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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Whether we're 2 years old or 62,our reasons for lying are mostly the same:to get out of trouble,for personal gain and to make ourselves look better in the eyes of others.But a growing body of research is raising questions about how a child's lie is different from an adult's lie,and how the way we deceive changes as we grow.
"Parents and teachers who catch their children lying should not be alarmed.Their children are not going to turn out to be abnormal liars,"says Dr.Lee,a professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Institute of Child Study.He has spent the last 15 years studying how lying changes as kids get older,why some people lie more than others as well as which factors can reduce lying.The fact that children tell lies is a sign that they have reached a new developmental stage.Dr.Lee conducted a series of studies in which they bring children into a lab with hidden cameras.Children and young adults aged 2 to 17 are likely to lie while being told not to look at a toy,which is put behind the child's back.Whether or not the child takes a secret look is caught on tape.
For young kids,the desire to cheat is big and 90% take a secret look in these experiments.When the test-giver returns to the room,the child is asked if he or she looked secretly.At age 2,about a quarter of children will lie and say they didn't.By 3,half of kids will lie,and by 4,that figure is 90%,studies show.
Researchers have found that it's kids with better understanding abilities who lie more.That's because to lie you also have to keep the truth in mind,which includes many brain processes,such as combining several sources of information and faking that information.The ability to lie-and lie successfully-is thought to be related to development of brain regions that allow so called"executive functioning",or higher order thinking and reasoning abilities.Kids who perform better on tests that involve executive functioning also lie more.
62.What's the purpose of children telling lies?B
A.To help their friends out.
B.To get rid of trouble.
C.To get attention from others.
D.To create a popular image.
63.The underlined word"deceive"in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by"B".
A.handle troubles                                       
B.tell lies  
C.raise questions                                   
D.do research
64.From the second paragraph we can know thatC.
A.which factors can reduce lying
B.why some lie more than others
C.it is normal for kids to tell lies
D.how lying changes as kids grow
65.What is NOT included in the passage?A
A.What to do with lying children.
B.Which kind of kids tells more lies.
C.Experiments about lying of young kids.
D.The reasons why kids tell lies.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A student is learning to speak British English.He wonders:Can I communicate with Americans?Can they understand me?Learners of English often ask:What are the differences between British and American English?How important are these differences?
Certainly there are some differences between British and American English.There are a few differences in grammar.For example,speakers of British English say"in hospital"and"Have you a pen?"Americans say"in the hospital!"and"Do you have a pen?"Pronunciation is sometimes different.Americans usually sound theirs in words like"bird"and"hurt".Speakers of British English do not sound theirs in these words.There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary.For example,"colour"and"honour"are British,"color"and honor"are American.
These differences in grammar,pronunciation,spelling and vocabulary are not important.However,for the most part,British and American English are the same language.
21.According to this passage,a student who is learning to speak American English might be afraid thatA.
A.British people cannot understand him
B.American people cannot understand him
C.the grammar is too hard for him
D.the spelling is too hard for him
22.American English and British English are different inD.
D.all of the above
23.What is not mentioned in the passage?C
A.Whether there are differences between British English and American English.
B.Whether British English and American English are one language or two.
C.How the differences between British English and American English happened.
D.How important the differences are.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The truth was written all over her face.The eyes are the window to the soul.From those sayings,you would think that we could read faces.In fact,people tend to overestimate their ability to do it.
Most of us can't distinguish between certain expressions without contextual clues.In one study,participants were unable to tell whether faces in photos were showing pain or pleasure about a quarter of the time.In another,when people watched silent videos of the same person experiencing pain and faking pain,they couldn't tell which was which.
And yet,as bad as we are at reading expressions,we jump to all kinds of conclusions based on people's faces.We might scoff at the ancient physiognomy-assessing character on the basis of facial feature-but we unknowingly practice it daily.Recent research shows that while there's practically no evidence that faces reveal character,we nonetheless behave as if certain features signal certain traits.People with typically"female"facial features seem more trustworthy; those with lower eyebrows appear more controlling.In another study,people were ready to decide whether an unfamiliar face should be trusted after looking at it for just 200 milliseconds.Even when given a chance to look longer,they rarely changed their mind.
Such judgments can defy logic.Subjects playing a trust game invested more money with a player who had a trustworthy face than with one who didn't-even when the two players had the same fame.Another study reported that judges needed less evidence to sentence a person with an untrustworthy face.And a researcher focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict found that a Palestinian peace offering was more likely to be accepted by Jewish Israeli if it was attributed to a politician with"babyfacedness".
Which brings us to a contradiction?A person's face may not reflect her nature,and yet research finds that specific facial features do seem to influence futures.U.S.Army War College graduates with controlling-looking faces are more likely than their peers to become generals; people with obvious cheekbones,appearing strong and  competent,are more likely to become CEOs of successful companies.This makes a certain sense.If everyone assumes strong-chinned Daniel is an ambitious person,he's more likely to become one.Perhaps by treating others as though their face reveals their character,we motivate them to become the people we assume them to be.
55.Miss Green wants to find a pet shop for her dog while she is on holiday.She is most likely to choose the shop's owner withB.
A.a strong chin                    
B."female"facial features
C.low eyebrows                 
D.obvious cheekbones
56.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?A
A.People rush to judgments based on facial features.
B.People are better at telling"pain"than"delight"from faces.
C.People consider it instructive to study the ancient physiognomy.
D.People would change their first impression if given more chances.
57.In Paragraph 4,the examples are used to showD.
A.facial features reveal minds
B.trust is essential in big issues
C.baby faces are more trustworthy
D.decisions are easily in fluenced by faces
58.According to the last paragraph,the author believesD.
A.facial features mirror character
B.people's behavior is contradictory
C.people won't be judged by appearance
D.facial features can influence eventual character.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.High school in the United States starts too early.Given teenagers'sleep patterns,the ideal school start time could be as late as 11:30 a.m.-when many high school students have already finished half a school day and are eating lunch.
Researchers from Harvard and Oxford wrote about this new finding in a recent article in the journal Learning,Media,and Technology.In the article,Paul Kelley argued that,given when kids and teenagers are biologically conditioned to wake up,10-year-olds should start school at 8 a.m.,16-year-olds should start between 10 a.m.and 10:30 a.m.,and 18-year-olds should start between 11 a.m.and 11:30 a.m.
There's been lots of research done on sleep and performance in school-but this article argues that school should start even later than most proposals for a later start time call for.Teens aren't lazy-adults need to adjust.This isn't laziness-sleep patterns are a biological necessity.Reviewi ng evidence from studies around the world,the researchers argue that starting school later would help students learn more,perform better on tests,and even make teenagers less annoyed.When the Minneapolis Public Schools moved their start time from 7:15 a.m.to 8:40 a.m.,students liked the change and reported that"attendance,achievement,behavior,and mood improved."
Parents were positive,too.92 percent said they liked the change,and parents reported that their kids were easier to live with when they weren't getting up so early.At the US Air Force Academy,where students were randomly assigned(分配;指派)to classes with earlier and later start times,students who started earlier performed worse all day long on those days.
The researchers argue that this is partly cultural,and that getting up early is still seen as a virtue.That's wrong,They write:"A common belief is that adolescents are tired because they choose to stay up too late,or are difficult to wake in the morning because they are lazy.Educators tend to think that adolescents learn best in the morning and if they simply went to sleep earlier,it would improve their concentration.The truth is that adults need to be educated."
61.What does the passage mainly argue about?A
A.The time to start high school.
B.The performance of teenagers.
C.The sleep patterns of the teenagers.
D.The common belief of adolescents.
62.From Paul Kelley's research,pe ople can concludeB.
A.the earlier the children get up,the cleverer they will become
B.the elder the children are,the later they should start learning
C.the more time children spend learning,the better they will be
D.the later children wake up,the more knowledge they can get
63.Which is NOT the benefit of starting school later in Paragraph3?D
A.Gaining more knowledge.
B.Getting higher marks.
C.Making mood better.
D.Attending school later.
64.How did the parents think of starting late?C
A.The students are losing a virtue.
B.The adults need to be taught.
C.The students benefit from that.
D.The adults become lazier.
65.What should the students do to perform well in school,according to the educators?D
A.They should have the wonderful virtue.
B.They could develop the common belief.
C.They need to become lazier and lazier.
D.They must get habits of sleeping early.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.If you want to help children develop language and speech skills,UCLA researchers say,listening to what they have to say is just as important as talking to them.
   The effect of a conversation between a child and an adult is about six times as great as the effect of adult speech input alone,the researchers found."Adults speaking to children helps language develop,but what matters much more is the interaction,"said the study's lead author,Frederick Zimmerman,an associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of California,Los Angeles.The researchers also found that TV viewing didn't have much of an effect-positively or negatively-as long as it wasn't displacing conversations between an adult and a child.
   The UCLA study included 275 families with children between 2 months and 48 months old.They represented a variety of incomes and education.The researchers found that,in an average day,children heard about 13,000 spoken words from adults and participated in about 400 adult-child conversations a day.
   Assessed separately,factors positively associated with language development included each additional 100 conversations a day and each 1,000 word increase in the number of words spoken by adults and heard by children.When looked at alone,TV was negatively associated with language development.But,when the three factors were analyzed together,the only one that stood out was conversation between adults and children.
"The more a child speaks and interacts with an adult,the better idea a parent has about where the child is,"Zimmerman said."Although it's mostly done unconsciously,parents will provide feedback and correct mistakes.They'll alsotailor their speech to the child.Parents can give a child words by talking to them about what they're doing,such as,‘I'm putting on your pajamas now'.But give your child the opportunity to talk,hopefully without the rest of the noise in the environment,"she added."If parents can carve out some conversation time-maybe at bath time or at dinner time-that's a wonderful thing."
56.The researchers also found that TV viewingB.
A.could have a positive effect on a child's language development
B.had a little effect on a child's language development
C.affected a child's language development more negatively than positively
D.affected a child's language development both negatively and positively
57.Frederick Zimmerman would probably agree thatB.
A.parents should let their children talk most of the time
B.the conversation between parents and children should be two-way
C.children should watch TV programs selectively
D.it's no good for parents to correct their children's mistakes when they are  speaking
58.We can conclude from the last paragraph thatD.
A.parents should let a child repeat what he or she says
B.bath time or dinner time is the best chance for parents to talk to a child
C.parents should leave a child talking alone  
D.parent child conversation can be carried out at any proper time
59.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Let your children voice their own opinions
B.How to develop a child's language ability  
C.Talk with kids,not at them
D.The importance of early child language development
60.The underlined word"tailor"in the last paragraph can be best replaced by"A."
C improve          


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,it turns into an argument.We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly,my mother will push the conversation into World War III.She'll talk about my lack(缺乏) of a bright future because I don't plan to be a doctor.And much to her disappointment,I don't want to do any job related to science,either.In fact,when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications,she nearly had a heart attack.
"Why can't you be like my co-worker's son?"she bemoans all the time.Her co-worker's son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000dollars a year as an engineer.I don't know what to answer except that I simply can't be like Mr.Perfect as I've called the unnamed co-worker's son.I can't be like him.I'm the type of person who loves to help out in the community,write until the sun goes down,and most of all,wants to achieve a career because I love it,not because of fame (名声) or salary.
I understand why my mother is worried about my future major.I've seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours.She leaves the house around 6:30am and usually comes home around  5:00pm or even 6:00pm.However,I want her to know that by becoming a doctor,it doesn't mean I'll be successful.I'd rather follow my dreams and create my own future.

32.Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?B
A.The writer's studies.
B.The writer's future job
C.Dinner plans                  
D.Wars around the world
33.We can infer(推断) from Paragraph 1that the writer's motherA.
A.doesn't want the writer to major in English
B.doesn't think the writer should be a doctor
C.gets along very well with the writer
D.doesn't think working in the science field is a good idea
34.The underlined word"bemoans"in Paragraph 2most probably meansC.
A.agrees        B.shouts     
C.complains     D.smiles
35.Which of following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?D
A.He wants to be like his mother's co-worker's son.
B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.
C.He doesn't think his mother's co-worker's son is perfect.
D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.A Koala Isn't a Bear
Koalas remind people of teddy bears.They have thick fur and large ears.Their broad,flat nose makes them look cute,similar to teddy bears.In fact koalas aren't cute.They have sharp teeth and very sharp claws!Koalas are marsupials.This means the mother carries her baby in a pocket while it develops,similar to a kangaroo.The baby koala lives in its mother's pocket for the first six months of its life.
The name"koala"comes from a native Australian word that means"no drink".The koalas get almost all their water from the eucalyptus(桉树) leaves they eat.That's where they get their food too.Koalas eat only eucalyptus leaves,and only the leaves of certain eucalyptus trees.The eucalyptus trees are where the koalas live.It's also where they sleep.Koalas sleep about nineteen hours a day!
Why do they sleep so much?Some people think it's because they're lazy.But koalas aren't lazy.They sleep so much because there isn't much nutrition in eucalyptus leaves.Koalas store hardly any fat,so they must save their energy.One way to do this is to move slowly and sleep a lot.
After a day of sleeping they like to move around and eat just after sunset.They live alone most of the time.Koalas are very protective of their trees.If a koala sees another koala eating in its favorite tree,it might tell the other koala to leave by"barking"at it.Koalas do"talk"to each other.Besides barks,the males make a deep grunting sound.The mothers and babies talk in soft clicking sounds.If they get scared they may scream like a baby.

25.According to the article,how are koalas and kangaroos alike?D
A.They both have thick fur.
B.They both have sharp teeth.
C.They both eat eucalyptus leaves.
D.They both carry their young in a pocket.
26.The word"koala"comes from a word that meansA.
A.no drink    B.moving slowly  
C.large ears  D.barking loudly
27.Why do koalas sleep a lot?C
A.Their babies need to get much rest.
B.They get tired from playing so much.
C.Their food does not give them much energy.
D.They do not like to be awake when it is warm.
28.If an adult koala screams like a baby,he may getB.
A.worried  B.scared  
C.hungry   D.sleepy.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Here's one very simple but lifechanging piece of advice that I first heard from Brian Tracy.Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour.Instead,use that hour to read books that could improve your life.
If you're a salesman,google for the best and most useful books on improving your sales.
This applies to all fields,not just the work-related ones.Maybe you want to improve your health,become a more energetic person.Or maybe you want to improve your study,your relations or perhaps do some personal development.
One hour a day is not much.But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays,that's about 260hours a year.That's a large number of books and a lot of useful advice.
If you follow the ideas,who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life.Also,all that information and advice will start to open up your mind.You will start to see more chances in your life.
Now,you might think something like this:
1.I really don't have the money…
Answer:Visit your public library or search the database.Or look for books that are used in places like amazon.com.
2.I really don't have the time…
Answer:Buy audiobooks and listen to them in the car while driving to and from work.Or copy them to your MP3-player and listen while riding your bike/bus to work or school.Recently selling audiobooks through MP3-downloads has become popular…
Shut off the TV a little earlier and start reading.

24.What is Brian Tracy's lifechanging advice about?D
A.Watching TV.
B.Listening to MP3.
C.Surfing the internet.
D.Reading helpful books.
25.Which is NOT true about reading an hour a day?B
A.It will open up your mind.
B.You will have about 260hours a year to read.
C.You will read lots of books and get much useful advice.
D.It will probably bring great things and feelings into your life.
26.What should you do if you really don't have the money to read?C
A.To buy some books from amazon.com.
B.To download MP3free.
C.To visit the public library.
D.To borrow audiobooks and listen to them.
27.What is the writer's idea about audiobooks?D
A.They are more useful.
B.Listening to audiobooks is easier than reading books.
C.It's dangerous to listen to audiobooks while driving or riding.
D.Audiobooks are a good solution to the problem of having no time to read.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.For centuries,the body's blood has been linked closely with the emotions.People who show no human emotions or feelings,are said to be cold-blooded killer.For example,the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer.He seems to kill for no reason,and no emotion,as if taking someone's life as nothing.
Cold can affect other parts of the body.The expression"get cold feet"has nothing to do with cold or your feet.The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do.For example,you agree to be president of an organization.But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned,and all the work of the organizations will be your responsibility.You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.
The expression"give someone the cold shoulder"probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone instead of speaking to him face to face.You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you.Or,to someone who has lied about you to others.
A cold fish is not a fish.It is a person.But it is a person who is unfriendly,unemotional and shows no love or warmth.A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted.Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy.Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who,without feelings,broke the hearts of their lovers.
"Out in the cold"means not getting something that everybody else got.A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise--he was left out in the cold.And it is not a pleasant place to be.
56.There areC expressions related to cold that are mentioned in the passage.
57.When you refuse to speak to a man and treat him in a distant way,you may express by"A".
A.I give him the cold shoulder 
B.I think he is a cold-blooded man
C.I think he is a cold fish
D.I'm likely to get cold feet
58.If Sue shows absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children in Africa,you will sayC.
A.she is a cold-blooded killer
B.she gets cold feet
C.she is a cold fish
D.she is out in the cold
59.We can use the expression"D"to describe a man who abandons or hurts his lover without mercy.
B.cold shoulder
C.cold feet
60.The topic of this passage is aboutC.
A.the relationship between cold and our body
B.some expressions about friendship
C.some expressions connected with cold
D.how cold weather comes into being.


科目: 来源: 题型:选择题

3.---What can I do for you,Mum?
---The salt has ______.You'd better go to the shop to buy some.(  )
A.run out ofB.used upC.made use ofD.run out

