 0  137660  137668  137674  137678  137684  137686  137690  137696  137698  137704  137710  137714  137716  137720  137726  137728  137734  137738  137740  137744  137746  137750  137752  137754  137755  137756  137758  137759  137760  137762  137764  137768  137770  137774  137776  137780  137786  137788  137794  137798  137800  137804  137810  137816  137818  137824  137828  137830  137836  137840  137846  137854  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Scandinavians may spend a lot of the winter in darkness but they are the happiest people in Europe,according to a study showed this month.Countries like Denmark and Finland scored highest on the study of happiness in Europe carried out by Cambridge University,which also found that the sunny southern countries of Italy.Portugal and Greece got the least joy out of life.
The survey entitled"No Man is an Island"showed that countries where people enjoy time with friends and family and have trust in government and national institutions were more likely to be happy than those living in a sunny dimate.The study rated respondents on their overall sense of happiness and life satisfaction on a scale of 1to 10.
Danes (丹麦人)-who expressed a high level of trust in their politicians and public institutions-came top of the field at 8.3.Italians-who reported lower levels of satisfaction with their national quality of government-came last at 6.49."Italy,Greece,Portugal,Germany and France are reported the lowest levels of happiness while the Scandinavian Countries,Netherlands and Luxembourg are reported the highest,"the study said.
Although Europeans are generally four times wealthier than their fathers and grandfathers,their levels of happiness are either equal to or lower than 40years ago.The study also looked at factors contributing to happiness within countries and surprisingly found that an interest in politics actually increased happiness.
Lead researcher Luisa Corrado said tax cuts and throwing money at social problems appeared to have no effect on the happiness of citizens when compared with government policies which strengthened and supported wider social networks."People are less naive (幼稚的) than one would expect,politicians need to adapted their policies and target specific problems in specific areas,"she said.

66.We can know from the passage.C
A.Scandinavians are the happiest people in the world
B.the research was carried out by Oxford University
C.the people of the nor them European countries are much happier
D.Italians expressed their trust in politics and institutions
67.Which of the following factors increases happiness according to the study?A
A.Interest in politics.
68.The underlined word"scale"in the second paragraph menas"D".
A.sense  B.life  C.report  D.range
69.What's the writer's attitude to the study?B
A.Subjective.  B.Objective.  C.Pessimistic.  D.Optimistic.
70.Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?D
A.Tax cuts at social problems don't have any effect on the happiness at all.
B.Danes expressed a low level of trust in their politicians.
C.Europeans are generally five times wealthier than their fathers.
D.Scandinavians are the happiest people in Europe.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.You have probably read the books.You have probably seen the movies.But have you heard the music?The latest Harry Potter news is that bands form to play what is called"wizard rock"or sometimes just"wrock".
The new kind of music began when Joe De George and his brother Paul decided that the characters from Harry Potter would make a great band.Ron on guitar,Hermione on bass,Hagrid on drums and Harry singing up front would make for an excellent group.In one day,the brothers wrote,rehearsed and performed six songs about life at Hogwarts.After the first performance,Paul decided that"we are Harry and the potters."
Wizard rock is pretty much what it sounds like:rock"n"rock inspired by and set in the world of Harry Potter.The De George started a trend.Today there are dozens of wizard-rock bands:the Whomping Willows,the Remus Lupins and the Moaning Myrtles to name a few.Rockers dress like Hogwarts students and play at conventions and festivals.
People who like Harry Potter think wizard rock music is totally awesome.The songs can be funny,but the music is not a joke.Just ask the De George brothers.They've played more than 500shows in 49states and their hit songs are inspired by characters from Harry Potter:"Save Ginny Weasley"and"Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock!"The themes of their music are the same as those of Rowling's books:love and friendship,upset and struggle.
Wizard rock is just one more by-product in the Harry Potter craze.Two years after J.K.Rowling published her last book in the series,Potter popularity continues to grow.There are Potter conventions and Potter clubs that try to get kids and grow-ups to help fight hunger,for example.And the fact that they may do it while humming"Wizard Chess"or"Platform 9"makes those meetings fun.

51.What is the text mainly about?C
A.Harry Potter.       B.Harry Potter's music. 
C.Wizard rock.         D.Joe and Paul's band.
52.The underlined word"awesome"in Pa4 probably meansB in the text.
A.amusing           B.serious           C.considerate       D.inviting
53.Which of the following is true about wizard rock?D
A.It's no different from rock"n"rock.
B.It's sung in the films Harry Potter.
C.It's a funny business.
D.It follows the themes in Rowling's books.
54.According to the last paragraph,we can learn thatA.
A.Harry Potter has had great effects in many aspects
B.Harry Potter is very popular in the world
C.Wizard rock is Harry Potter's only by-product
D.Potter's clubs have helped the hungry.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Indian weddings have always been special occasions,celebrated with passion,enthusiasm,and,in the case of the wealthy,elaborate (精心准备的) settings and food.For centuries,friends and family sang songs,youngsters danced,and cooks dished out traditional foods when Indian wedding festivities got under way.
But times have changed.Weddings have become occasions for India's rapidly growing wealthy classes to show off their new wealth.Professional singers and entertainers have replaced the amateur melodies,wonderful parties at five-star hotels are now the pattern,and unusual foreign foods are served along with traditional Indian food.
Neeta Raheja,runs a wedding planning company that organizes weddings ranging in cost from﹩20,000to﹩2million."Being really wasteful was something done by the very best class.Today,people who are not that rich want to do like that when it comes to weddings,"she explained.
Pumima Mehta,recently hosted her daughter's wedding.She says organizing a show with style is important in a society where weddings have become statements."I may have personally liked a simple ceremony,but who wants it?You know,everyone is judging you at the affair,"she said.
Many now choose several days of feasting and dancing.The parties might have settings based on famously great Bollywood films,fresh flowers flown in from Bangkok,perhaps a hired Mereedes instead of the traditional horse to carry the groom.
"They hire helicopters,and the helicopters are showering petals(花瓣).In the 1990s,we had elephants standing in a row and showering petals,"Neeta Raheja said.
Now the wedding industry is a﹩10billion market growing by 25percent a year.Such celebrations can wipe away years of savings for many families-but no one is complaining.
Suresh Garg,the manager of one famous jewelry store in New Delhi,says he did do a lot of business ahead of the wedding season that runs from November to February."Income levels are also going up.There is plenty of money available,salaries are rising,share values have increased,people are flooded with money,"he said.

67.The main idea of the passage is thatD.
A.Indian weddings become more exciting
B.Indian weddings become world famous
C.Indian weddings become better prepared
D.Indian weddings become expensive
68.Which of the following is part of modern weddings in India?C
A.Amateur singers and entertainers.
B.Parties in the courtyard.
C.Fresh flowers flown from abroad.
D.Elephants showering petals.
69.We can guess that not so rich Indians hold expensive weddings for their children toB.
A.show off their wealth             B.make a statement
C.make their children happy         D.entertain their guests
70.According to Suresh Garg,Indians hold very expensive weddings becauseD.
A.they want to be different from others
B.children don't like simple weddings
C.they have to follow others'examples
D.they have more available money now.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Singing are the pupils of the remote Beau-Roc primary school in Haiti.One of them plays a guitar made from an empty oil tin.Their headmistress,Emile Jean-Noel,is one of the few women school principals in the country.
Over 70% of Haitian population live below the poverty line with inadequate food,water,schools,or housing.To reduce the hunger that prevents learning and to encourage parents to send their children to school,meals are provided by the World Food Programme.
"We are so cut off we have many difficulties,"comments Emile,adding that finding chalk,school books and other materials is practically impossible.Emile tries to encourage those around her to make use of all available resources.Her efforts are bearing fruit.One of her successes was convincing local women to contribute to their children's schooling and increase their own income by selling embroidery (刺绣) and other handicrafts.
Recent political instability has meant that the country has not invested in education for ten years.Enrolment (入学) is a mere 44per cent and a little less than a half of those entering primary school finish it.Less than a third of these go on to secondary school.In rural areas it is not rare to find 17-and 18year-olds in primary school.Beau-Roc has only 4teachers for 260pupils.Emile works constantly to improve her pupils'environment.Under her direction,a local worker is now constructing a storehouse for the food delivered regularly by the World Food Programme.
Not only is Emile's salary too little,but she receives it irregularly.For her,transport is a real headache.She lives five kilometers away and has to take a privately-owned bus,costing more than she can afford.
"The decision to be a rural teacher in Haiti should not be taken lightly",Emile comments."With all the sacrifices and risks it requires,only those who are really cut out for teaching should do it."Nevertheless,Emile loves her job."I always feel at home with the children and,the parents understand what I'm doing."

51.What theme is presented in this passage?A
A.Devotion to education.        B.Poverty and hardship.
C.Politics and children.        D.Love and beauty.
52.Which of the following is extremely difficult for Beau-Roc primary school?D
A.Teaching the women how to make embroidery and other handicrafts.
B.Persuading local women to care about their children's education.
C.Encouraging those around her to use those available resources.
D.Finding chalk,school books and other materials.
53.The many figures in the 4th paragraph indicateB.
A.political instability in Haiti
B.poor investment in Haitian education
C.challenges in Emile's life
D.Emile's constant efforts
54.In the last paragraph,"those who are really cut out for teaching"are those who areC.
A.dismissed from teaching
B.unfamiliar with teaching
C.qualified for teaching
D.cautious about teaching.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.The diversity of the original American Indian settlers was not quite as great as that of the 18th,19th and early 20th centuries when waves of European,Asian and unwilling African immigrants arrived on American shores.However,the First Americans did have more far-going origins that were ever suspected.For example,Brace's studies have revealed that the Blackfoot,Iroquois,and other tribes from Minnesota,Michigan,Ontario,and Massachusetts came down from the Jomon,a prehistoric people of Japan.The Inuit in the far north and tribal groups who once lived down the Eastern seaboard into Florida appear to be a later branch from the trunk of the Jomon family tree.The Athabaskan-speaking people from the Yukon and northern-western Canada,who spread as far south as Arizona and northern Mexico,appear to trace their origins to China."Their facial shapes link them more closely to the living Chinese than to any other population in either part of the world,"says Brace.
Johanna Nichols,a Professor of Slavic languages and literature at the University of California at Berkeley,says that new evidence from native languages throughout the New World strongly suggests that humans have been in the Americas since as early as 40,000 BC.She says that it is only along the west coast that languages appear to have come from immigrants who arrived after the ice age,14,000 years ago.
Nichols also has some different ideas about the direction in which the country was settled.Breaking with the traditional view of migrations,she says that the inside of North America was colonized not only from Siberia but also from the south.
To bolster her argument for an early settlement date,Nichols points to findings from the Monte Verde site in southern Chile.It has been dated at 12,500 years old,which means the area was occupied during the last ice age.And,the Monte Verde people would have needed at least 6,500 years to travel from Alaska to Chile.Yet,that only takes us back to about 19,000 years ago.Her research suggests a very high degree of language diversity is something that happens only with time.She insists that the approximately 150 distinct native American language families we know of today must have required at least 35,000 years to develop.

67.In the first paragraph the writer uses the word"unwilling"to show thatC.
A.the Africans came against the will of most Americans
B.the Africans came without the approval of their parents
C.the Africans were taken here against their own will
D.the Europeans who came at the time didn't want the Africans to come together
68.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Athabaskan-speaking people?

A.They were related to people living in Japan in prehistoric times.
B.They were a branch from the trunk of the Jomon family tree.
C.They have no links to any other people.
D.They were thought to have certain links to the ancestors of the Chinese people.
69.The underlined word bolster in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to 
A.use B.have C.support D.build
70.From the passage we can knowD.
A.people in the Americas today are believed to have probably come down only from the north
B.Nichols strongly suggests that humans have lived in the Americas for about 6,500 years
C.Nichols supports the traditional ideas about the direction in which the country was settled
D.it surely takes a very long time for language diversity to come about.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world.Weboholism,a twentieth century disease,affects people from different ages.They surf the net,use e-mail and speak in chat rooms.They spend many hours on the computer,and it becomes a compulsive habit.They cannot stop,and it affects their lives.
Ten years ago,no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users.This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students.They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.
They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation.They spend all free time surfing and don't concentrate on homework,so this addiction influences their grades and success at school.Because they can find everything on the websites,they hang out there.Moreover,this addiction to websites influences their social life.
They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends.The relation with their friends changes.The virtual life becomes more important than their real life.They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.
Because of the change in their behavior,they begin to isolate themselves from the society and live with their virtual friends.They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life.Although they feel confident on the computer,they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life.It is a problem for the future.This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.

66.The main idea of the passage is about theD of weboholism.
A.cause   B.advantage   C.popularity  D.influence
67.The underlined word"obsessional"in the second paragraph most probably means"B".
A.attractive   B.addictive   C.professional   D.potential
68.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.weboholism has the greatest effect on teenagers
B.students can hardly balance real and virtual life
C.people are addicted to games on the Internet
D.virtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway
69.Which of the following is NOT true of weboholism?A
A.It contributes to the development of the web.
B.The chat room language may change social culture.
C.The problem will be getting more and more serious later.
D.People addicted to the web often become inactive in real life.
70.The author's attitude towards weboholism is that of beingC.
A.optimistic     B.positive      C.oppositive       D.acceptable.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The centerpiece of curling(冰壶)is the curling stone,which has been called a"geometrical masterpiece of tooled geology (地质)."Kays of Scotland has been making curling stones since 1851,when William Kay and his sons Andrew and Thomas set up a workshop in Mauchline,Ayrshire,in southwest Scotland.Kays is still owned by the relatives of the founder,and today it is the only curling stone maker left in Scotland.
Used in a highly competitive sport,the curling stones are made to exact standards.First,stones are sliced and then into round"cheeses".Finally,the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling stones in a series of precise steps.
Each stone must weigh 44pounds.Each must have a maximum diameter (直径) of 36inches.Polishing is done by hand on a wheel using water,diamond-talcum power,and felt.Finishing the stone's"running edge"is done entirely by hand with a special kind of paper and a digital measure and magnifying glass (放大镜).Lastly,a handle is fitted into holes on the top of the stone.Stones are computer-matched into pairs.Sixteen stones-8pairs-are needed for a game,and since curling game field usually have 6lanes,each game field needs 96matched stones!
Kays is a small firm,employing than ten skilled workers.Master craftsman and co-owner James Wyllie is skilled at all phases of curling stone making and is also an enthusiastic curler,as well as active member of Mauchline's Burns Club,which meets regularly to honor well-known Mauchline residents.

59.What IS true about Kays?A
A.It is a family business.    B.It's a brand of curling stones.
C.It's a place in Scotland.  D.It's the name of a curling stone dealer.
60.How many curling stones are needed for two games happening at the same time?C
A.8.    B.16.    C.32.   D.96.
61.Which of the following shows the right process of making a curling stone?D


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.From bankers to factory staff,employees in the West face a cold "prospect" of losinglosing their jobs as a global recession(衰退) starts to bite.For colleagues in the East,the pain is more likely to come through a pay cut.
Human resource experts say cultural differences explain why Asian companies try harder to preserve jobs in difficult times,which will prevent unemployment and may help Asian economies survive at a time of slowing exports.The East Asian attitude may also make it easier for companies to recover quickly from the economic downturn since they will not need to rehire or train new staff,but build up a more loyal and devoted group.
"In the Confucian mindset(儒家思想),the right thing to do is to share the burden,which is the sense of collective(集体的)responsibility.While in the West,it's more about individual survival,"said Michael Benoliel,associate professor of organizational behavior at Singapore Management University (SMU).
In contrast,local Western companies from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by the thousands,but at the Asian units of Western multinationals or western units of Asian groups,job cuts will probably be less severe.
Japan's jobless rate was 4percent in September,up from 3.8percent in January,while Hong Kong's was flat at 3.4percent.But US unemployment is expected to have jumped to 6.3percent last month from below 5percent in January.
Experts say that while there are noticeable differences in labor practices in East and West,the gap will narrow as more firms become more multinational and competition forces firms to adopt the best practices of rivals from abroad.

41.The underlined word "prospect" in the first paragraph most probably meansC.
A.weather    B.scene    C.future    D.place
42.Compared with job cuts,pay cuts can bring the following benefits EXCEPT thatB.
A.it's helpful to the economy recovery
B.it costs the company less money to survive
C.it will keep the experienced and skilled workers
D.it can form a team working harder and more loyally
43.According to Michael Benoliel,the Confucian mindset focuses onB.
A.human rights                   B.sharing responsibility
C.personal profits               D.individual survival
44.In which company can we infer the job cuts will be probably the most severe?A
A.A local American group.
B.A small Japanese company.
C.A German branch of a Korean multinational.
D.A Hong Kong's unit of a French company.
45.The passage mainly tells usD.
A.the difficulties all the companies around the world will meet with today
B.the cultural differences between Eastern and Western world at present
C.the ways to cut down the cost of the companies in economic downturn
D.the different labor solutions of Asian and Western in global recession.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.In Europe,people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right throughout the meal,a system that is generally agreed to be more efficient than the American zigzag(曲折的)method.Americans hold both the fork and the knife in their right hands throughout the meal,so they continually change their forks to the left hand when they have to cut their meat.It seems to be funny for the Europeans to see Americans busy changing their dinner sets,making a lot of noises.
A few explanations for this American style are as follows:?
(1)Americans are practical and efficient.Since most of us are right-handed,it is reasonable to keep our working tools at all times in the right hand that can use them most efficiently.?
(2)Americans,the master of the New World are rebels(叛逆者).They use the zigzag method to break the rules in the Old World and in this way they are thumbing their nose at Mother England.Americans are a restless kind.They do not like to sit in one spot for very long when dining.
(3)Forced to do so,they respond by"playing"with the silver.?
Whatever the reason for the practice,it is now certainly as American as apple pie.Europeans recognize this and are quick to attack it as evidence of American innocence(无知)of form.Arguments against the zigzag method rest not only on grounds of efficiency but also on those of tradition.In Old World dining,the knife is held in the right hand continually because it can serve as an instant defense against the uninvited intruders(入侵者).However,such alertness(警觉) is out of place in the New World,as every American believes that this is the home of the brave.Americans juggle their silverware,perhaps,to show that they are not afraid and that one of them holding a fork is worth any number of them holding blades(刀).
31.Americans use _______ to hold their fork to pick up the salad.A
A.the right hand   
B.the left hand
C.both hands     
D.either of the two hands
32.As the masters of the New World,Americans use a different cutting method from that in the Old World toB.
A.show their independence of Mother England
B.show their disrespect to Mother England
C.add a new tradition to those in Mother England
D.show off their creativeness to Mother England
33.In the last sentence,the word"juggle"probably meansB
A.hold       B.play with         C.pick up            D.lay down
34.Also in the last sentence,the two"them"refer toC
B.Europeans and Americans separately
C.Americans and Europeans separately           
35.Which of the following statements is NOT true?D
A.European people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.
B.The zigzag eating method is related to American characteristics.
C.The zigzag eating method has become an American feature.
D.European people will use the American method because of its efficiency.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Britain's most popular lie has been discovered,with one in four people admitting using"Sorry I had no signal"when returning a missed mobile phone call,a survey found.
According to a recent survey people usually use this little white lie after they hit the"ignore"button when their mobile rang.The second most common fib is"I haven't got any cash on me"when asked for money by beggars.Modern technology is a major excuse in many of our lies with"I didn't get your text"in 18th,"Our server was down"in 20th and"My battery died"in 26th place.
Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every year.One in three Britons have lied about their weight,a quarter have fibbed about the amount of debt they are in and 30 percent have bent the truth about the amount of exercise they do.
Almost a quarter of men have told their wife or girlfriend they look good in an outfit,despite thinking the opposite.More than 40 percent of women have admitted lying about how much new clothes actually cost while 30 percent have fibbed about how much they've had to drink.
Three quarters of people think women are better liars.The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying,compared to 58 of men.Men tell the most fibs,coming out with five every day compared to women who lie just three times.
A spokesman for one poll,which carried out the research of 4,300 adults,said,"As a nation we are obsessed with trying to be nice and not upsetting people.Often little white lies are used to cover what we actually want to say."
"Most of these were considered either completely harmless or necessary depending on the situation in which they are delivered."He added,"It was sad to see a string of compliments in the top 50,but once again in many cases perhaps it is better to compliment(恭维) with a lie than destroy someone with the truth."
26.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.The most popular British lies         B.British people like to lie
C.The reasons British people lie        D.Technology makes us lie
27.According to the research,what do women most frequently lie about?D
A.Their weight
B.The amount of their debt.
C.Their drinking habits
D.The cost of their clothing.
28.Which of the following statement is true according to the research?B
A.Three quarters of women are better liars
B.Men lie more often than women.
C.More men are better liars than women
D.More women lie than men.
29.The underlined phrase"obsessed with"is closest in meaning toA.
A.very concerned with                  
B.surprised about
C.opposed to                           
D.not interested in
30.Why do people usually lie according to the one poll?C
A.To prevent argument with their partners.
B.To avoid speaking with others on the phone.
C.To avoid hurting others.
D.To destroy others.

