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科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The new dictionaries are very useful, and they __________.

A. sell out B. had sold out

C. have been sold out D. sold out


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You watch them until ten o’clock then I’ll ______.

A. take up B. take place

C. take over D. take off


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

UN ____ the united Nations.

A. stands for B. mean

C. takes place of D. come from


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He is _____ his lesson _____ the final exam.

A. preparing; to B. preparing; for

C. ready; to D. ready; for


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There was a time ________the boy often quarreled with his parents.

A. which B. when

C. that D. where


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He talked a lot about things and persons _____they remembered in the school.

A. which B. what

C. whom D. that


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Every day, I drive home along Colorado Blvd, a wide street with four lanes on each side of the median (中央分隔带护栏).I always notice a homeless man standing on the corner of Colorado Blvd, ______ for spare change with a sign in his hand.

Last Monday, when I was ______ him, he suddenly threw down his sign and rushed into the middle of the street. At this time I ______ a car moving across the 3 lanes of traffic and heading for the median.The ______ man ran to the side of the car and attempted to push the car back in the right ______. He also knocked on the window of the vehicle, but all ______ Immediately, he ran across the small median into four lanes of oncoming traffic, ______ madly for the cars to stop. Thankfully, all speeding cars ______ to stop just in time to ______ hitting him. The car which was out of ______ came Moving across the median and the four lanes of traffic, where just seconds ago cars had been traveling with ______ speeds.

The homeless man jumped back in front of the ______ to attempt slowing it down again. By this time, we were able to ______ and help the man stop the car ______ it ran into a supermarket on the other side of the road. As it ______ out, the woman driver had a heart attack while driving and became ______ in the front seat.

The homeless man is indeed a hero. He spends every day getting ______ by people who are trying not to make ______ contact with him so that they don't feel bad not giving him money. Yet he didn't even hesitate to risk his life to save this lady and other drivers who would have ______ into her. He didn't think of his safety, nor did he expect anything in return. Heroes do exist in the most ______ places.

1.A. waiting B. begging C. standing D. answering

2.A. greeting B. leaving C. attacking D. approaching

3.A. heard B. saw C. sensed D. smelled

4.A. wealthy B. poor C. handsome D. cruel

5.A. direction B. condition C. communication D. situation

6.A. in place B. in particular C. in vain D. in common

7.A. smiling B. dancing C. acting D. signing

8.A. managed B. pretended C. intended D. decided

9.A. delay B. admit C. avoid D. risk

10.A. sight B. danger C. date D. control

11. A. slow B. top C. strange D. normal

12.A. driver B. beggar C. car D. bike

13.A. pull over B. pull out C. pull down D. pull through

14.A. since B. until C. unless D. before

15.A. takes B. picks C. turns D. points

16.A. uneasy B. unconscious C. unnecessary D. unfortunate

17.A. unnoticed B. admired C. changed D. punished

18.A. body B. face C. eye D. hand

19.A. looked B. broken C. checked D. crashed

20.A. unsafe B. unlikely C. unfair D. unwilling


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


★Money and Happiness★

A Guide to Living the Good Life

Author: Laura Rowley

Publisher: Wiley (March 1, 2016)

Laura Rowley helps us all understand the money-happiness connection in our own lives so that we spend our time and efforts wisely. She offers insights that every reader can use to make smarter decisions that will lead to living a rich life in every possible definition of the term.


The Science Behind Your Smile

Author: Daniel Nettle

Publisher: Oxford University Press (July 1, 2016)

This is the first book to look thoroughly at what happiness is and how it works. Nettle examines whether people are basically happy or unhappy, whether success can make us happy, why some people are happier than others, and much more.

★The Happiness Makeover★

How to Teach Yourself to Be Happy and Enjoy Every Day

Author: M. J. Ryan

Publisher: Broadway (May 10, 2016)

Ryan’s own desire to be happier first led her to study what is known about happiness from brain science, psychology, and the wisdom traditions of the world.The Happiness Makeover draws on this wide-ranging knowledge and presents a plan that will help you:

Clear away happiness problems like worry, fear, envy, and dislikes.

Learn to think confidently.

Find daily ways to truly enjoy, even relish, the moments of your life.

★Health and Happiness★

Hormones and Qualities Llives

Author: Steven F. Hotze

Publisher: Forrest Publishing (April, 2016)

Dr Steven Hotze is leading a wellness revolution that advances a new model of healthcare. Unlike the popular medical way of treating individual symptoms(症状) with the familiar “anti” drugs, Dr Hotze deals with the basic causes of poor health.

In Hormones, Health, and Happiness you are shown how to reach and keep the best body functioning.

Based on a process of biologically the same hormones(荷尔蒙) and other natural treatments, it can help you enjoy a better quality of life.

1.According to the passage, which of the following books was the first to come out?

A.A Guide to Living the Good Life

B.Hormones and Qualities Llives

C.How to Teach Yourself to Be Happy and Enjoy Every Day

D.The Science Behind Your Smile

2.If you want to know more about whether happiness has something to do with success, you should turn to _____________

A.Money and Happiness


C.The Happiness Makeover

D.Health and Happiness

3.Whose model will possibly help readers obtain health and wellness naturally?

A.Laura Rowley’s. B.M. J. Ryan’s.

C.Daniel Nettle’s. D.Steven F. Hotze’s.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.What Is Happiness?

B.Recent Books on Happiness

C.Money and Happiness

D.How to Keep Yourself Happy


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Dr Wiseman started “the laugh lab” project in September 2001. It is the largest study of humour. Participants(This is a subject that has long attracted psychologists and philosophers. Most of the time, people are not completely honest. We do things that society expects us to and say things that help us get what we want. But laughing cannot be controlled. When we laugh, we tell the truth about ourselves. By December 2001 over 10, 000 jokes had been submitted. This gave the scientists enough evidence to make early conclusions. It seems that men and women do have different senses of humour, for instance.

“Our findings show the major differences in the ways in which males and females use humour, ” said Dr. Wiseman. “Males use humour to appear superior to others, while women are more skilled in languages and prefer word play. ”

Researchers also found that there really is such a thing as a national sense of humour. The British enjoy what is usually called “toilet humour”. But the French like their jokes short and sharp: “You’re a high priced lawyer. Will you answer two questions for $500?” “Yes. What’s the second question?”

The Germans are famous for not having a sense of humour. But the survey found that German participants were more likely to find submitted jokes funny than any other nationality.

Perhaps that proves the point. Is this joke funny? I don’t know, but let’s say yes, just to be safe. Dr Wiseman and his workmates also submitted jokes created by computer. But none of those who took part in the survey found any of them amusing. Perhaps this is relief. Computers already seem like they can do everything. At least they should leave the funny

stuff to us.

1.Scientist started “ the laugh lab” project________

A. to find the funniest joke in European countries

B. to get more personal details about participants

C. to know what funny people are like from different nations and cultures

D. to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humour

2.We can infer from the passage that________.

A. most of the people all over the world are completely honest

B. people tell the truth about themselves only when they laugh

C. ordinary people are not interested in “the laugh lab” project at all

D. psychologists and philosophers take interest in the “laugh lab” project

3.According to the passage, we can safely say that ________.

A. Jokes created by computer are less appealing to people.

B. Men and women have similar senses of humour.

C. The project lasted from September, 2001 to December, 2001.

D. Scientists have collected enough evidence to make final conclusions.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Funny or not?

B. Laugh louder!

C. Men laugh better.

D. Watch out for the trap in jokes!


科目: 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


In America, each of the states likes to promote itself with a slogan(口号).I currently live in Utah, where the slogan is “Life Elevated”. It’s a nod to outdoor entertainment in the high country,including the ski industry. I previously lived in Colorado, a land with red dirt,

great mountains and golden plains. T he slogan there is “Colorful Colorado”. Years ago I lived in the “Peach State” of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico as a little boy, whose slogan is “Land of Enchantment(魔力)”.

We never seemed to get away from dust in New Mexico, so I appreciate the story of a newcomer to the Land of Enchantment who learned about dusty breezes. She was visiting an antique shop and the owner wiped down every item before showing it. The newcomer said,“

Everything gets dusty here pretty quickly, doesn’t it?”“That’s not dust, honey,” the shop owner replied, “That’s ENCHANTMENT.”.

That made the problem more acceptable. That an escalator(自动扶梯)broke. He posted a sign to warn customers. He chose not to use the traditional “Out of Order” or “Do Not Use” warnings. Instead, his sign read,“This Escalator Is Temporarily a Stairway.”He turned a minus into humor and made it a plus.

And in fact there are some things, like the weather, we can’t change. All we can change is our ways that we think and feel about them. I believe one of the best techniques to do this is to find some humor in the situation. Finding something amusing or enjoyable of difficulty, an irritation or a troublesome problem can be one of the most creative and effective things we can do. Sometimes the only sense you can make of a situation is a sense of humor.

1.The first paragraph is severed as a(n) .

A. predication B. explanation

C. introduction D. conclusion

2.How would the newcomer probably feel after hearing what the shop owner said?

A. Angry. B. Curious.

C. Nervous. D. Relaxed.

3.What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing the passage?

A. To encourage people to find the funny side in their daily life.

B. To show the effects of using slogans to raise the position.

C. To explain the skills of turning a disadvantage into humor.

D. To tell the strange experience of a bargain in an antique shop.

