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科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Susan:Larry,how (61)soonshall we arrive in Toronto?
Larry:If we don't make any more stops,we should be there by nightfall.
Susan:What?By nightfall?I(62)amstarving( starve) to death.Can we stop and find something to eat?
Larry:(63)Actually(actual),we have a free dinner waiting for us at the hotel in Toronto.
Susan:I know,(64)butI can't stand the hunger any more.
Larry:You know me,Susan.I don't like to spend money.Sorry.
Susan:Yeah,you are really cheap!If you weren't(65)socheap,we would be flying to Thailand for our vacation (66)instead ofdriving to Toronto.
Larry:Thailand?Don't be ridiculous!Even if I wasn't cheap,you know we couldn't afford (67)to go(go)that far away for vacation!
Susan:Well,you can afford a stop for food,right?
Larry:If we do,we'll waste time,gas,and money.I think we should just wait(68)untilwe get to Toronto.Oh,hey,I remember you are(69)fond of( fond) candy.I think I might have some of that candy you (70)like(like) in my backpack.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

1.─Do you mind if I open the window?
─_____ I feel a bit cold.(  )
A.Of course not.B.I'd rather you didn't.
C.Go ahead.D.Why not?


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-I guess you find the speech boring.
-_______.I like it.(  )
A.Not in the leastB.Don't mention it
C.No doubtD.I couldn't agree more.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-So,shall we sign the contract now?
-_____ I haven't agreed to that yet.(  )
A.Hold your horses!B.Let's hurry a bit!
C.Go ahead!D.I don't believe a word of it.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Wang Le:Good morning,Mr.Li.
Mr.Li:Good morning,Wang Le.Well,you are to finish your study in senior high school.What's your plan (61)foryour further study?
Wang Le:Well,I plan to study abroad and (62)actually(actual) I have sent my application form to my preferred university in America.
Mr.Li:Why do you choose to study abroad when there're a lot of excellent (63)universities(university) in China?
Wang Le:From my point of view,attending schools abroad(64)has(have) many advantages.I can have my minds(65)broadened(broaden).What's more,I can travel widely,making friends with the local people.I believe it is really worthwhile.
Mr.Li:Your arguments sound quite reasonable,(66)but/yetthere are other things you need to consider.(67)Studying(study) abroad needs a great deal of money,and the local customs can also be(68)aserious problem.Can you find good solutions to these problems?
Wang Le:Well,I will apply to the university for a scholarship and meanwhile find a part-time job (69)to decrease(decrease) the financial pressure.For the language barrier and the local customs,I will stick to the best policy"Do as the Romans do."In that case,everything will get better.
Mr.Li:Wow,it seems that you (70)have considered(consider) everything.I sincerely hope you'll make your dream come true.
Wang Le:Thank you.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-______Dad,can you tell me why so many students choose to study abroad at a very young age?
-________,darling.But I have never thought about it.(  )
A.Take your timeB.You've got me there
C.Don't be sillyD.Bad luck


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-My final offer is 50dollars.Take it or leave it.
-______ I'll take it.(  )
A.You win.B.You too.C.Why me?D.What for?


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-It seems that I can never express myself freely in English.
-______,boy.Anyway,Rome wasn't built in a day.(  )
A.You said itB.That's terribleC.Take your timeD.Keep it up


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

14.很多珍稀动物已经灭绝的原因是它们无法适应新的环境,因此我们必须更加注重保持生态平衡. (so)The reason why many rare animals became extinct was that they were not able to adapt (themselves) to the new environment,so we must pay more attention to keeping the balance of nature..


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

13.直到上世纪60年代人们才实现了探月梦想.(Not until)Not until the 60s last century did people's dreams of moon exploration come true..

