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科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏淮阴中学高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Apes and human beings share a lot in common when it comes to behavior. The evidence taken from the observation of the behavior of apes and children suggests that there are three causes for the outbreak of fighting and the exhibition of by individuals.

One of the most common causes of fighting among both children and apes was over the ___ ___ of external objects. The argument over the ownership of any object---food, clothes, toys, females, and the affection of others--- was sufficient reason to __ ___ force. In a case of monkeys’ disagreement over females,thirty females were killed. Two points are of particular interest to notice about these fights for possession.

In the first place, the fights are often carried to such an extreme that they end in the __ __ destruction of the objects of common desire. Toys are torn to pieces and females are killed.

In the second place it is observable, that __ __ occurs when an object is desired by only one person or by someone else. There were many cases where toys and other objects which had been as useless were __ __ defended by their owners when they became the object of some other child’s desire.

Another cause of aggression is the tendency for children and apes are greatly to __ __ the invading of a stranger into their group. A new child in the class may be laughed at, and disliked. A new monkey may be bitten to death. It is interesting to note that anger occurs when a stranger comes from the __ __ species. Monkeys do not mind being _ __ by a goat or a rat. Children do not object when animals are introduced to the group. As a matter of fact, such newcomers are often __ _ . But when monkeys meet a new monkey or children a strange child, aggression often occurs. This strongly suggests that the reason for the aggression is fundamentally possessiveness. The competition of the newcomers is feared. The present members of the group feel that there will be more for the food or the of the adults.

Finally, another common of fighting among children is a frustration or failure in their own ___ __ .A child will be stopped either by __ __ causes such as bad weather or illness from doing something he wishes to do, for example, sail his boat or ride the bicycle. Sometimes the activity may be __ _ because of the opposition of some adult. The child may also frustrate itself by __ ___, through lack of skill or strength, to complete successfully some desired activity. Such a child will then in the ordinary sense become “naughty”. He will be in a bad or unfriendly temper.

1.A. fulfillment B. excitement C. aggressiveness D. isolation

2.A. usage B. collection C. value D. possession

3.A. rejected B. desired C. opposed D. attracted

4.A. turn to B. drive away C. come over D. make into

5.A. moderate B. slight C. complete D. temporary

6.A. donation B. negotiation C. agreement D. conflict

7.A. taken away B. put away C. thrown away D. given away

8.A. reluctantly B. peacefully C. unwillingly D. violently

9.A. hate B. accept C. prove D. ignore

10.A. honored B. isolated C. appreciated D. bitten

11.A. similar B. modest C. strong D. reliable

12.A. observed B. joined C. protected D. spoiled

13.A. offensive B. considerate C. generous D. welcomed

14. A. organizers B. competitors C. advocators D. applicants

15.A. assessment B. attitude C. attention D. emotion

16.A. reason B. account C. description D. source

17.A. knowledge B. study C. activity D. personality

18.A. physical B. natural C. financial D. academic

19.A. enhanced B. operated C. prevented D. extended

20. A. learning B. falling C. imitating D. refusing


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年江苏淮阴中学高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Great Gatsby was not well received when it was published in 1926. F. Scott Fitzgerald appeared to destroy the American Dream, where in anyone, with enough hard work, could get rich and have whatever they wanted from life. He exposed the truth about such myths in this classic book. Basically, the plot could be described as follows:

Poor boy goes East in search of wealth, bored and dissatisfied with inactive Mid West country life.

He meets the super-rich there, attends parties and makes friends with one man in particular, a lonely millionaire of uncertain origins, Jay Gatsby.

He becomes involved with these rich but immoral people, the worst of whom are his own cousin Daisy Buchanan, and her husband Tom.

He observes, with dawning recognition, the corruption in their lives, how lacking in human values or ethical beliefs they seem to be.

He watches tragedy unfold, brought about by the handlings of the wealthy, and visited on the poorer characters.

He remains the only friend of Gatsby, arranging his funeral and mourning his death, and possibly the death of his own American Dream.

He wakes up to the reality of what is important in life, and decides to choose what is of value to him.

He returns to his origins, having recognized the worth of his up-bringing and the moral values it instilled. He sees that money is not everything.

But let us look at this in a little more depth, because the novel is much more complicated than those simple outlines above suggest.

The young man, Nick Caraway, aged 29, lived in a cottage on Long Island. He was an apprentice (学徒) Wall Street trader, and in 1920s, when the novel is set, this job represented a way to get rich, the core value of the American Dream.

Gatsby was a millionaire, who chased a dream too, one of rekindling love with Daisy, Nick’s cousin, a bored, rich, totally unfeeling and spoilt woman. Her rich husband, Tom Buchanan, a businessman, was also less than moral, flattering his mistress, Myrtle Wilson, the wife of a garage owner. It was George Wilson’s love for Myrtle that brought about the tragedy contained in the Gatsby plot.

Gatsby wanted to recapture his dream of love. So he began an affair with Daisy; she was flattered and bored. This action helped to erode Nick’s illusions, and show what wealth can do to people. Gatsby suffered from the realization that Daisy was not the wonderful person he dreamed of, but a shallow and materialistic person.

Eventually, Tom Buchanan suspected what was happening between Gatsby and Daisy, and confronted Gatsby. It was soon after this that Daisy ran Myrtle Wilson down, while driving Gatsby’s yellow automobile.

The tragedy was begun, when Tom Buchanan put the idea into head of George Wilson, that Gatsby had killed Myrtle. In fact, Daisy was secure in the belief that superior status and wealth made her immune, and also, her character was such that she cared little for another human being. Tom Buchanan was the catalyst (催化剂) that sent the emotionally disturbed George to shoot Gatsby for killing Myrtle, then committing suicide. Two dreams turned to dust:George’s of love and the chance to pursue the dream of capitalist endeavor and success, Gatsby’s of recapturing romantic love and the more innocent past, when, in his mind, Daisy was golden and true.

The complete destruction was symbolically expressed when none of Gatsby’s rich “friends” were touched by his death. It was left to Nick, a relative stranger, to make the funeral arrangements. This highlighted the total shallowness of that wealthy, corrupt society, and showed what a worthless person Daisy herself was.

At the end, Nick returned to the beliefs of his Mid Western upbringing. After one last meeting with Tom Buchanan, one last look at Gatsby’s mansion, having buried his friend, he left for home. As Gatsby lost his dream and his life, Fitzgerald drew a portrait of the death of the American Dream.

1.According to the author, that The Great Gatsby was not being popular in 1926 was probably because it__________.

A. informed readers of American value

B. destroyed American dream of that time

C. described the life of American upper class

D. had complicated relationships of the roles

2.The following statements about Nick are true EXCEPT that he_______.

A. is Daisy Buchannan’s cousin

B. betrays his only friend—Gatsby

C. was an apprentice Wall Street trader

D. is dissatisfied with Mid West country life

3.We can infer from the passage that_______.

A. Gatsby was wrongly killed for Daisy setting him a trap

B. it was actually Tom Buchanon that killed Myrtle Wilson

C. George Wilson’s love for Daisy was sure to turn to dust at last

D. Gatsby died because of his appetite for unrealistic romantic love

4.The author writes the passage mainly to_______.

A. teach readers how to appreciate a tragic love novel

B. inform us that wealth is more important than morality

C. convince us to look at the American Dream another way

D. persuade us to read the famous American writer’s novel


科目: 来源:2016届山西山西大学附属中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Car Hire

Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many places of interest to visit, and if you enjoy seeing more than just the city center there's no better way to explore than by car.

Hire Charges

What's included

a)Unlimited mileage (英里数)

b)Expenses on oil, maintenance ( 保养 ) and repairs, which will be repaid on production of invoices

c ) Full insurance (保险) except personal accident ( see below) and contents.

What's not included

a) Personal accident insurance.

b)Garaging, petrol, parking and traffic fines.

Conditions of Hire

★ The shortest rental period at these special low prices is three days. For prices for periods of one or two days you only see our representative (代理人) at the hotel.

★ Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car. But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance please see our representative at the hotel who may still be able to help you.

★The car types on the sheet are examples of the types of cars in each price range , but a particular car cannot be guaranteed.

★Upon delivery the driver(s) will be asked to sign the car hire company's Conditions of Hire.

★If you decide to hire a car, just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us. A booking fee of£12 as part of the car hire cost is required.

★Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire ) , a cancellation charge of £ 12 will be made.

1.From the advertisement we can see a car hirer will pay_________.

A. insurance against damage to the car

B. insurance against injuryto the driver

C. the cost of maintenance of the car

D. the cost of repairs to the car

2.Which of the following is NOT true judging from the advertisement?

A. Such an advertisement most likely appears in a newspaper.

B. You should have a driving license when you hire a car from the company.

C. When you hire a car from the company, a driver will go together with you.

D. You have to pay a booking fee when you hire a car from the company.

3.If car hirers change their minds after paying the whole cost of hiring, the £12 booking fee is ________.

A. partly returned B. doubly paid

C. not returned at all D. returned within six weeks

4.The prices for car hire are especially low when________.

A. it is booked for at least three days

B. it is booked two weeks in advance

C. it is booked for two days

D. the booking is made in London


科目: 来源:2016届陕西西安第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The Colonel(上校) asked Ashenden a good many questions and then suggested that he had particular qualifications for the Secret Service. Ashenden knew several European languages and the fact that he was a writer provided excellent cover: on the pretext(借口) that he was writing a book he could, without attracting attention, visit any neutral country.

It was while they were discussing this point that the Colonel said, "You know you might get material that would be very useful to you in your work. I'll tell you an incident that occurred only recently. Very dramatic. A foreign government minister went down to a Mediterranean resort to recover from a cold and he had some very important documents with him that he kept in a dispatch case(公文箱). A day or two after he arrived, he picked up a beautiful blonde at some restaurant or other, and he got very friendly with her. He took her back to his hotel, and when he came to himself in the morning, the lady and the dispatch-case had disappeared. They had one or two drinks up in his room and his theory is that when his back was turned the woman slipped a drug in his glass.

"Do you mean to say that happened the other day?" said Ashenden.

"The week before last."

"Impossible," cried Ashenden. "Why! We've been putting that incident on the stage for sixty years, we've written it in a thousand novels. Do you mean to say that life has only just caught up with us?"

"Well, I can guarantee the truth of the story." said the Colonel, "And believe me, the government has been put to no end of trouble by the loss of the documents."

"Well sir, if you can't do better than that in the Secret Service," sighed Ashenden, " I'm afraid that as a source of inspiration to the writer of fiction, it's washout(失败)."

1.How did the Colonel suggest that Ashenden's being a writer would relate to his work as a spy?

A. It would make traveling abroad more possible.

B. It would make it easier for him to meet people.

C. It would enable him to avoid arousing suspicion.

D. It would enable him to use the languages he knew.

2.The reason for the Minister's trip was ________ .

A. to fetch some documents

B. to get over an illness

C. to meet a spy

D. to deliver some papers

3.According to the Colonel the incident happened _______.

A. a few days before

B. a few weeks before

C. two weeks before

D. sixty years before

4.Ashenden cried 'Impossible' after hearing the Colonel's story because he thought ______ .

A. it was so stupid

B. it was too close to fiction

C. it was too embarrassing

D. it was too recent


科目: 来源:2016届陕西西安第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard.1.Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.2.She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3.Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us.4.She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is!5.This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?


科目: 来源:2016届陕西西安第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达






参考词汇:伪劣食品fake food ; 卫生 hygiene

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about a food poisoning incident


Li Hua


科目: 来源:2016届天津第一中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The scientific awards, like the Nobel Prize in 2015, are equal to all, ______ the research findings are good enough.

A. so B. as long as C. although D. even though


科目: 来源:2016届天津第一中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was not until the end of the trip ______ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. as B. that C. where D. when


科目: 来源:2016届天津第一中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was waiting in a check-in line at Arlanda International Airport. The man ahead of me was quite a big guy. As an airport baggage handler checked through a customer at the roadside, he accidentally knocked over the man’s luggage. He quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for his mistake. However,the traveler burst into anger, shouting at the baggage handler for his carelessness.

The baggage handler calmly apologized and smiled all the time. The customer continued to berate(痛斥) the man, even as he turned away and headed for his gate. Through it all the baggage handler smiled and remained calm.

The other customers in line witnessed the incident and admired the baggage handler’s professionalism and self-­control. “I have never seen such restraint and humility,” one of the customers sighed, “How do you keep your cool when somebody is attacking you so viciously?”

“It’s easy,” the baggage handler answered. “He’s going to London, but his bags are going to Tokyo.”

I won’t recommend that we use revenge to relieve stress. But let me tell you about one of my friends who has found a way to go through most of his life unaffected by the turbulence that disturbs most people. He is one of the calmest people I’ve ever known and he describes how he keeps his cool no matter how turbulent a situation becomes. He says, “I look at it this way. A traffic jam has no power to make me angry. It just stops my car. And that’s the way I try to look at most of what happens to me.” With that philosophy, this guy goes through life with a calmness I can only envy.

My friend likes to say things like, “A rude customer has no power to make me angry; he just fusses.” And, “A mistake I made has no power to make me upset; it’s just a chance to do better.” He shows how we can truly find calmness in the midst of chaos.

1.The airport baggage handler remained calm during the customer’s berating because ______.

A. he was good at self-control

B. he wanted to show his professionalism

C. he wanted to revenge the customer

D. he knew well the airport rules

2.What is the author’s attitude towards the baggage handler?

A. Appreciative. B. Disapproving.

C. Concerned. D. Sympathetic.

3.Why does the author tell us about his friend?

A. To tell us what is true calmness.

B. To explain a special philosophy.

C. To show his envy to the friend.

D. To advise us to have good manners.

4.What does the underlined word “turbulence” mean?

A. an uneasy or a disturbing state of mind

B. a confusing or uncontrolled situation

C. a person that makes people angry

D. violence that hurts people

5.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Clever Baggage Handler

B. Restraint and Humility in Life

C. A Philosophy for Everyone

D. Calmness in Chaos


科目: 来源:2016届天津第一中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


How do you keep a library when you’ve got no room for your books? With rising rents and record numbers of young people having to move with their parents, it’s clear that we are a moving generation.

As a student in Leeds I moved three times in four years; in London it was seven times in three years. Regularly having to load our possessions into laundry bags and boxes takes a lot of our finance and energy, but the effect on our book collections is rarely considered.

Keeping a collection of beloved books in a damp flat with no shelves, which you’ll probably have to move out of in six months’ time, is a challenge. Deciding which books to keep and which to reject becomes increasingly difficult. Do you hold on to the books you know you’ll reread or do you keep the to-be-read pile intact (完好无损的) ?

Donating books to a charity shop or local school may be virtuous, but when you haven’t had time to read them since your last move, it becomes depressing. There’s a copy of Much Ado About Nothing I’ve been moving around with for nearly a decade because it is the only piece of Shakespeare in the marketplace.

“Just buy a Kindle!” you might argue — but for many people, books are more than just books. They offer us an emotional connection to the past, to the person who gave them to us. They are a way to brighten up a dark flat, they are a link to home; they are the hardest thing to move and the most enjoyable thing to unpack.

So what if you are already facing your second move this year and can’t bear the thought of pensioning off more of your beloved books? You start reading more. Read all the books in your current bedroom and work out if they’re worth the trip; give away as many books as you can; leave books with trusted friends to be reclaimed at a later point. Start looking at your books creatively.

1.Why has the moving generation appeared? (no more than 15 words)

2.While moving, why do people often ignore their book collections? (no more than 10 words)

3.What makes the author keeps a copy of Much Ado About Nothing? (no more than 10 words)

4.What does the underlined phrase pensioning off in the last paragraph mean? (no more than 3 words)

5.What would you do with your books when you have to move? Give a persuasive reason. (no more than 25 words)

