachers as a role model, the effect of peer actions and street culture (文化) is all-powerful. Boys want to be part of a club. However, schools can provide the environment for change, and provide the right role models for them. Teachers need to be trained to stop that but not in front of a child’s peers. You have to do it one to one, because that is when you see the real child.

It’s pointless sending a child home if he or she has done wrong. They see it as a welcome day off to watch television or play computer games. Instead, schools should have a special unit where a child who has done wrong goes for the day and gets advice about his problems — somewhere he can work away from his peers and go home after the other children.

1.Why did Tom give up studying?

A. He disliked his teachers.

B. His parents no longer supported him.

C. It’s cool for boys of his age not to care about studies.

D. There were too many subjects in his secondary school.

2.What seems to have a bad effect on students like Tom?

A. Peer groups. B. A special unit.

C. The student judges. D. The home environment.

3.What should schools do to help the problem schoolboys?

A. Wait for their change patiently.

B. Train leaders of their peer groups.

C. Stop the development of street culture.

D. Give them lessons in a separate area.

4.A teacher’s work is most effective with a schoolboy when he __ .

A. is with the boy alone

B. teaches the boy a lesson

C. sends the boy home as punishment

D. works together with another teacher


科目: 来源:2016届广西武鸣县高级中学高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Mrs. Lester kept on 1. (ask)her husband to take her to the ballet. Mr. Lester hates the ballet, but when his 2. (employ) invited him and his wife, he could not get out of it. As they drove to the theatre that evening, 3. fog got worse and worse. The traffic slowed down to a walking pace and almost stopped. When they 4. (eventual) got to the theatre, the ballet was over. Mrs. Lester could not work out how 5. had taken them so long to get there, even taking the fog into account. The theatre was within walking 【 小题6】 (distant) of their house.

A month later, Mrs. Lester found out 6. had happened. Mr. Lester told a friend of his that he 7. (take) a wrong turning on purpose. This friend told his wife, and the wife immediately went around to tell Mrs. Lester. The two women began to plan a revenge(报复). One day, when Mr. Lester was not in, they broke into his study, 8. he always locked. His hobby was collecting old coins. They were taking some coins out of the case when they heard a car pull up outside the house. Mr. Lester came in and opened the door of the study. There was no chance for the women to get away without 9. (see).


科目: 来源:2016届辽宁沈阳第二中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition which she won last year.

As a writer, I know about winning contests – and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a rejection letter from the publisher. I also know the pressure of trying to live up to a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesn’t win the contest again? That’s the strange thing about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and destroyed hopes can resurface in our children.

A revelation (启示) came last week when I asked her, “Don’t you want to win again?” “No,” she replied, “I just want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade.”

I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she spontaneously (自发地) told them. Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales. The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. I had turned her contest into my contest without even realizing it.

Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks. Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting(借鉴) my daughter’s experience.

While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with more steps, putting myself far enough away to give her room but close enough to help if asked. All the while I will be reminding myself that children need room to experience, grow and find their own voices.

1.What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A. A lot of amusements compete for children’s time nowadays.

B. Children have lots of fun doing mindless activities.

C. Rebecca is much too busy to enjoy her leisure time.

D. Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.

2.What did the author say about her own writing experience?

A. She was constantly under pressure to write more.

B. Most of her stories had been rejected by publishers.

C. She did not quite live up to her reputation as a writer.

D. Her road to success was full of pain and frustrations.

3.Why did Rebecca want to enter this year’s writing contest?

A. She believed she possessed real talent for writing.

B. She was sure of winning with her mother’s help.

C. She wanted to share her stories with readers.

D. She had won a prize in the previous contest.

4.The underlined sentence probably means that the author was _______.

A. trying not to let her daughter enjoy her own life.

B. trying to get her daughter to do the thing as the author wished.

C. making sure that her daughter would win the contest.

D. helping her daughter develop real skills for writing.


科目: 来源:2016届辽宁沈阳第二中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying. 1. However, most deaths result from panic, without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water. By adopting a brace (支撑) position, acting decisively and getting out fast, you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.

Brace yourself for impact (撞击力). As soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a body of water, adopt a brace position. The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle, so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the "ten and two" position.

Undo your seatbelt. 2. Untie the children, starting with the oldest first. Forget the cell phone call. Your car isn't going to wait for you to make the call.

3. Leave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window. A car's electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water, so try the method of opening it electronically first. Many people don't think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.

Break the window. If you aren't able to open the window, or it only opens halfway, you'll need to break it with an object or your foot. It may feel counter-intuitive (有悖常理的) to let water into the car. 4.

Escape when the car has equalized. If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced, you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. 5. While there is still air in the car, take slow, deep breaths and focus on what you're doing.

A. Open the window as soon as you hit the water.

B. Surviving a sinking car is not as difficult as you think.

C. It takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with water usually.

D. Such accidents are particularly dangerous to the risk of drowning.

E. In conclusion, if you know what to do in the water, you will be safe.

F. This is the first thing to attend to, yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.

G. But the sooner the window is open, the sooner you can escape directly through it.


科目: 来源:2016届辽宁沈阳第二中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。


注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your email, in which you had told me you would celebrate Easter soon. I am very curious about this holiday and have some question to ask you.

First, how long does Easter last? Is it as important as Christmas in your country? I am also interested in their origin. I guess there should have some stories telling people why it started. Could you share some with me? Beside, I am wondering what people usually do celebrate the holiday. I hope I can learn more from Easter. In your email, you mention that you were going to spend Easter with your family. Could you please send me some pictures if it is possibly?

Thank you very much and have lots of fun at Easter!


Li Hua


科目: 来源:2016届宁夏育才中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How to look good in a photo?

What should you do if you want to have a nice photo taken? Whether it's work or fun, the most important thing is lighting.If you get bad lighting, you will look bad, too.Know where the light is.You don't want it below you or above you, you want it to shine directly at you.

The key thing is no shadow.If you are being photographed outside, do it in the morning, or wait till the 2 o'clock shadow has passed.Also don't let pictures in the magazines stress you out —all the pictures are taken by great photographers.And all the faces have had pimples (丘疹,粉刺) taken out by computers.

Tip your head and learn what angles work with your face; everyone is different.So you have to learn what suits you.You can practice in Photo Booth for as long as it is your turn, to learn what angles suit your face.Tip your neck to make it look longer, make eye contact with the camera.No one can look bad if they smile.

For long legs, point one leg into center of the frame and get the photographer to shoot looking up your body.

For just leg shots, lie upside down and raise legs in the air for the best angle.And your legs will look thinner and be in better shape.

Keep shoulders back.

Always have mouth slightly open, enough to put a penny between your lips, as this will make your lips look fuller.

Lower your eyes and then look up just as shutter (快门) is clicked for full eyes.

Delete any evidence of a less than perfect photogenic moment, everyone has off days.

1.If you want to look good in a photo, the light should be ______.

A.below you B.above you

C.directly at you D.right behind you

2.According to the passage, we should consider all EXCEPT ______.

A.light B.shadow C. angles D.photographers

3.What advice does the author give on taking photos?

A.Raise legs on the wall.

B.Look down.

C.Keep shoulders back.

D.Put a penny between lips.


科目: 来源:2016届宁夏育才中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A Different View

At age 14, 15 and 16, the way we looked was the most important thing in the world to us. My friends and I wanted nothing less than perfection.

In high school, we joined the gymnastics team, and our________ became even more important to us. We had no fat, only muscle. On the weekends, we would go to the beach, ________ of our flat stomachs.

One summer day, all my friends were at my house ________ . At one point, I was running back to the pool. I ________ on a bee, and while it was dying under my foot, it stung (蛰) me. I instantly started to feel ________. That night, I began to run a high fever and my leg and foot were red, hot and swollen. I couldn’t walk. I could barely ________ .

When my foot started to go numb, everyone became more ________ . My foot was not

getting enough blood. I had to go to the________ , and my leg hurt as if it were badly broken. I couldn’t move. All I could do was think about how soft my middle was becoming. That________ me more than any concern over my leg.

That would all ________ when I heard the doctors mention possibly cutting off my foot. It was still not getting the ________ supply it needed. The doctors would have to speed up their treatment.

Never before did I have such great________for my foot. And walking seemed like a ________from the gods. Less and less would I want to hear my friends talk about ________ and who was wearing what. More and more I expected visits from other kids in the hospital, who were quickly becoming my friends.

One girl came to visit me ________. Every time she came, she brought flowers. She was recovering from cancer and felt she should come back and________ the other patients.

She still had no hair, and she was swollen from medications she had been taking. I would not have given this girl a second ________ before. I now loved every inch of her and looked forward to her________.

Finally, I was improving and soon I went home. My leg was still swollen, ________ I was walking, and I had my foot! When I would go back to the hospital, I often saw my friend. She was still visiting people and ________ good cheer. I thought if even there was an angel on this earth, it had to be her.

1.A. grades B. brains C. bodies D. clothes

2.A. ashamed B. proud C. sure D. tired

3.A. dancing B. chatting C. jogging D. swimming

4.A. stepped B. focused C. held D. took

5.A. upset B. fearful C. sick D. anxious

6.A. jump B. run C. stand D. rest

7.A. concerned B. relieved C. surprised D. interested

8.A. beach B. hospital C. gym D. school

9.A. blamed B. impressed C. shocked D. troubled

10.A. change B. bother C. help D. happen

11.A. nutrition B. blood C. time D. air

12.A. observation B. devotion C. appreciation D. evaluation

13.A. gift B. hand C. promise D. treat

14.A. homework B. appointment C. movies D. gymnastics

15.A. suddenly B. regularly C. eventually D. recently

16.A. advise B. encourage C. serve D. instruct

17.A. choice B. thought C. glance D. chance

18.A. words B. ideas C. flowers D. visits

19.A. but B. then C. so D. for

20.A. enjoying B. gaining C. discovering D. spreading


科目: 来源:2016届四川成都市高三10月阶段性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

EP Portable Heater

We all know that the cost of heating our homes will continue to be a significant burden on the family budget. Now millions of people are saving on their heating bills with the EP Portable Heater. With over one million satisfied customers around the world, the new EP heats better and faster, saves more on heating bills, and runs almost silent.

The EP has no exposed heating parts that can cause a fire. The outside of EP only gets warm to the touch so that it will not burn children or pets.

The EP will not reduce oxygen in the room. With other heaters, you’ll notice that you get sleepy when the heat comes on because they are burning up oxygen.

The advanced EP also heats the room evenly, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. It comfortably covers an area up to 350 square feet. Other heaters heat rooms unevenly with most of the heat concentrated to the center of the room. And they only heat an area a few feet around the heater. With the EP, the temperature will not vary in any part of the room.

The EP comes with a 3-year warranty (保修) and a 60-day, no questions asked, satisfaction guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied, return it at our expense and your money will be given back to you.

Now, we have a special offer for 10 days, during which you can enjoy a half price discount and a free delivery. If you order after that, we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted


Take action right now!

1. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?

A. the safety of the EP

B. the heat of the EP

C. the appearance of the EP

D. the material of the EP

2.From the passage, we can learn that the EP _______.

A. runs without any noise

B. doesn’t burn up oxygen

C. makes people get sleepy

D. is unsuitable for children and pets

3.The underlined word “evenly” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. separately B. equally

C. quickly D. continuously

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. compare the difference of different heart brands

B. advise people to save on heating bills

C. report the new development of portable heaters

D. persuade people to buy the product

