 0  137638  137646  137652  137656  137662  137664  137668  137674  137676  137682  137688  137692  137694  137698  137704  137706  137712  137716  137718  137722  137724  137728  137730  137732  137733  137734  137736  137737  137738  137740  137742  137746  137748  137752  137754  137758  137764  137766  137772  137776  137778  137782  137788  137794  137796  137802  137806  137808  137814  137818  137824  137832  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The young boy saw me,or rather,he saw the car and quickly ran up to me,eager to sell his bunches of bananas and bags of peanuts.Though he appeared to be about twelve,he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life."Bananas 300naira.Peanuts 200naira."He said in a low voice.I bargained him down to 200total for the fruit and nuts.When he agreed,I handed him a 500naira bill.He didn't have change,so I told him not to worry.He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
When,two weeks later,I saw the boy again,I was more aware of my position in a society where it's not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun.My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.I pulled over and rolled down my window.He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready.I waved them away."What's up?"I asked him."I …I don't have money to buy books for school."I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500naira bills."Will this help?"I asked.He looked around nervously before taking the money.One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000naira or less each year."Thank you,sir,"he said."Thank you very much!"
When driving home,I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks.What if he's a swindler?And then I wondered why I did it.Did I do it to make myself feel better?Was I using him?Later,I realized that I didn't know his name or the least bit about him,nor did I think to ask.
Over the next six months,I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria.Sometime after I returned,I went out for a drive.When I was about to pull over,the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smile ready on his face.
"Oh,gosh!Long time."
"Are you in school now?"I asked.He nodded."That's good,"I said.A silence fell as we looked at each other,and then I realized what he wanted."Here,"I held out a 500naira bill."Take this."He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt."What's wrong?"I asked."It's a gift."He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back.His face shone with sweat.He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said,"I've been waiting to give these to you."

66.It can be inferred from the first paragraph thatB.
A.the boy was greedy          
B.the boy had suffered a lot
C.the boy was in bad need of money     
D.the boy was good at bargaining
67.The second time the author met the boy,the boyA.
A.told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts
B.wanted to express his thanks
C.asked him for money for his schoolbooks
D.tried to take advantage of him
68.The author gave his money to the boy becauseB.
A.he wanted to make himself feel better
B.he had learnt to help others since childhood
C.he held a higher position in the society
D.his parents asked him to do so
69.What does the underlined word"swindler"mean?D.
A.troublemaker      B.beggar       
C.thief             D.cheat
70.Which of the following best describes the boy?C.
A.Brave and polite.                    B.Kind and smart.
C.Honest and thankful.                 D.Shy and nervous.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Men have always believed that they are smarter than women.Now,a study has found that while this is certainly true,men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex.
In the study,scientists measured the IQ of 2500brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent,but also in the bottom two percent.
The study's participants were tested on science,maths,English and mechanical abilities.
Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group,there were also twice as many men among the bottom.
The aggregate(总数)scores of men and women were similar.
One of the study's authors,psychology professor Timothy Bates,said that the phenomenon may be because men have always been expected to be high achievers and women have been restricted to spend more time taking care of their homes.
"The female developmental program may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground.,"the Daily Mail quoted Professor Bates,of Edinburgh University,as saying.
The research tallies with past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds.
It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics.Women have always found to be steadier in their learning.
A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds,while men are continuing to receive more thirds.
The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach.

61.The purpose of the passage is to tell us thatC.
A.man are smarter then women
B.man are more stupid the women
C.a new fact about the IQ of men and women has been found
D.men are more likely to receive first class university degrees
62.According to Timothy Bates,less women are in the smartest group becauseB.
A.they are born stupid
B.they have to spend more time to tale care of their homes than men
C.they don't like to take risk
D.they are not expected to be high achievers
63.The underlined word tallies with in the eighth paragraph meansA.
A.agree with      B.deal with     C.go against     D.go with
64.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.Women are steadier in their learning.
B.men are more ready to take risk in everything
C.women are securing more firsts and seconds
D.women are doing much better in academy
65.Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage?D.
A.Why are men smarter than women?
B.Why are men more stupid than women?
C.How does the result go along with the past research?
D.How can we help the men in the bottom?


科目: 来源: 题型:书面表达

16.下面的饼状图显示了某校对学生学业成绩评价的新体制,图表所示①-⑤项全面构成了一个学生的学业成绩.假如你是该校学生,请根据下列图示,以"The New Grading System in Our School"为题用英语写一篇短文,准备给《二十一世纪英文报》投稿.内容包括:
图表说明:①→test results
④→class performances
The New Grading System in Our SchoolIn order to help students develop their abilities in all fields,our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system.This chart shows how it works.


科目: 来源: 题型:信息匹配

15.A.Career Services (Room 113)
The staff of the Career Services center advise students on career choices and applications for higher education.They also help students and graduates apply their academic and life experiences to achieving career fulfillment,provide them with the services and resources necessary to make better informed career decisions and help them develop the skills necessary to progress their career plans.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:8:30 am-4:30 pm

B.The Accommodation Office ( Room 114)
The Accommodation Office is the place to find everything concerning accommodation during your studying at this university.It offers a free advisory service and a wide range of handbooks and checklists covering the full range of housing available.In addition to this,the office also offers other services,such as the allocation of places in local residences and the provision of information regarding privately owned accommodation.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:1:30 pm-4:30 pm
C.Medical Center (Room 115)
The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care to students and staff of the university.The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems.Both female and male doctors as well as nursing staff are available for consultation.Also,all kinds of medicines are sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores.
Opening Hours:24 hour from Monday to Sunday

D.The sports office (Room 207)
Sport and recreation play an important role in the lives of students.The university has lots of indoor and outdoor sports facilities and all students are encouraged to participate in some form of sport and recreation.This office can provide information about sporting and activities to keep you fit.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:7:00am-10:00pm

E.Food service (Room 127)
Tasty,nutritious meals and a wide variety of smacks are available from the cafeterias on campus.Maybe you are not familiar with different cafeterias here and find it difficult to get a good meal.Don't worry!The Food Service can provide you with specific information on the food available here and offers meal plans based on your individual needs.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:2:30pm-5:30pm

F.Library (Room 215)
There are various books and reference materials in every subject here including literature,art and math.Besides books,there are also photo-copying,video,audio-visual and computing facilities.Our collection is big and our main task is to help you solve problems on making use of the library.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:8:30am-5:30pm
61.Richard is a foreign student majoring in medicine.He can adjust himself to the weather but he is having a lot of difficulty in getting used to the diet at the college cafeterias.E
62.John is fond of sports.He plays football every day.Unfortunately,he injured his leg while he was playing this morning.He urgently needs some medical help.C
63.Lucy is a new student from Washington,and she often arrives at the college late since she lives far away from the university,so she desperately needs to find a new place to live in.B
64.Alice is going to leave university next year.She is preparing her papers and has to do a lot of research.She would like to find books on literature and learn how to use the audio-visual facilities.F
65.Rosemary studies in the department of computer science.She is really interested in this field,so she plans to be engaged in this booming industry after her graduation,but before she makes a final decision,she wants to consult experienced teachers.A.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Billie Holiday was one of the greatest jazz singers in America.Her life was just a mixture of success and tragedy (悲剧).Her singing expressed her experiences and feelings.
Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan in 1915in Baltimore,Maryland.Her parents were Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday.They were young when their daughter was born.Their marriage failed because Clarence Holiday was often out.He traveled as a musician with some of the earliest jazz bands and inspired his daughter.
Sadie Fagan cleaned people's houses to make a living.But she could not support her family with the money she earned.So she moved to New York City where the pay was higher.She left her daughter in Baltimore with one of her distant relatives (亲戚).
The young girl Eleanora Fagan changed her name to Billie,because she liked a movie star,Billie Dove.The talented Billie Holiday loved singing.She sang and listened to music whenever she could.In one place near her home there was a machine that played records.The building was a theater where many famous singers also performed their newly-made songs for free.
Billie cleaned floors and did other jobs for the theater so that she could listen to the records.It was there that young Billie first heard the records of some famous black American blues artists of the 1920s.She heard Bessie Smith sing the blues.And she heard Louis Armstrong play the horn.Both musicians had a great influence (影响) on her.
Billie Holiday once said,"I do not think I'm singing.I feel like I am playing a horn.What comes out is what I feel.I hate straight singing.I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it.That is all I know."

72.Who might be the first to have an influence on Billie Holiday's career in music?B
A.Sadie Fagan        B.Clerence Holiday.
C.Bessie Smith.     D.Louis Armstrong
73.From the passage,we can learn thatD.
A.Sadie Fagan was fond of living in New York
B.Clerence Holiday didn't love his wife at all
C.Billie lived a happy childhood
D.Billie had a gift for music
74.The underlined sentence"What comes out is what I feel"meansD.
A.Billie Holiday doesn't like to sing for others
B.Billie Holiday's songs complain about her unhappy childhood
C.Billie Holiday is fond of the songs written for herself
D.Billie Holiday's music is filled with feeling
75.In order to listen to the records in the theater,Billie HolidayA.
A.cleaned floors for the theater      B.changed her name
C.moved to New York                   D.separated from her parents.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.At just six years old,Joey Kilpatrick is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) champion after he hid in a bedroom cupboard for eight hours while playing his favorite game,causing a big rescue operation (救援行动).
The determined little boy's disappearing led to a careful search,including nine police officers,five State Emergency Service volunteers,tracker dogs and almost all of the people of the town of Goombungee.
His mother,Chris,says she called the police when Joey disappeared one afternoon after telling his older brother,Lachlan,14,that he was off to play hide-and-seek.
"I called the two boys for dinner,"Chris says."After about 20minutes I started to worry,I was shouting to Joey,‘0K,we can't find you,time to come out!'"
But there was no sign of her little boy.Within minutes of Chris calling the police,the policemen started one of the biggest ground searches in the town's history.
"I was really frightened.I rang my husband,Kris,who works out of town,and he immediately hit the road,calling me every 10minutes."Chris recalls."They searched the house from top to bottom.Everyone was out looking for him.When a neighbor asked if I'd checked the water tank,that's when reality hit.I was afraid."
After hours of searching the town,confused (困惑的) police decided to search the house one more time.
"I just sat there waiting."Chris says,"Then a strange feeling came over me,and I rushed into the bedroom and put my hand on a pile of blankets in the cupboard.As I pulled them out,there he was-asleep and completely not realizing what was going on!I've never held him in my arms so hard."
Senior officer,Chris Brameld,from Goombungee police,says he is glad that Joey's game had a happy ending:"When we realized he was safe,we agreed that it didn't get much better than that!"
And young Joey promises that next time he won't be so intent (专注于) on finding the best hiding place."I want to say sorry to the policemen and to Mummy for scaring them."he says,"I promise next time I'll hide where they can find me and I won't fall asleep!"

56.Why did the boy hide in a bedroom cupboard?C
A.He thought it was a good place to sleep.
B.He wanted to start a big rescue operation.
C.He didn't think he could be easily found there.
D.He is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek champion.
57.What did the boy's mother do when she couldn't find her son?B
A.She checked the water tank.
B.She called the police and her husband.
C.She turned to her neighbor for help.
D.She searched the town from top to bottom
58.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.The boy felt very cold when he was found.
B.The boy knew clearly what was going on.
C.The mother usually hugged her boy very hard.
D.The mother was very grateful to find her boy.
59.How did the boy feel after he found out what had happened?D
A.Pitiful.      B.Funny.
C.Frightened.   D.Sorry.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I hear that you've booked a room online.Where __________?(  )
A.are you stayingB.do you stayC.have you stayedD.had you stayed


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Sadness is unpleasant,and in a society where personal happiness is prized above all else,there is little tolerance for falling in despair.Especially now we've got drugs for getting rid of sad feelings-whether it's after losing a job,the break-up of a relationship or the death of a loved one.So it's no surprise that more and more people are taking them.
But is this really such a good idea?A growing number of voices from the world of mental health research are saying it isn't.They fear that the increasing tendency to treat normal sadness as a disease is playing fast and loose.Sadness,they argue,serves a useful purpose-and if we lose it,we lose out.Yet many psychiatrists insist not.Sadness has a nasty habit of turning into depression they warn.Even when people are sad for good reason,they should take drugs to make themselves feel better.
So who is right?Is sadness something we cannot live without or something horrible never to touch?
There are lots of ideas about why feeling sad should become part of human life.It may be a kind of self-protection,as other primates (灵长类) also show signs of sadness.A losing monkey that doesn't show sadness after it loses a fight may be seen as continuing to challenge the winning monkey-and that could result in death.
In humans sadness has a further function:we may display sadness as a form of communication.By acting sad,we tell other community members that we need support.
Then there is the idea that creativity is connected to dark moods.There are plenty of great artists,writers and musicians who have suffered from depression or disorder.Scientists found that people with signs of depression performed better at a creative task,and negative moods make people think deeply over the unhappy experience,which allows creative processes to come to the front.There is also evidence that too much happiness can be bad for your career.A doctor found that people who scored 8 out of 10 on a happiness test were more successful in income and education than 9s or 10s.The happiest people lose their willingness to make changes to their lives that may benefit them.
53.The underlined word"this"refers toA.
A.taking medicine                                  
B.falling in despair    
C.losing a job                                       
D.feeling sad
54. The author believes sadness isC.
A.a good thing for people's health         
B.something horrible never to touch
C.a necessary function of humans'
D.always to be treated as depression
55.Some animals show their sadness in order toB.
A.cheat their enemy                      
B.protect themselves 
C.comfort the loser                      
D.challenge the winner
56.We can infer from the last paragraph thatB.
A.people with great creativity tend to be happier   
B.unhappy experiences contribute to a greater career
C.too much happiness can be bad for your career
D.the happiest people are the most successful ones.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.What Is a Boy?
    Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a"boy".Boys come in different sizes,weights,and colors,but all boys have the same belief:to enjoy every second of every minute of every hour of every day and to fill the air with noise until the adult males pack them off to bed at night.
Boys are found everywhere-on top of,under,inside of,climbing on,swinging from,running around,or jumping to. Mothers spoil them,little girls hate them,older sisters and brothers love them,and God protects them. A boy is TRUTH with dirt on its face,BEAUTY with a cut on its finger,WISDOM with chocolate in its hair,and the HOPE of the future with a snake in its pocket.
When you are busy,a boy is a trouble-maker and a noise. When you want him to make a good impression,his brain turns to jelly or else he becomes a wild creature bent on destroying the world and himself with it.
A boy is a mixture-he has the stomach of a horse,the digestion of stones and sand,the energy of an atomic bomb,the curiosity of a cat,the imagination of a superman,the shyness of a sweet girl,the brave nature of a bull,the violence of a firecracker,but when you ask him to make something,he has five thumbs on each hand.
He likes ice cream,knives,saws,Christmas,comic books,woods,water (in its natural habitat),large animals,Dad,trains,Saturday mornings,and fire engines. He is not much for Sunday schools,company,schools,books without pictures,music lessons,neckties,barbers,girls,overcoats,adults,or bedtime.
Nobody else is so early to rise,or so late to supper. Nobody else gets so much fun out of trees,dogs,and breezes. Nobody else can put into one pocket a rusty knife,a half eaten apple,a three-feet rope,six cents and some unknown things.
A boy is a magical creature-he is your headache but when you come home at night with only destroyed pieces of your hopes and dreams,he can mend them like new with two magic words,"Hi,Dad!"
41.The whole passage is in a tone ofA.
A.humor and affection                     
B.respect and harmony
C.ambition and expectation             
D.confidence and imagination
42.By saying"he has five thumbs on each hand.",the author meansB        
A.he has altogether five fingers              
B.he is slow,foolish and clumsy
C.he becomes clever and smart          
D.he cuts his hand with a knife
43.According to the writer,boys appreciate everything in the following exceptD.
A.ice cream                          
B.comic books        
C.Saturday mornings                    
D.Sunday schools
44.What does the writer feel about boys?C
A.He feels curious about their noise.     
B.He is fed up with these creatures.
C.He is amazed by their naughtiness.     
D.He feels unsafe staying with them.


科目: 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.Yesterday I was fortunate enough to find one more person in our world who is kind and caring.It was about 11:00 p.m.(21)Bmy telephone rang.The caller ID showed the number of a Best Western Hotel.(22)D,I would ignore this type of call.For some reason,(23)A,I went ahead and answered.
The man on the other end asked if I knew Samual K.I(24)B,as he is my 91-year-old grandfather.Still not(25)Cwhy I was the one that had been called,the caller went on to tell me that I was the only(26)Blisted in the phone book.He said his name was Mason and that he was the(27)Aat the Best Western Hotel.The(28)C was that grandpa had no money with him,and that he couldn't(29)B any phone numbers,so Mason called all over the state trying to get help.
Grandpa told me that he just wanted me to tell Mason that he is a (n)(30)Dguy and would pay the money once he got home.But the man  in charge there was(31)Abecause my grandfather seemed to be(32)D.He had been going somewhere else when he got on the wrong bus and(33)C100 miles from home.
Not wanting to turn him away and not wanting the police to(34)A him to the police station,Mason,(35)C any normal duty,not only took the time to(36)Ame,but also charged just 39 so that grandpa could(37)Dsafelyandcomfortablyovernight.(The rooms normally rent for about 140!) Besides,he had the staff of that hotel all(38)B him until my uncle was able to drive the 100 miles to pick him up!
So,it's just one more piece of(39)Dthat proves that there are still good people out there; wherever you go,there is always one who(40)B.
33.A.went upB.added upC.ended upD.sent up
38.A.look forB.watch overC.care aboutD.adjust to

