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科目: 来源:2017届江西九江一中高三上期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


“Give your shoes a shine, sir?” At a street corner a woman was repeating hawking to the people moving into and out of McDonald’s.

A middle-aged man sat down having her shining his ________. He saw a little girl standing ________ her, looking ________ at the restaurant behind him. He ________ a French chicken leg out of the shopping bag and handed it to her. The girl ________ off and hid herself behind the woman, leaving only her ________ exposed, staring at his ________.

“Thank you for your kindness, but I’m going to ________ her one too ________ finishing my work,” said the woman.

“But this is just for kids,” said the man. “ I’ve got a lot of them.”

At the man’s insistence, the woman let the girl ________ it. She put a brilliant shine on the shoes. Greatly ________, the man paid her and was about to leave ________ the girl said, “You are Santa Claus, I know.”

The man seemed to be a little ________, and then patted the girl on the head: “Ha-ha, merry Christmas to you, my little girl.”

The man left. The girl lifted the chicken leg to the woman’s ________, and the woman gave it a ________ bite. At this moment a dirty dog came running, looking up ________ at the girl. She ________ off a small piece and sent it to his mouth.

The little dog wagged his ________ and woofed(汪汪叫) to her happily.

The little girl said giggling(咯咯地笑): “He is ________. He must be saying: “‘You are Santa Claus, I know.’”

She put another piece of chicken leg into the dog’s mouth, ________ his head and saying: “Merry Christmas to you, my little boy.”

1.A. shoesB. carsC. handsD. legs

2.A. besideB. onC. atD. after

3.A. coldlyB. eagerlyC. happilyD. quickly

4.A. watchedB. tookC. putD. made

5.A. walkedB. wentC. backedD. dropped

6.A. hairB. noseC. earsD. eyes

7.A. expressionsB. faceC. actionsD. hand

8.A. lendB. giveC. buyD. make

9.A. afterB. whileC. beforeD. until

10.A. refuseB. acceptC. eatD. appreciate

11.A. satisfiedB. interestedC. movedD. surprised

12.A. asB. afterC. whenD. before

13.A. motivatedB. sadC. happyD. astonished

14.A. noseB. faceC. cheekD. lips

15.A. bigB. slightC. goodD. wonderful

16.A. shylyB. hurriedlyC. hungrilyD. secretly

17.A. toreB. threwC. brokeD. cut

18.A. headB. tongueC. tailD. leg

19.A. cryingB. gesturingC. speakingD. dancing

20.A. wavingB. shakingC. washingD. patting


科目: 来源:2017届江西九江一中高三上期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


As we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life. 1. a good dream, people can’t make progress and 2. (country) can’t develop. And I hold the strong belief 3. everyone, whether he is old or young, poor or rich, junior or senior, does have a good dream! After all, dreaming is certainly a positive part of our life, and 4._ (wish) for good things, however, costs nothing!

What’s more, it is important to fly our dreams, especially for those who are senior high school students. It is high time for them to fly their dreams. If they can’t let out dreams fly, the dream would just be a dream, not 5. ! (real)

Therefore, 6. is no wonder that so many people have a dream since their childhood. With a nice dream, China succeeded in 7. (host) the 29th Olympic Games in 2008; with a nice dream, Hong Kong 8. (return) to the motherland peacefully in 1997; with a nice dream, Yuan Long Ping rids the world 9. hunger.

So my good friends, if you want to realize your dream, please do not be afraid in face of difficulties or give up in face of failure or lose your dream in face of pains. You must keep going forward 10. (brave)! Just fly your dream highly above the sky!


科目: 来源:2017届江西九江一中高三上期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I am a child, I always wished to become an adult so that I could do all that I liked. I wanted to have more space where I was able to follow my own heart without follow my parents’ instructions. As time going by, I have grown up gradual, but I find things are quite different from that I expected. I do have the free to do more things alone. Moreover, I have to take on more responsibilities. I have to take the charge of my life and face challenges bravely. Now I am determined work hard and go to college so that I can have the bright future.


科目: 来源:2017届江西九江一中高三上期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Opportunities favor those who are prepared.

内容要求:1. 你对该引语的理解;2. 你的相关经历;3. 恰当的结尾。




科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The following are three of the best TV shows in Britain, on Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

1.What kind of person is Mary Portas?

A. A woman of big trouble.

B. A woman of new fashion.

C. A woman with great love.

D. A woman with strong determination.

2.The on-going drama Dickensian is pieced together by _________.

A. Tony Jordan’s novel opinion

B. Charles Dickens’s books

C. Inspect Bucket’s murder charge

D. Stephen Rea’s particular treat

3.What can be concluded from “Three Days of Terror”?

A. The survivors will no longer live in Paris.

B. Cartoons are not to be drawn in the magazine.

C. Islamist fanatics may commit more crimes.

D. The witnesses helped catch the killers.


科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The dream of my travel was to be Paris,the city I'd always longed to see. But now I was frightened to travel without a companion.I steeled myself and went anyway.I arrived at the train station in Paris panicked.Pulling my red suitcase behind me,I was pushed by sweaty travelers. On my first Metro ride, I encountered a clumsy pickpocket.I melted him with a look,and he eased his hand from my purse to fade into the crowded car. At my stop,I carried my heavy suitcase up the steep stairs and froze in confusion.Somewhere in this confusing city my hotel was hidden,but suddenly I couldn’t read my own directions.I stopped two people.Both greeted me with that Parisian face that said:"Yes, I speak English,but you'll have to struggle with your French if you want to talk to me."

When I finally found the hotel,my heart was pounding. Then when I saw my room, I couldn't stay.Could I? The wallpaper looked like it had been through a fire.The bathroom was down the hall,and the window looked out onto the brick wall of another building.Welcome to Paris.It was my third week away from home and my kids,and I had arrived in the most romantic city in the world, alone, lonely and very scared.

The most important thing I did in Paris happened at that moment. I knew that if I didn't go out,right then,and find a place to have dinner,I would hide in this place my entire time in Paris. I might never learn to enjoy the world as a single individual.So I went out.Evening in Paris was light and warm.I strolled along a winding path,listening to birds sing,watching children float toy sailboats in a huge fountain.Paris was beautiful.And I was here alone but suddenly not lonely.My sense of accomplishment at overcoming my fear had left me feeling free,not abandoned.

During my week's stay in Paris, I did everything there was to do,and it was the greatest week of my European vacation.I returned home a believer in the healing power of solitary travel.Traveling alone makes up for its problems by demanding self-reliance and building the kind of confidence that serves the single life well.Certainly Paris became my metaphor(比喻说法)for addressing life's challenges on my own.Now when I meet an obstacle I just say to myself: If I can go to Paris,I can go anywhere.

1.How did the two Parisians respond when the author turned to them?

A. They warmly offered her help.

B. They asked her to speak French.

C. They thought she should struggle to learn French.

D. They showed they were only willing to communicate in French.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Her purse was stolen on her first Metro ride.

B. She had great trouble finding the hotel she had booked.

C. She might have felt abandoned before she decided to explore alone.

D. Her stay in Paris was the most memorable part of her journey.

3.The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A. make up forB. deal with

C. come acrossD. believe in

4.What did the author learn from her solitary trip in Paris?

A. Solitary travel can heal people’s wounds.

B. Traveling alone brings about many problems.

C. Traveling alone helps people become independent and confident.

D. Solitary travel in Paris makes it not a challenge to go anywhere.


科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Different kinds of soil conservation methods are used by farmers to protect their land from damage by farming and the forces of nature. One important form of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks.

Windbreaks are barriers (屏障) formed by trees and other plants with many leaves. Farmers plant them in lines around their fields. Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away. They also keep the wind from destroying or damaging crops. They are very important for growing grains, such as wheat.

There have been studies done on windbreaks in parts of West Africa, for example. They found that grain harvests can be twenty percent higher in fields protected by windbreaks compared to fields without such protection.

However, windbreaks seem to work best when they allow a little wind to pass through. If the wall of trees and plants stops wind completely, then violent air motions will take place close to the ground. These motions will lift soil into the air where it will be blown away. For this reason, a windbreak is best if it has only sixty to eighty percent of the trees and plants needed to make a solid line.

There should be at least two lines in each windbreak. One line should be large trees. The second line, right next to it, can be shorter trees and other plants with leaves. Locally grown trees and plants are best for windbreaks.

1.What is a windbreak according to the passage?

A. A windbreak is a concrete wall to prevent the strong winds.

B. A windbreak is a wood with different kinds of trees.

C. A windbreak is a wall of trees to hold soil in place.

D. A windbreak is a wall of wind to fight wind from the opposite way.

2.When can windbreaks be most effective?

A. The trees are planted one by one.

B. The trees and plants grow in a line.

C. The trees grow as high as they can.

D. Windbreaks allow a little wind to blow through.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A windbreak is one of the best forms of soil conversation.

B. A windbreak is very good for growing grains such as wheat.

C. One line of trees is enough for soil protection.

D. Locally grown trees and plants are the top choice for a windbreak.


科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

An American psychotherapist (理疗家) Glenn Doman wrote a best-selling book called How to Teach Your Baby to Read in 1963. Now translated into 17 languages, this book arose from his work with brain-damaged children in Pennsylvania. Doman and his team of specialists had wondered why brain-injured children didn't improve with treatment. Then they realized that orthodox(传统的) methods of treatment only relieved the symptoms, not the problem, which of course was the brain itself. So they develop a new approach. "All we do for all the children here is to give them visual, auditory (听觉的) and tactile (触觉的) stimulation with increased frequency, intensity and duration, in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain grows," says Doman. "The result was that by 1960 we had hundreds of severely brain-injured two-year-olds who could read and understand." The team had discovered that even children who had half their brains removed could, by stimulation, achieve higher IQs than the average normal child.

Then the team began to think if such amazing results could be achieved with brain-damaged children, what would happen if the same treatment were given to normal children? So eight years ago the Better Baby Institute was opened for the benefit of normal children. The same stimulating environment was provided, and by the time the children left, around seven years old, they could generally speak and read three foreign languages, play a musical instrument, read three full-length (标准长度的) books a week and do all the other things that a so-called "normal" child could do.

In Doman's view, the child's passion to learn during the years up to six must be fed. He believes that, like muscles, the brain develops with use, especially so in those first few years.

Nowadays, parents come from all over the world to Pennsylvania to see and learn from the work of Doman and his team; they want to discover how they can fulfill their roles as nature's teachers, by using their love, understanding and instincts for the benefit of the children. For in the words of Doman, "every child born has a greater potential intelligence than Leonardo da Vinci used".

1.Glenn Doman discovered in his research that brain-damaged children improved then they ________.

A. got the right treatment

B. were taught to read and understand

C. could speak several languages

D. got relief of their symptoms

2.The passage suggested that Doman's new approach was to ________.

A. give shorter periods of decreased stimulation

B. increase the number of types of stimulation

C. decrease the time between the periods of stimulation

D. intensify the shorter periods of stimulation

3.From the information given in the text, we can assume that ________.

A. brain-damaged children generally have high IQs

B. children with only half a brain are more intelligent

C. brain-damaged children can overcome their disability

D. most normal two-year old children can read

4.At the Better Baby Institute ________.

A. unnatural development of children was achieved

B. children developed at a normal standard rate

C. the idea of "normal" achievement was challenged

D. children needed seven years to develop normality

5.Parents come to the Institute because they want ________.

A. their children to become as intelligent as Leonardo da Vinci

B. to learn how to teach their children about nature

C. to develop their own abilities to help their children

D. their children to develop instincts of love and understand


科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

Whether you’ve been in college or you’re looking forward to going to university in the future, you and your family likely spend some time worrying about the cost of your college education. ____1.____ However, that will pay off for years to come. Earning scholarships is a great way to help you. The Financial Aid Office at Illinois State helps students identify scholarship opportunities every day. Here is some advice to help you.


Have you asked your high school or community college financial aid office about scholarships at your school? Many schools have a list of several scholarships right there. ___3._____ Check with community organizations, banks and credit unions, and large employers who may offer scholarship opportunities in your area.

●Find your “hook”

____4._____ Your unique characteristics can help your scholarship applications stand out. Pay special attention to awards that mention your best qualities, whether that’s academic achievements, leadership, community service, or something less common. Think about why a donor wants to assist you in paying for your education. Most scholarship providers want to encourage a particular behavior. Companies may want to attract future employees.

●Develop a routine

Every scholarship is different in terms of when you can apply, what you need to turn in, when the winner is announced, and how the money is given to you. _____5.____ There isn’t a single application or search engine that allows you to find and apply for everything. Visit the website for the Office of Student Financial Aid for lists of scholarship opportunities. Go through the lists to find the ones that match you best and keep track of when you can apply for them.

A. While you’re searching, consider what makes you special as a student.

B. Typically, scholarship applications open in the late fall or early spring for the next school year’s awards, but that also varies depending on the donors.

C. There is no doubt that college education is a necessary step to get yourselves prepared for the future.

D. Local awards can often be easier to get as the application pools are smaller and less competitive.

E. Begin in your own backyard.

F. It’s no secret that college is one of the biggest.

G. Scholarships is a great way to help you.


科目: 来源:2017届甘肃天水一中高三上第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

A controversial call was given towards the end of the baseball game. At full speed Paul Harvey slid home(本垒) and, thinking he had just ________ a game-changing run, he stood up only to face the words, “You’re ________!”Angry, he threw off his helmet and ran over to explain to the ________ why the call was wrong. Before his ________ really got out of control, someone pulled him away, and he walked to the bench—________.

Long after the coaches, players, and fans had gone home, he realized the impact of his ________. Like most of us do when we are faced with the ________ of our actions, he could have just let it go, reasoning, “Everybody ________ it.”

However, in the silence of his heart, he knew that just ________ everyone else does it, that doesn’t make it all right. And so, long after his friends had gone home, he ________ that coach back up to the school—not to ________ his car. No, the boy tracked this man down so he could tell him face to face, “I’m sorry, Sir. It was all my ________.” It takes true courage to stand up to face the ________ we all make and say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” What makes this ________ unique is that it wasn’t meant for the world to ________, it was meant simply as a way to stay ________ to his own heart.

The truth is at one time or another we have all been this boy — ________ out in anger, saying hurtful things, and feeling ________ for doing so. But the real test comes later when we are ________ with the choice to say “sorry” or to walk away thinking, “Ah, they’ll get over it.”

Maybe the “they” is a customer, a friend, or a child. Whoever it is, don’t pass up the opportunity to get right with your own heart. The time for apology is now! Courage is a ________ of the heart.

1.A. brokenB. scoredC. hitD. completed

2.A. downB. inC. offD. out

3.A. judgeB. fanC. coachD. player

4.A. temperB. strengthC. moodD. spirit

5.A. peacefulB. paleC. hopefulD. disappointed

6.A. explanationB. argumentC. performanceD. behavior

7.A. satisfactionB. guiltC. embarrassmentD. pride

8.A. doesB. hatesC. likesD. receives

9.A. untilB. becauseC. whenD. if

10.A. accompaniedB. sentC. broughtD. tracked

11.A. repairB. cleanC. destroyD. drive

12.A. faultB. rudenessC. mistake D. carelessness

13.A. promiseB. impolitenessC. effortD. attempt

14.A. situationB. excuseC. announcementD. apology

15.A. praiseB. rememberC. hearD. see

16.A. trueB. stillC. calmD. sensitive

17.A. settingB. actingC. lookingD. holding

18.A. regretfulB. braveC. nervousD. right

19.A. offeredB. awardedC. presentedD. charged

20.A. matterB. descriptionC. bottomD. expression

